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65919: How to make a carbon tax reform progressive: The role of subsistence consumption Downloads
David Klenert and Linus Mattauch
65918: Economic Impact of Cruise Ships Passengers in Portland, Maine Downloads
Todd Gabe and James Mcconnon
65917: Medical Costs of Childhood Obesity in Maine Downloads
Todd Gabe
65915: Achieving Universal Coverage; Lessons from the Experience of Other Countries for National Health Insurance Implementation in Indonesia Downloads
Misnaniarti Misnaniarti and Dumilah Ayuningtyas
65914: A proposed design of ANPR System utilizing short range wireless technologies Downloads
Razi Iqbal and Dawer Saeed
65913: A Global Lending Channel Unplugged? Does U.S. Monetary Policy Affect Cross-border and Affiliate Lending by Global U.S. Banks? Downloads
Judit Temesvary, Steven Ongena and Ann Owen
65912: Improving Customer Experience in Mental Health Service: A case Study of Ivy Willis House Downloads
Waheed Azeez
65911: Local Economic Impacts of Popular Music Concerts Downloads
Todd Gabe and Nicholas Lisac
65910: Development of the Cross-cultural Readiness Exposure Scale (CRES) Downloads
Emmanuel Jean Francois
65909: Qualitative – Attitude Research To Determine the Employee Opinion of a Business Hotel in Istanbul - Turkey Downloads
Ahmet Ferda Seymen
65908: Types of knowledge and diversity of business-academia collaborations: Implications for measurement and policy Downloads
Attila Havas
65907: Job specifications for teaching HRM at university level Downloads
Jibran Bashir and Sara Afzal
65906: Household Risksharing Channels Downloads
Pierfederico Asdrubali, Simone Tedeschi and Luigi Ventura
65905: ALIRAN MODAL MASUK (CAPITAL INFLOWS) DAN IMPLIKASINYA BAGI PEREKONOMIAN INDONESIA (The Implications of the Capital Inflows on Indonesian Economy) Downloads
Muhammad Nizar
65903: The relative effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on growth: what does long-run SVAR model tell us? Downloads
Hüseyin Şen and Ayşe Kaya
65901: Implied volatility transmissions between Thai and selected advanced stock markets Downloads
Supachok Thakolsri, Yuthana Sethapramote and Komain Jiranyakul
65900: The oil cycle, the Federal Reserve, and the monetary and exchange rate policies of Qatar Downloads
Alkhater Khalid Rashid and Basher Syed Abul
65898: Southwest as the new internal migration destination in Turkey Downloads
Ali Akarca and Aysıt Tansel
65897: Le multiplicateur keynésien en récession: Pourquoi une relance est-elle davantage nécessaire aujourd'hui en zone Euro ? (The keynesian multiplier in recession: why fiscal stimulus is now even more necessary in the Eurozone?) Downloads
Sebastien Charles, Thomas Dallery and Jonathan Marie
65896: A unified framework for incorporating decision-.making into explanations of business failure Downloads
Joseph Amankwah-Amoah
65895: Modeling and Applied Research in Sustainable Development Downloads
Xiangyu Zeng and Zhezhao Zeng
65894: International evidence on the link between foreign direct investment and economic freedom Downloads
W.N.w Azman-Saini, Yin-Li Tun and Saifuzzaman Ibhrahim
65893: Разрыв между Югом и Западом по уровню экономического развития сокращается? (Catching up: Developing countries in pursuit of growth) Downloads
Vladimir Popov
65892: Measuring economic inequality and risk: a unifying approach based on personal gambles, societal preferences and references Downloads
Francesca Greselin and Ricardas Zitikis
65891: Sraffa and the Labour Theory of Value - a note Downloads
Fabio Anderaos de Araujo
65888: Identification through Heteroscedasticity: What If We Have the Wrong Form of Heteroscedasticity? Downloads
Tak Wai Chau
65887: Ethics Based Model for Change Management Downloads
Jibran Bashir and Sara Afzal
65884: Tax Smoothing: Tests on Indonesian Data Downloads
Rudi Kurniawan
65883: Sustainability of Fiscal Policy and Government Revenue-Expenditure Nexus: The Experience of Indonesia Downloads
Rudi Kurniawan
65882: Social Interactions Through Space and Time: Evidence from College Enrollment and Academic Mobility Downloads
Sofoklis Goulas and Rigissa Megalokonomou
65878: Catching Up: Developing Countries in Pursuit of Growth Downloads
Vladimir Popov
65875: Institutional Investors, Annual Reports, Textual Analysis and Stock Returns: Evidence from SEC EDGAR 10-K and 13-F Forms Downloads
Andreas Chouliaras
65874: Keeping up with the e-Joneses: Do online social networks raise social comparisons? Downloads
Fabio Sabatini and Francesco Sarracino
Muhammad Nizar
65866: The k-NN algorithm for compositional data: a revised approach with and without zero values present Downloads
Michail Tsagris
65865: Real Time Monitoring of Carbon Monoxide Using Value-at-Risk Measure and Control Charting Downloads
Sotirios Bersimis, Stavros Degiannakis and Dimitrios Georgakellos
65859: Parameterstabilität in hedonischen Bodenpreismodellen (Stability of Parameters in Hedonic Urban Land Price Models) Downloads
Robert Wieser
65857: Environmental awareness of nations: the interplay with institutional transformation Downloads
Janna Smirnova
65855: The Privacy and Security of An Identification Card: Malaysian Perspective Downloads
Muhammad Hafiz Mohd Shukri
65852: FDI and economic growth: new evidence on the role of financial markets Downloads
W.N.w Azman-Saini, Siong Hook Law and Abdul Halim Ahmad
65851: Can civilian disability pensions overcome the poverty issue? A DSGE analysis for Italian data Downloads
Massimiliano Agovino and Maria Ferrara
65850: Out of Equilibrium: Bases, Basics, Policies, and Accounts Downloads
Antonio Bianco
65849: Relationship Banking, Shadow Banking, and the Economics of Depression Downloads
Antonio Bianco
65848: Yards implementation of Basel prudential framework and IFRS: some ideas for African banks (The yards of implementation of Basel prudential and IFRS: some ideas for African banks) Downloads
Tidiani Sidibe
65847: Determining the relationship between financial development and economic growth: An application of ARDL technique to Singapore Downloads
Zaky Jailani and Abul Masih
65845: Does the conventional benchmark prop up non-performing loans in Islamic banks? A case study of Malaysia with ARDL Approach Downloads
Shinaj Valangattil Shamsudheen and Abul Masih
65842: Process innovations, patent litigation and time effects Downloads
Martin Barrenechea
65840: Islamic banking: 40 years later, still interest-based? Evidence from Malaysia Downloads
Rosana Gulzar and Abul Masih
65837: Remittances and economic growth nexus: Do financial development and investment act as transmission channels? An ARDL bounds approach Downloads
Syed Najibullah and Abul Masih
65836: Finance and growth: new evidence on the role of insurance Downloads
W.N.w Azman-Saini and Peter Smith
65834: Do US policy uncertainty, leveraging costs and global risk aversion impact emerging market equities? An application of bounds testing approach to the BRICS Downloads
Ebaad Momin and Abul Masih
65831: Causality between financial development and economic growth, and the Islamic finance imperative: A case study of Indonesia Downloads
Mohamed Ayaz Mohamed Ismail and Abul Masih
65828: Socially responsible investment and Shariah-compliant investment compared: Can investors benefit from diversification? An ARDL approach Downloads
Mohammad Ashraful Chowdhury and Abul Masih
65826: Analyzing the impact of financial sector growth on female empowerment: A focus on the United States of America Downloads
Anam Tariq and Abul Masih
65824: Правовое закрепление субъектми Российской Федерации принципов муниципальной службы (Legal fixing of a subjektma of the Russian Federation of the principles of municipal service) Downloads
Viktor Muravchenko
65823: Stabilising and Destabilising Factors in 14 EU Housing Markets Downloads
Robert Wieser
65819: Инвестиции в агропромышленный комплекс Омской области (Investments into agro-industrial complex of the Omsk region) Downloads
Yana Egorova
65818: Finance, growth and human development: An Islamic economic development perspective Downloads
Md Akther Uddin and Abul Masih
65817: Contract Farming and Food Security Downloads
Marc Bellemare and Lindsey Novak
65812: Decomposition of the European GDP based on Singular Spectrum Analysis Downloads
Costas Leon
65811: Patience and Inflation Downloads
Malte Hübner and Gonzague Vannoorenberghe
65808: The Eco-Energetic Point of View Downloads
Stephen Ternyik
65807: No Escape from Economic Success: The Case of Hungarian Jewry (1850-1900) Downloads
Stephen Ternyik
65803: Decentralisation and The Evolution of Common Law Downloads
Marianne Ojo
65801: The Size of Trade Misinvoicing in Pakistan Downloads
Tehseen Qureshi and Zafar Mahmood
65796: How important is Foreign Direct Investment to Economic Growth? New Evidence from Nigeria Downloads
Olasunkanmi Owolabi-Merus
Muhammad Nizar
65790: Do Economic Models Have to be Realistic?: A Methodological Criticism of Rousseau's Discourse on Inequality Downloads
Michael Makovi
65789: Financial deepening and economic growth: A System GMM Panel Analysis with application to 7 SSA countries Downloads
R. Alimi
65787: Estimating Consumption function under Permanent Income Hypothesis: A comparison between Nigeria and South Africa Downloads
R. Alimi
65786: Price Indexes are a Problem for Testing PPP Downloads
Frederick Wallace
65780: Households' willingness to pay for reliable electricity services in Ghana Downloads
Francis Taale and Christian Kyeremeh
65779: Nonlinear Pricing Downloads
Mark Armstrong
65775: Country and industry effects in CEE stock market networks: Preliminary results Downloads
Tomáš Výrost
65774: Predicting changes in the output of OECD countries: An international network perspective Downloads
Štefan Lyócsa
65772: FISCAL RIGIDITIES DAN IMPLIKASINYA DI INDONESIA (The Implications of Fiscal Rigidities in Indonesia) Downloads
Muhammad Nizar
Muhammad Nizar
65767: Adolescent girls’ infant and young child nutrition knowledge sources differ among urban and rural samples in Bangladesh Downloads
John Hoddinott, Naureen Karachiwalla, Natasha Ledlie and Shalini Roy
65765: Long-Run Equilibrium Shift and Short-Run Dynamics of U.S. Home Price Tiers during the Housing Bubble Downloads
Damian Damianov and Diego Escobari
65761: Employment effects of minimum wages in Europe revisited Downloads
Michael Christl, Monika Köppl Turyna and Denes Kucsera
65758: Return, shock and volatility co-movements between the bond markets of Turkey and developed countries Downloads
Selçuk Bayracı
65756: Dette publique, qualité institutionnelle et croissance économique dans les pays de la région MENA: analyse par la méthode des moments généralisés (Public debt, institutional quality and economic growth in MENA countries: a GMM approach) Downloads
Jamel Boukhatem and Malèk Kaabi
65754: Economics of modern energy boomtowns: do oil and gas shocks differ from shocks in the rest of the economy? Downloads
Alexandra Tsvetkova and Mark Partridge
65751: Multi-product firms, exports and exchange rate policies. Evidence from an emerging economy Downloads
Gabriela Mundaca
65746: Volatility spillovers of rupee-dollar and rupee-euro exchange rates on Indian stock prices: evidence from GARCH model Downloads
Sahadudheen I
65745: Innovation and imitation: effects of intellectual property rights in a product-cycle model of skills accumulation Downloads
Hung-Ju Chen
65744: Innovation and imitation in a product-cycle model with FDI and cash-in-advance constraints Downloads
Hung-Ju Chen
65741: Energy Subsidies, Public Investment and Endogenous Growth Downloads
Gabriela Mundaca
65738: The Greek referendum: an alternative approach Downloads
Emmanouil Mavrozacharakis and Stelios Tzagarakis
65737: A synthesis of the effects of exchange rate uncertainty on international trade via Meta-Regression analysis Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
65735: L’expiation par l’austérité ou la stratégie de l’échec: une interprétation post-keynésienne de la crise des pays périphériques en zone euro (Expiation through austerity or the strategy of failure: a Post-Keynesian explanation of sovereign debt crisis in the euro zone) Downloads
Sebastien Charles and Thomas Dallery
65734: Incorporating Phenotype Plasticity into the Indirect Evolutionary Approach Downloads
Rebecca Schmitt
65731: Conditions of Diffusion of Competitiveness Clusters' Technologies: a Brief Theoretical Note Downloads
Jean Jacques Iritié
65728: PENGARUH ALIRAN MASUK DEVISA TENAGA KERJA (WORKERS’ REMITTANCES) TERHADAP NILAI TUKAR RUPIAH (The Effect of Workers’ Remittances on Exchange Rates of Rupiah) Downloads
Muhammad Nizar
65727: Empirical Approaches to the Post-Keynesian Theory of Demand for Money: An Error Correction Model of Bangladesh Downloads
Nobinkhor Kundu and Muhammad Musharuf Hossain Mollah
65725: Regional variations in Labor Demand Elasticities: evidence from U.S. Counties Downloads
Abhradeep Maiti and Debarshi Indra
65716: Democracy and economic growth: the role of intelligence in cross-country regressions Downloads
Raufhon Salahodjaev
65715: Competing for Attention Downloads
Christopher Cotton
65714: The role of monetary policy in macroeconomic volatility of ASEAN-4 countries against oil price shock over time Downloads
Fatemeh Razmi, Azali Mohamed, Chin Lee and Muzafar Shah Habibullah
65713: Educational mismatch and the cost of underutilization in Turkish labour markets Downloads
Benan Orbay and Yigit Aydede
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