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52088: Population, Affluence, and Environmental Impact Across Development: Evidence from Panel Cointegration Modeling Downloads
Brantley Liddle
52085: OECD Energy Intensity: Measures, Trends, and Convergence Downloads
Brantley Liddle
52081: The Systemic, Long-run Relation among Gasoline Demand, Gasoline Price, Income, and Vehicle Ownership in OECD Countries: Evidence from Panel Cointegration and Causality Modeling Downloads
Brantley Liddle
52080: Long-Run Relationship among Transport Demand, Income, and Gasoline Price for the US Downloads
Brantley Liddle
52079: Impacto de los Sistemas de Producción Agropecuarios en el Desarrollo Local Sostenible de Nicaragua, 1998-2005: Índice de Malmquist DEA con un producto Orientado (Livestock Production Systems Impact on the Nicaragua Sustainable Local Development, 1998-2005: Malmquist DEA Index with an oriented Output) Downloads
Carlos Alberto Zúniga González
52077: Cómo El Paradigma Económico No Da Respuesta a Los Países En Vías De Desarrollo (How the Economic Paradigm Does Not Fit Developing Countries) Downloads
Jaime Bravo
52075: Algunos comentarios sobre la exclusión económica global: Un análisis al azar de la pobreza en algunos países subdesarrollados (Some Comments On The Global Economic Exclusion: A Random Analysis Of Poverty In Some Non-Developed Countries) Downloads
Jaime Bravo
52074: Interregional Income Determination: A Graphical Analysis for Interdependent Economies Downloads
Richard Cebula
52073: Sarbanes Oxley, Non Audit Services (NAS) and the mandatory rotation of audit firms Downloads
Marianne Ojo
52070: The Design and Implementation of Ethics-Related Administrative Law in Eastern Europe Downloads
Bryane Michael and Donald Bowser
52069: The Middle Eastern Wealth Management Industry: Boon or Bust? Downloads
Bryane Michael and Nenad Apostoloski
52062: Exchange Rate Volatility and Inflation Upturn in Nigeria: Testing for Vector Error Correction Model Downloads
Sesan Adeniji
52059: R&D Intensity and Financing Decisions: Evidence from European Firms Downloads
Taoufik Elkemali, Aymen Ben Rejeb and Hamadi Matoussi
52056: On the Identification and Macroeconomic Effects of Discretionary Changes in Fiscal Policy Downloads
Christian Breuer
52055: Living Costs, The Quality of Life, and the "Sunbelt" vs "Frostbelt" Battle in the United states Downloads
Richard Cebula
52052: Efficiency And Productivity Growth Across The Italian Regions: The Regional Divide Revisited Downloads
Fabrizio Pompei
52049: Be Fruitful and Multiply? Moderate Fecundity and Long-Run Reproductive Success Downloads
Oded Galor and Marc Klemp
52048: A Note on Health Care Inflation Downloads
Usha Nair-Reichert and Richard Cebula
52047: The Quality of Life and Migration of the Elderly Downloads
Richard Cebula
52043: Financialization of food - The determinants of the time-varying relation between agricultural prices and stock market dynamics Downloads
Daniele Girardi
52041: Mixed Duopoly with Motivated Teachers Downloads
Ester Manna
52039: Does sovereign debt weaken economic growth? A Panel VAR analysis Downloads
Matthijs Lof and Tuomas Malinen
52032: A Socio-Economic Study on Adoption of Modern Agricultural Technologies in Bihar, India Downloads
K.M. Singh, R.K.P. Singh and Abhay Kumar
52028: Personal Income Tax Evasion Determinants Revisited: An Exploratory Study Using Newly Available Data Downloads
Richard Cebula and Maggie Foley
52027: A Note on Equal Proportional Sacrifice Downloads
Richard Cebula
52026: The Demand for Treasury Securities at Auction Downloads
Payam Bahamin, Richard Cebula, Maggie Foley and Robert Houmes
52025: On the Impact of State and Local Government Policies on Human Migration: A Log-Linear Analysis Downloads
Richard Cebula
52024: Real Earnings and Human Migration in the United States Downloads
Richard Cebula
52023: A Brief Empirical Note on the Impact of Welfare Benefit Levels on Property Crime in the United States Downloads
Richard Cebula
52015: Idese: Uma análise sobre o índice de desenvolvimento socioeconômico do Rio Grande do Sul (IDESE: an analysis of the index of socioeconomic development of Rio Grande do Sul) Downloads
Livio Oliveira and Gabriel Afonso Marchesi Lopes
52013: Nüfus Yapısındaki Değişimlerin Uzun Dönem Konut Talebi Üzerindeki Etkileri (The Effects of Demographic Changes on the Long Term Housing Demand in Turkey) Downloads
Yavuz Arslan, Evren Ceritoğlu and Birol Kanık
52012: A teoria econômica da religião: aspectos gerais (Economics of religion: general aspects) Downloads
Livio Oliveira
52010: Selling a Cost Reducing Production Technique through Auction in a Duopolistic Industry Downloads
Srobonti Chattopadhyay and Rittwik Chatterjee
52002: Emerging market multinationals in the European Union – A location choice analysis Downloads
Sohaib Shahzad Hassan, Bjoern Jindra, Uwe Cantner and Jutta Günther
51999: Využívanie informačných technológií v postindustriálnom podnikateľskom prostredí (Utilization of Information Technologies in Postindustrial Business Environment) Downloads
Branislav Zagoršek
51998: Vplyv intenzity konkurencie na stratégiu podniku (Influence of Competition Intensity on the Strategy) Downloads
Branislav Zagoršek
51997: Least-Developed Countries' Trade During the "Super-Cycle" and the Great Trade Collapse: Patterns and Stylized Facts Downloads
Hubert Escaith and Bekele Tamenu
51996: Vizualizácia podnikateľského modelu (Business Model Visualization) Downloads
Branislav Zagoršek
51993: Descomponiendo la Desigualdad Salarial en la República Dominicana: Análisis Empírico para el Periodo 2000-2011 (Decomposing Wage Inequality in the Dominican Republic: Empirical Analysis for the Period 2000-2011) Downloads
Francisco Ramírez de León
51992: An Exploratory Note on Interstate Living-Cost Differentials Downloads
Richard Cebula
51991: The Curious Case of the Journal Manuscript Market: Ethics Versus Efficiency in Academe Downloads
James Koch and Richard Cebula
51978: Model uncertainty and expected return proxies Downloads
Christoph Jäckel
51939: Podnikateľský model v službách parkour a freerunning (Business Model in Parkour and Freerunning Services) Downloads
Branislav Zagoršek
51938: Estimates of the Return to Schooling in a Developing Country: Evidence from a Major Policy Reform in Turkey Downloads
Abdurrahman Aydemir and Murat Kırdar
51937: Potreba skúmania podnikateľských stretégií v postindustriálnej ére podnikania (The Needs of Business Strategies Research in Postindustrial Business Era) Downloads
Branislav Zagoršek
51936: Lobbying, Corruption, and Regulatory Constraints: An Analysis of Eastern European Business Associations Downloads
Eugene Kiselev
51935: Kontroverzia internetovej stratégie (Internet Strategy Controversy) Downloads
Branislav Zagoršek
51934: Využitie informačných technológií pri strategickom rozhodovaní (Information Technologies Utilization in Strategic Decision Making) Downloads
Branislav Zagoršek
51933: Informačné technológie a stratégie v bankovníctve na Slovensku (Information Technologies and Strategies in the Bank Sector in Slovakia) Downloads
Branislav Zagoršek
51932: Aktuálne prístupy k stratégii v postindustriálnom prostredí (Strategy, Current Approaches In Postindustrial Environment) Downloads
Branislav Zagoršek
51930: Foreign Direct Investment, Human Capital and Economic Growth in Malaysia Downloads
Mohamed Aslam Gulam Hassan and Sameer Abou Sakar
51926: Efficiency assessment of primary care providers: A conditional nonparametric approach Downloads
Jose Manuel Cordero Ferrera, Edurne Alonso Morán, Roberto Nuño Solís, Juan F. Orueta and Regina Souto Arce
51922: Deviation from Purchasing Power Parity: Evidence from Malaysia, 1973–1997 Downloads
Soo Khoon Goh and Dawood Mithani
51920: Beyond FDI: The Influence of Bilateral Investment Treaties on Debt Downloads
Wasseem Mina
51919: Sustainability of the Malawian Current Account Deficit: Application of Structural and Solvency Approaches Downloads
Onelie Nkuna
51915: What blows in with the wind? Downloads
Dakshina De Silva, Robert P. McComb and Anita R. Schiller
51913: Oferta de Trabajo en la República Dominicana: Tendencias y Determinantes (Labor Supply in the Dominican Republic: Trends and Determinants) Downloads
Francisco Ramírez de León
51911: The Role of Education in Agricultural Productivity in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa(1975-2008) Downloads
Khattak Naeem ur Rehman, Jangraiz Khan and Tariq Muhammad
51910: Does Health Accelerate Economic Growth in Pakistan? Downloads
Khattak Naeem Ur Rehman and Jangraiz Khan
51909: Conditional Autoregregressive Range (CARR) Based Volatility Spillover Index For the Eurozone Markets Downloads
Selçuk Bayracı and Sercan Demiralay
51906: Immigrants' Genes: Genetic Diversity and Economic Development in the US Downloads
Philipp Ager and Markus Brückner
51902: Time Is Money. Theory of Value Depreciation Downloads
Sergey Blinov
51900: The Possible Effects of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) on Turkish Economy Downloads
Merve Mavuş, Arif Oduncu and Didem Güneş
51896: Evolución de largo plazo del Comercio Intraindustrial de manufacturas de España, 1988-2011 (Long term evolution of Manufactures Intraindustry Trade in Spain, 1988-2011) Downloads
Miguel Carrera Troyano and Dorotea De Diego Álvarez
51895: Pobreza y desigualdad en Un mundo para Julius (Poverty and Inequality in "Un Mundo para Julius") Downloads
Miguel Carrera Troyano, Montserrat Casado Francisco and Dorotea De Diego Álvarez
51890: Tribal Economies in Assam: A Study of Northeastern India Downloads
Mahmood Ansari
51888: An empirical study of factors affecting inflation in Republic of Tajikistan Downloads
Nigina Qurbanalieva
51887: The Impact of Urban Sprawl on Disaster Relief Spending: An Exploratory Study Downloads
Thomas Lambert and James Catchen
51885: Potatoes, Milk, and the Old World Population Boom Downloads
Justin Cook
51879: A quantile regression approach to bank efficiency measurement Downloads
Emmanuel Mamatzakis, Anastasia Koutsomanoli-Filippaki and Fotios Pasiouras
51878: Regulations, Economic Freedom and Bank Performance: Evidence from the EU-10 Economies Downloads
Emmanuel Mamatzakis and Antonios Kalyvas
51877: La introducción de los instrumentos de gestión de la calidad en la administración pública rumana (The introduction of quality management tools in the Romanian public administration) Downloads
Ana Ionela Cristea
51872: An analysis of bank liquidity in the Bahamas,2001-2012 Downloads
Alwyn Jordan, Sharon Branch, Andrea McQuay, Yvonne Cooper and Latoya Smith
51867: Tres décadas de economía, ideología económica y políticas en la evolución de la pobreza y la desigualdad en América Latina (Three decades of economics, economic ideology and policies in the evolution of poverty and inequality in Latin America) Downloads
Miguel Carrera Troyano and Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo
51866: Long term evolution of the bilateral Intra Industry Trade between Portugal and Spain, 1988-2011 Downloads
Miguel Carrera Troyano and Dorotea De Diego Álvarez
51864: The Quality of China's GDP Statistics Downloads
Carsten Holz
51862: Development of Potato in Bihar:Issues and Strategies Downloads
K.M. Singh and Abhay Kumar
51860: Rentabilidad versus profundidad del alcance: un análisis de las entidades microfinancieras peruanas, 2006-2011 (Profitability and depth of outreach: analysis of the Peruvian microfinance organizations, 2006-2011) Downloads
Ady Aguilar and Francisco Galarza
51859: 150 Years of Boom and Bust: What Drives Mineral Commodity Prices? Downloads
Martin Stuermer
51854: An anniversary to mark: the who, what, when, and why of California's trademark registration law of 1863 Downloads
Paul Duguid
51853: Türkiye’de İş Geliştirme Merkezlerinde (İŞGEM) Yer Alan Kiracı Firmaların Hayatta Kalma Performansı (Survival Performance of Tenant Firms in Business Incubators (ISGEMs) in Turkey) Downloads
Onur Sungur and Murat Ali Dulupçu
51846: Should Africa Promote Stock Market Capitalism? Downloads
Ajit Singh
51845: The Relationship between Population Dynamics and Investments for Energy and Telecommunication Infrastructures in the Philippines Downloads
Aileen Jean Busilac and Roperto Deluna
51842: The effect of freight transport time changes on the performance of manufacturing companies Downloads
Evangelos Sambracos or Samprakos and Irene Ramfou
51841: Long term evolution of the bilateral Trade between China and Spain, 1988-2011 Downloads
Miguel Carrera Troyano and Dorotea De Diego Álvarez
51840: Measuring Maize Price Volatility in Swaziland using ARCH/GARCH approach Downloads
Mphumuzi Sukati
51835: Bölgesel İnovasyon Sistemleri: Başarı Koşulları ve Politika Çıkarımları (Regional Innovation Systems: Success Factors and Policy Implications) Downloads
Onur Sungur and Hidayet Keskin
51833: İşletme Kuluçkaları ve Bölgesel Kalkınma: Kavramsal Çerçeve ve Literatür Bulguları (Business Incubators and Regional Development: Conceptual Framework and Findings from the Literature) Downloads
Onur Sungur and Murat Ali Dulupçu
51832: Booze and women: Gendering labor market outcomes of secular consumption patterns in a Muslim society Downloads
F. Kemal Kizilca
51827: Comparisons and Characterizations of the Mean-Variance, Mean-VaR, Mean-CVaR Models for Portfolio Selection With Background Risk Downloads
Guo Xu, Wing-Keung Wong and Lixing Zhu
51826: Exceso de oferta de viviendas entre 1998 y 2008: una estimación provincial a partir de variables demográficas (Oversupply of housing between 1998 and 2008: a regional estimate from demographic variables) Downloads
Daniel Fuentes Castro
51822: Global food price hike is a burden to the poor Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
51820: A remark on definable paths in regular O-minimal equilibrium manifolds Downloads
Omar Fdo. Arias-R.
51818: Segmentation of the labor market in Algeria and the determination of wages in agriculture, formal and informal sector Downloads
Nacer-Eddine Hammouda and Ali Souag
51817: Outward FDI from the Central and Eastern European Transition Economies – A Discrete Choice Analysis of Location Choice within the European Union Downloads
Uwe Cantner, Jutta Günther, Sohaib Shahzad Hassan and Bjoern Jindra
51815: Inefficiency and Sustainability Downloads
Andrei Bazhanov
51813: Do Technological Developments and Financial Development Promote Economic Growth: Fresh Evidence from Romania Downloads
Ijaz Ur Rehman, Muhammad Shahbaz and Phouphet Kyophilavong
51811: Political Risk Guarantees and Capital Flows: The Role of Bilateral Investment Treaties Downloads
Wasseem Mina
51810: United Arab Emirates FDI Outlook Downloads
Wasseem Mina
51804: Outward FDI from Central and East European Transition Economies – A discrete choice analysis of location within the EU Downloads
Uwe Cantner, Jutta Günther, Sohaib Shahzad Hassan and Bjoern Jindra
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