MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 106075: Is Pan-Asian Economic Integration Moving Forward? Evidence from Regional Trade Statistics

- Jeet Bahadur Sapkota and Motoko Shuto
- 106072: External Debt and Debt Crises in European Economies

- Nikolova Irena
- 106071: Competition in Signaling

- Federico Vaccari
- 106066: Vue d’ensemble de la COVID-19: De la définition aux effets spillovers macroéconomiques (Overview of COVID-19: From definition to macroeconomic spillover effects)

- Christian Pinshi
- 106064: Breaking out of Pakistan’s Stop-Go Economic Cycles: Do the “Twin” Fiscal and Current Account Deficits Hold the Key? 1999-2019

- Rashid Amjad and Almazia Shahzad
- 106063: Trade integration in Asia: Trends and determinants

- Jeet Bahadur Sapkota, Chakra Acharya, Mari Minowa and Pramila Neupane
- 106053: The Social Cost of Upgrading Informal Settlements in Butuan City, Philippines

- Catherine Roween Almaden and Ma. Kresna Navarro
- 106050: The Skills of Rich and Poor Country Workers

- David Slichter, Elisa Taveras and Daniela Monge
- 106045: The Impact of Remittance Flow on Real Effective Exchange Rate: Empirical Evidence from The Gambia

- Foday Joof and Sheriff Touray
- 106042: Why Does Productivity Matter?

- Cuong Le Van and Ngoc-Sang Pham
- 106040: Tiempo de desplazamiento al puesto laboral y relación con los empleados autónomos: el caso de las mujeres trabajadoras alemanas (Commuting time and relationship with self-employed: the case of German women workers)

- Jaime Hernández
- 106035: On Policy Interventions and Vertical Price Transmission: the Italian Milk Supply Chain Case

- Federico Antonioli and Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
- 106029: Should CBA use descriptive or prescriptive discount rates? It should use both!

- Szabolcs Szekeres
- 106025: Income, consumption, and poverty measurement in the Philippines

- Kristine Joy Briones, Jessa Lopez, Roxanne Jean Elumbre and Therese Marie Angangco
- 106024: The Effect of Casual Teaching on Student Satisfaction: Evidence from the UK

- Rhys Williams
- 106020: Fiscal Rules for Natural Disaster- and Climate Change-Prone Small States

- Ryota Nakatani
- 106019: Влияние шоков мировой деловой активности, предложения нефти и спекулятивных нефтяных шоков на экономику РФ (The impact of global economic activity, oil supply and speculative oil shocks on the Russian economy)

- Daniil Lomonosov, Andrey Polbin and Nikita Fokin
- 106018: Remittances, migration and poverty. A study for Mexico and Central America

- Roy Nuñez and María Isabel Osorio-Caballero
- 106015: Is the Impact of Digitization on Domestic Inflation Non-Linear? The Case of Emerging Markets

- Noha Emara and Daniela Zecheru
- 106012: Защита от дискриминация при реализация на дисциплинарната отговорност (Protection against discrimination in the implementation of disciplinary liability)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 106008: Export Variety and Imported Intermediate Inputs: Industry-Level Evidence from Africa

- Gideon Ndubuisi, Emmanuel Mensah and Solomon Owusu
- 106006: Proposal in ensuring social welfare during the period of the pandemic crisis

- Vasileios Drymouras
- 106005: Work-Family Balance

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 106004: Work, Domestic Work, Emotional Labor

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 106003: Welfare State

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 106002: Trans Theorizing

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Małgorzata Bieńkowska
- 106001: Theories of Death and Dying

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Artur Fabiś
- 106000: Technology Transfer

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 105998: Technological Unemployment

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 105997: Social and Solidarity Economy

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 105996: Single Parents

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 105995: Public Policy: Ethics

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 105994: New Technology: Risks and Gains

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 105993: Labor markets

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 105992: Intergenerationality, Intergenerational Justice, Intergenerational Policies

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 105991: Generational Differences, Generations of Western Society, Managing Multiple Generations in the Workplace

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 105990: Emotion Work

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 105989: Dual labour market

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 105988: Cultural Capital

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 105987: Creative Aging: Drawing on the Arts to Enhance Healthy Aging

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 105986: Causes of Crime

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 105985: Bronislaw Malinowski

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Łukasz Tomczyk
- 105984: Adulthood

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 105983: Instrumental Activities of Daily Living

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 105982: Activities of Daily Living

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 105981: Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Aging

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Jorge Felix
- 105980: Organic Agriculture

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 105979: Area Agencies on Aging

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Fatima Perkins
- 105978: Financial Gerontology

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Erik Selecký
- 105977: Core-Periphery Model

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 105976: New Economy, Food, and Agriculture

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 105975: Innovation in Food and Agriculture

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 105974: Trust in Food

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 105973: Kapitał społeczny ludzi starszych (Social Capital of Older People)

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Elżbieta Trafiałek
- 105972: Integracja wiekowa (Age Integration)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 105971: Treating Symmetric Buyers Asymmetrically

- Shraman Banerjee
- 105970: Gerontologia kreatywna (Creative Gerontology)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 105969: Generacja sandwicz (Sandwich Generation)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 105967: A Monetary Policy Rule using Gravity Models

- Guillermo Peña
- 105966: Sign Systems of Lust and Slavery. Money as the consecration of bread and wine

- Hardy Hanappi
- 105963: Espaces marginalisés et développement: systèmes d’élevage et améliorations pastorales dans le Gard (Marginalized areas and development: breeding systems and pastoral improvements in the Gard)

- Philippe Boyer
- 105960: Why has the birth rate relatively increased in China's wealthy cities?

- Nana Chen and Hangtian Xu
- 105959: Designing waste management systems to meet circular economy goals: The Italian case

- Giacomo Di Foggia and Massimo Beccarello
- 105954: Improving Measurement of Multidimensional Child Poverty in Vietnam

- Sebastian Silva Leander, Cuong Nguyen and Van-Anh Thi Nguyen
- 105952: The Effect of Small and Medium Enterprises in Employment Creation and Income Generation in a case of Kebridahar Town: Qorahe Zone, Somali Region State, Ethiopia

- Regan Debebe
- 105949: Social amplification of risk and “probable vaccine damage”:A typology of vaccination beliefs in 28 European countries

- Simona - Nicoleta Vulpe and Cosima Rughinis
- 105942: Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) of the Current System of Income and Social Supports in British Columbia

- Gillian Petit and Lindsay Tedds
- 105939: Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) of Two Policy Alternatives: Basic Income and Basic Services

- Anna Cameron and Lindsay Tedds
- 105936: Gender-based analyisis plus (GBA+) and Intersectionality: Overview, an enhanced framework, and B.C. Case Study

- Anna Cameron and Lindsay Tedds
- 105933: Income Assistance in British Columbia: Reforms Along Basic Income Lines

- Gillian Petit and Lindsay Tedds
- 105931: Earnings Supplementation for British Columbia: Pros, Cons, and Structure

- Jonathan Kesselman and Gillian Petit
- 105929: Systems-Level Reforms to B.C.’s Income and Social Support Programs Along Basic Income Lines

- Gillian Petit and Lindsay Tedds
- 105927: Interactions between income and social support programs in B.C

- Gillian Petit and Lindsay Tedds
- 105925: Reforms to Earnings Supplement Programs in British Columbia: Making Work Pay for Low-Income Workers

- Gillian Petit and Jonathan Kesselman
- 105924: Programs-Based Overview of Income and Social Support Programs for Working-Age Persons in British Columbia

- Gillian Petit and Lindsay Tedds
- 105920: Overview of System of Income and Social Support Programs in British Columbia

- Gillian Petit and Lindsay Tedds
- 105918: Basic Income Simulations for the Province of British Columbia

- David Green, Jonathan Rhys Kesselman, Lindsay Tedds, Daria Crisan and Gillian Petit
- 105915: Evaluating the Existing Basic Income Simulation Literature

- Lindsay Tedds and Daria Crisan
- 105913: Recent Political Manifesto Commitments to Basic Income in Canada

- Lindsay Tedds and Daria Crisan
- 105911: Basic Income in Canada: Principles and Design Features

- Lindsay Tedds, Daria Crisan and Gillian Petit
- 105902: Covering All the Basics: Reforms for a More Just Society

- David Green, Jonathan Rhys Kesselman and Lindsay Tedds
- 105895: Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Consumer Prices in Turkey: Nonparametric Kernel Estimation Evidence

- Nejat Yilmaz and Mustafa Yücel
- 105892: The Science and Art of Communicating Fan Chart Uncertainty: The case of Inflation Outcome in Sierra Leone

- Emerson Jackson and Edmund Tamuke
- 105891: Females in Crime

- Evelina Gavrilova
- 105887: Financial regulation and bank supervision during a pandemic

- Peterson Kitakogelu Ozili
- 105885: Producción de largometrajes de ficción en Uruguay: Aproximación desde la Teoría General Del Costo (Fiction feature films production in Uruguay: Approach from the General Cost´s Theory)

- Juan F. Rodriguez
- 105884: Sistemas de Información para la Satisfacción de Clientes (Information Systems for Customer Satisfaction)

- Gabriel Budiño
- 105880: Особености във връзка със страните и трудовите функции по двете трудови правоотношения на лекар в лечебно заведение, който е и преподавател във висше медицинско училище (Peculiarities with regard to the parties and the labour functions under the two legal relationships of a physician in a healthcare institution, who works as the same time as lecturer in a higher medical school)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 105879: The Effect of Small and Medium Enterprises in Employment Creation and Income Generation in Somali Regional State: A Case of Kebridahar Town

- Regan Debebe
- 105877: La Teoría del Capitalismo de Karl Marx. Exposición, Crítica y Evaluación (Karl Marx's Theory of Capitalism. Exposition, Critique, and Appraisal)

- Guillermo Escudé
- 105876: Modeling of Poverty Determinants in Sumatera Island (Panel Regression Approach)

- Fajar Muhammad, Nurfalah Zelani and Nonalisa Septiarida
- 105875: Real GDP per capita: global redistribution of economic power

- Ivan Kitov
- 105874: Five Years of Inflation Targeting Without Economic Growth: What Should Be Changed The Case of Russia

- Oscar Gasanov
- 105873: The link between unemployment and real economic growth in developed countries

- Ivan Kitov
- 105871: Capital structure and firm performance: a panel causality test

- Hariem Abdullah and Turgut Türsoy
- 105812: Hard Target: Sanctions, Inducements, and the Case of North Korea

- Stephan Haggard and Marcus Noland
- 105790: Core equivalence in presence of satiation and indivisibilities

- Anuj Bhowmik and Gva Dharanan
- 105787: GLOBAL OPPORTUNITY INDEX 2021 Focus on Latin America

- Oscar Contreras, Benjamin Smith, Joseph Bendix and Claude Lopez
- 105780: L’Economie Informelle en Algérie (The Informal Economy in Algeria)

- Hassiba Benabbou, Gouraya Belbachir and Hadjira Belbachir
- 105774: Horizontal contracts in a dominant firm-competitive fringe model

- Manel Antelo and Lluis Bru
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