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48761: Socioeconomic Status of Scheduled Tribes Downloads
D. Pulla Rao
48760: Socioeconomic Impact of Employment Generation Program on Poor Urban Women Downloads
Sangita Kamdar
48758: Creativity, cities and innovation Downloads
Neil Lee and Andrés Rodríguez-Pose
48757: Cost implications of treatment non-completion in a forensic personality disorder service Downloads
Christopher Sampson, Marilyn James, Nick Huband, Steve Geelan and Mary McMurran
48753: Determinants of farmers’ preference for adaptation strategies to climate change: evidence from north shoa zone of Amhara region Ethiopia Downloads
Negash Mulatu Debalke
48752: Global Insecurity,Transparency and Sustainable Development:African Challenges Downloads
Godwin Nwaobi
48751: ¿Está Latinoamérica alejándose de las cuentas individuales de pensiones? (Is Latin America Retreating from Individual Retirement Accounts?) Downloads
Fabio Bertranou, Esteban Calvo and Evelina Bertranou
48750: Market Economy under Rapid Globalization and Rising Productivity Downloads
Joshua Ioji Konov
48747: Students’ Perception About Management Education in India and USA Downloads
Bhavna R. Shetty and Rajashree Gujarathi
48746: Rule Rationality Downloads
Yuval Heller and Eyal Winter
48745: Social Sector Development in South West Bengal Downloads
Rajarshi Majumder, Jhilam Ray and Anindita Sen
48743: Europe 2020: an Alternative Proposal Downloads
Carlo Stagnaro
48739: Uno, nessuno o centomila? Tre miti sui prezzi dei carburanti in Italia (Three myths on gas prices in Italy) Downloads
Carlo Stagnaro
48738: Uncertainty and Heterogeneity in Returns to Education: Evidence from Finland Downloads
Otto Kässi
48734: Extension Reforms and Innovations in Technology Dissemination- ATMA Model in India Downloads
K.M. Singh, Burton E. Swanson, A.K. Jha and M.S. Meena
48733: Leverage ratios and Basel III: proposed Basel III leverage and supplementary leverage ratios Downloads
Marianne Ojo
48731: Do College Entrance Examination Scores Predict Undergraduate GPAs? A Tale of Two Universities Downloads
Chong-En Bai, Wei Chi and Xiaoye Qian
48727: Exploiting Zero-Inflated Consumption Data using Propensity Score Matching and the Infrequency of Purchase Model, with Application to Climate Change Policy Downloads
Nicholas Bardsley and Milena Buechs
48726: Credit Constraints and Demand for Higher Education: Evidence from Financial Deregulation Downloads
Stephen Teng Sun and Constantine Yannelis
48725: Sezession: Ein gefährliches Spiel (Secession: a dangerous game) Downloads
Malte Krueger
48724: The Sustainable Rate of Return of Defined-Contribution Pension Schemes Downloads
Sandro Gronchi and Sergio Nisticò
48723: Economic Miracle of Post-Soviet Space: Why Uzbekistan Managed to Achieve What No Other Post-Soviet State Achieved Downloads
Vladimir Popov
48722: Production of (Pleasant) Time by Means of (Unpleasant) Time: Some Notes on Consumption Theory and Time Use Downloads
Sergio Nisticò
48720: Gasoline price as social phenomenon Downloads
Vladimir Kossov and Elena Kossova
48718: Институциональный подход в экономической науке и к экономической науке (The institutional approach in economics and to economics) Downloads
Vladimir Yefimov
48717: Private Property Rights and Pollution in Emerging Market Economies Downloads
Zhenzeng Yang
48716: Post Keynesian Endogeneity of Money Supply: Panel Evidence Downloads
Sabri Nayan, Mahyudin Ahmad, Norsiah Kadir and Mat Saad Abdullah
48715: Time-Varying Interdependencies of Tourism and Economic Growth: Evidence from European Countries Downloads
Nikolaos Antonakakis, Mina Dragouni and George Filis
48714: Revisiting Energy Consumption and GDP: Evidence from Dynamic Panel Data Analysis Downloads
Sabri Nayan, Norsiah Kadir, Mahyudin Ahmad and Mat Saad Abdullah
48710: Variance ratios, structural breaks and nonrandom walk behaviour in the Indian stock returns Downloads
Gourishankar S Hiremath and Kamaiah Bandi
48709: Not all international monetary shocks are alike for the Japanese economy Downloads
Joaquin Vespignani and Ronald Ratti
48708: Trip-timing decisions with traffic incidents Downloads
Mogens Fosgerau and Charles Lindsey
48707: A link based network route choice model with unrestricted choice set Downloads
Mogens Fosgerau, Emma Frejinger and Anders Karlstrom
48699: Eficacia y asimetrías de los programas de delación en un contexto multi-mercado: un análisis del caso colombiano en el marco del TLC con Estados Unidos (Efficacy and asymmetries of the leniency programs on a multi-market context: an analysis of the Colombian case under the FTA with the U.S) Downloads
Dennis Sánchez Navarro
48698: Reti di trasporto nazionale e concorrenza nei mercati del gas: il caso Eni-Snam Rete Gas (Networks and competition in natural gas markets: the case of Eni-Snam Rete Gas) Downloads
Federico Testa and Carlo Stagnaro
48697: Exchange Rate Misalignments, Fiscal Federalism and Redistribution: How to Adjust in a Monetary Union Downloads
Vincent Duwicquet, Jacques Mazier and Jamel Saadaoui
48696: Financial Deepening and Economic Growth Downloads
Keshab Bhattarai
48695: The causal effect of venture capital backing on the underpricing of Italian IPOs Downloads
Luca Pennacchio
48693: Regional Policy and Regional Development: A Case Study of China's Western Development Strategy Downloads
Zheng Lu and Xiang Deng
48691: Understanding Profit and the Markets: The Canonical Model Downloads
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
48685: Value from Nowhere: a response to Dumenil and Levy (second submission) Downloads
Alan Freeman
48684: Value from Nowhere: a response to Dumenil and Levy (first submission) Downloads
Alan Freeman
48682: Spillover Effect in the MENA Area: Case of Four Financial Markets Downloads
Marwane El Alaoui and Saâd Benbachir
48680: Public Spending on Health and Childhood Mortality in India Downloads
Kaushalendra Kumar Kaushal, Faujdar Ram F Ram and Abhishek Singh Abhishek
48678: Association between obesity and selected morbidities: A study of BRICS Downloads
Ankita Shukla Ankita, Kaushalendra Kumar Kaushal and Abhishek Singh Abhishek
48677: Fiscal Policy Institutions and Economic Transition in North Africa Downloads
Guido Baldi
48675: A Contribution of Foreign Direct Investment, Clean Energy, Trade Openness, Carbon Emissions and Economic Growth to Energy Demand in UAE Downloads
Rashid Sbia, Muhammad Shahbaz and Helmi Hamdi
48672: Do Internal and International Remittances Matter to Health, Education and Labor of Children? The Case of Vietnam Downloads
Cuong Nguyen and Hoa Nguyen
48671: The Impact of Public Transfers on Poverty and Inequality: Evidence from rural Vietnam Downloads
Cuong Nguyen and Marrit Van den Berg
48667: The normal price. The case of the retail price of diesel fuel Downloads
Vladimir Kossov and Elena Kossova
48660: Does Urbanization Help Poverty Reduction in Rural Areas?Evidence from a Developing Country Downloads
Cuong Nguyen
48659: Spatial Variation in the Disability-Poverty Correlation: Evidence from Vietnam Downloads
Daniel Mont and Cuong Nguyen
48656: Do Minimum Wages Affect Firms’ Labor and Capital? Evidence from Vietnam Downloads
Cuong Nguyen
48655: Do Minimum Wage Increases Matter to Profitability of Private Firm? The Case of Vietnam Downloads
Cuong Nguyen
48652: Access To Basic Social Services: An Evaluation From The Viet Nam Household Living Standard Surveys Downloads
Cuong Nguyen and Long Giang
48651: Feed and Fodder Value Chains in Bihar: Some Empirical Evidences Downloads
K.M. Singh, R.K.P. Singh, A.K. Jha, Abhay Kumar, Anjani Kumar and M.S. Meena
48649: The dynamics of personal income distribution and inequality in the United States Downloads
Ivan Kitov and Oleg Kitov
48646: Trends in Value Theory since 1881 Downloads
Alan Freeman
48645: Value and Crisis Theory in the 'Great Recession' Downloads
Radhika Desai and Alan Freeman
48644: Beyond talking the talk: towards a critical pluralist practice Downloads
Alan Freeman and Andrew Kliman
48643: Military Expenditures and Inequality: Empirical Evidence from Israel Downloads
Meltem Ucal, Gokhan Karabulut and Mehmet Bilgin
48639: Measuring patterns of price movements in the Treasury bill futures market Downloads
Charles Dale and Rosemarie Workman
48637: Making Sense of the Rate of Profit Downloads
Alan Freeman
48636: Peculiarities of management accounting in Libya Downloads
Constanta Iacob and Abdelali Abdel Karim
48635: The discontents of Marxism Downloads
Alan Freeman
48634: Структурно-морфологический анализ бизнес-процессов коммерческого банка (Structural-morphological analysis of banking business processes) Downloads
Mikhail Rumyantsev
48633: Изоморфизм и гомоморфизм в имитационном моделировании (Isomorphism and homomorphism in simulation) Downloads
Mikhail Rumyantsev
48629: The City of Bandung: Unfolding the process of a Creative City Downloads
Adiwan Aritenang
48628: The concept of information poverty and how to measure it in the Latin American context Downloads
Gover Barja Daza and Bjorn-Soren Gigler
48626: Vínculos interregionales en la economía colombiana del siglo XIX: Empresariado del Caribe en el interior del país (Interregional links in Colombian economy during the 19th century: Caribbean entrepreneurship in the inland) Downloads
Javier Mejia
48625: Money, Labour and Logic: A Critical Comparison Downloads
Alan Freeman
48624: The Influence of Social Capital Dimensions on Household Participation in Micro-Credit Groups and Loan Repayment Performance in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya Downloads
Daniel Kangogo, Job Lagat and Gicuru Ithinji
48621: Comparisons of Chinese and Indian Energy Consumption Forecasting Models Downloads
Vipin Arora
48619: Crisis and ‘law of motion’ in economics: a critique of positivist Marxism Downloads
Alan Freeman
48618: Marxism without Marx: a note towards a critique Downloads
Alan Freeman
48617: Achieving Universal Literacy in Andhra Pradesh: Status and Prospects Downloads
Venkatanarayana Motkuri and Ravi Chaganti
48615: What explains the recent fluctuations in Japan's output? A structural factor analysis of Japan's industrial production Downloads
Ichiro Muto, Yusuke Kumano and Akihiro Nakano
48613: Challenges of Critical and Emancipatory Design Science Research: The Design of ‘Possible Worlds’ as Response Downloads
Marcel Heusinger
48612: Determinants of capital Structure: comparison of empirical evidence for the use of different estimators Downloads
Aviral Tiwari and Raveesh Krishnankutty
48611: An empirical study of factors influencing adoption of Internet banking among students of higher education: Evidence from Pakistan Downloads
Abdul Kabeer Kazi
48610: Multimarket Contact in Italian Retail Banking: Competition and Welfare Downloads
Jozsef Molnar, Roberto Violi and Xiaolan Zhou
48609: Testing the relationship between FDI inflow and out flow in India: a critical analysis Downloads
Raveesh Krishnankutty
48606: Ce vrem să fie costul ? (What we want to be the cost?) Downloads
Constanta Iacob and Abdelali Abdel Karim
48603: Does Agricultural Productivity Growth Promote a Dynamic Comparative Advantage in the Manufacturing Sector? Downloads
Keita Kamei
48600: How do Different Government Spending Categories Impact on Private Consumption and the Real Exchange Rate? Downloads
Guido Baldi
48598: Diseño institucional e incentivos implicitos en la descentralización Boliviana (1994-2008) (Institutional design and implicit incentives in Bolivia's decentralization model (1994-2008)) Downloads
Gover Baja Daza, Sergio Villarroel Böhrt and David Zavaleta
48593: Caste and Rural Youth in India: Education, Skills and Employment Downloads
Venkatanarayana Motkuri
48591: К вопросу оценки адекватности имитационных моделей банковских бизнес-процессов (On the problem of the adequacy estimation of simulation models of the banking business processes) Downloads
Mikhail Rumyantsev
48590: Are the Bombay stock Exchange Sectoral indices of Indian stock market cointegrated? Evidence using fractional cointegration test Downloads
Raveesh Krishnankutty and Aviral Tiwari
48589: Гибридная имитационная модель отделения банка как системы массового обслуживания: роль человеческого фактора (A hybrid simulation model of bank branch considered as system of queuing: the role of human factor) Downloads
Mikhail Rumyantsev
48587: К проблеме формализации бизнес-процессов коммерческого банка (On the problem of the formalization of business processes of the banking) Downloads
Mikhail Rumyantsev
48586: Обобщенная математическая модель коммерческого банка (A generalized mathematical model for the commercial bank) Downloads
Mikhail Rumyantsev
48585: Education and Mortality in India Downloads
Venkatanarayana Motkuri and Uday Shankar Mishra
48584: Economic Growth and Levels of Living in India Downloads
Venkatanarayana Motkuri
48583: Моделирование деятельности финансово-кредитного учреждения средствами системной динамики (Modeling the activities of the financial-credit institution with means of system dynamics) Downloads
Mikhail Rumyantsev
48582: Relative Deprivation in China Downloads
Xi Chen
48577: The accuracy of graphs to describe size distributions Downloads
Rafael González-Val, Arturo Ramos and Fernando Sanz-Gracia
48575: Minimising Misery: A New Strategy for Public Policies Instead of Maximising Happiness? Downloads
Orsolya Lelkes
48573: Firm heterogeneity in TFP, sectoral innovation and geography. Evidence from Italy Downloads
Francesco Aiello, Valeria Pupo and Fernanda Ricotta
48572: Information sources on tourism demand: a comparison Downloads
Antonio Giusti, Laura Grassini and Alessandro Viviani
Page updated 2025-03-25
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