MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 8878: Cigarette smoking, pregnancy, forward looking behavior and dynamic inconsistency

- Carlo Ciccarelli, Luigi Giamboni and Robert Waldmann
- 8876: Doubling Kerala’s NSDP In 3 Years – Implications for Investment and its Financing

- Vijayamohanan Pillai N.
- 8875: Do Foreign Direct Investments Increase the Economic Growth of Southeastern European Transition Economies?

- Nenad Stanisic
- 8874: Construction of composite indices in presence of outliers

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 8873: Yield curve, time varying term premia, and business cycle fluctuations

- Matteo Modena
- 8872: The first 100 days of COVID-19 coronavirus – How efficient did country health systems perform to flatten the curve in the first wave?

- Marthinus Breitenbach, Victor Ngobeni and Goodness Ayte
- 8870: The comovements of construction in Italy's regions, 1861-1913

- Carlo Ciccarelli, Stefano Fenoaltea and Tommaso Proietti

- Vijayamohanan Pillai N.
- 8868: Governance of Money Laundering: An Application of the Principal-agent Model

- Syed Azhar Hussain Shah, Akhter Hussain Shah and Sajawal Khan
- 8866: In Quest of Truth: The War of Methods in Economics

- Vijayamohanan Pillai N.
- 8862: Choosing Dimensions: The Capability Approach and Multidimensional Poverty

- Sabina Alkire
- 8859: Investment Model Uncertainty and Fair Pricing

- Cornelis Los and Satjaporn Tungsong
- 8855: The US Dollar and the Euro: Deus Ex-Machina

- Maria Lorca-Susino
- 8852: Food Supply in Java during War and Decolonisation, 1940-1950

- Pierre van der Eng
- 8851: Preparing for Large Natural Catastrophes: The current state and challenges of earthquake insurance in Japan

- Nobuyoshi Yamori, Taishi Okada and Takeshi Kobayashi
- 8850: Can Increases in Real Consumer Incomes Explain the Aging of Motor Vehicles in the US?

- Anna Yurko
- 8849: From Consumer Incomes to Car Ages: How the Distribution of Income Affects the Distribution of Vehicle Vintages

- Anna Yurko
- 8845: Le "risque judiciaire" et les licenciements en France: le point de vue de l'économie du risque (The "judicial risk" and lay-offs in France from the point of view of the economics of uncertainty)

- Eric Langlais
- 8844: Cognitive dissonance, risk aversion and the pretrial negotiation impasse

- Eric Langlais
- 8841: Does Teacher Quality Affect Student Performance? Evidence from an Italian University

- Maria De Paola
- 8838: Comment on "Regression with slowly varying regressors and nonlinear trends" by P.C.B. Phillips

- Kairat Mynbaev
- 8836: Assessing probabilistic forecasts about particular situations

- Kesten Green
- 8833: Necessary and sufficient conditions for global uniqueness of equilibria

- Enrique Covarrubias
- 8829: Social Interaction in Tax Evasion

- Vilen Lipatov
- 8823: The Economics of Next Generation Access Networks and Regulatory Governance: Towards Geographic Patterns of Regulation

- Giovanni Battista Amendola and Lorenzo Maria Pupillo
- 8822: Regulation of NGN: Structural Separation, Access Regulation, or No Regulation at All?

- Fabian Kirsch and Christian von Hirschhausen
- 8820: Managing unknown risks: the future of global reinsurance

- Graciela Chichilnisky and Geoffrey Heal
- 8819: Trade, migration, and environment: a general equilibrium analysis, Chapter 2.3

- Graciela Chichilnisky and Massimo Di Matteo
- 8818: North-South trade and the dynamics of the environment, Chapter 2.2

- Graciela Chichilnisky, Ralph Abraham and Ron Record
- 8816: Financial instruments for human development

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8815: Sustainable use of renewable resources, Chapter 2.1

- Graciela Chichilnisky, Andrea Beltratti and Geoffrey Heal
- 8814: "Trying" to be Entrepreneurial

- Malin Brannback, Norris Krueger, Alan Carsrud and Jennie Elfving
- 8813: Trade regimes and Gatt: resource intensive vs. knowledge intensive growth, Chapter 10

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8812: The economics of global environmental risk

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8811: Topology and invertible maps

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8810: A general equilibrium theory of North-South trade

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8809: NGA, IP-Interconnection and their Impact on Business Models and Competition

- Wolfgang Reichl and Ernst-Olav Ruhle
- 8808: Regulatory Approaches to NGNs: An International Comparison

- J. Scott Marcus and Dieter Elixmann
- 8804: Энергетическая стратегия России и развитие возобновляемой энергетики (Russian Energy Strategy and development of renewable power industry)

- Andrei Bazhanov and Igor Tyukhov
- 8802: Competing Industrial Standards and the Impact of Trade Liberalization

- Toru Kikuchi and Kazumichi Iwasa
- 8801: The second-price auction solves King Solomon's dilemma

- H. Reiju Mihara
- 8799: Knowledge Economics role in explaining growth and innovation

- Bhekuzulu Khumalo
- 8798: Bargaining Set Solution Concepts in Dynamic Cooperative Games

- Ziv Hellman
- 8795: Political Economy Websites: A Researcher’s Guide

- Abhijit Sharma and Richard Woodward
- 8794: Cooperative Strategies for Improving the Tourism Industry in Remote Geographic Regions: An Addition to Trust and Commitment Theory with one Key Mediating Construct

- Ossi Pesämaa and Joseph F Hair
- 8793: Does quality influence choice of general practitioner? An analysis of matched doctor-patient panel data

- Erik Biorn and Geir Godager
- 8791: Perspectives on decision-making among the Romanian managers

- Razvan Stefanescu
- 8789: Central bank reaction to public deficit and sound public finance: the case of the European Monetary Union

- Rosaria Rita Canale
- 8783: Internal migration: a review of the literature

- Ivan Etzo
- 8781: On the measurement of sustainability of rural water supply in India: A Supervaluationist–Degree Theory approach

- Pushpangadan Kesavan and Murugan Gangadhara
- 8780: A Characterization of Inefficiency in Stochastic Overlapping Generations Economies

- Gaetano Bloise and Filippo Calciano
- 8779: On Feelings as a Heuristic for Making Offers in Ultimatum Negotiations

- Andrew T. Stephen and Michel Tuan Pham
- 8778: Knowledge hubs and knowledge clusters: Designing a knowledge architecture for development

- Hans-Dieter Evers
- 8777: How Changing Investment Climate Impacts on the Foreign Investors Investment Decision: Evidence from FDI in Germany

- Denis Kotov
- 8776: A note on nonlinear taxation in an overlapping generations model

- Craig Brett
- 8774: Is Segregation Robust?

- Martin Bøg
- 8773: Whom to Observe?

- Martin Bøg

- Abul Al-Amin, Abdul Hamid Jaafar and Chamhuri Siwar
- 8769: Imposing Monotonicity Nonparametrically in First-Price Auctions

- Daniel Henderson, John List, Daniel Millimet, Christopher Parmeter and Michael Price
- 8768: A Test for Multimodality of Regression Derivatives with an Application to Nonparametric Growth Regressions

- Daniel Henderson
- 8767: Are any growth theories linear? Why we should care about what the evidence tells us

- Daniel Henderson, Chris Papageorgiou and Christopher Parmeter
- 8765: Free Banking, the Real-Balance Effect, and Walras´ Law

- Ludwig Van Den Hauwe
- 8763: A model of growth and finance: FIML estimates for India

- B. Rao and Artur Tamazian
- 8757: Do Institutions Impact Innovation?

- Edinaldo Tebaldi and Bruce Elmslie
- 8755: Implications of the Information and Communication Technology Development on Firms’ Performance

- Cosmin Fratostiteanu
- 8754: The welfare effects of freight travel time savings

- Jérôme Massiani
- 8750: Structural heterogeneity or asymmetric shocks? Poland and the euro area through the lens of a two-country DSGE model

- Marcin Kolasa

- Aldo Ponce
- 8747: La leva istituzionale dell’autonomia: un freno allo sviluppo locale?

- Andrea Consoli and Salvatore Spagano
- 8746: La necesidad de teorías heterodoxas para el acercamiento entre historia y economía (The need of Heterodox theories for a marriage between history and economics)

- Federico Marongiu
- 8744: Optimal Taxation and (Female)-Labor Force Participation over the Cycle

- Philip Jung
- 8743: Valuing a portfolio of dependent RandD projects: a Copula approach

- Gea Cayetano
- 8739: INSTITUTIONAL Change as Cultural Change. An Illustration by Chinese Postsocialist Transformation

- Ilyess El Karouni
- 8736: Cointegration and Causality among Foreign Direct Investment in Tourism Sector, GDP, and Exchange Rate Volatility in Turkey

- Fuat Sekmen
- 8735: Flip-Flopping: Ideological Adjustment Costs in the United States Senate

- Jason DeBacker
- 8732: Analiza diagnostic a subsitemelor sistemului de management Diagnosis Analysis of the Sub-Sistems of Management System

- Claudia Isac
- 8730: Modelling procurement effects on cooperation

- Per-Erik Eriksson and Ossi Pesämaa
- 8728: New challenges and opportunities for Italian exports of table wines and high quality wines

- Domenico Carlucci, Giuseppe De Blasi, Fabio Gaetano Santeramo and Antonio Seccia
- 8726: Rent seeing distortions and fiscal procyclicality

- Ethan Ilzetzki
- 8725: Equity Basis Selection in Allocation Environments

- David Aadland and Van Kolpin
- 8724: Valuing Access to U.S. Public Lands: A Unique Pricing Experiment

- David Aadland, Bistra Anatchkova, Burke Grandjean, Jason Shogren, Benjamin Simon and Patricia Taylor
- 8722: Syphilis Cycles

- David Aadland and David Finnoff
- 8720: Internationalization and economic performance of enterprises: evidence from firm-level data

- Jan Hagemejer and Marcin Kolasa
- 8719: Wage Differences, Bonus and Team Performances: A parametric non-linear integer programming model

- Christos Papahristodoulou
- 8715: The return to the technological frontier: The conditional effect of plants’ R&D on their productivity in Finnish manufacturing

- Petri Böckerman, Lehto Eero and Janne Huovari
- 8714: ORIGINES et consolidation du changement institutionnel: le cas chinois (ORIGINS and Strengthening of Institutional Change: the Chinese Case)

- Ilyess El Karouni

- Stavros Drakopoulos
- 8712: Islamic finance education at graduate level: Current position and challenges

- Zubair Hasan
- 8710: Why Is Interprovincial Trade Down and International Trade Up?

- Patrick Grady and Kathleen Macmillan
- 8709: Interprovincial Barriers to Internal Trade in Goods, Services and Flows of Capital: Policy, Knowledge Gaps and Research Issues

- Kathleen Macmillan and Patrick Grady
- 8708: Communities of Practice and Virtual Learning Communities: Benefits, barriers and success factors

- Elsa Fontainha and Pat Gannon-Leary
- 8705: Possibilities of quality enhancement in higher education by intensive use of information technology

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 8704: Algorithmic complexity theory and the relative efficiency of financial markets

- Ricardo Giglio, Raul Matsushita, Annibal Figueiredo, Iram Gleria and Sergio Da Silva
- 8703: Do Migrants succeed in the Australian Labour Market? Furher Evidence on Job Quality

- Stephane Mahuteau and Pramod (Raja) Junankar
- 8700: Livestock: A Reliable Source of Income Generation and Rehabilitation of Environment at Tharparkar

- Gobind M. Herani, Mohammad Wasim Pervez, Allah Wasayo Rajar and Riaz Ahmed Shaikh
- 8699: Arbitrage pricing theory: evidence from an emerging stock market

- Javed Iqbal and Aziz Haider
- 8698: Aspecte privind importanta resurselor umane pentru cresterea economica

- Dana-Codruta Duda-Daianu, Monica Izvercianu and Florentiu Staicu
- 8696: Crecimiento economico en America Latina: Evidencias desde una perspectiva Kaldoriana (Economic growth in Latin America: Evidence from a Kaldorian perspective)

- Christine Carton
- 8694: Political constraints on monetary policy during the Great Inflation

- Charles Weise
- 8693: Macro Determinants of Total Factor Productivity in Pakistan

- Safdar Khan
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