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61285: Capital-Skill Complementarity: Does capital disaggregation matter? Downloads
Juan Correa, Miguel Lorca and Francisco Parro
61283: A framework of coopetitite games: an application to the Greek crisis Downloads
Daniele Schiliro' and David Carfì
61282: The environmental Kuznets curve, economic growth, renewable and non-renewable energy, and trade in Tunisia Downloads
Mehdi Ben Jebli and Slim Ben Youssef
61280: Urban continuum in Jharkhand: Beyond the state formation Downloads
Niteen Kumar
61278: Stakeholder Analysis as a Tool for Systems Approach Research in HRD Downloads
Robert Yawson and Bradley Greiman
61277: Efectos heterogéneos en la demanda ante un impuesto al refresco en México (Will the poor and high consumers benefit more by obesity prevention fiscal policies? Evidence from Mexico) Downloads
Lucero Cahuana-Hurtado, Sandra Sosa-Rubí, Luis Rubalcava-Peñafiel, Panagiota Panopoulou and Guadalupe Rodriguez-Oliveros
61274: Understanding the heterogeneous nature of the demand for soft drinks in Mexico: why social determinants also matter Downloads
Lucero Cahuana-Hurtado, Sandra Sosa-Rubi, Luis Rubalcava-Peñafiel, Panagiota Panopoulou, Guadalupe Rodriguez-Oliveros and Edson Servan-Mori
61273: Country Size and Determinants of Economic Growth: A Survey with Special Interest on Small States Downloads
João Brito
Gastonfils Lonzo Lubu and Fanny Kabwe Omoyi
61258: Tourism implications on local waste management. Case study: Neamț County Downloads
Florin Mihai
61252: Can State Language Policies Distort Students’ Demand for Education? Downloads
Alexander Muravyev and Oleksandr Talavera
61250: An evaluation of core inflation measures for Malta Downloads
William Gatt
61248: Small Share of the Islamic Banks in Indonesia, Supply-side Problems? Downloads
Bayu Kariastanto
61247: Could regulator materialize potential demand for Islamic securities? Evidence from Indonesia Downloads
Bayu Kariastanto and Aulia Ihsanin
61237: Health Insurance, Fertility, and the Wantedness of Pregnancies: Evidence from Massachusetts Downloads
Maria Apostolova-Mihaylova and Aaron Yelowitz
61236: Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: The Market Downloads
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
61235: Cracking Down on Bribery Downloads
Sheheryar Banuri and Catherine Eckel
61226: Contrôle de la Corruption, Croissance économique et Capital humain: Application aux secteurs de l’éducation et de la santé et étude Comparative MENA - OCDE (Control of Corruption, Economic Growth and Human Capital: Application to the sectors of education and health and Comparative Study MENA - OECD) Downloads
Abderraouf Mtiraoui
61224: The impact of scrappage programs on the demand for new vehicles: Evidence from Spain Downloads
Pedro Cantos-Sánchez, Eva Gutiérrez-i-Puigarnau and Ismir Mulalic
61223: 地方財政健全化指標における相互依存関係の実証分析 (Interdependency of Financial Indexes in the Law Relating to the Financial Soundness of Local Governments: Empirical evidence of Japanese prefectural data) Downloads
Haruaki Hirota and Hideo Yunoue
61221: 基準財政需要額の算定構造の再検証―都道府県パネルデータによる実証分析― (Re-verification on the structure of standard fiscal needs: Evidence from Japanese prefectural data) Downloads
Haruaki Hirota and Hideo Yunoue
61214: Buyer Power and Functional Competition for Innovation Downloads
Roman Inderst, Zlata Jakubovic and Dragan Jovanovic
61212: Envidia, intolerancia y bienestar social (Envy, intolerance and social welfare) Downloads
Eloy Ávalos
61211: Oil Resource Governance in Somalia: Are they Susceptible to the Resource Curse? Downloads
Aaron Yao Efui Ahali and Ishmael Ackah
61205: On the Interaction between Player Heterogeneity and Partner Heterogeneity in Strict Nash Networks Downloads
Banchongsan Charoensook
61204: Understanding the South China Sea: An explorative cultural analysis Downloads
Hans-Dieter Evers
61203: Pacification and Gender in Colonial Africa: Evidence from the Ethnographic Atlas Downloads
Morgan Henderson and Warren Whatley
61201: Hiány és támogatott fejlesztés: Tendenciák az építőanyag-ipar irányításának történetében (1950—1975) (Shortages and supported development: Tendencies in the history of controlling the Hungarian building materials industry (1950—1975)) Downloads
János Gács
61198: What can we learn about shale gas development from land values? Opportunities, challenges, and evidence from Texas and Pennsylvania Downloads
Jeremy Weber and Claudia Hitaj
61197: New findings from the TTO for income approach to elicit willingness to pay for a QALY Downloads
Arthur Attema, Marieke Krol, Job van Exel and Werner Brouwer
61195: The Effect of Pay Cuts on Psychological Well-Being and Job Satisfaction Downloads
Stavros Drakopoulos and Aikaterini Grimani
61194: A good news or bad news has greater impact on the Vietnamese stock market? Downloads
Phuong Nguyen Van
61193: Competitiveness in Soccer Leagues: An ordinal time series approach with evidence from the Premier League 1993 to 2014 Downloads
Calvin Jones and Declan Jordan
61183: Determinants of Transitions across Formal/Informal sectors in Egypt Downloads
Aysıt Tansel and Zeynel Ozdemir
61182: Gender Employment Longevity: I.T Staff Response to Organizational Support in Pakistan Downloads
Adnan ul Haque and Fred Yamoah
61181: Организация опеки и попечительства на муниципальном уровне (Organization the guardianship on municipal management level) Downloads
Elena Kuznetsova
61180: Does innovation policy policy matter? The case of Hungary Downloads
Attila Havas
61177: Особенности социальной работы на муниципальном уровне (Specifics of social work on the municipal level) Downloads
Elena Kuznetsova
61173: Propensity to search: common, leisure, and labor models of consumer behavior Downloads
Sergey Malakhov
61172: 房产税制度创新路径研究:基于财富公平分配目标 (Path of the Property Taxes Institution Innovation: Based on the Objective of Equitable Distribution of Wealth) Downloads
Tao Yao
61170: Examining measures of the equilibrium Real Exchange Rate: Macroeconomic Balance and the Natural Real Exchange Rate Approaches Downloads
Nicholas Anthony Wright
61166: Optimal pay-as-you-go social security when retirement is endogenous and labor productivity depreciates Downloads
Koichi Miyazaki
61164: Pouring oil over the Balearic tourism industry Downloads
Joan Carles Cirer-Costa
61162: Az infrastruktúra-hálózatok és a gazdaság versenyképessége (Infrastructure networks and the competitiveness of the economy) Downloads
Tamás Fleischer
61160: Information Arrival and Volatility: Evidence from the Saudi Arabia Stock Exchange (Tadawul) Downloads
Hassan Ezzat and Berna Kirkulak-Uludag
61154: Retrieving initial capital distributions from panel data Downloads
Xi Chen and Tatiana Plotnikova
61153: Rainfall Drought Simulating Using Stochastic SARIMA Models for Gadaref Region, Sudan Downloads
Hisham Moahmed Hassan and Tariq Mahgoub Mohamed
61152: Evaluation of public interventions at regional level; the new evidence for actual programming period Downloads
Daniela Antonescu
61150: Motivations for Using Social Networking Sites: The Case of Romania Downloads
Andreia Gabriela Andrei, Daniela Iosub and Amalasunta Iacob
61148: Mapping changes in spatial extent Irrigated and Rainfed cropped areas at the backdrop of Green Revolution Downloads
Niteen Kumar and Milap Punia
61147: Dimensional Analysis of Production and Utility Functions in Economics Downloads
Minseong Kim
61144: Household-level Analysis ofWomen’s Power Practice in Old Dhaka City, Bangladesh Downloads
Shahida Pervin, Md. Azam Khan and Md. Mahmud Hasan Shah
61140: Soft Paternalism and Nudging - Critique of the Behavioral Foundations Downloads
Markus Pasche
61139: Organized Crime, Propaganda, Blackmails of Riinvest and OSI’s Nepotism, not the Banking Sector, is a Severe Barrier Downloads
Isa Mulaj
61138: Development and application of the monetary rule for the base interest rate of the National Bank of Ukraine Downloads
Taras Savchenko, Serhiy Kozmenko and Yanina Piontkovska
61134: Methodological aspects and methods of transfer pricing in ukrainian banking institutions Downloads
Taras Savchenko
61133: Antinomias da Capital no século XXI (Capital in the 21st century) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
61132: The Demand Driven and the Supply-Sided Input-Output Models. Notes for the debate Downloads
Fidel Aroche Reyes and Marco Antonio Marquez Mendoza
61129: A Keynesian factor in monetary policy: the Economic Growth Incentive Method (EGIM) Downloads
Kees De Koning
61126: Antinomies de Le Capital au XXIe siècle (Antinomies of Capital in the 21st Century) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
61125: A New and Very Long Proof of the Pythagoras Theorem By Way of a Proposition on Isosceles Triangles Downloads
Kaushik Basu
61122: La corruption entre l’aspect institutionnel économique et l’aspect social à travers la gouvernance (Corruption between economic institutional aspect and social aspect through governance) Downloads
Abderraouf Mtiraoui
61119: Gouvernance, Capital humain et Croissance économique dans la zone OCDE: Application sur les données de panel dynamique (GMM) (Governance, Human Capital and Economic Growth in OECD countries: Applying the dynamic panel data (GMM)) Downloads
Abderraouf Mtiraoui
61116: Pork-Barrel Spending under Cournot Legislators and the Quantity Equation Downloads
Gerasimos T. Soldatos
61114: Branding insights: an interdisciplinary journey from perception to action Downloads
Andreia Gabriela Andrei and Adriana Zait
61113: Growth and Pattern of Intra-Industry Trade between India and Bangladesh: 1975–2010 Downloads
Sushil Kumar and Shahid Ahmed
61109: The New and Changing Roles of Cold Storages in the Potato Supply Chain in Bihar Downloads
Bart Minten, Thomas Reardon, K.M. Singh and Rajib Sutradhar
61107: The quiet revolution in agri-food value chains in Asia: Understanding the fast emergence of cold storages in poor districts in India Downloads
Bart Minten, Thomas Reardon, K.M. Singh and Rajib Sutradhar
61106: Peculiar Results and Theoretical Inconsistency of New Keynesian Models Downloads
Minseong Kim
61105: Wage, Productivity and Unemployment Microeconomics Theory and Macroeconomic Data Downloads
Weshah Razzak
61104: Income Inequality and FDI: Evidence with Turkish Data Downloads
Meltem Ucal, Mehmet Bilgin and Alfred A. Haug
61103: Moral Hazard in the Euro-Zone? Downloads
Hernán Briceño Avalos
61101: Global and Regional Volatility Spillovers to GCC Stock Markets Downloads
Abdullah R Alotaibi and Anil Mishra
61095: The Misty Grail: The Search for a Comprehensive Measure of Development and the Reasons of GDP Primacy Downloads
Emanuele Felice
61093: The Rational Distribution of Public Resources: A Challenge for Public Budgets Reform Downloads
Tatiana-Camelia Dogaru
61084: Build toll free hihgways Downloads
Vijaya Varma
61083: Analogy based Valuation of Commodity Options Downloads
Hammad Siddiqi
61080: Trading Costs in East Asia’s Global Value Chains Downloads
Montague Lord
61079: Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners – Republic of Korea Downloads
Montague Lord
61078: Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners – Japan Downloads
Montague Lord
61077: Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners – India Downloads
Montague Lord
61076: Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners – People’s Republic of China Downloads
Montague Lord
61073: Lao PDR Market Access Guide: Trading with ASEAN Dialogue Partners - Australia and New Downloads
Montague Lord
61072: Changement climatique, agriculture et croissance économique:Une modélisation VAR (Climate Change, Agriculture and Economic Growth: A VAR modeling) Downloads
Zouabi Oussama
61069: Determinants of Bank Profitability and Basel Capital Regulation: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria Downloads
Peterson Ozili
61067: Análisis del acoplamiento entre la riqueza y el desarrollo socioeconómico de las naciones (Analysis of the mismatch between wealth and socio-economic development of nations) Downloads
Albino Prada Blanco and Patricio Sanchez-Fernandez
61062: Lao PDR Resource-Led Export Growth Downloads
Montague Lord
61061: Trading Costs in East Asia’s Global Value Chains Downloads
Montague Lord, Julian Clarke, Richard Record and Fabio Artuso
61060: Special Border Economic Zone (SBEZ) in the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) Downloads
Montague Lord and Pawat Tangtrongjita
61053: Evaluation of Support to Lao PDR’s Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Downloads
Montague Lord
61051: U.S. Regional Population Growth 2000-2010: Natural Amenities or Urban Agglomeration? Downloads
Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang
61050: Peculiar Results and Theoretical Inconsistency of New Keynesian Models Downloads
Minseong Kim
61048: Determinants of Bank Profitability and Basel Capital Regulation: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria Downloads
Peterson Ozili
61047: Dissatisfied, feeling unequal and inclined to emigrate: Perceptions from Macedonia in a MIMIC model Downloads
Marjan Petreski and Blagica Petreski
61043: The Effects of the Teenagers (as Web Experts) in the Family Decision Making in Online Purchase Process: an Application to the Booking of Tourist Nights Downloads
Torkia Boussif, Fakhri Issaoui and Najeh Daly Chaker
61035: An Empirical Analysis of the Property Tax Appeals Process Downloads
William Doerner and Keith Ihlanfeldt
61032: Greenhouse gas emissions and marginal abatement cost curves for the road transport in Greece Downloads
George Halkos, Ilias Kevork and Chris Tziourtzioumis
61031: Risk Management Standards: Towards a contemporary, organisation-wide management approach Downloads
Nikitas-Spiros Koutsoukis
61030: Incentives for product and process innovations: a case for the drug industry Downloads
Aditya Bhan and Tarun Kabiraj
61029: The role of product diversification in skill-biased technological change Downloads
Choong Hyun Nam
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