MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 31137: Pricing, liquidity and the control of dynamic systems in finance and economics

- Geoff Willis
- 31133: Job satisfaction in Italy: individual characteristics and social relations

- Damiano Fiorillo and Nunzia Nappo
- 31132: The development of the brazilian amazon region and greenhouse gases emission: a dilemma to be faced!

- Denise Imori, Joaquim Guilhoto, Leticia Scretas David, Leopoldo Millan Gutierre and Caio Waisman
- 31124: Detection and Forecasting of Islamic Calendar Effects in Time Series Data: Revisited

- Syed Bukhari, Abdul Jalil and Nasir Rao
- 31122: Retirement Withdrawal Rates and Portfolio Success Rates: What Can the Historical Record Teach Us?

- Wade Pfau
- 31118: Strategie di internazionalizzazione fra economie distrettuali e filiere estese (Internationalization strategies: from local clusters to extended networks)

- Fabio Musso
- 31117: Democracy or videocracy? An econometric analysis of the role of television in the Italian political arena

- Fabio Sabatini
- 31116: Marketing 2.0: A new marketing strategy

- Domenico Consoli and Fabio Musso
- 31115: The calendar regularity of earnings and volatility distribution on the Ukrainian stock market

- Bohdan Petrushchak
- 31112: Retailers and SME suppliers social responsibility in international supply chains

- Cosetta Pepe, Fabio Musso and Mario Risso
- 31110: Small retailing, town centres and inland territories: An “Extended Town Centre Management” perspective

- Fabio Musso
- 31109: Immigration and the Canadian Welfare State 2011

- Herbert Grubel and Patrick Grady
- 31107: Analytical approximation of the transition density in a local volatility model

- Stefano Pagliarani and Andrea Pascucci
- 31102: On wage formation, wage flexibility and wage coordination: A focus on the wage impact of productivity in Germany, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the United States

- Marga Peeters and Ard Reijer
- 31101: Demographic pressure, excess labour supply and public-private sector employment in Egypt - Modelling labour supply to analyse the response of unemployment, public finances and welfare

- Marga Peeters
- 31097: An investigation into the positive effect of an educated wife on her husband’s earnings: the case of Japan in the period between 2000 and 2003

- Eiji Yamamura and Yukichi Mano
- 31096: Capital, liquidity standards and macro prudential policy tools in financial supervision: addressing sovereign debt problems

- Marianne Ojo
- 31093: Role of dairy buffalo in Egypt food security

- Ibrahim Soliman
- 31091: Gendered effects of work and participation in collective forest management

- Sirisha Naidu
- 31090: Geographical information systems technologies for spatial visualization of statistical data

- Marian Dardala and Adriana Reveiu
- 31088: Economic feed utilization for dairy buffalo under intensive agricultural system

- brahim- I. Soliman Soliman
- 31086: Integrarea pietei bursiere europene in contextul UEM (European stock market integration under EMU)

- Andreea Avadanei
- 31082: Dalla crisi allo sviluppo: quali strategie per le PMI? (From the crisis to the growth. Policies to sustain the SM firms)

- Adriano Birolo
- 31081: Estimating fixed-effect panel stochastic frontier models by model transformation

- Hung-Jen Wang and Chia-Wen Ho
- 31080: Safe withdrawal rates from retirement savings for residents of emerging market countries

- Channarith Meng and Wade Pfau
- 31079: Stochastic frontier models

- Hung-Jen Wang
- 31078: Symmetrical Information and Credit Rationing: Graphical Demonstrations

- Hung-Jen Wang
- 31076: Heteroscedasticity and non-monotonic efficiency effects of a stochastic frontier model

- Hung-Jen Wang
- 31075: One-step and two-step estimation of the effects of exogenous variables on technical efficiency levels

- Hung-Jen Wang and Peter Schmidt
- 31069: On Variable Discounting in Dynamic Programming: Applications to Resource Extraction and Other Economic Models

- Anna Jaśkiewicz, Janusz Matkowski and Andrzej Nowak
- 31068: Capital, liquidity standards and macro prudential policy tools in financial supervision: addressing sovereign debt problems

- Marianne Ojo
- 31067: The nexus between FDI and Total Factor Productivity Growth in Sub Saharan Africa

- Sisay Senbeta
- 31064: Living conditions of Czech farmers according to the EU statistics on income

- L. S. Ladislav Stejskal and J. S. Jana Stavkova
- 31062: Structure and Determinants of Consumer Expenditures

- L. S. Ladislav Stejskal and J. S. Jana Stavkova
- 31060: Rural Livelihoods, Forest Access and Time Use: A Study of Forest Communities in Northwest India

- Sirisha Naidu
- 31059: Should Economists Listen to Educational Psychologists?: Some Economics of Student Motivation

- Jocelyn Donze and Trude Gunnes
- 31053: Pension systems in 27 EU countries

- Jarosław Poteraj
- 31052: The capitalization of the accounting information in the process of stocks analyse

- Anca Ciumag
- 31051: Studiu critic privind structura, evaluarea şi recunoaşterea stocurilor în extracţia lignitului (Critical Study on the Structure, Assessment and Recognition of Lignite Mining Stocks)

- Anca Ciumag
- 31049: Accounting information related on stocks in the lignite extraction

- Anca Ciumag
- 31041: On mission drift in microfinance institutions

- Beatriz Armendariz de Aghion and Ariane Szafarz
- 31040: Gender empowerment in microfinance

- Beatriz Armendariz de Aghion and Nigel Roome
- 31029: Some sociological explanations for the present condition of neoclassical economics

- Neva Goodwin
- 31028: The Stumbling-blocks of Economics: Complexity, Time and Change

- Neva Goodwin
- 31027: Individuals and institutions in social economics

- Neva Goodwin
- 31025: Infrastructure integration and incomplete contracts: natural gas in the Southern Cone

- Fernando H. Navajas
- 31021: How and why communications industry suppliers get “squeezed out” by outsourcing: cases, impact and the next phases

- Louis Pau
- 31020: Discovering the dynamics of smart business networks

- Louis Pau
- 31019: Does intellectual monopoly stimulate or stifle innovation?

- Angus Chu, Guido Cozzi and Silvia Galli
- 31018: Privacy metrics and boundaries

- Louis Pau
- 31016: ERP project’s internal stakeholder network and how it influences the project’s outcome

- Kristian Jääskeläinen and Louis Pau
- 31015: The effects of terrorist activities on foreign direct investment: nonlinear Evidence

- Tolga Omay, Bahar Takay Araz and Deniz Ilalan
- 31014: Botnet economics and devising defence schemes from attackers’ own reward processes

- Louis Pau
- 31012: Western guilt and Third World Development: Part 2

- Joseph Baafi Antwi
- 31011: Practical approach to estimating cost of capital

- Domantas Skardziukas
- 31007: Economic crisis and taxation in Europe

- Luigi Bernardi
- 31006: Patterns in U.S. urban growth (1790–2000)

- Rafael González-Val and Luis Lanaspa
- 31005: Tendenze dei prelievi tributari ed effetti fiscali della crisi finanziaria nell'Unione europea e in Svizzera (Tax trends and tax effectcs of the economic crisis in European Union and in Switzerland)

- Luigi Bernardi
- 31004: Heterogeneous expectations, Taylor rules and the merit of monetary policy inertia

- Emanuel Gasteiger
- 31003: Commodity ETFs in the Japanese Stock Exchanges

- Nobuyoshi Yamori
- 31002: Service innovation and the proximity-concentration trade-off model of trade and FDI

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 31001: A Discursive Dominance Theory of Economic Reform Sustainability: The Case of India

- Chanchal Kumar Sharma
- 30998: It is time to re-think on environment, energy and economics (E3)

- Antonino Buscemi and Alem Hagos Yallwe
- 30994: Simple, Skewness-Based GMM Estimation of the Semi-Strong GARCH(1,1) Model

- Todd Prono
- 30993: Does timing of decisions in a mixed duopoly matter?

- Tamás L. Balogh and Attila Tasnádi
- 30992: The causes of childhood obesity: A survey

- Georgia Papoutsi, Andreas Drichoutis and Rodolfo Nayga
- 30990: The relationship between absence from work and job satisfaction: Greece and UK comparisons

- Stavros Drakopoulos and Aikaterini Grimani
- 30986: Spatial organization of production in India: contesting themes and conflicting evidence

- Satyaki Roy
- 30985: Challenging path dependence? Ideational mapping of nationalism and the EU’s transformative power: The case of infrastructural politics in SEE

- Blagoy Klimov
- 30977: Identi�cation of jumps in �financial price series

- Jörgen Hellström and Carl Lönnbark
- 30970: Stocks as Hedge against Inflation in Pakistan: Evidence from ARDL Approach

- Muhammad Shahbaz and Faridul Islam
- 30969: Analysis of the relationship between cost, price and profit in lignite extraction

- Anca Ciumag and Marin Ciumag
- 30968: Wage bargaining and quality competition

- Ranajoy Bhattacharyya and Bibhas Saha
- 30963: Keep to sustain or keep to exploit? Why firms keep hard evidence

- Panayiotis Agisilaou
- 30961: Does economic development cause intra-industry trade? The case of India: 1971 to 2000

- Sarmila Banerjee and Ranajoy Bhattacharyya
- 30958: Impact of adverse economic shocks on the Indian child labour market and the schooling of children of poor households

- B Karan Singh
- 30955: On the mathematical form of CVA in Basel III

- Geurdes, Han / J. F.
- 30954: Effect of transparency on changing views regarding nuclear energy before and after Japan’s 2011 natural disasters: A cross-country analysis

- Eiji Yamamura
- 30953: How costly are debt crises?

- Davide Furceri and Aleksandra Zdzienicka
- 30951: A variant of radial measure capable of dealing with negative inputs and outputs in data envelopment analysis

- Gang Cheng, Panagiotis Zervopoulos and Zhenhua Qian
- 30948: The relationship between happiness and health: evidence from Italy

- Fabio Sabatini
- 30946: Optimal decisions on pension plans in the presence of financial literacy costs and income inequalities

- Lorenzo Corsini and Luca Spataro
- 30943: Political competition in hard times

- Galina Zudenkova
- 30942: National economic and environmental development study: the case of Pakistan

- Vaqar Ahmed, Amin Aslam Khan Malik, Shakeel Ramay, Zuhair Munawwar and Amir Pervaiz
- 30941: Kaldor-Verdoorn’s law and increasing returns to scale: a comparison across developed countries

- Ferdinando Ofria and Emanuele Millemaci
- 30940: A social proximity explanation of the reluctance to assimilate

- C. Simon Fan and Oded Stark
- 30939: The new economics of the brain drain

- Oded Stark
- 30938: Budget Rules, Fiscal Consolidation and Government Spending:Implications for Federal Transfers

- Pinaki Chakraborty
- 30937: The effect of Walmart on the tax base: evidence from New Jersey

- Donald Vandegrift, John Loyer and David Kababik
- 30936: Εφαρμογή μετρήσεων απόδοσης – αποτελεσματικότητας - αποδοτικότητας στη δημόσια διοίκηση: διεθνής και ελληνική εμπειρία (Performance – effectiveness – efficiency measurement methods in public sector: international and greek experience)

- Panagiotis Zervopoulos and Theodosios Palaskas
- 30932: Institutional credit and agricultural production nexus

- Maqbool Hussain Sial, Masood Awan and Muhammad Waqas
- 30931: How applicable are the new keynesian DSGE models to a typical low-income economy?

- Sisay Senbeta
- 30930: After ten years the Russian crisis how IMF intervention might be evaluated?

- Malgorzata Sulimierska
- 30928: Chaos detection in economics. Metric versus topological tools

- Marisa Faggini
- 30926: Daily and monthly costs of terrorism on Pakistani exports

- Dawood Mamoon, Sajjad Akhtar and Saadia Hissam
- 30924: The review of financial repression policies and banking system in Iran

- Omid Dehghan Nejad
- 30922: Reviewing Excess Liquidity Measures - A Comparison for Asset Markets

- Christian Drescher
- 30921: New financial intermediary development indicators for developing countries

- Simplice Asongu
- 30914: Costly and discrete communication: An experimental investigation

- Sean Duffy, Tyson Hartwig and John Smith
- 30910: Life-cycle consumption: can single agent models get it right?

- Alexander Bick and Sekyu Choi
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