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3110: Driven to distraction: Extraneous events and underreaction to earnings news Downloads
David Hirshleifer, Sonya Lim and Siew Hong Teoh
3109: Stock market misvaluation and corporate investment Downloads
Ming Dong, David Hirshleifer and Siew Hong Teoh
3107: Obstaculos al comercio en el TLCAN: el caso del transporte de carga (NAFTA Trade Obstacles: The Case of Cargo Transportation) Downloads
Eduardo Mendoza and Eliseo Diaz-Gonzalez
3105: Determinantes Regionales de la Industria Maquiladora de Exportación en los Estados de la Frontera Norte (Regional determinants of the export maquiladora industry in the Northern Border states of Mexico) Downloads
Jorge Mendoza and Cuauhtemoc Calderon Villarreal
3102: La transformation postsocialiste chinoise: ouverture économique et contrainte extérieure (Chinese postsocialist transformation: economic opening and external constraint) Downloads
Ilyess El Karouni and Sebastien Charles
3100: Non-linear models: applications in economics Downloads
Lucian Albu
3098: Minimization of Keane’s Bump Function by the Repulsive Particle Swarm and the Differential Evolution Methods Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
3094: Marco Regulatorio del Mercado Eléctrico Argentino: Modificaciones y consecuencias hacia el futuro del sector (Regulations of the Argentine Electrical Market: Modifications and consequences towards the future of the sector) Downloads
Leandro Cerutti
3089: Organizations as congitive systems:what do they process and deliver? Downloads
Lucio Biggiero
3088: Robust Correlates of County-Level Growth in the U.S Downloads
Matthew Higgins, Andrew Young and Daniel Levy
3087: Institutions as Knowledge Capital: Ludwig M. Lachmann’s Interpretative Institutionalism Downloads
Nicolai Foss and Giampaolo Garzarelli
3086: Equilibrium exchange rate theories under flexible exchange rate regimes Downloads
Rosaria Rita Canale
3085: THE Economics of Match-Fixing Downloads
Raul Caruso
3084: The Determinants and Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment Downloads
Delali Accolley
3081: Private Investment and Cash Flow Relationship Revisited: Capital Market Imperfections and Financialization of Real Sectors in Emerging Markets Downloads
Firat Demir
3080: Volatility of short term capital flows, financial anarchy and private investment in emerging markets Downloads
Firat Demir
3079: What Happens to Wages After Displacement? Downloads
David Kaplan, Gabriel Martinez and Raymond Robertson
3078: Retailer Compliance as a Predictor of Youth Smoking Participation and Consumption Downloads
Alan Diener, Rashid Ahmed, Judy Snider and Murray Kaiserman
Eduardo Manuel
3075: Politics Remains but Economics Leads and Peace Follows: Making a Case for India-Pakistan Peace Process in line with China Model Downloads
Dawood Mamoon and S. Mansoob Murshed
3068: Que critérios redistributivos na Lei das Finanças Locais? (What kind of criteria in the Portuguese Local Finances Law?) Downloads
Paulo Mourão
3067: A Informação em Economia - uma síntese (The Information by Economics - a synthesis) Downloads
Paulo Mourão
3066: La Economia y Las Uvas de la ira (Talking about economics using The Grapes of Wrath) Downloads
Paulo Mourão
3065: Incentivos à localização em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro - os séculos XII a XVI (Incentives for locating people in Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro (Portugal) - from the centuries XII to XVI) Downloads
Paulo Mourão
3064: Contributo para o estudo económico dos indicadores regionais (About the economic study of regional indicators) Downloads
Paulo Mourão
3062: Antecipar a “Revolta na Bounty”. Viagem pela avaliação de alunos e docentes (Anticipating the Mutiny on the Bounty - a trip through the evaluation of students and teachers) Downloads
Paulo Mourão
3061: Asas para Voar - Estudo sobre o Crescimento e Crise de uma Região Europeia (Wings for Flying - A study about the growth and the crisis of an European region) Downloads
Paulo Mourão
3060: Os Pecados da Ciência (The Sins of Science) Downloads
Paulo Mourão
3059: Treatment of Consumption in Islamic Economics: An Appraisal Downloads
Zubair Hasan
3054: How to Reduce the Risk Of Banking Problems Downloads
Tosson Deabes
3049: Individual learning: theory formation, and feedback in a complex task Downloads
Marco Novarese and Alessandro Lanteri
3048: Discussion of "The Pricing Behavior of Firms in the Euro Area: New Survey Evidence," by Fabiani, S., et al. (2004) Downloads
Daniel Levy
3047: Discussion of "Lumpy Price Adjustments: A Microeconometric Analysis" by Dhyne, et al. (2007) Downloads
Daniel Levy
3046: Want Economic Growth with Good Quality Institutions? Spend on Education Downloads
Dawood Mamoon and Mansoob Murshed
3045: Relative Factor Return Gaps in Labour Markets and Global Integration Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
3030: National Innovation Systems in Angola and Mozambique Downloads
Eduardo Manuel
3028: Globalisation, Development, and Muslim Countries Downloads
Zubair Hasan
3027: Determinants of Human Resource Development: an empirical analysis Downloads
Zubair Hasan
3016: Possibilities of increasing the efficiency of using human resources in tourism Downloads
Raluca Sava and Carmen Comaniciu
3013: Determination of Profit and Loss Sharing Ratios in Interest-Free Business Finance Downloads
Zubair Hasan
3012: Profit Theory: the Islamic viewpoint Downloads
Zubair Hasan
3011: Economic Development in Islamic Perspective: Concept, Objectives, and Some Issues Downloads
Zubair Hasan
3009: The New World Order, Muslim Predicament, and the way out Downloads
Zubair Hasan
3008: Catching-up with the west in economic development: the case of Malaysia Downloads
Zubair Hasan
3007: Determinants of Human Resource Development: an empirical analysis Downloads
Zubair Hasan
3006: Maximisation postulates and their efficacy for Islamic economics Downloads
Zubair Hasan
3005: Book Review: Human Resource Development in a Knowledge-Based Economy Downloads
Zubair Hasan
3004: Comments on 'Efficiency of Islamic Banks in Malaysia' Downloads
Zubair Hasan
3003: Comments on 'Poverty elimination in an Islamic perspective: an applied general equilibrium approach' Downloads
Zubair Hasan
2995: How Globalisation Shapes Public Policy? A Case of Azerbaijan Downloads
Alexi Gugushvili
2994: Análise do Desempenho Recente de Fundos de Investimento no Brasil (Recent Performance Analysis of Mutual Funds in Brazil) Downloads
Nelson Fonseca, Aureliano Bressan, Robert Iquiapaza and João Guerra
2991: The Approach to Seasonal Unemployment in the Nordic Countries: A Comparison with Canada Downloads
Patrick Grady and Constantine Kapsalis
2990: Nafta and industrial efficiency in Baja California Downloads
Martin Ramirez-Urquidy and Alejandro Mungaray
2989: Seattle and Beyond: The WTO Millennium Round Downloads
Patrick Grady and Kathleen Macmillan
2988: Interprovincial Barriers to Labour Mobility in Canada:Policy, Knowledge Gaps and Research Issues Downloads
Patrick Grady and Kathleen Macmillan
2987: Instituciones y Cambio Economico: El Caso de Baja California (Institutions and Economic Change: The Experience of Baja California) Downloads
Martin Ramirez-Urquidy and Ana Barbara Mungaray
2985: Technology policy: patent protection and industrial R&D subsidies in Turkey Downloads
Alkan Soyak
2984: Rational Interacting Agents and Volatility Clustering: A New Approach Downloads
Hammad Siddiqi
2983: Nobel İktisat Ödülleri Üzerine Bir Yorum (An Interpretation on Nobel Prizes in Economic Sciences) Downloads
Alkan Soyak
2981: Islamization of Knowledge in Economics: Issues and Agenda Downloads
Zubair Hasan
2980: Book Review: “An Introduction to Islamic Economics” by Akram Khan Downloads
Zubair Hasan
2979: Review of 'Islam and economic development' by Chapra, M. U Downloads
Zubair Hasan
2978: Book Review: “Teaching Economics in Islamic Perspective“ By M.N.Siddiqi Downloads
Zubair Hasan
2977: Measuring efficiency of Islamic banks: criteria, methods, and social priorities Downloads
Zubair Hasan
2976: Switching to a sustainable efficient extraction path Downloads
Andrei Bazhanov
2975: Accelerating the calibration of stochastic volatility models Downloads
Fiodar Kilin
2970: Generalization of regression analysis to the spatial context Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
2968: Simulation based approach for measuring concentration risk Downloads
Joocheol Kim and Duyeol Lee
2962: Testing for Granger causality between stock prices and economic growth Downloads
Pasquale Foresti
2961: Is Latin America an Optimal Currency Area? Evidence from a Structural Vector Auto-regression analysis Downloads
Pasquale Foresti
2958: An experimental analysis of moral hazard in team Downloads
Francisco Costa
2954: CSR and Social Marketing: What is the desired role for Universities in fostering Public Policies? Downloads
João Leitão and Maria José Silva
2952: The impact of post-9/11 visa policies on travel to the United States Downloads
Brent Neiman and Phillip Swagel
2951: Mudaraba as a mode of finance in Islamic banking: theory, practice and problems Downloads
Zubair Hasan
2948: The 1997-98 Financial Crisis in Malaysia: Causes, Response, and Results Downloads
Zubair Hasan
2947: Preferential trade agreements and agricultural trade liberalization in Asia and the Pacific Downloads
Mia Mikic
2946: The 1997-98 financial crisis in Malaysia: causes, response, and results – A Rejoinder Downloads
Zubair Hasan
2945: An Evaluation of the Exchange Rate Forecasting Performance of the New Keynesian Model Downloads
Francis Vitek
2925: A Contribution to Theory Building for Mobile Marketing: Categorizing Mobile Marketing Campaigns through Case Study Research Downloads
Key Pousttchi and Dietmar Georg Wiedemann
2924: Understanding Effects and Determinants of Mobile Support Tools: A Usability-Centered Field Study on IT Service Technicians Downloads
Key Pousttchi and Bettina Thurnher
2923: Security Issues in Mobile Payment from the Customer Viewpoint Downloads
K. Linck, Key Pousttchi and Dietmar Georg Wiedemann
2922: The “Mobility-M”-framework for Application of Mobile Technology in Business Processes Downloads
Andreas Gumpp and Key Pousttchi
2921: Payment Procedures for Electronic Government Services Downloads
Key Pousttchi and Dietmar Georg Wiedemann
2919: Suitability of Mobile Communication Techniques for the Business Processes of Intervention Forces Downloads
Bettina Bazijanec and Key Pousttchi
2916: An Approach for Assessment of Electronic Offers Downloads
Bettina Bazijanec, Key Pousttchi and Klaus Turowski
2915: An Analysis of the Mobile Payment Problem in Europe Downloads
Key Pousttchi
2913: Assessment of Today’s Mobile Banking Applications from the View of Customer Requirements Downloads
Key Pousttchi and Martin Schurig
2912: Conditions for acceptance and usage of mobile payment procedures Downloads
Key Pousttchi
2911: Current Mobile Payment Procedures on the German Market from the View of Customer Requirements Downloads
Key Pousttchi and M. Zenker
2910: Standardized Payment Procedures as Key Enabling Factor for Mobile Commerce Downloads
Nina Kreyer, Key Pousttchi and Klaus Turowski
2909: KÜRESELLEŞME SÜRECİNDE IMF POLİTİKALARININ SONUÇLARI: AZERBAYCAN DENEYİMİ (The Consequences of IMF's Policies in the Globalization Process: The Case of Azerbaijan) Downloads
Alkan Soyak and Zenfira Nesirova
2906: Türkiye'de İktisadi Planlama: Devlet Planlama Teşkilatına İhtiyaç Var mı? (ECONOMIC PLANNING IN TURKEY:IS THERE A NEED THE STATE PLANNING ORGANIZATION?) Downloads
Alkan Soyak
Hacer Ansal and Alkan Soyak
Alkan Soyak
2895: Conditional R&D Subsidies Downloads
Gamal Atallah
2894: Foreign Investment in Chinese Joint Stock Banks: 1996-2006 Downloads
Kodjo Abotsi
2892: Unternehmerische Entscheidung im Innovationskontext genossenschaftlicher Organisationen: Eine fallstudienbasierte Analyse (Entrepreneurial decision-making in cooperative organizations - a case study research) Downloads
Daniel Brunner and Tim Voigt
2891: On the stability of endogenous growth models: an evaluation of the agents’ response to output fluctuations Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2890: Stability analysis in a monetary model with a varying intertemporal elasticity of substitution Downloads
Orlando Gomes
2889: On the allocation of credit and aggregate fluctuations Downloads
Orlando Gomes
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