MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 85108: Collaboration Networks and Innovation: How to Define Network Boundaries

- Pablo Galaso and Jaromír Kovářík
- 85106: Using Volunteer Mentors to Improve the Academic Outcomes of Underserved Students: The Role of Relationships

- Amanda Bayer, Jean Grossman and David DuBois
- 85104: Measuring College Learning in Economics

- Sam Allgood and Amanda Bayer
- 85103: Research on the influence of the soil tillage system on soybean yield at ARDS Turda

- Alina Șimon, Felicia Cheţan, Cornel Cheţan and Valeria Deac
- 85102: Sustainable rural development through tourism activities in Dobrugdea's rural area

- Elena Sima
- 85101: Profiles of rural households in the North—East Development region of Romania. case studies

- Ioan Bruma, Valentin - Mihai Bohateret and Lucian Tanasă
- 85100: Development of coopeatives in the Republic of Moldova

- Anatolie Ignat, Alexandru Stratan and Eugenia Lucasenco
- 85099: The evolution of chemical properties of soil under the influence of tillage systems and fertilization at the culture of wheat in the period 2007-2016 at ARDS Turda

- Felicia Cheţan, Alina Simon, Valeria Deac and Cornel Cheţan
- 85098: Structural analysis of domestic meat supply on development regions

- Rodica Chetroiu
- 85095: Agri-food manufacturing sector in Romania –internal sizes and in the European context

- Mirela Rusali
- 85094: Instability of Romania’s fruit production and the responsible factors for this phenomenon

- Viorica Gavrila
- 85092: Romanian agrifood trade with the mediterranean countries – from the Barcelona declaration to the euro-mediterranean partnership

- Camelia Gavrilescu, Sirb Nicoleta Mateoc and Teodor Mateoc
- 85091: Effects and characteristics of the implementation of the 1921 agrarian reform in Iași county

- Sebastian Dobos
- 85090: Autocorrelation - Prevalence of identification of collinearity cause

- Emilian Merce, Cristian Calin Merce and Cristina Bianca Pocol
- 85089: Spillovers and R&D Incentive under Incomplete Information

- Rittwik Chatterjee, Srobonti Chattopadhyay and Tarun Kabiraj
- 85087: Geschichte und Politökonomie deutscher Theatersubventionen (History and Political Economy of Public Subsidies for German Theatres and Operas)

- Jennifer Achten-Gozdowski
- 85086: Relationship between dimensions of Brand Equity and 4Ps of Marketing Mix - Place, Product, Promotion, & Price: Coca Cola - Consumer Based Qualitative Survey

- Nazanin Arab
- 85085: Managing Strategic Change and ERP Implementation under Distinctive Learning Styles: Quantitative case of Burberry PLC

- Sanjay Kumar Sah and Sumesh Singh Dadwal
- 85084: Investigating the Relationship between Work-Life-Balance and Motivation of the Employees: Evidences from the Local Government of Jakarta

- Suhendro Oktosatrio
- 85082: Investigating the linkage between Renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: The case of Turkey

- Hlalefang Khobai
- 85081: Renewable energy consumption and economic growth in Indonesia. Evidence from the ARDL bounds testing approach

- Hlalefang Khobai
- 85080: Renewable energy consumption and economic growth in Argentina. A multivariate co-integration analysis

- Hlalefang Khobai
- 85079: The impact of exchange rate on exports in South Africa

- Mashilana Ngondo and Hlalefang Khobai
- 85077: Wider Economic Benefits of Transport Corridors: A Policy Framework and Illustrative Application to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

- Martin Melecky, Mark Roberts and Siddharth Sharma
- 85075: Simulation Framework for Economic Modeling of Mineral Resources

- Peter Bell
- 85074: Inflation and Fertility in a Schumpeterian Growth Model: Theory and Evidence

- Qichun He
- 85073: Child Exposure to Climate Change: A Regional Index of Vulnerability for Better-Targeted Policies

- Oswaldo Molina and Victor Saldarriaga
- 85069: The impact of the suspension of opening and closing call auctions: Evidence from the National Stock Exchange of India

- Silvio Camilleri and Christopher Green
- 85066: Oplan Tokhang Operation in Police Regional Office XI: An Evaluation

- Adrian Tamayo
- 85064: The Effect of Conflict on Education: Evidence from Sierra Leone

- Tillman Hoenig
- 85061: Recent developments in investment fraud and scams: Contracts for Difference (‘CFD’) spread betting and binary options and foreign exchange (‘Forex’) sometimes collectively known as ‘forbin’ – the UK experience

- Paul Barnes
- 85058: ICT, Openness and CO2 emissions in Africa

- Simplice Asongu
- 85057: Trust and Growth Revisited

- Simplice Asongu and Oasis Kodila-Tedika
- 85056: Globalization and Terror in Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Biekpe
- 85055: The Arab Spring was predictable in 2007: Empirics of Proof

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 85054: S’instruire, c’est s’enrichir: Le niveau de scolarité joue-t-il un rôle dans l’accès à la classe moyenne au Québec? (To learn is to enrich oneself: Does the level of education play a role in the access to the middle class in Quebec?)

- Francois Delorme and Luc Godbout
- 85053: La taxe sur l’hébergement à l’ère de l’économie du partage (The tax on accommodation in the era of the sharing economy)

- Francois Delorme and Sarah Gosselin
- 85051: La classe moyenne au Québec s’érode-t-elle vraiment: Contour et évolution (Is Quebec's Middle Class Really Shrinking: Overview and Evolution)

- Francois Delorme and Suzie St-Cerny
- 85050: Viabilité et vulnérabilité des finances publiques du Québec à moyen terme: une proposition d’un cadre d’analyse et une évaluation (Sustainability and vulnerability of Québec's public finances in the medium term: a proposal for an analytical framework and an evaluation)

- Francois Delorme
- 85047: Inequality and Real Interest Rates

- Manuel Lancastre
- 85046: Age Milestones and Low Interest Rates, an Analytic Approach

- Manuel Lancastre
- 85045: Historical Conflict and Gender Disparities

- Diego Ramos-Toro
- 85044: Experimental Evidence on Tax Salience and Tax Incidence

- Andrea Morone, Francesco Nemore and Simone Nuzzo
- 85043: Sales impact of servicescape's emotional and rational stimuli: a survey study

- Andrea Morone, Francesco Nemore and Dario Antonio Schirone
- 85042: Sales impact of servicescape's rational stimuli: a natural experiment

- Andrea Morone, Francesco Nemore and Dario Antonio Schirone
- 85037: The Long-Run Relationship between Transport Energy Consumption and Transport Infrastructure on Economic Growth in MENA Countries

- Saidi Samir, Muhammad Shahbaz and Pervaiz Akhtar
- 85036: Factors Influencing Cryptocurrency Prices: Evidence from Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Litcoin, and Monero

- Yhlas Sovbetov
- 85034: Is bilingual education desirable in multilingual countries?

- Kazuhiro Yuki
- 85031: Security Aspects of “Geoenergeia” and the Significance of Energy Resources Management in International Politics

- Ioannis Vidakis and Georgios Baltos
- 85029: Employment Prospects and the Propagation of Fiscal Stimulus

- Paweł Kopiec
- 85028: Interbank Market Turmoils and the Macroeconomy

- Paweł Kopiec
- 85027: Environmental regulation of urban informal manufacturing firms: In search of appropriate policies

- Rajarshi Majumder and Dipa Mukherjee
- 85026: Hedging Activities Information and Risk Management Committee Effectiveness: Malaysian evidence

- Azrul Abdullah and Ku Nor Izah Ku Ismail
- 85024: Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC): A Review of Theoretical and Empirical literature

- Nnyeneime Usenata
- 85022: Multidimensional Poverty Mapping for Rural Pakistan

- Abdul Hameed, Ihtsham Padda and Shahid Karim
- 85021: Multidimensional Child Poverty Measurement and its Mapping: Case of Balochistan, Pakistan

- Abdul Hameed and Ihtsham Padda
- 85020: Micro-Supply Capacity Assessment and Quality of Education for the Public Sector Schools in Punjab (Pakistan)

- Abdul Hameed, Ihtsham Padda and Muhammad Dahar
- 85018: Sustainable development, environmental policy and renewable energy use: A dynamic panel data approach

- Panagiotis Fotis and Michael Polemis
- 85014: Impact of National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme on Crop Diversification in West Bengal Agriculture

- Amit Kundu
- 85009: Wpływ zmian demograficznych na rynek pracy (The Impact of Demographic Changes on the Labor Market)

- Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 85008: Wkład Petera F. Druckera w rozwój teorii zarządzania (Contribution of Peter F. Drucker to the Development of Management Theory)

- Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 85007: Zarządzanie operacyjne (Operational Management)

- Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska and Magdalena Marczewska
- 85006: Zatrudnienie w zawodach niszowych, ginących i mało popularnych - czynniki, bariery, dobre praktyki (Employment in Niche, Disappearing and Less Popular Occupations: Factors, Barriers, Good Practices)

- Cecylia Sadowska-Snarska and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 85005: Uwarunkowania utrzymania aktywności zawodowej osób pracujących po 50. roku życia (Determinants of Maintaining Professional Activity of Working People 50 Years of Age)

- Cecylia Sadowska-Snarska, Marta Juchnicka, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska and Maciej Muczyński
- 85004: Startery podlaskiej gospodarki - analiza gospodarczych obszarów wzrostu i innowacji województwa podlaskiego. Sektor call center (Starters of the Podlasie Economy: Analysis of Economic Areas of Growth and Innovation in the Podlaskie region: Call Center Sector)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Anna Grabska, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Mariusz Citkowski, Marta Juchnicka, Agnieszka Sosnowicz, Justyna Żynel-Etel and Kamil Leszko
- 85003: Startery podlaskiej gospodarki - analiza gospodarczych obszarów wzrostu i innowacji województwa podlaskiego. Sektor biotechnologii (Starters of the Podlasie Economy: Analysis of Economic Areas of Growth and Innovation in the Podlaskie region: The Biotechnology Sector)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Justyna Żynel-Etel and Adam Wyszkowski
- 85002: Startery podlaskiej gospodarki - analiza gospodarczych obszarów wzrostu i innowacji województwa podlaskiego. Sektor produkcji żywności leczniczej (Starters of the Podlasie Economy: Analysis of Economic Areas of Growth and Innovation in the Podlaskie region: The Food Production Sector)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Mariusz Citkowski, Marta Juchnicka, Agnieszka Sosnowicz, Justyna Żynel-Etel, Kamil Leszko and Anna Grabska
- 85001: Startery podlaskiej gospodarki - analiza gospodarczych obszarów wzrostu i innowacji województwa podlaskiego. Sektor produkcji bielizny (Starters of the Podlasie Economy: Analysis of Economic Areas of Growth and Innovation in the Podlaskie region: Lingerie Production Sector)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Mariusz Citkowski, Marta Juchnicka, Agnieszka Sosnowicz, Justyna Żynel-Etel, Anna Grabska and Kamil Leszko
- 85000: Startery podlaskiej gospodarki - analiza gospodarczych obszarów wzrostu i innowacji województwa podlaskiego. Sektor producentów artykułów i sprzętu medycznego (Starters of the Podlasie Economy: Analysis of Economic Areas of Growth and Innovation in the Podlaskie region: The Sector of Manufacturers of Articles and Medical Equipment)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Katarzyna Krot and Marta Juchnicka
- 84999: Rozwój struktur klastrowych w Polsce Wschodniej (Development of Cluster Structures in Eastern Poland)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Ewa Bojar, Małgorzata Juchniewicz, Zbigniew Olesiński, Krzysztof Kaszuba, Matylda Bojar, Mariusz Citkowski, Łukasz Menan, Elžbieta Nosal-Szczygieł, Agnieszka Predygier, Marta Juchnicka and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 84998: Rola klastrów gospodarczych w budowaniu kultury innowacyjności przedsiębiorstw i regionu (The Role of Regional Clusters in Building an Innovation Culture for Business and the Region)

- Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 84997: Rola uczelni wyższych w procesie transferu wiedzy do przedsiębiorstw (The Role of Universities in the Process of Knowledge Transfer to Enterprises)

- Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 84996: Rola samorządów gminnych w procesach rozwojowych Polski Wschodniej (The Role of Municipal Governments in the Development Processes of Eastern Poland)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Ewa Bojar, Małgorzata Juchniewicz, Zbigniew Olesiński, Joanna Salachna, Anna Grabska, Krzysztof Kaszuba, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Dariusz Perło, Dorota Perło, Mariusz Citkowski, Marta Juchnicka, Agnieszka Sosnowicz and Justyna Żynel-Etel
- 84995: Rodzaje a źródła innowacji w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach (Types and Sources of Innovation in Small and Medium and Sized Enterprises)

- Bogusław Plawgo and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 84994: Relacje międzyorganizacyjne (Inter-organizational Relations)

- Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 84992: Raport końcowy z badania ewaluacyjnego pn. Ocena wpływu realizacji polityki spójności perspektywy 2004-2006 na zwiększenie możliwości rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego regionów Polski wschodniej (Final Report from the Evaluation Study Entitled: Assessment of the Impact of Cohesion Policy Implementation in the 2004-2006 Perspective on Increasing the Opportunities for Socio-economic Development of Eastern Poland's Regions)

- Tomasz Skierniewski, Bogusław Plawgo, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Mariusz Citkowski, Karolina Jaroszek, Marta Juchnicka, Katarzyna Puchalska, Karol Turkowski, Mateusz Zych, Justyna Zynel-Etel and Marek Młodożeniec
- 84991: Raport końcowy. Ewaluacja pt. Jak zmieniają się klastry dzięki wsparciu z PO RPW? (Final Report: Evaluation "How Do Clusters Change Thanks to Support from EPD OP"?)

- Bogusław Plawgo and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 84989: Przedsiębiorczość akademicka - stan, bariery i przesłanki rozwoju (Academic Entrepreneurship: The Condition, Barriers and Premises for Development)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Mariusz Citkowski, Anna Bagińska and Marta Juchnicka
- 84988: Przedsiębiorczość akademicka. Dobre praktyki (Academic Entrepreneurship: Good Practices)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Marta Juchnicka and Mariusz Citkowski
- 84987: Potencjał konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa działającego w klastrach przemysłowych (Competitive Potential of Companies Operating Within Industrial Clusters)

- Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 84986: Polityka rozwoju klastrów w województwie podlaskim - dotychczasowe doświadczenia i kierunki rozwoju (Cluster Development Policy in Podlaskie Voivodeship: Past Experience and Future Directions)

- Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 84985: Klastry jako potencjał rozwoju - województwo podlaskie (Clusters as Development Potential: Podlaskie Province)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska and Mariusz Citkowski
- 84983: Klastry - stan i perspektywy rozwoju w województwie podlaskim (Clusters: Status and Development Prospects in the Podlaskie Voivodeship)

- Bogusław Plawgo and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 84981: Potrzeby kompetencyjne pracowników jednostek samorządu terytorialnego (JST) (Competency Needs of Employees of Local Government Units (LGUs))

- Bogusław Plawgo, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Ewa Bojar, Małgorzata Juchniewicz, Zbigniew Olesiński, Joanna Salachna, Anna Grabska, Krzysztof Kaszuba, Dariusz Perło, Dorota Perło, Mariusz Citkowski, Marta Juchnicka, Renata Osipiuk and Ewa Rzepniewska
- 84980: Kanały transferu wiedzy z uczelni do przedsiębiorstw w świetle wyników badań (Channels of Knowledge Transfer from Universities to Enterprises in the Light of Research Results)

- Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 84979: Importance of Creativity of Employees in Adaptation of Food Companies to Innovative Trends in the World

- Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 84978: Raport końcowy ekspertyzy: Rodzaj wspieranych projektów w ramach RPOWP w kontekście zachodzących zmian gospodarczych (Final Report of the Expert Opinion: Type of Supported Projects under RPOWP in the Context of Ongoing Economic Changes)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Robert Ciborowski, Andrzej Szpak, Mariusz Citkowski, Wojciech Stypułkowski, Radosław Oryszczyszyn, Ewa Gurba and Katarzyna Toczydłowska
- 84977: Benchmarking regionalny czynników innowacyjności województwa podlaskiego w kontekście RSI. Synteza raportu (Regional Benchmarking of Innovation Factors in Podlaskie Voivodeship in the Context of RIS: Synthesis of the Report)

- Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Marek Proniewski, Tadeusz Popławski, Arkadiusz Niedźwiecki, Dorota Perło, Elwira Skibicka, Marta Juchnicka, Marcin Proniewski and Andrzej Nikitorowicz
- 84976: Bariery rozwoju przedsiębiorczości akademickiej na przykładzie podlaskich uczelni (Academic Entrepreneurship Barriers in Podlaskie Universities)

- Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 84975: Democracy and government spending

- Pavlos Balamatsias
- 84974: Raport końcowy z badania marketingowego ex-ante w ramach realizacji Programu Promocji Polski Wschodniej działania I.4, Komponent Promocja i Priorytetu Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Polski Wschodniej (Final Report on Ex-ante Marketing Research Within the Framework of the Implementation of the Eastern Poland Promotion Program Measure I.4, Promotion and Priority Component of the Operational Program Development of Eastern Poland)

- Marcin Zarzecki, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Rafał Wiśniewski, Karolina Jaroszek, Katarzyna Puchalska and Karol Turkowski
- 84973: Estimating Sustainable Development and Social Exclusion in Rural Pakistan

- Abdul Hameed and Zara Qaiser
- 84972: Analizy potencjału innowacyjnego sektora MŚP w województwie mazowieckim (Analysis of the Innovative Potential of the SME Sector in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Anna Grabska, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Wojciech Stypułkowski and Tomasz Klimczak
- 84971: Analiza kluczowych sektorów województwa podlaskiego. Sektor budownictwa (Analysis of Key Sectors of the Podlaskie Voivodeship: Construction Sector)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Anna Grabska, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Mariusz Citkowski, Marta Juchnicka, Agnieszka Sosnowicz, Justyna Żynel-Etel and Kamil Leszko
- 84970: Analiza kluczowych sektorów województwa podlaskiego. Sektor producentów wyrobów z drewna i mebli (Analysis of Key Sectors of the Podlaskie Voivodeship: The Sector of Producers of Wooden and Furniture Products)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska, Marta Juchnicka, Tomasz Skierniewski and Justyna Żynel-Etel
- 84969: Two Distinct Seasonally Fractionally Differenced Periodic Processes

- Ahmed Bensalma
- 84968: Analiza kluczowych sektorów województwa podlaskiego. Sektor handlu (Analysis of Key Sectors of the Podlaskie Voivodeship: The Trade Sector)

- Bogusław Plawgo, Anna Grabska and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 84967: International Productivity Growth Differentials Sectoral Analysis and Missing Productivity

- Weshah Razzak
- 84964: Protectionist Trade Barriers to Threaten Policy-induced Debt Trap

- Victor Xing
- 84959: Business Cycles in Economics

- Viktor Ledenyov and Dimitri Ledenyov
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