MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 48113: Two-Sided Matchings: An Algorithm for Ensuring They Are Minimax and Pareto-Optimal

- Steven Brams and Kilgour Marc
- 48109: Understanding the consequences of consequentiality: Testing the validity of stated preferences in the field

- Christian Vossler and Sharon Watson
- 48106: Oferta Pública Inicial (IPO) de ações no Brasil: uma análise dos retornos da IPO de ações com baixo Índice Preço/Lucro (P/L) (Initial Public Offer of stocks in Brazil: an analysis of returns from stocks with low Price/earnings ratio)

- Odilon Saturnino, Valéria Saturnino, Pierre Lucena, Marcelino Caetano and Josete Florencio dos Santos
- 48105: Формиране на човешкия капитал през комунизма: България (Fostering Human Capital Accumulation during Communism: the Case of Bulgaria)

- Ralitsa Simeonova-Ganeva
- 48104: Estratégia Contrária e Efeito Liquidez no Brasil: Uma Análise Econométrica (Opposite strategy and liquidity effect: an econometric analysis)

- Odilon Saturnino, Valéria Saturnino, Marcos Roberto Gois de Oliveira, Pierre Lucena and Luiz Fernando Araújo
- 48103: Applicable eventology of safety: inconclusive totals

- Oleg Yu. Vorobyev
- 48102: In search of a primary source: remaking the paper (1975) where at the first time a definition of lattice (Vorob’ev) expectation of a random set was given

- Oleg Yu. Vorobyev
- 48101: A Mean Probability Event for a Set of Events

- Oleg Yu. Vorobyev and Natalia A. Lukyanova
- 48100: Does Government Intervention in Credit Deployment Cause Inclusive Growth? – An Evidence from Indian Banking

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 48099: Discrete multivariate distributions

- Oleg Yu. Vorobyev

- Jean Aristide Biloa Essimi and Celestin Chameni Nembua
- 48089: Role of management control from the perspective of New Public Management

- Marek Ćwiklicki and Mirosław Golanko
- 48088: Card versus cash: empirical evidence of the impact of payment card interchange fees on end users’ choice of payment methods

- Guerino Ardizzi
- 48086: Analyzing Time-Frequency Relationship between Oil Price and Exchange Rate in Pakistan through Wavelets

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Aviral Tiwari and Mohammad Iqbal Tahir
- 48084: Does J-Curve Phenomenon Exist in Case of Laos? An ARDL Approach

- Phouphet Kyophilavong, Muhammad Shahbaz and Gazi Salah Uddin
- 48083: The Role of Natural Gas Consumption and Trade in Tunisia’s Output

- Sahbi Farhani and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 48082: Prospects of Rural Industry in Andhra Pradesh

- Venkatanarayana Motkuri
- 48081: A Novel Computerized Real Effort Task Based on Sliders

- David Gill and Victoria Prowse
- 48080: Output supply and yield response of rice in Nigeria: implications for future rice policy

- David Boansi
- 48076: The Day of the Week effect on stock market returns and volatility: Evidence from Nigeria and South Africa

- Umar Ndako
- 48075: Hans Werner Sinn and Timo Wollmershaeuser’s target loans, current account balances and capital flows: the ECB’s rescue facility. A comment

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 48074: Being in the Right Place: A Natural Field Experiment on List Position and Consumer Choice

- Marco Novarese and Chris M. Wilson
- 48073: Reluctant Regulation

- Bernardo Bortolotti, Carlo Cambini and Laura Rondi
- 48072: International comparison of Environmental performance

- Anne Dubrocard and Michel Prombo
- 48066: La coordination des politiques monétaire et budgétaire: Aperçu théorique (Coordination of monetary and fiscal policies: Theoretical Overview)

- Hounaida Daly and Mounir Smida
- 48065: Material and Non-material Determinants of European Youth's Life Quality

- Remigiusz Gawlik
- 48063: Geographical and Industrial Spillovers in entry decisions across export markets

- Jesus Angel Muñoz Sepulveda and Diego Rodriguez
- 48061: When Will India Achieve Universal Adult Literacy: Status and Prospects

- Venkatanarayana Motkuri
- 48059: The effects of foreign and government ownership on bank lending behavior during a crisis in Central and Eastern Europe

- Franklin Allen, Krzysztof Jackowicz and Oskar Kowalewski
- 48054: Cross-subsidization in employer-based health insurance and the effects of tax subsidy reform

- Svetlana Pashchenko and Ponpoje Porapakkarm
- 48050: Chinese monetary expansion and the U.S. economy

- Joaquin Vespignani and Ronald Ratti
- 48049: The Recent Internationalisation of Japanese Banks

- Jonathan Batten and Peter Szilagyi
- 48048: Resisting Education

- Jean-Paul Carvalho and Mark Koyama
- 48047: Impact fees and real estate prices: evidence from 35 Chinese cities

- Xiaofang Dong, Shihe Fu and Yufei Yuan
- 48043: Dividend Policy in Regulated Firms

- Laura Rondi, Carlo Cambini, Francisca Bremberger and Klaus Gugler
- 48036: Using a Control Function to Resolve the Travel Cost Endogeneity Problem in Recreation Demand Models

- Richard Melstrom and Frank Lupi
- 48027: Non-farm wages and poverty alleviation in developing countries

- Sylvester Jatta
- 48024: Who is Rich in Cameroun? (Who is Rich in Cameroon?)

- Célestin Chameni Nembua and Jean Aristide Biloa Essimi
- 48020: La coordination des politiques monétaire et budgétaire: Aperçu théorique (Coordination of monetary and fiscal policies: Theoretical Overview)

- Hounaida Daly and Mounir Smida
- 48019: Baumol and the post-industrial trilemma: examining the relationship between productivity, prices and wages

- Paul Lewis and Fei Peng
- 48017: Air Transport and Destination Performance – A case study of three African countries (Ethiopia, Kenya and South Africa)

- Eric Tchouamou Njoya
- 48016: When can economic impact be positive? Nine conditions that explain why smaller sports can have bigger impacts

- Nola Agha and Daniel Rascher
- 48015: Testing for bubbles in agriculture commodity markets

- Francisco Areal, Kelvin Balcombe and George Rapsomanikis
- 48011: Electricity consumption and economic growth: evidence from Pakistan

- Attiya Javid, Muhammad Javid and Zahid Ashraf Awan
- 48007: The Environmental cost of Skiing in the Desert? Evidence from Cointegration with unknown Structural breaks in UAE

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Rashid Sbia and Helmi Hamdi
- 48005: The Relationship Conflict between Venture Capital and Entrepreneur

- Tahsen Alqatawni
- 48003: Growth and Structure of Workforce in India: An Analysis of Census 2011 Data

- Venkatanarayana Motkuri and Suresh Naik Veslawatha
- 48002: Interspecies Management and Land Use Strategies to Protect Endangered Species

- Richard Melstrom and Richard Horan
- 48000: Race and Marriage in the Labor Market: A Discrimination Correspondence Study in a Developing Country

- Eva Arceo-Gomez and Raymundo Campos-Vazquez
- 47999: Socio-economic studies with social accounting and socio-demographic Matrices. An (attempted) application to Mozambique

- Susana Santos
- 47998: Współczesne oblicza tayloryzmu (Contemporary faces of Taylorism)

- Marek Ćwiklicki
- 47997: Cognitive Load and Strategic Sophistication

- Sarah Allred, Sean Duffy and John Smith
- 47996: Country size, trade liberalization and transfers

- Jean-Marc Kilolo
- 47993: Systematic Reviews: Questions, Methods and Usage

- Henrik Hansen and Neda Trifkovic
- 47989: Préjugés et fausses idées sur l’immigration et les immigrés, vecteurs de discrimination en matière d’accès à l’emploi (false ideas about immigrants and immigration and discrimination in labor market)

- Abdeslam Marfouk
- 47988: The Location Quotient – Assembly and application of methodological enhancements

- Falk Strotebeck
- 47987: Currency Carry Trades, Position-Unwinding Risk, and Sovereign Credit Premia

- Huichou Huang and Ronald MacDonald
- 47981: The Weight of Economic Growth and Urbanization on Electricity Demand in UAE

- Rashid Sbia and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 47978: On a Class of Estimation and Test for Long Memory

- Hui Fu
- 47975: Size and liquidity effects in Nigeria: an industrial sector study

- Bruce Hearn
- 47967: Pareto Distributions and the Evolution of Top Incomes in the U.S

- Shuhei Aoki and Makoto Nirei
- 47965: Energy consumption, output and trade nexus in North Africa

- Mehdi Ben Jebli and Slim Ben Youssef
- 47963: The daily battles of Antonio de Viti de Marco

- Manuela Mosca
- 47959: The Importance of Information Security Management in Crisis Prevention in the Company

- Slawomir Wawak
- 47958: E-learning role in higher education and corporate environment

- Slawomir Wawak and Krzysztof Woźniak
- 47957: Information Security Issues within Local Government

- Slawomir Wawak
- 47956: Information Security Management in Context of Globalization

- Slawomir Wawak
- 47955: Islamic norms, the excel formula and home financing models

- Zubair Hasan
- 47953: Discrete Rule Learning and the Bidding of the Sexes

- Jason Shachat and Lijia Wei
- 47945: A classification approach to Walrasian equilibrium with substitutability

- Yi-You Yang
- 47944: African brain drain and its impact on source countries: What do we know and what do we need to know?

- Stella Capuano and Abdeslam Marfouk
- 47943: The Choice of Airport, Airline, and Departure Date and Time: Estimating the Demand for Flights

- Diego Escobari and Cristhian Mellado
- 47942: Новации оценки локальной и глобальной эффективности реальных инвестиций (The new ways to estimate local and total efficiency)

- Anton Kogan
- 47941: Price and non-price determinants and supply response of rice in Côte d’Ivoire

- David Boansi
- 47940: On beta and sigma convergence of Czech regions

- Jiri Mazurek
- 47937: Do the effects of R&D tax credits vary across industries? A meta-regression analysis

- Fulvio Castellacci and Christine Lie
- 47936: Uncertainty, Instability, and the Control of Markets

- Tae-Hee Jo
- 47935: Operational Currency Mismatch and Firm Level Performance: Evidence from India

- Anubha Dhasmana
- 47933: Expectations-Based Reference-Dependent Preferences and Asset Pricing

- Michaela Pagel
- 47932: Access to Health Care in Andhra Pradesh: Availability of Manpower

- Venkatanarayana Motkuri
- 47931: Civilizing capitalism: “good” and “bad” greed from the enlightenment to Thorstein Veblen (1857-1929)

- Erik Reinert
- 47927: Information Security System and Development of a Modern Organization

- Slawomir Wawak
- 47924: Is Gold Investment A Hedge against Inflation in Pakistan? A Cointegtaion and Causality Analysis in the Presence of Structural Breaks

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Mohammad Iqbal Tahir and Imran Ali
- 47923: Does The Keynesian Absolute Income Hypothesis Exist in Pakistan?

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Kishwer Nawaz, Mohamed El Hedi Arouri and Frédéric Teulon
- 47922: Factors affecting adoption of mobile banking in Pakistan: Empirical Evidence

- Abdul Kabeer Kazi and Muhammad Mannan
- 47921: On the liquidity of CAC 40 index options Market

- Alain François-Heude and Ouidad Yousfi
- 47920: How Capitalism, University and Mathematics as Institutions Shaped Mainstream Economics

- Vladimir Yefimov
- 47917: Geographic, Gender and Skill Structure of International Migration

- Frédéric Docquier, Abdeslam Marfouk, Caglar Özden and Christopher Parsons
- 47915: Macro Models: un APP for Macroeconomic Models. User Manual 1.0

- Gianluigi Coppola and Natalia Marsilia
- 47910: Neo-classical economics: A trail of economic destruction since the 1970s

- Erik Reinert
- 47909: The Qualitative Shift in European Integration: Towards permanent wage pressures and a ‘Latin-Americanization’ of Europe?

- Erik Reinert and Rainer Kattel
- 47908: A Generalization of Gray and Whaley's Option

- Alain François-Heude and Ouidad Yousfi
- 47906: Child-rights & child development in India - a socio-economic analysis under regional perspective

- Chandan Roy
- 47905: What Causes the Favorite-Longshot Bias? Further Evidence from Tennis

- Jiří Lahvička
- 47897: Achieving Amicable Settlements and Possible Reconciliations: The Role of Forensic Accountants in Equitable Distributions

- Marianne Ojo and James DiGabriele
- 47895: Agriculture and economic security of Russia: retrospective research

- Mikhail Fyodorov and Evgeny Kuzmin
- 47894: The nature and origin of stability in economic processes

- Evgeny Kuzmin
- 47892: Feminización de la pobreza en España: un análisis del estado de la cuestión (Feminization of poverty in Spain: a state-of-the-art review)

- Mario Oliveri
- 47889: Response of rice yields in Ghana: some prescriptions for future rice policy

- David Boansi
- 47888: Methods of choosing the most profitable real assets among options that require different amounts for various periods of time

- Anton Kogan
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