MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2688: Economic Evaluation of Pesticide Use Externalities in the Cotton Zones of Punjab, Pakistan

- M. Azeem Khan, Muhammad Iqbal, Iftikhar Ahmad and Manzoor Soomro
- 2681: Zero-tillage Technology and Farm Profits: A Case Study of Wheat Growers in the Rice Zone of Punjab

- Muhammad Iqbal, M. Azeem Khan and M. Zubair Anwar
- 2675: The Impact Of Economic News On Financial Markets

- John Parker
- 2672: El riesgo de responsabilidad del órgano de administración de las cooperativas en situaciones de insolvencia, y de pérdidas patrimoniales (The risk of responsibility of the organ of administration of the cooperative societies in situations of insolvency, and of patrimonial losses)

- Fernando Sacristán Bergia
- 2671: La contabilidad de cooperativas en un proceso de armonización contable internacional.El caso de España (The accounting cooperative society in a process of countable international harmonization. The case of Spain)

- Fernando Polo Garrido
- 2670: Efectos de la aplicación de la CNIIF 2 en las cooperativas.Un estudio empírico en dos cooperativas citrícolas de la Comunidad Valenciana a través del análisis económico-financiero (Effects of the application of the CNIIF 2 in the cooperative societies. An empirical study in two cooperative societies citrícolas of the Valencian Community across the economic - financial analysis)

- Sergio Marí Vidal
- 2669: La reafirmación de las aportaciones de (propiedad de) los socios de las sociedades cooperativas. Propuesta de regulación de las sociedades de responsabilidad limitada cooperativa (The reafirmación of the contributions of (property of) the associates of the cooperative societies. Offer of regulation of the societies of limited cooperative responsibility)

- Carlos García-Gutiérrez Fernández
- 2668: Adaptación de la Ley de Cooperativas del País Vasco a las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad(Apuntes para una nueva configuración del régimen del capital en las Sociedades Cooperativas) (Adjustment of the Law of Cooperative societies of the Basque Country to the International Procedure of Accounting (Notes for a new configuration of the regime of the capital in the Cooperative Societies))

- Javier Divar Garteiz-Aurrecoa and Enrique Gadea Soler
- 2667: Análisis de los factores que influyen en el proceso de creación de una cooperativa de trabajo asociado (Analysis of the factors that influence in the process of creation of a worker cooperetive)

- Vicente Coll Serrano and Rubén Cuñat Giménez
- 2666: Las empresas de participación ante el reto de la gestión del cambio demográfico (The companies of participation before the challenge of the management of the demographic change)

- Sonia Martín López
- 2665: LA PRESIÓN FISCAL EN LAS SOCIEDADES COOPERATIVAS AGRARIAS DE SEGUNDO GRADO: REPERCUSIÓN DE LA LEY 3/2002, POR LA QUE SE MODIFICA LA LEY 2/1999 DE SOCIEDADES COOPERATIVAS ANDALUZAS (The fiscal pressure in the cooperative agrarian societies of the second degree: repercussion of the law 3/2002, by that the law is modified 2/1999 gives cooperative andalusian societies)

- Tomás Garrido Pulido and Raquel Garrido Pulido
- 2664: INVESTIGACIÓN EN MATERIA DE ORGANIZACIONES DE PARTICIPACIÓN: LA CONTRIBUCIÓN DE LA REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS COOPERATIVOS (REVESCO) (Investigation as for organizations of participation: the contribution of the magazine of cooperative studies (REVESCO))

- Paloma Bel Durán
- 2662: A measure of association (correlation) in nominal data (contingency tables), using determinants

- Thomas Colignatus
- 2656: Standard national accounting concepts, economic theory and data compilation issues; on constancy and change in the UN-Manuals on national accounting (1947, 1953, 1968, 1993)

- Frits Bos
- 2655: Trade Liberalization, Financial Sector Reforms and Growth

- Muhammad Khan and Abdul Qayyum
- 2654: X-efficiency, scale economies, Technological Progress and Competition of Pakistani’s banks

- Abdul Qayyum and Sajawal Khan
- 2653: Non-Probabilistic Decision Making with Memory Constraints

- Alexander Vostroknutov
- 2652: The new world order and the failure of globalisation

- Alan Freeman
- 2649: Explaining Ethnic Disparities in School Enrollment in Turkey

- Murat Kırdar
- 2648: Migration and Regional Convergence: An Empirical Investigation for Turkey

- Murat Kırdar and Sirin Saracoglu
- 2646: Foreign Capital, Return to Education and Child labour

- Jayanta Dwibedi and Sarbajit Chaudhuri
- 2645: Foreign Capital and Skilled-unskilled Wage Inequality in a Developing Economy with Non-traded Goods

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Shigemi Yabuuchi
- 2641: Can International Factor Mobility lessen Wage Inequality in a Dual Economy?

- Hamid Beladi, Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Shigemi Yabuuchi
- 2640: The Puzzle of Social Capital: A Critical Review

- M.G. Quibria
- 2639: Information and communication Technology and Poverty: An Asian Perspective

- M.G. Quibria and Ted Tschang
- 2638: Growth and Poverty: Lessons from the East Asian Miracle Revisited

- M.G. Quibria
- 2637: Twofold Optimality of the Relative Utilitarian Bargaining Solution

- Marcus Pivato
- 2636: Social responsibility standards and global environmental accountability: a developing country perspective

- K.V. Murthy
- 2634: Business ethics and corporate responsibility:a new perspective

- K.V. Murthy

- Pablo Marquez
- 2630: International perspectives on Gender, science and Development

- Surekha Rao, Sushma Jaireth and Seethamma K K
- 2622: Administración del conocimiento en instituciones de educación superior. Un análisis conceptual (Knowledge management in higher education. A conceptual analysis)

- Julián Ferrer Guerra and Martha Ríos Manriquez
- 2621: The new political geography of poverty

- Alan Freeman
- 2619: Marx After Marx After Sraffa

- Alan Freeman
- 2618: Value and Marx: why it matters

- Alan Freeman

- Poh Wong, Lena Lee and Maw Der Foo
- 2616: Leaning an University Department: a life experiment

- Pedro Carvalho and Dina Miragaia
- 2609: Quality of life in Dimapur (India)

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 2608: Determinants of timber exports in Nigeria: an error correction modeling approach

- Adesina Sulaiman Yusuf and Cyprian .O Edom
- 2607: L'Evolution des Marchés Boursiers Européens: Enjeux et limites (European Stock Market Evolution)

- Faten Ben Slimane
- 2606: Retail Payment Systems: What can we Learn from Two-Sided Markets?

- Marianne Verdier
- 2605: Mobile Call Termination: a Tale of Two-Sided Markets

- Tommaso Valletti
- 2603: Impact of Mobile Usage on the Interpersonal Relations

- AeRee Kim and Hitoshi Mitomo
- 2602: A Strategic Guide on Two-Sided Markets Applied to the ISP Market

- Thomas Cortade
- 2597: Relationships among Household Saving, Public Saving, Corporate Saving and Economic Growth in India

- Dipendra Sinha and Tapen Sinha
- 2595: Adam Smith'in "Uluslararası İktisat Kuramı"na Katkıları Hakkında (On Adam Smith's Contributions to the International Trade Theory)

- Aykut Kibritçioğlu
- 2594: Preferences over Consumption and Status

- Alexander Vostroknutov
- 2591: Europe, the US and the world economy: Alan Greenspan’s search for a fifth Kondradieff

- Alan Freeman
- 2589: Has the empire struck back? ‘new paradigm’ globalisation or return to classical imperialism?

- Alan Freeman
- 2588: Marxian debates on the falling rate of profit

- Alan Freeman
- 2587: Ethical case and economic feasibility of global transfers

- Branko Milanovic
- 2585: Space, computers and learning

- Alan Freeman and Malcolm Ryan
- 2583: Demand for Money By Business Sector in a Developing Country: Evidence from Pakistan

- Abdul Qayyum
- 2582: Error Correction Model of the Demand for Money in Pakistan

- Abdul Qayyum
- 2578: E-learning as internationalization strategy in higher education: Lecturer’s and student’s perspective

- Gerda Mihhailova
- 2577: Global Demography: Fact, Force and Future

- David Bloom and David Canning
- 2576: Use, misuse and proper use of national accounts statistics

- Frits Bos
- 2574: The limits of Ricardian value: law, contingency and motion in economics

- Alan Freeman
- 2573: A dialogue concerning the two chief systems of value

- Alan Freeman
- 2572: What happens in recessions? A value-theoretic approach to Liquidity Preference

- Alan Freeman
- 2564: Toda and Yamamoto Causality Tests Between Per Capita Saving and Per Capita GDP for India

- Dipendra Sinha and Tapen Sinha
- 2563: Effects of Volatility of Exports in the Philippines and Thailand

- Dipendra Sinha
- 2560: Does the Wagner’s Law hold for Thailand? A Time Series Study

- Dipendra Sinha
- 2559: Higher Education Institutions and the Accounting Education In The Second Half of XIXth Century on the Ottoman Empire

- Yusuf Surmen, Ugur Kaya and Hilmi Yayla
- 2557: Accounting Employees’ Behavioral Variables and Firm Performance: Evidence from Turkish Eastern Blacksea Region Companies

- Hilmi Yayla, Fazil Kirkbir and Ekrem Cengiz
- 2554: Diversities Between the Regulations of Turkish Accounting Standard Setters: A Brief History of Turkiye’s Twentieth Century Accounting Standardization Applications

- Hilmi Yayla
- 2550: Testing for a common latent variable in a linear regression

- Martin Wittenberg
- 2549: Friedrich List'in Bebek Endüstriler Tezi (Friedrich List's Infant Industry Argument)

- Aykut Kibritçioğlu
- 2548: A Single-Mindedness model with n generations

- Emanuele Canegrati
- 2547: Patents, Innovations and Economic Growth in Japan and South Korea: Evidence from individual country and panel data

- Dipendra Sinha
- 2540: Sustainable Cotton Production through Skill Development among Farmers: Evidence from Khairpur District of Sindh, Pakistan

- M. Azeem Khan and Muhammad Iqbal
- 2537: Adoption of Recommended Varieties: A Farm level Analysis of Wheat Growers in Irrigated Punjab

- Muhammad Iqbal, M. Azeem Khan and Munir Ahmad
- 2536: Application of machine learning to short-term equity return prediction

- Robert Yan, John Nuttall and Charles Ling
- 2535: Optimal State-Contingent Unemployment Insurance

- Juan M. Sanchez
- 2531: Unemployment Insurance in an Economy with a Hidden Labor Market

- Fernando Alvarez-Parra and Juan M. Sanchez
- 2527: An adaptive evolutionary behaviour for the demand-led growth adjustment

- Luigi Bonaventura and Maurizio Caserta
- 2524: ¿GES O NO GES? ESA ES LA CUESTIÓN (Ges or not ges? That is the question)

- René Fernández Montt
- 2523: L'influence de la connaissance du genre du partenaire dans les relations de confiance et de réciprocité: une étude expérimentale (Gender bias in trustworthiness)

- Aurélie Bonein and Daniel Serra
- 2520: Political Decisions, Defence and Growth

- Oya Erdogdu
- 2518: A Regulatory Framework for New and Emerging Markets

- Pio Baake, Ulrich Kamecke and Christian Wey
- 2517: Regulatory Failure: Time for a New Policy Paradigm

- James Alleman and Paul Rappoport
- 2516: A New View of Scale and Scope in the Telecommunications Industry: Implications for Competition and Innovation

- Alain Bourdeau de Fontenay, Jonathan Liebenau and Brian Savin
- 2515: Bundling, Differentiation, Alliances and Mergers: Convergence Strategies in U.S. Communication Markets

- Johannes M. Bauer
- 2514: Is the U.S. Dancing to a Different Drummer?

- J. Scott Marcus
- 2513: Inter-Modal Competition and Telecommunications Policy in the United States

- Howard A. Shelanski
- 2512: Predicting the term structure of interest rates incorporating parameter uncertainty, model uncertainty and macroeconomic information

- Michiel De Pooter, Francesco Ravazzolo and Dick van Dijk
- 2511: Local Loop Unbundling in Europe: Experience, Prospects and Policy Challenges

- Paul de Bijl and Martin Peitz
- 2510: An Economist's Guide to Local Loop Unbundling

- Edmond Baranes and Marc Bourreau
- 2508: Does Collateral Help Mitigate Adverse Selection ? A Cross-Country Analysis

- Laurent Weill and Christophe Godlewski
- 2507: The peak of oil extraction and consistency of the government's short- and long-run policies

- Andrei Bazhanov
- 2506: Fiscal policy rules in practice

- Andreas Thams
- 2504: Asset allocation approach to understanding stock market dynamics

- John Nuttall
- 2503: Investing in a Website: A Top Dog or a Resource-Based Strategy for Firms?

- Ludivine Martin and Thierry Pénard
- 2502: ICT and Lean Management: Will They Ever Get Along?

- Thomas Houy
- 2501: P2P: From File Sharing to Meta-information Pooling

- Eric Dagiral and Florian Dauphin
- 2499: Mobile Multi-media Messages (MMS): Show-don't-tell in a Communication

- Bertrand Horel
- 2498: Internet Governance: exploring the development link

- Howard Williams
- 2492: Communications Networks and Foreign Direct: Investment in Developing Countries

- Reamonn Lydon and Mark Williams
- 2489: The Predictive Performance of Asymmetric Normal Mixture GARCH in Risk Management: Evidence from Turkey

- Atilla Cifter and Alper Ozun
- 2488: Nonlinear Combination of Financial Forecast with Genetic Algorithm

- Alper Ozun and Atilla Cifter
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