MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 86181: Altruistic and selfish motivations of charitable giving: The case of the hometown tax donation system (Furusato nozei) in Japan

- Eiji Yamamura, Yoshiro Tsutsui and Fumio Ohtake
- 86180: Comparison between Static and Dynamic Forecast in Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average for Seasonally Adjusted Headline Consumer Price Index

- Emerson Jackson
- 86178: Cournot tatonnement and Nash equilibrium in binary status games

- Nikolai Kukushkin and Pierre H.M. von Mouche
- 86175: Is information and communication technology satisfying educational needs at school?

- Simona Ferraro
- 86173: When do populations polarize? An explanation

- Jean-Pierre Benoît and Juan Dubra
- 86172: Unequal exchange: developing countries in the international trade negotiations

- Julio Nogues
- 86169: Servicios de desarrollo empresarial y desempeño de las micro y pequeñas empresas en el Perú: el caso de los sectores confecciones y metalmecánica (Business development services and performance of micro and small businesses in Peru: the case of clothing and metalworking sectors)

- Juan Manuel Garcia Carpio and Manuel Hernandez
- 86166: Digit ratio (2D:4D) predicts pro-social behavior in economic games only for unsatisfied individuals

- Pablo Brañas-Garza, Antonio Espín, Teresa Garcia and Jaromír Kovářík
- 86164: Does Indonesia’s macroeconomic work well towards the political year?

- Kiki Verico
- 86155: Unemployment, Income Growth and Social Security

- Minoru Watanabe, Yusuke Miyake and Masaya Yasuoka
- 86153: Extending the NAWM with a partial indexation mechanism linking wages and trend productivitiy

- Günter Coenen
- 86149: On the Role of Migration on the Satisfaction of European Researchers: Evidence from MORE2

- Sarah Jewell and Pantelis Kazakis
- 86147: On cross-system interactions and the sustainability of (economic) development

- Denis Stijepic and Helmut Wagner
- 86146: Alarming rise in predatory publishing and its consequences for Islamic economics and finance education

- Zubair Hasan
- 86143: Bargaining over managerial contracts: a note

- Giorgos Stamatopoulos
- 86137: Development as a ‘Norms-Rights Transition Process’ Through Public Action

- Vijayamohanan Pillai N.
- 86134: Economics of NHS Cost-Saving and its Morality on the 'Living Dead'

- Emerson Jackson
- 86133: Polarization and the Middle Class in China: a Non-Parametric Evaluation Using CHNS and CHIP Data

- Haider Khan, Francesco Schettino and Alberto Gabriele
- 86132: Monetary policy rule under inflation targeting: the case of Mongolia

- Hiroyuki Taguchi
- 86131: Endogenous Fertility and Pension System

- Masaya Yasuoka
- 86116: Valuing Life: Experimental Evidence Using Sensitivity to Rare Events

- Graciela Chichilnisky and Olivier Chanel
- 86080: The Topology of Change: Foundations of Probability with Black Swans

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 85826: Structural changes in exchange rate-stock returns dynamics in South Africa: Examining the role of crisis and new trading platform

- Andrew Phiri
- 85824: Methodology of Islamic economics: Is the subject worth discussing?

- Zubair Hasan
- 85822: Ricardo’s Theory of Value is Still Alive and Well in Contemporary Capitalism

- Lefteris Tsoulfidis
- 85819: Macroeconomic and demographic determinants of residential property prices in Malaysia

- Ivan D. Trofimov, Nazaria Md. Aris and Dickson C. D. Xuan
- 85813: Globalization misguided views

- Carlos Obregón Díaz
- 85811: An Internally Consistent Approach to the Estimation of Market Power and Cost Efficiency with an Application to U.S. Banking

- Mike Tsionas, Emir Malikov and Subal Kumbhakar
- 85810: Do teacher aides help or hurt student achievement? the role of teacher experience

- Cristopher Deal and Joe A. Stone
- 85801: Nivel de riqueza regional, bienestar y desarrollo (Regional wealth, well-being and development)

- Albino Prada and Patricio Sanchez-Fernandez
- 85798: The Preeminence of Gold and Silver as Money

- Noureddine Krichene and Hassan Ghassan
- 85788: Ethnic groups' income inequality within and across Italian regions

- Chiara Mussida and Maria Laura Parisi
- 85784: How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa? New Evidence from Non-threshold and Threshold Analysis

- Oyakhilome Ibhagui
- 85780: Imperfect Information and Participation in Insurance Markets: Evidence from Italy

- Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
- 85779: Education mismatch in Europe at the turn of the century: Measurement, intensity and evolution

- Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo, Sudipa Sarkar, Raquel Sebastian and José Ignacio Antón
- 85776: Determinants of Environmental Degradation under the Perspective of Globalization: A Panel Analysis of Selected MENA Nations

- Marc Audi and Amjad Ali
- 85771: Financial Markets, Innovations and Cleaner Energy Production in OECD Countries

- Md Al Mamun, Kazi Sohag, Muhammad Shahbaz and Shawkat Hammoudeh
- 85766: The Scope, Scale and Locational Preferences of Spanish Multinationals

- Carolina Mainer-Casado, José Carlos Fariñas and Lourdes Moreno
- 85762: Small Business Lending and the Bank-Branch Network

- Ivan Petkov
- 85759: How Global Warming Can Affect Where People Live? Evidence from Flood Surprises

- Ivan Petkov
- 85755: Economic drivers of greenhouse gas-emissions in small open economies: A hierarchical structural decomposition analysis

- Daniel Croner, Wolfgang Koller and Bernhard Mahlberg
- 85752: Le brevet: un instrument efficace pour promouvoir l’innovation au profit de la croissance ou un mal nécessaire ? (Patent: an effective instrument to promote innovation for the benefit of growth or a necessary evil?)

- Mohamed Mabrouki
- 85749: Subjective expected utility with topological constraints

- Marcus Pivato and Vassili Vergopoulos
- 85748: The Global Development of Halal Food Industry: A Survey

- Rininta Nurrachmi
- 85741: حوكمة المالية العامة في الجزائر وتحدّيات الشفافية (Governance of public finance in Algeria and the challenges of transparency)

- Khaled Menna

- Moundir Lassassi and Khaled Menna
- 85731: Rain, rain, go away: Weather and children’s time allocation

- Ha Nguyen, Huong Thu Le and Luke Connelly
- 85730: Just peanuts? - Trump's protective tariffs and their impact on Africa

- Dirk Kohnert
- 85728: Export Competitiveness and Trade Agreements: Analysis and Insights from Israel’s Experience

- Eyal Ronen and Yohan Benizri
- 85727: How and Why Wharton Business School became World Topper – A Case Study on Organizational Quest for Excellence of First US Business School

- Architha Aithal and Sreeramana Aithal
- 85726: Investigation of Business Strategies in Higher Education Service Model of Selected Private Universities in India

- Sreeramana Aithal, Anil Kumar, Madhushree M and Revathi R
- 85723: Tracing value-added and double counting in sales of foreign affiliates and domestic-owned companies

- Sébastien Miroudot and Ming Ye
- 85722: Foreign Aid and Corruption: Anti-Corruption Strategies Need Greater Alignment with the Objective of Aid Effectiveness

- M.G. Quibria
- 85718: Примена индекса Линда у истраживању концентрације и конкуренције у банковном сектору Србије (The Use of Linda Indices in Research of Concentration and Competition in Serbian Banking Sector)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 85713: Group Size Effect and Over-Punishment in the Case of Third Party Enforcement of Social Norms

- Kenju Kamei
- 85712: The US Opidemic: Prescription Opioids, Labour Market Conditions and Crime

- Claudio Deiana and Ludovica Giua
- 85711: Spatiotemporal distribution of inclusive wealth data: An illustrated guide

- George Halkos, Shunsuke Managi and Kyriaki Tsilika
- 85710: Public choice and political science: A view from Europe

- Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
- 85709: Prediction of Term Structure with Potentially Misspecified Macro-Finance Models near the Zero Lower Bound

- Tsz-Kin Chung and Hirokuni Iiboshi
- 85706: Is Economic Growth Pro-Poor in Vietnam? Evidence from the Period 1993-1998

- Cuong Nguyen
- 85705: A Review of the Relation between Economic Growth, Inequality and Poverty

- Cuong Nguyen
- 85704: Spatial Patterns of Sanitation in Rural Vietnam: An Application of Small Area Estimation

- Cuong Nguyen
- 85703: Trade misinvoicing in OECD countries: what can we learn from bilateral trade intensity indices?

- Christine Carton and Sadri Slim
- 85702: An Estimated Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model of the Japanese Economy: A Bayesian Analysis

- Hirokuni Iiboshi, Shin-Ichi Nishiyama and Toshiaki Watanabe
- 85699: A ‘Desi’ Multinational –A Case Study of Hindustan Unilever Limited

- Keerthana Raj and Sreeramana Aithal
- 85695: Renoncer à la théorie des zones monétaires optimales ? (Renouncing to the Optimal Currency Aera Theory ?)

- Bernard Landais
- 85692: Triggers for countercyclical capital buffers

- Karlo Kauko
- 85687: Risk and systemic risk perception in the telecommunications sector in Brazil: an investor perspective assessment

- Luciano De Freitas, Leonardo Euler de Morais and Carlos Manuel Baigorri
- 85686: Uso da banda larga via satélite para universalização do acesso à banda larga e como indutor de redução das desigualdades regionais (Satellite based broadband use as a strategy to access universalization and to reduce regional inequalities)

- Luciano De Freitas, Renato Couto Rampaso and Leonardo Euler de Morais
- 85684: Monetary policy coordination leader followership

- Leroi Raputsoane
- 85682: Institutions and sustainability – insights from Bulgarian agriculture

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 85675: Управленски аспекти на счетоводната обезценка на търговската репутация (Management Aspects of the Impairment of Goodwill)

- Atanas Atanasov
- 85674: Развитие на вижданията за репутацията в българската счетоводна литература (Development of the Views About Goodwill in Bulgarian Accounting Literature)

- Atanas Atanasov
- 85673: Нефинансовата информация във финансовите отчети като елемент на корпоративната социална отговорност и предпоставка за устойчиво развитие (Non-Financial Information in Financial Statements as an Element of Corporate Social Responsibility and Prerequisite for Sustainable Development)

- Atanas Atanasov
- 85668: Trade costs, import penetration, and markups

- Yifan Li and Zhuang Miao
- 85667: Spatial Integration of Siberian Regional Markets

- Konstantin Gluschenko
- 85663: Logistique hospitalière: proposition d’une grille de sélection des indicateurs pour le pilotage de la performance (Hospital logistics: proposal for an indicator selection grid for performance management)

- Fouad Jawab, Imane Ibn El Farouk and Abdennebi Talbi
- 85662: Contribution à la mise au point d'une démarche d'audit logistique. Application à une entreprise marocaine (Contribution to the development of a logistics audit approach. Application to a Moroccan company)

- Fouad Jawab and Driss Bouami
- 85659: Default risk and equity value: forgotten factor or cultural revolution?

- Roland Clere and Stephane Marande
- 85657: Multi-Curve Discounting

- Bert-Jan Nauta
- 85656: Inflation and Stock Market Returns Volatility: Evidence from the Nigerian Stock Exchange 1995Q1-2016Q4: An E-GARCH Approach

- Paul Iorember, Joseph Sokpo and Terzungwe Usar
- 85655: ANALYSING Inflation in Nigeria: A Fractionally Integrated ARFIMA-GARCH Modelling Approach

- Paul Iorember, Terzungwe Usar and Kabiru Ibrahim
- 85654: Qualitative Research Methodology in Social Sciences and Related Subjects

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 85653: Analysis of Food Production and Poverty Reduction of Bangladesh

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 85651: International practices and situating public debt management in Oman

- Bilal Pandow
- 85649: The Non-Monotonic Political Effects of Resource Booms

- Stanislao Maldonado
- 85648: A new irrelevance result in an endogenous timing with a consumer-friendly public firm

- Arturo Garcia, Mariel Leal and Sang-Ho Lee
- 85645: A Comparative Study of GARCH and EVT Model in Modeling Value-at-Risk

- Longqing Li
- 85643: Note on UK agro industrial trade under a hard Brexit

- Julio Nogues
- 85635: Loss Aversion, Expectations and Anchoring in the BDM Mechanism

- Achilleas Vassilopoulos, Andreas Drichoutis and Rodolfo Nayga
- 85634: The prospects of budget revenue in the aspect of optimal tax burden

- George Abuselidze
- 85629: Sukuk-waqf: The Islamic Solution for Public Finance Deficits

- Lahsen Oubdi and Abdessamad Raghibi
- 85625: Emerging economies, emerging challenges: Mobilising and capturing value from big data

- Joseph Amankwah-Amoah
- 85621: Local policy effects at a time of economic crisis

- Augusto Cerqua and Guido Pellegrini
- 85619: Asymmetric Cointegration and Causality between Natural Gas Consumption and Economic Growth in Nigeria

- Mukhtar Danladi Galadima and Abubakar Wambai Aminu
- 85618: Does Quality Qualify the Kerala Model? Decentralised Governance, Human Development and Quality

- Vijayamohanan Pillai N.
- 85616: Счетоводното регламентиране на репутацията в България – исторически преглед и анализ (The Accounting Regulation of Goodwill in Bulgaria – Historical Overview and Analysis)

- Atanas Atanasov
- 85615: Интегрираното отчитане – ново предизвикателство в корпоративното Отчитане (Integrated Reporting - New Challenge in a Corporate Reporting)

- Atanas Atanasov and Rumyana Marinova
- 85610: Market Reaction to Stock Repurchases in Greece

- Angeliki Drousia, Athanasios Episcopos and George Leledakis
- 85607: Forbidden zones and biases for the expectation of a random variable. Version 2

- Alexander Harin
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