MPRA Paper
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- 72647: Comparison between Forecasted Stock Prices and Original Stock Prices in the Karachi Stock Exchange

- Muhammad Khan and Muhammad Salman Syed
- 72645: Negative Interest Rate and Mudarabah Investment Deposits Rate: A Short Essay

- Md Akther Uddin
- 72644: A Model of Business Innovation in the Context of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Davao Del Sur

- Eva Marie Castillo-Sam, Jeaneth Tormis and John Vianne Murcia
- 72640: The Strange Career of Independent Voting Trusts in U.S. Rail Mergers

- Russell Pittman
- 72638: State Level Income Inequality and Individual Self-Reported Health Status: Evidence from the United States

- Jacob Loree
- 72637: Cosechando antes de la siembra: Fisonomía del pensamiento económico en los primeros años del chile independiente (A physiognomy of the Chilean economic thought during the first years of independence)

- Dany Jaimovich and Andrea Flores
- 72636: Magical Realism: Locating its Contours in Postmodern Literature

- Nevil Stephen
- 72634: Implicatii ale plasarii dobanzilor in zona negativa (Effects of negative interest rates)

- Marius Danila
- 72633: Uniunea Pietelor de capital - un proiect esential pentru Europa (Capital Markets Union - a vital project for Europe)

- Marius Danila
- 72632: South african exchange rate after 2000s: an econometric investigation

- Leleng Kebalo
- 72630: The determination of the least distance to the strongly efficient frontier in Data Envelopment Analysis oriented models: modelling and computational aspects

- Juan Aparicio, Jose M. Cordero and Jesús Pastor
- 72628: Impact Assessment and Micro-Simulations of Different Policy Options for Child Benefit in Viet Nam

- Long Giang and Cuong Nguyen
- 72627: Access to improved water, human capital and economic activity in Africa

- Mohamed Arouri, Bineta Ba-Diagne, Adel Ben-Youssef, Raymond Besong and Cuong Nguyen
- 72622: Corruption & Public Finance Project Selection; Its Impact On the Economy: A Case Study of Pakistan

- Ovais Ahmed and Aasim Mashkoor
- 72620: Is the Spanish Constitutional Court an instrument of the central government against the Autonomous Communities?

- Julio López-Laborda, Fernando Rodrigo and Eduardo Sanz-Arcega
- 72618: Demographic changes and economic development: Application of the vector error correction model (VECM) to the case of Ethiopia

- Hassen Wako
- 72617: Effectiveness of foreign aid in sub-Saharan Africa: Does disaggregating aid into bilateral and multilateral components make a difference?

- Hassen Wako
- 72609: Political determinants of fiscal transparency: a panel data empirical investigation

- Lorenzo Cicatiello, Elina De Simone and Giuseppe Gaeta
- 72608: The Dollar Auction Game: A laboratory comparison between Individuals and Groups

- Andrea Morone, Simone Nuzzo and Rocco Caferra
- 72602: Some Economic Consequences of Higher Education Expansion in Turkey

- Sezgin Polat
- 72597: Nozharov Sht.,”Efficiency of human resources management in the field of cultural heritage protection”, Conference Proceedings-XIII International Scientific conference “Management and Engineering ‘15”, TU-Sofia, Volume I, 2015, pp.404-413

- Shteryo Nozharov
- 72596: On the effect of taxation in the online sports betting market

- Juan Vidal-Puga
- 72595: Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interactions in Pakistan Using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Framework

- Muhammad Shahid, Abdul Qayyum and Waseem Shahid
- 72594: Geografski determinizam, autarkija i tržišna privreda (Geographic determinism, autarchy and market economy)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 72593: Testing Gollier and Weitzman’s Solution of the “Weitzman-Gollier Puzzle”

- Szabolcs Szekeres
- 72590: Cash and non-cash payments in a long run perspective, Spain 1989-2014

- J. Carles Maixé-Altés and Estefanía Mourelle
- 72589: Nonlinearity between RER and Trade Balance: A Case Study of Pakistan

- Abdul Qayyum, Sidra Nazir and Muhammad Jawad
- 72587: Bias Correction Methods for Dynamic Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects

- Mohamed Abonazel
- 72586: Generalized Random Coefficient Estimators of Panel Data Models: Asymptotic and Small Sample Properties

- Mohamed Abonazel
- 72584: What DCC-GARCH model tell us about the effect of the gold price's volatility on south african exchange rate?

- Leleng Kebalo
- 72582: French legal origins: A Tocquevilian view

- Bertrand Crettez, Bruno Deffains and Olivier Musy
- 72581: Equilibrium Commuting

- Marcus Berliant and Takatoshi Tabuchi
- 72578: Utilitarianism with and without expected utility

- David McCarthy, Kalle Mikkola and Teruji Thomas
- 72577: Evolution of Cooperation in Public Good Game

- Annarita Colasante
- 72576: Transfer pricing and customs valuation: key differences and mitigation of potential risks

- Oleksandra Bulana
- 72557: Re-examining Kuznets Hypothesis: Does Data Matter?

- Mohammad Muaz Jalil
- 72554: Creating Shared Value: Social Capital as a Source to Drive Next Wave of Innovation for Socioeconomic Revenues

- Mubashar Qadri and Dawood Mamoon
- 72534: Effect of Fiscal Policy Shocks in Brazil

- Kwabena Meneabe Nkrumah
- 72533: Analysis of systemic liquidity risk for the banking sector in Bosnia and herwegovina

- Hyejin Cho and Almir Alihodžić
- 72532: Economic size and debt sustainability against Piketty's capital inequality

- Hyejin Cho
- 72531: Speculative Bubble Burst

- Hyejin Cho
- 72528: Application of Bat Evolutionary Algorithm in Optimization of Economic Dispatch for Unit-Commitment Problem with Large Uncertainties and High Efficiency

- Shou Weng, Lee Chen and Kong Odendaal
- 72526: An Optimized Combination of a Large Grid Connected PV System along with Battery Cells and a Diesel Generator

- Farzad Ferdowsi, Ahmad Sadeghi Yazdankhah and Hossein Madadi Kojabadi
- 72524: La industrialización de Medellín en el siglo XIX: construcción de un paradigma productivo en una zona poco industrializable (Medellin industrialization in the nineteenth century: building a productive paradigm in a bit area industrialisable)

- Julián Mauricio Vélez Tamayo
- 72523: Gender Inequality in the South African Labour Market: the Impact of the Child Support Grant

- Giorgio d'Agostino and Margherita Scarlato
- 72518: Determining Statistical Pattern on the Drug-Related Killing in Philippines Using ARIMA and Poisson Techniques

- Adrian Tamayo
- 72513: L’Union du Maghreb Arabe: Quelles perspectives ? (The Arab Maghreb Union: What prospects?)

- Azza Ziadi
- 72511: Assessing classical input output structures with trade networks: A graph theory approach

- George Halkos and Kyriaki Tsilika
- 72510: The Impact of Directed Lending Programs on the Credit Access of Small Businesses in India: A Firm-level Study

- Deeksha Kale
- 72509: How do biological markets compare to the markets of economics?

- Ronald Noë
- 72507: An Integrated Strategy Framework (ISF) for Combining Porter's 5-Forces, Diamond, PESTEL, and SWOT Analysis

- Roman Anton
- 72503: ASEAN-plus-one Free Trade Agreements and their trade effects

- Hiroyuki Taguchi and Hak-Loh Lee
- 72498: External shocks

- Ashima Goyal
- 72497: Updating Human Capital Decisions: Evidence from SAT Score Shocks and College Applications

- Timothy Bond, George Bulman, Xiaoxiao Li and Jonathan Smith
- 72491: Produsul intern brut. Istorie, relevanţă şi limitări în interpretare (The Gross Domestic Product. History, relevance and limitations in its interpretation)

- George Georgescu
- 72490: Cost-constrained measures of environmental efficiency: a material balance approach

- Ana M. Aldanondo, Valero Casasnovas and M. Carmen Almansa
- 72481: The Determinants of Dropouts from Voluntary Pension Scheme: Evidence from Sri Lanka

- Shirantha Heenkenda
- 72480: Inclusive Insurance Sector: An Innovation business model for Microinsurance Delivery in Sri Lanka

- Shirantha Heenkenda
- 72479: On the Welfare Costs of Monetary Policy

- Jean Blaise Nlemfu Mukoko
- 72478: The Cyclical Behavior of the Markups in the New Keynesian Models

- Jean Blaise Nlemfu Mukoko
- 72473: How do biological markets compare to the markets of economics?

- Ronald Noë
- 72472: Impact of China’s slowdown on the Global Economy: Modified GVAR Approach

- Soumyananda Dinda
- 72470: “Lock-in” Effect of Emission Standard and Its Impact on the Choice of Market Based Instruments

- Haoqi Qian, Libo Wu and Weiqi Tang
- 72466: The architectural network for protein secondary structure prediction

- Anindya Sundar Panja, Bidyut Bandyopadhyay, Smarajit Maity and Shiboprosad Mandal
- 72465: A Study of the Perceptions Held by Information Technology Professionals in Relation to the Maturity, Value, and Practical Deployment of Big Data Solutions

- Damon Andrick Runion
- 72464: Analysing correlation between the MSE index and global stock markets

- Reuben Ellul Dimech
- 72461: Consumption Smoothing and Borrowing Constraints: Evidence from Household Surveys of Iran

- Majid Einian and Masoud Nili
- 72458: Do Investors Listen to Fiscal Policy? – Study case Bucharest Stock Exchange

- Andreea Stoian and Filip Iorgulescu
- 72457: The impact of migration on tourism demand: evidence from Japan

- Ivan Etzo
- 72454: Civility vs. Incivility in Online Social Interactions: An Evolutionary Approach

- Angelo Antoci, Alexia Delfino, Fabio Paglieri, Fabrizio Panebianco and Fabio Sabatini
- 72452: Risk sharing among economic sectors

- Faruk Balli and Pierucci Eleonora
- 72444: Comment on the Identification Strategy in "Family Ruptures, Stress, and the Mental Health of the Next Generation", Part 2

- Brett Matsumoto
- 72441: A Consumer Model and Social Welfare Based on the Writings of Shibani (750-805 AD, 131-189 AH)

- Hassan Ghassan
- 72440: South african exchange rate after 2000s: an econometric investigation

- Leleng Kebalo
- 72439: Monetary Operating Procedures: Principles and the Indian process

- Ashima Goyal
- 72436: Precautionary saving in Spain during the Great Recession: evidence from a panel of uncertainty indicators

- Alba Lugilde, Roberto Bande and Dolores Riveiro
- 72435: Equilibrium to Equilibrium Dynamics in a Climate Change Economy

- Edward Song
- 72430: Does Tourism-led Growth Hypothesis Exist in Pakistan? A Fresh look from Combine Cointegration and Causality Approach with Structural Breaks

- Muhammad Ahad
- 72429: Nexus Between Income Inequality, Crime, Inflation and Poverty: New Evidence from Structural Breaks for Pakistan

- Muhammad Ahad
- 72427: Institutions, Innovation and Economic Growth in European Countries

- Giorgio d'Agostino and Margherita Scarlato
- 72426: A Heterodox Theory of the Business Enterprise

- Tae-Hee Jo
- 72425: Refinement of the Equilibrium of Public Goods Games over Networks: Efficiency and Effort of Specialized Equilibria

- Parthe Pandit and Ankur Kulkarni
- 72422: Changes in the relationship between short-term interest rate, inflation and growth: Evidence from the UK, 1820-2014

- Erdenebat Bataa, Mark Wohar and Andrew Vivian
- 72415: The Composite Leading Indicator of Mongolia

- Erdenebat Bataa
- 72413: Work Incentives of Medicaid Beneficiaries and The Role of Asset Testing

- Svetlana Pashchenko and Ponpoje Porapakkarm
- 72409: An Assessment of User Satisfaction in Academic Libraries: a case study of the Fiji National University Library

- Sandhya Deo
- 72408: Export Destination, Skill Utilization and Skill Premium in Chinese Manufacturing sector

- Bilal Khan and Junjie Xia
- 72407: Matrice de Comptabilité Sociale de 2013 pour la R.D.Congo (2013 Social Accounting Matrix for the D.R.Congo)

- Jean Blaise Nlemfu Mukoko
- 72405: Human capital and performance appraisal in the public sector: An empirical investigation from employees’ and senior managers’ perspective

- Despoina Isychou, Panos Chountalas, Anastasios Magoutas and Irene Fafaliou
- 72403: Debt renegotiation and debt overhang: Evidence from lender mergers

- Yongqiang Chu
- 72400: El efecto del Acompañamiento Pedagógico sobre los rendimientos de los estudiantes de escuelas públicas rurales del Perú (The impact of “Acompañamiento Pedagógico” program on student´s performance in rural public schools of Peru)

- Jose Rodriguez, Janneth Leyva and Alvaro Hopkins
- 72399: FDI in Latin America: The case of Peru

- Polyxeny Kechagia and Theodore Metaxas
- 72398: The trends of political CSR in Greece: A comparison among pioneers of CSR

- Theodore Metaxas and Maria Tsavdaridou
- 72397: Gambling Tourism and Economic Development: Some lessons from Macao

- Theodore Metaxas and Sotiris Folinas
- 72393: Organizational Behaviour in 21st Century – ‘Theory A’ for Managing People for Performance

- Sreeramana Aithal and J. Suresh Kumar
- 72392: Oligarchy and soft incompleteness

- Ashley Piggins and Conal Duddy
- 72386: Macroeconomic risks of Mongolia and ways to mitigate them

- Erdenebat Bataa
- 72384: The Social Provisioning Process and Heterodox Economics

- Tae-Hee Jo
- 72383: ivporbit:An R package to estimate the probit model with continuous endogenous regressors

- Taha Zaghdoudi
- 72382: Foreign direct investment and economic growth: ADRL and causality analysis for South Africa

- Tafirenyika Sunde
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