MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 22152: The Effects of Immigration Policies and Labor Market Structures on the Income of Immigrants to the More Developed Countries of Europe and North America

- R.a Wanner and Jaap Dronkers
- 22151: From public offices to the cultural or economic sector. How Dutch nobility kept its elite positions during the 20th century

- Jaap Dronkers and H Schijf
- 22148: The interest rate spread as a forecasting tool of greek industrial production

- Periklis Gogas and Ioannis Pragkidis
- 22147: A note on GDP now-/forecasting with dynamic versus static factor models along a business cycle

- Ginters Buss
- 22139: The Core of Games with Stackelberg Leaders

- Sergio Currarini and Marco Marini
- 22137: Sequential play and cartel stability in a Cournot oligopoly

- Sergio Currarini and Marco Marini
- 22135: Differential Evolution (DEoptim) for Non-Convex Portfolio Optimization

- David Ardia, Kris Boudt, Peter Carl, Katharine M. Mullen and Brian Peterson
- 22133: Does the macroeconomic policy of the global economy’s leader cause the worldwide asymmetry in current accounts?

- Georg Quaas
- 22130: Econometric analysis of the bilateral trade flows in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries

- Aysu Insel and Mahmut Tekçe
- 22125: Risk monitoring tools in bank regulation and supervision – developments since the collapse of Barings Plc

- Marianne Ojo
- 22123: The Role of Executives in Hostile Takeover Attempts

- Mohd Irfan
- 22122: Vote or Shout

- Surajeet Chakravarty and Todd Kaplan
- 22120: The global crisis and the Peruvian labor market: impact and policy options

- Eduardo Moron, Juan Castro and Lucciano Villacorta
- 22119: Purification, Saturation and the Exact Law of Large Numbers

- Jianwei Wang and Yongchao Zhang
- 22112: A theory of international trade under uncertainty

- Elhanan Helpman and Assaf Razin
- 22109: Fiscal policies and growth in the world economy

- Jacob Frenkel, Assaf Razin and Chi-Wa Yuen
- 22108: Reinserción laboral adecuada: dificultades e implicancias de política

- Gustavo Yamada and María Cárdenas
- 22102: Transições e Pontos Críticos das Trajectórias de Escolaridade: Estudo de Caso em seis Escolas Secundárias da Grande Lisboa (Transition and Turning Points in Scholar Trajectories: Case Study with Six Lisbon Upper Secondary Schools)

- Margarida Lopes
- 22100: The Impacts of the Turkish Emigrants on Turkish Exports and Imports in Europe

- Aysu Insel and Nesrin Sungur Cakmak
- 22097: The effects of punishment in dynamic public-good games

- Oezguer Guererk, Bettina Rockenbach and Irenaeus Wolff
- 22093: Deforestation and multinational companies: a conceptual note

- Kumba Digdowiseiso
- 22091: Determination of stochastic vs. deterministic trend in quarterly GDP of Pakistan

- Zahid Khan and Zahid Asghar
- 22088: Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Employment in Bangladesh: A Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Analysis

- Serajul Hoque
- 22087: Rethinking the liquidity puzzle: application of a new measure of the economic money stock

- Logan Kelly, William Barnett and John Keating
- 22085: Rethinking the Liquidity Puzzle: Application of a New Measure of the Economic Money Stock

- Logan Kelly, William Barnett and John Keating
- 22084: Innovation in Times of Crisis: The Uneven Effects of the Economic Downturn across Europe

- Andrea Filippetti and Daniele Archibugi
- 22082: ISEG Undergraduate Students: Determinants of Academic Performance

- Graça Leão Fernandes and Margarida Lopes
- 22081: The Total Value of the $1 Federal Reserve Note: Factoring in Physicality and the Consumer

- Franklin Noll
- 22079: A Semiparametric Panel Model for Unbalanced Data with Application to Climate Change in the United Kingdom

- Alev Atak, Oliver Linton and Zhijie Xiao
- 22078: Banking Crises and Short and Medium Term Output Losses in Developing Countries: The Role of Structural and Policy Variables

- Davide Furceri and Aleksandra Zdzienicka
- 22077: Supervised Principal Components and Factor Instrumental Variables. An Application to Violent CrimeTrends in the US, 1982-2005

- Guido Travaglini
- 22076: Towards Social Security Systems in Japan Lessons for India

- Misra Sib Ranjan and Jaydev Misra
- 22075: Skill Development Patterns and their Impact on Re-employability: Evidence for Portugal

- Graça Leâo Fernandes, José Passos and Margarida Lopes
- 22072: Стратегии модернизации, институты и коалиции (Strategies of Modernization, Institutions and Coalitions)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22071: Институциональные ловушки: есть ли выход? (Institutional Traps: Is There a Way Out?)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22070: Моделирование динамики распределения предприятий отрасли по уровням эффективности (на примере черной металлургии) (Modeling of the Dynamics of Firms Distribution in Accordance with Efficiency Levels (Ferrous Metal Industry Case))

- Victor Polterovich, Lev Gelman, Mark Levin and Vladimir Spivak
- 22069: Instability of Democracy as Resource Curse

- Victor Polterovich, Vladimir Popov and Alexander Tonis
- 22067: Growth, Employment and Internal Migration. Peru, 2003-2007

- Gustavo Yamada
- 22065: How quickly do forecasters incorporate news? Evidence from cross-country surveys

- Gultekin Isiklar, Kajal Lahiri and Prakash Loungani
- 22064: Снижение инфляции не должно быть главной целью экономической политики правительства России (Decreasing Inflation Should not Be the Main Task of the Russian Government Economic Policy)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22063: On The Use and Misuse of Input-Output Based Impact Analysis in Evaluation

- Patrick Grady and R. Andrew Muller
- 22062: Vulnerability and Climate Change: An Analysis of the Eastern Coastal Districts of India

- Unmesh Patnaik and Krishnan Narayanan
- 22060: Трансформационный спад в России (Transformational Recession in Russia)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22059: Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in Switzerland

- Daniel Oesch
- 22057: Como se pode distinguir Évora do resto do Alentejo?: Uma abordagem de estatística espacial (How can Évora be distinguished from the rest of Alentejo: A spatial statistics approach)

- António Caleiro
- 22053: Surviving in a Commoditized World

- John Ryan and Andrew Holmes
- 22050: Where will commoditization take us?

- John Ryan and Andrew Holmes
- 22047: Ökonomische Theorie im Alltag: Hedge Fonds (Economic theory in everyday life: Hedge funds)

- Bernard Gilroy and Elmar Lukas
- 22046: Trade through endogenous intermediaries

- Weerachart Kilenthong and Cheng-Zhong Qin
- 22045: Impact of Social Safety Net Programs In Seasonal Deprivation

- Khaleque Khaleque, Bubarna Suborna and Baqui Baqui
- 22044: Стратегия формирования ипотечного рынка в России (A Strategy for Building Mortgage Market in Russia)

- Victor Polterovich and Oleg Starkov
- 22043: Проблема формирования национальной инновационной системы (The Problem of Creating a National Innovation System)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22039: 云计算技术与中国业务 (Cloud computing and China business)

- Kiyoshi Urakami
- 22036: “Brand” and performance in a new environment: Analysis of the law school market in Japan

- Eiji Yamamura
- 22035: На пути к новой теории реформ (Towards a New Theory of Reform)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22034: Трансплантация экономических институтов (Transplantation of Economic Institutions)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22033: К руководству для реформаторов: некоторые выводы из теории экономических реформ (Towards a Manual for Reformers: Some Conclusions from the Theory of Economic Reform)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22032: Современное состояние теории экономических реформ (Modern Condition of the Theory of Economic Reforms)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22031: Ex ante Investment, Ex post Remedy, and Product Liability

- Yongmin Chen and Xinyu Hua
- 22029: Performance, IT maturity and offshoring behaviour of Italian manufacturing corporations in the dire straits of globalisation

- Andrea de Panizza
- 22024: America's secret competitive advantage is a dirty secret

- Ranjan Sreedharan
- 22022: Two Curves, One Price:Pricing & Hedging Interest Rate Derivatives Decoupling Forwarding and Discounting Yield Curves

- Marco Bianchetti
- 22021: The Importance of Cognitive Abilities at Primary School for Educational and Occupational Success in the Life Course of a Dutch Generation, born around 1940

- Jaap Dronkers
- 22020: Foreign Direct Investment and Civil Rights: Testing Decreasing Returns to Civil Rights

- Aldo Ponce
- 22019: Verschillen in groepsdiscriminatie, zoals waargenomen door immigranten uit verschillende herkomstlanden in veertien lidstaten van de Europese Unie (Perception of in-group discrimination among immigrants in 14 member states of the European Union)

- Stéfani André, Jaap Dronkers and Fenella Fleischmann
- 22018: The Benefits and Costs of Noise Reduction

- Nir Becker and Doron Lavee
- 22016: Linking Agricultural Trade, Land Demand and Environmental Externalities: Case of Oil Palm in South East Asia

- Jamal Othman
- 22015: Кризис экономической теории (The Crisis of Economic Theory)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22014: О стратегии догоняющего развития для России (About Strategies of Catching-up Development for Russia)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22012: The rise and demise of Lucent Technologies

- William Lazonick and Edward March
- 22010: Стратегии институциональных реформ: Китай и Россия (Institutional Reform Strategies: China and Russia)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22008: Cross Country Evidence on Consumption Persistence

- José Belbute and António Caleiro
- 22004: Observed Relationships Between Economic And Technical Receipts Revisions In Federal Budget Projections

- John Kitchen
- 22003: Экономическая реформа 1992 г.: Битва правительства с трудовыми коллективами (Economic Reform in Russia in 1992: The Government Battles Labor Collectives)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22002: Harnessing the 'essential tension' of design: The complex relationship between the firm and designer consultants

- Andrea Filippetti
- 22001: Voluntary Contributions by Consent or Dissent

- Jonathan Tan, Yves Breitmoser and Friedel Bolle
- 22000: Стратегии институциональных реформ: Перспективные траектории (Institutional Reform Strategies: Promising trajectories)

- Victor Polterovich
- 21996: Проблема трансплантации ипотечных институтов в переходных экономиках: роль стройсберкасс (The Problem of Transplantation of Housing Finance Institutions in Transition Economies: the Role of Contractual Savings for Housing)

- Victor Polterovich and Oleg Starkov
- 21994: Efficiency frontier and matching process on the labor market: Evidence from Tunisia

- Imed Drine and Anis Bou Abid
- 21993: Парадоксы российского рынка труда и теория коллективных фирм (Paradoxes of the Russian Labor Market and the Theory of Collective Firms)

- Victor Polterovich
- 21992: Vulnerability and Coping to Disasters: A Study of Household Behaviour in Flood Prone Region of India

- Unmesh Patnaik and Krishnan Narayanan
- 21989: International trade: theory and evidence

- James Markusen, James Melvin, Keith Maskus and William Kaempfer
- 21985: Türkiye’de Büyüme ve İhracat Arasındaki Nedensellik İlişkileri (Causality Relations between Growth and Export in Turkey)

- Cevat Bilgin and Ahmet Sahbaz
- 21984: Weak-form market efficiency and calendar anomalies for Eastern Europe equity markets

- Francesco Guidi, Rakesh Gupta and Suneel Maheshwari
- 21981: Devouring the Leviathan: fiscal policy and public expenditure in Colombia

- Fernando Estrada
- 21977: (Re)Counting the poor in Peru: a multidimensional approach

- Juan Castro, Jessica Baca and Juan P. Ocampo
- 21976: `Been there done that': Disentangling option value effects from user heterogeneity when valuing natural resources with a use component

- Nikita Lyssenko and Roberto Martinez-Espineira
- 21975: Searching for Jobs: Evidence from MBA Graduates

- Camelia Kuhnen
- 21974: Valuing Coupon Bond Linked to Variable Interest Rate

- Rossano Giandomenico
- 21973: Martingale Model

- Rossano Giandomenico
- 21971: Structural VAR identification of the Turkish business cycles

- Levent Korap
- 21970: Degré de répercussion du Taux de change sur l’Inflation en République Démocratique du Congo de 2002 à 2007 (Pass-Through of Exchange rate to inflation in DRC 2002 to 2007)

- Menga Luyinduladio
- 21969: Respondent uncertainty in contingent valuation: the case of whale conservation in Newfoundland and Labrador

- Nikita Lyssenko and Roberto Martinez-Espineira
- 21965: The Geography of Creative People in Germany

- Michael Fritsch and Michael Stuetzer
- 21963: Die Geographie der Kreativen Klasse in Deutschland (The Geography of the Creative Class in Germany)

- Michael Fritsch and Michael Stuetzer
- 21961: Job security and employee well-being: Evidence from matched survey and register data

- Petri Böckerman, Pekka Ilmakunnas and Edvard Johansson
- 21960: Plant entry in a more liberalised industrialisation process: an experience of Indonesian manufacturing during the 1990s

- Dionisius Narjoko
- 21958: Marktstruktur und Preisbildung auf dem ukrainischen Markt für Rohmilch (Market structure and pricing on the Ukrainian market for raw milk)

- Oleksandr Perekhozhuk
- 21954: LNG in the Northwestern Coast of Mexico: Impact on Prices of Natural Gas in Both Sides of the US-Mexico Border

- Sophie Meritet, Juan Rosellon and Alberto Elizalde
- 21953: Success/Failure in Higher Education:how long does it take to complete some core 1st. year disciplines?

- Margarida Lopes and Graca Fernandes
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