MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 100432: Resource allocation in the brain and the equity premium puzzle

- Hammad Siddiqi
- 100431: Рождение макроэкономического порядка из микроэкономического хаоса (The birth of a macroeconomic order from microeconomic chaos)

- Paata Leiashvily
- 100428: Statehood experience and income inequality: A historical perspective

- Trung Vu
- 100427: Trade in value-added and the welfare gains of international fragmentation

- Arnold Njike
- 100426: Rationalist Explanations for Two-Front War

- Keisuke Nakao
- 100424: Comportamiento de los salarios reales en el sector industrial colombia 2000-2016. Una aplicación del modelo de kaldor (Behavior of Wages in the Industrial Sector, Colombia 2000-2016: An application of the Kaldorian model)

- John Riveros Gavilanes
- 100422: Poverty and Inequality amid COVID-19 – Evidence from Pakistan’s Labour Market

- Sarah Nizamani and Muhammad Shahid Waheed
- 100417: PDS: A Review of its Functioning and Effectiveness, Since Independence

- Bhanu Pratap Singh
- 100415: Azerbaijan’s Contribution to the Chinese Belt & Road Initiative

- Bahruz Babayev and Fariz Ismailzade
- 100414: Chinese stock market sectoral indices performance in the time of novel coronavirus pandemic

- Venus Liew and Chin-Hong Puah

- Elio Londero
- 100410: Current account sustainability for 21 African economies: Evidence based on nonlinear flexible Fourier stationarity and unit-root tests

- Jamal Husein
- 100408: The Political Economy of Indigo farming in India and Champaran Satyagraha

- Bhanu Pratap Singh
- 100406: Assessing spatial variation and heterogeneity of fertility in Greece at local authority level

- Apostolos Tsimpanos, Cleon Tsimbos and Stamatis Kalogirou
- 100401: Место России в истории финансовых инноваций (Russia's Place in the History of Financial Innovation)

- Sergey Blinov
- 100400: Discriminating Behavior: Evidence from teachers’ grading bias

- Bruno Ferman and Luiz Felipe Fontes
- 100399: Teaching the effect of COVID-19 with a manageable model

- Sebastien Charles, Thomas Dallery and Jonathan Marie
- 100395: Women Self-Selection out of the Credit Market in Africa

- Hanan Morsy, Amira El-Shal and Andinet Woldemichael
- 100394: Youth Jobs, Skill and Educational Mismatches in Africa

- Hanan Morsy and Adamon Mukasa
- 100393: Banning the purchase of prostitution increases rape: evidence from Sweden

- Riccardo Ciacci

- Riccardo Ciacci
- 100391: Order Matters: Eliciting Maternal Beliefs on Educational Choices

- Pablo Brañas-Garza, Riccardo Ciacci and Ericka Rascon-Ramirez
- 100390: Scarred Generation

- Hanan Morsy
- 100386: The Log-GARCH Model via ARMA Representations

- Genaro Sucarrat
- 100385: Drivers of Credit Penetration in Eastern India

- Raj Rajesh and Anwesha Das
- 100383: Semi-endogenous versus Schumpeterian growth models: a critical review of the literature and new evidence

- Dierk Herzer
- 100382: Chocs externes, Institutions démocratiques et Résilience économique (External shocks, democratic institutions and economic resilience)

- Mohamed Ali Trabelsi and Salah Ahmed
- 100380: Economic Impact of COVID-19 On Bangladesh: Agenda for Immediate Action and Planning for the Future

- Haider Khan
- 100379: Relocation of capital city: contemporary research on impact on Borneo’s economy

- Arif Kurnia
- 100377: Executive compensation and risk-taking of Chinese banks

- Qhuang Huang
- 100375: Infrastructure and Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: Evidence from Ghana

- Prince Fosu
- 100374: The role of foresight in shaping the next production revolution

- Atttila Havas and Karl Matthias Weber
- 100372: Schumpeter in Vienna: A Study Abroad Course

- John Dalton and Andrew Logan
- 100371: Credit Supply, Firms, and Earnings Inequality

- Christian Moser, Farzad Saidi, Benjamin Wirth and Stefanie Wolter
- 100367: Monitoring the Anti-Crisis Measures in Romania through RIA Instruments

- Ionut Bogdan Berceanu and Mihaela Victorita Cărăușan
- 100366: Impact of Agricultural Export on Inclusive Growth in Nigeria

- Taofik Ibrahim
- 100365: The Impact of Economic Crisis on the Emerging Administrations from Southeastern Europe. Case Study: Romania

- Ionut Bogdan Berceanu and Cristina Mititelu
- 100364: Public Debt Management in Nigeria: The Impacts of Institutional changes after exiting from the Paris Club in 2006

- Muhammad Fagge and Taofik Ibrahim
- 100363: Strategic Voting in Two-Party Legislative Elections

- Niall Hughes
- 100362: Credit cycles and labor market slacks: predictive evidence from Markov-switching models

- German Lopez Buenache, Mihály Borsi and Alfonso Rosa-García
- 100361: The Process of Convergence among the Japanese Prefectures: 1955 - 2012

- Augusto Ricardo Delgado Narro
- 100360: Impact of ICT exports and internet usage on carbon emissions: A case of OECD countries

- Avik Sinha
- 100359: Examination of oil import-exchange nexus for India after currency crisis

- Avik Sinha
- 100353: Quadrilateral Causal Analysis of Economic Growth in India

- Avik Sinha
- 100348: The impact of financial constraints on tradable and non-tradable R&D investments in Portugal

- Manuela Magalhães
- 100347: Carbon pricing of international transport fuels: Impacts on carbon emissions and trade activity

- Gabriela Mundaca and Jon Strand
- 100345: Fußballspiele, Polizeieinsätze und Steuerzahler: Ökonomische Anmerkungen zur Polizeikosten-Debatte (Football Matches, Police Operations and Taxpayers: Economic Remarks on the Police-Cost Debate)

- Karsten Mause
- 100344: Improving Market Performance in the Digital Economy

- Yongmin Chen
- 100334: External Debt Stock and Economic Growth in Somalia (1990-2016)

- Taofik Ibrahim and Abdisamad Farah
- 100329: Rational human behaviour for corporate survival: Black Monday Review

- Dominique Trual Molintas
- 100322: Decomposition of density into their components: Analysis for the case of Japan

- Augusto Ricardo Delgado Narro and Yuya Katafuchi
- 100321: Agricultural Revolution and Industrialization

- Angus Chu, Pietro Peretto and Xilin Wang
- 100319: Spatial Spillover Effects of Mega-City Lockdown Due to Covid-19 Outbreak

- Fatih Celebioglu
- 100311: A Joint Foreign Currency Risk Management Approach for Sovereign Assets and Liabilities

- Mehmet Cangoz, Olga Sulla, ChunLan Wang and Christopher Benjamin Dychala
- 100309: How Do Countries Use an Asset and Liability Management Approach? A Survey on Sovereign Balance Sheet Management

- Mehmet Cangoz, Sebastien Boitreaud and Christopher Benjamin Dychala
- 100306: Power, Property, Publicity and Democracy in Nigeria

- Olanrewaju Akinola
- 100301: garchx: Flexible and Robust GARCH-X Modelling

- Genaro Sucarrat
- 100295: Sectorul Întreprinderilor Mici și Mijlocii în timpul crizei COVID-19. Cazul României (The Small and Medium Enterprises Sector during the COVID-19 crisis. The Case of Romania)

- Daniela Antonescu
- 100289: Monetary System 2.0: Hybrid credit notes, a novel inclusive digital monetary instrument for central banks, asset managers and emerging green value chains

- Derek Queisser de Stockalper
- 100288: Ecart salarial de genre au Cameroun: une analyse de son trend et de son ampleur entre 2001 et 2014 (Gender wage gap in Cameroon: an analysis of the trend and extent between 2001 and 2014)

- Miamo Clovis and Clemence Zite Kouhomou
- 100286: Les écarts salariaux de genre dans les entreprises au Cameroun (Gender pay gaps in Cameroonian firms)

- Miamo Clovis and Clemence Zite Kouhomou
- 100284: Government Expenditures and Economic Growth: A Cointegration Analysis for Thailand under the Floating Exchange Rate Regime

- Komain Jiranyakul
- 100283: The Impact of Government Restrictions on Human Mobility: Which States Performed Better?

- Himangshu Kumar and Manikantha Nataraj
- 100280: Environmental Investment in Community Forest Management (CFM): Its effects on Social Protection of the poor households of Mid Hill Nepal

- Raghu Bista
- 100279: Accounting Total Factor Productivity of FDI Firm in Nepal

- Raghu Bista
- 100277: Measuring Wage Inequality of Foreign Direct Investment Industries in Nepal: Gini Coefficient Analysis

- Raghu Bista
- 100276: Foreign Direct Investment and BIPPA In Nepalese Economy: A Policy Issue Paper

- Raghu Bista
- 100271: FDI, natural resource and economic growth: A Threshold model approach

- Arshad Hayat and Tomas Cahlik
- 100267: What Corporate Social Responsibility Motivations are better for The Environment?

- Mauricio Villena
- 100266: An Italian case-study of Eco-innovations: drivers and barriers for SMEs in Calabria

- Nazaria Solferino
- 100265: Pobreza en Colombia, en tiempos del Covid-19 (Poverty in Colombia, in times of Covid-19)

- Catalina Chacón Mejía and María Nathalia Ramírez Chaparro
- 100263: The determinants of islamic mudharabah interbank investment rate: Malaysia as a case study

- Nur Aziah Aziz and Abul Masih
- 100262: Monetary policy in DR. Congo: Learning about communication and expectations

- Christian Pinshi
- 100260: Local governments’ efficiency and educational results: empirical evidence from Italian primary schools

- Simona Ferraro, Tommaso Agasisti, Francesco Porcelli and Mara Soncin
- 100259: How Renewable Energy Consumption Contribute to Environmental Quality? The Role of Education in OECD Countries

- Muhammad Wasif Zafar, Muhammad Shahbaz, Avik Sinha, Tuhin Sengupta and Quande Qin
- 100257: Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2 emission: A survey of empirical literature

- Muhammad Shahbaz and Avik Sinha
- 100255: Управление предприятием и интерес акционеров: концепция максимизации рыночной стоимости (Corporate Governance and Shareholders’ Interests: Concept of the Maximization of the Market Values of Companies)

- Rajko Bukvić and Ljiljana Rajnović
- 100253: Analyzing Technology-Emissions Association in Top-10 Polluted MENA Countries: How to Ascertain Sustainable Development by Quantile Modeling Approach

- Avik Sinha, Muhammad Ibrahim Shah, Tuhin Sengupta and Zhilun Jiao
- 100251: Is shariah (islamic) stock price causally related to the macroeconomic variables ? Malaysian evidence

- Nafsiah Khalit and Abul Masih
- 100250: Resource allocation in the brain and the Capital Asset Pricing Model

- Hammad Siddiqi
- 100240: Fiscalité de l’introduction en Bourse (Tax Shield of Initial Public Offering)

- Mohamed Lachaari, El Mehdi Inani and Rachid Barigo
- 100238: Economic determinants of islamic deposits: evidence from Malaysia

- Azura Othman and Abul Masih
- 100234: How Reliable are Bootstrap-based Heteroskedasticity Robust Tests?

- Benedikt Pötscher and David Preinerstorfer
- 100231: Trends and Decomposition Growth Analysis of the Most Important Cereal Crops in Egypt

- Ahmed Abou El-Yazid El-Rasoul, Sameh M. Hassan Shehab and Heba El-Sayed Maghraby
- 100230: The investment activity of cities in the context of their administrative status: A case study from Poland

- Katarzyna Przybyla, Marian Kachniarz and David Ramsey
- 100227: Political Parties and Policy Outcomes. Do Parties Block Reforms?

- Valerio Dotti
- 100226: No Country for Young People? The Rise of Anti-immigration Populism in Ageing Societies

- Valerio Dotti
- 100217: Type I and Type II Error Probabilities in the Courtroom

- Shin Kanaya and Luke Taylor
- 100216: Public Policies, Socio-Economic Environment and Crimes in Pakistan: A Time Series Analysis

- Amjad Ali and Chan Bibi
- 100215: On the Computation and Essence of the Nominal Convergence Criteria for Africa Currency Union: ECOWAS in Perspective

- Stanley Abban
- 100214: Exploring the links between total factor productivity, final-to-useful exergy efficiency, and economic growth: Case study Portugal 1960-2014

- João Santos, Afonso Borges and Tiago Domingos
- 100208: Saving Motives over the Life-Cycle

- Svetlana Pashchenko and Ponpoje Porapakkarm
- 100201: Climate Policy in an Unequal World: Assessing the Cost of Risk on Vulnerable Households

- Laurence Malafry and Pedro Brinca
- 100194: Foreign Direct Investment in Nepal

- Raghu Bista
- 100189: Conflict and Internal Displacement in Nepal:Socio-Economic Query

- Raghu Bista
- 100184: COVID-19 uncertainty and monetary policy

- Christian Pinshi
- 100182: Tessa: A new economic tool; A Temporary Equity Spend and Save Again system

- Kees De Koning
- 100181: A Game-Theoretic Model of Sexual Harassment

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
- 100180: Business Cycle Accounting: what have we learned so far?

- Pedro Brinca, João Costa-Filho and Francesca Loria
- 100179: Environmental Kuznets curve estimation for NO2 emission: A case of Indian cities

- Avik Sinha and Joysankar Bhattacharya
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