MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 23244: Agency Conflicts and Corporate Payout Policies: A Global Study

- Söhnke Bartram, Philip Brown, Janice C.Y. How and Peter Verhoeven
- 23243: Adjustment of the Auxiliary Variable(s) for Estimation of a Finite Population Mean

- Ayesha Nazuk, Nadir Sadia and Shabbir Javid
- 23240: The performance of four possible rules for selecting the Prime Minister after the Dutch Parliamentary elections of June 2010

- Thomas Colignatus
- 23239: Group Lending Scheme operating through Primary Agricultural Credit Society: A Critical Assessment

- Amit Kundu and Mitra Suranjana
- 23237: Principal Constituents Decomposition of Economic Development—A Domestic Level Analysis of Sub-Saharan African Countries

- Binbin Deng
- 23235: Forecasting The Pricing Kernel of IBNR Claims Development In Property-Casualty Insurance

- Godfrey Cadogan
- 23230: Do international remittances cause Dutch disease?

- Edsel Beja
- 23228: Deslocalización empresarial e inversión directa internacional (Offshoring and international investment)

- María de las Viñas Gallardo Ramiro
- 23225: Twitter Adoption in Congress: Who Tweets First?

- Feng Chi and Nathan Yang
- 23224: Regression Anatomy, Revealed

- Valerio Filoso
- 23223: Who does the chores? Estimation of a household production function in Peru

- Luis García
- 23222: Does land abundance explain African institutions?

- James Fenske
- 23221: Macroeconomic Production Functions for Eastern Europe

- Oldrich Kyn and Ludmila Kyn
- 23218: Optimal Auditing in a Dynamic Model of Tax Compliance

- B Ravikumar and Yuzhe Zhang
- 23217: Holding together regionalism and the interaction of functional bureaucracies

- Alexander Libman and Evgeny Vinokurov
- 23216: Borrowing Constraint as an Optimal Contract

- Borys Grochulski and Yuzhe Zhang
- 23214: Unemployment Insurance with Hidden Savings

- Matthew Mitchell and Yuzhe Zhang
- 23210: La información segmentada y el sistema de información de gestión para la toma de decisiones de inversión internacional: El caso de Indiex, S. A (Segment reporting and management information for international investment decision making: Inditex, S.A)

- María de las Viñas Gallardo Ramiro
- 23207: 人口结构转变过程中生育率与经济增长的关系 (Fertility and Economic Growth in the Process of Demographic Transition)

- Binbin Deng
- 23206: Schooling and Wage Revisited: Does Higher IQ Really Give You Higher Income?

- Binbin Deng
- 23205: Domestic borrowing without the rate of interest: gharar and the origins of sukuk

- Murat Cizakca
- 23203: Estimating ordered categorical variables using panel data: a generalized ordered probit model with an autofit procedure

- Christian Pfarr, Andreas Schmid and Udo Schneider
- 23200: The Impact of E-banking on Customer Satisfaction in Nigeria

- Ahmad Dogarawa
- 23198: Challenges of Bank Consolidation to the Central Bank of Nigeria: A Descriptive Analysis

- Ahmad Dogarawa
- 23195: The Economics of Currency Redenomination: An Appraisal of CBN Redenomination Proposal

- Ahmad Dogarawa
- 23194: Marriage and Divorce in Islam

- Ahmad Dogarawa
- 23192: Islamic Social Welfare and the Role of Zakah in the Family System

- Ahmad Dogarawa
- 23191: Poverty Alleviation through Zakah and Waqf Institutions: A Case for the Muslim Ummah in Ghana

- Ahmad Dogarawa
- 23190: Technological advantage and market loss: Siemens and the X-ray machine business in Japan (1900–1960)

- Pierre-Yves Donzé
- 23184: The Political Economy of Globalization – Revisiting Stephen Hymer 50 Years On

- John Dunning and Christos Pitelis
- 23183: Globalización, ciclos económicos y crisis global, 2007-2010 (Globalization, business cycles and global crisis, 2007-2010)

- Antonio Ruiz-Porras
- 23182: Market concentration measures and investment decisions in Mexican manufacturing firms

- Celina Lopez-Mateo and Antonio Ruiz-Porras
- 23180: Edith Penrose’s ‘The Theory of the Growth of the Firm’ Fifty Years Later

- Christos Pitelis
- 23179: Privatización, competencia por depósitos y desempeño bancarios (Privatization, competition for deposits and performance in banking)

- Antonio Ruiz-Porras
- 23177: Modelos estocásticos para el precio spot y del futuro de commodities con alta volatilidad y reversión a la media (Stochastic models for the spot and future prices of commodities with high volatility and mean reversion)

- Victor Manuel García de la Vega and Antonio Ruiz-Porras
- 23176: ATM Direct Charging Reform: the Effect of Independent Deployers on Welfare

- Jocelyn Donze and Isabelle Dubec
- 23175: Microenvironment-specific Effects in the Application Credit Scoring Model

- Alesia S. Khudnitskaya
- 23173: Δυναμική του χρέους, ‘δίδυμα ελλείμματα’ και διεθνής ανταγωνιστικότητα της ελληνικής οικονομίας (Debt dynamics, ‘twin deficits’ and international competitiveness of the Greek economy)

- Theodore Mariolis and Κostas Papoulis
- 23168: Active Labour Market Policies in Denmark: A Comparative Analysis of Post-Program Effects

- Guillaume Blache
- 23167: The Flexibility-Security Nexus in Transitional Labour Markets: An empirical analysis

- Guillaume Blache
- 23166: Can Financial Openness Help Avoid Currency Crises?

- Gus Garita and Chen Zhou
- 23164: Households’ Willingness to Pay for Undergrounding Electricity and Telecommunications Wires

- Ben McNair, Jeffrey Bennett and David A. Hensher
- 23163: A comparison of responses to single and repeated discrete choice questions

- Ben McNair, Jeffrey Bennett and David A. Hensher
- 23162: An Examination of Ethical Dilemmas in the Nigerian Banking Sector

- Dogarawa Ahmad Bello
- 23161: The Role of Cooperative Societies in Economic Development

- Dogarawa Ahmad Bello
- 23160: Control variates for variance reduction in indirect inference: interest rate models in continuous time

- Giorgio Calzolari, Francesca Di Iorio and Gabriele Fiorentini
- 23158: Transfert de technologie dans une ville carrée à deux dimensions avec cout de transport quadratique

- Fehmi Bouguezzi
- 23157: On contractual solutions to hold-up problems with quality uncertainty and unobservable investments

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 23154: El éxito de Inditex y la sombra de Hennes and Mauritz. Diferencias en la dirección estratégica (Inditex succes, Hennes and Maurtiz's shade and their strategic management)

- María de las Viñas Gallardo Ramiro
- 23153: Simulation Based Estimation of Discrete Sequential Move Games of Perfect Information

- Yafeng Wang and Brett Graham
- 23150: Estimation and inference in unstable nonlinear least squares models

- Otilia Boldea and Alastair R. Hall
- 23149: Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Multivariate Normal Mixture Model

- Otilia Boldea and Jan Magnus
- 23143: Household Demand for Solid Waste Disposal Options in Malaysia

- Chuen-Khee Pek and Jamal Othman
- 23139: Combating Poverty Through Self Reliance: The Islamic Approach

- Dogarawa Ahmad Bello
- 23137: The Climatic Origins of the Neolithic Revolution: Theory and Evidence

- Quamrul Ashraf and Stelios Michalopoulos
- 23136: Trade and Geography in the Economic Origins of Islam: Theory and Evidence

- Stelios Michalopoulos, Alireza Naghavi and Giovanni Prarolo
- 23132: Drivers of change or cut-throat competitors? Challenging Cultures of Innovation of Chinese and Nigerian migrant entrepreneurs in West Africa

- Dirk Kohnert
- 23129: Choice of exchange rate regimes for African countries: Fixed or Flexible Exchange rate regimes?

- Kisu Simwaka
- 23126: Solid Waste Disposal: A Choice Experiment Experience in Malaysia

- Chuen-Khee Pek and Jamal Othman
- 23125: A Contingent Valuation Estimation of Hill Recreational and Services Values in Malaysia

- Chuen-Khee Pek, Chee-Hoong Tee and Phuay-Ying Ng
- 23124: Which “Greenness” is Valued? Evidence from Green Condominiums in Tokyo

- Jiro Yoshida and Ayako Sugiura
- 23123: La conjoncture économique dans la région Asie-Pacifique après la crise des subprime (The economic tendency in the Asia-Pacific area after the subprime crisis)

- Gael Lagadec and Catherine Ris
- 23120: Institutions in African history and development: A review essay

- James Fenske
- 23119: Trade Policy and Export Performance in Morocco

- Peter Walkenhorst and Mariem Malouche
- 23118: Institutions and Economic Performance: Cross-Country Tests Using Alternative Institutional Indicators

- Stephen Knack and Philip Keefer
- 23117: Rewarding my Self. The role of Self Esteem and Self Determination in Motivation Crowding Theory

- Bruna Bruno
- 23115: Social identity, group composition and public good provision: an experimental study

- Surajeet Chakravarty and Miguel Fonseca
- 23111: Official intervention in Foreign Exchange Market in Malawi: A comparison of GARCH and Equilibrium Exchange Rate approaches

- Kisu Simwaka and Leslie Mkandawire
- 23109: Microfoundations of Inflation Persistence in the New Keynesian Phillips Curve

- Marcelle Chauvet and Kim Insu
- 23108: Dynamic Contracting with Persistent Shocks

- Yuzhe Zhang
- 23107: Stochastic optimal growth with a non-compact state space

- Yuzhe Zhang
- 23103: Relative and Absolute Preference for Quality

- Constantine Angyridis and Debapriya Sen
- 23099: The Plight of Mixed Race Adolescents

- Roland G. Fryer, Steven Levitt, Lisa Kahn and Jörg Spenkuch
- 23097: Competitive Industrial Performance Index and It’s Drivers: Case of Turkey and Selected Countries

- Nese Kumral, Çağaçan Değer and Burcu Türkcan
- 23096: Co-movement between Commodity Market and Equity Market: Does Commodity Market Change?

- Nobuyoshi Yamori
- 23095: Islam and Christianity: symbiosis of civilizations

- Murat Cizakca
- 23094: Clusters and Loops of the German Phillips Curve

- Georg Quaas and Mathias Klein
- 23090: Multi-Factor Bottom-Up Model for Pricing Credit Derivatives

- L. K. Tsui
- 23089: Two Perspectives on Multiskilling and Product Market Volatility

- Jed DeVaro and Martin Farnham
- 23088: A neo-Ricardian critique of the traditional static theory of trade, customs unions and common markets

- Theodore Mariolis
- 23086: Local employment policies in the context of the economic crisis:Influences of the European Community structural instruments

- Lucica Matei and Ani Matei
- 23085: Reducing the administrative expenditures as source for increasing the efficiency of local governance under conditions of the financial crisis

- Ani Matei and Lucica Matei
- 23084: La décision d'innovation: cas des entreprises Tunisiennes de services (Explaining the decisions to innovate: the case of Tunisian service firms)

- Hanen Sdiri and Mohamed Ayadi
- 23083: Regional efficiency of knowledge economy in the new EU countries: The Romanian and Bulgarian case

- Monica Roman
- 23082: Discounting Revisited. Valuations under Funding Costs, Counterparty Risk and Collateralization

- Christian Fries
- 23078: The role of the Plan

- Oldrich Kyn
- 23074: Condensed version of the OECD foreign trade by commodities tapes

- Carlo Bianchi and Giorgio Calzolari
- 23073: Stochastic simulation: a package for Monte Carlo experiments on econometric models

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari and Paolo Corsi
- 23070: Cobb-Douglas生产函数和效用函数下的均衡分析 (An Equilibrium Analysis under Cobb-Douglas Production and Utility Functions)

- Wu Li
- 23069: Companion for “Statistics for Business and Economics” by Paul Newbold, William L. Carlson and Betty Thorne

- Kairat Mynbaev
- 23067: An Empirical Study of Dividend Payout and Future Earnings in Singapore

- King Fuei Lee
- 23066: Retail Minority Shareholders and Corporate Reputation as Determinant of Dividend Policy in Australia

- King Fuei Lee
- 23065: Possible approaches to benchmarking voluntary health insurance funds in Bulgaria

- Petko Salchev, Nikolai Hristov and Lydia Georgieva
- 23063: User defined functions and operators

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari and Paolo Corsi
- 23062: Utilizing a program loaded into the user program area to load another module in the same user program area

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari and Paolo Corsi
- 23061: Interactive management of time series

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari and Paoli Corsi
- 23057: The spatial diffusion of social conformity: the case of voting participation

- Stephen Coleman
- 23053: Does the institution of State Business Relations matter for Firm Performance? – A study of Indian Manufacturing

- Vinish Kathuria, Rajesh Raj and Kunal Sen
- 23049: Capitalization and Privatization in Bolivia: An Aproximation to an Evaluation

- Gover Barja Daza and Miguel Urquiola
- 23048: Se Puede Mejorar el Sistema de Ingreso a las Universidades Chilenas? El uso del ranking en la Universidad Catolica de Chile, Universidad de Chile y Universidad de Santiago de Chile (Can the Chilean university entrance systems be improved? The use of High School ranking in the University of Chile, The Catholic University of Chile and The Santiago University)

- Francisco Meneses, Alvaro Parra and Zenteno, Luis/L
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