MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 102938: South Korean Economy and the Free Trade Agreement with China

- Celal Bayari
- 102937: Rethinking the Ability-to-Pay and Equal Sacrifice Principles of Taxation: An Alternative Rationale for a Progressive Income Tax

- Taiji Harashima
- 102936: Human Development and Muslim Countries: Need fulfillment versus basic universal income from Islamic perspective*

- Zubair Hasan
- 102935: Reference point adaptation and air quality – Experimental evidence with anti-PM 2.5 facemasks from China

- Nan Zhang and Botao Qin
- 102934: Does the nudge effect persist? Evidence from a fi eld experiment using social comparison message in China

- Haoyan Chen and Botao Qin
- 102933: The policy-driven boom and bust in the housing market: Evidence from Mongolia

- Gan-Ochir Doojav and Davaasukh Damdinjav
- 102931: Design method for two-Stage CMOS operational amplifier applying load/miller capacitor compensation

- Abolfazl Sadeqi, Javad Rahmani, Saeed Habibifar, Muhammad Ammar Khan and Hafiz Mudassir Munir
- 102928: Data Science: A Primer for Economists

- Gerardo Gomez-Ruano
- 102927: A Non-Parametric Approach to the Women Employment Through Microcredit Financing

- Pelin Varol İyidoğan
- 102926: Communication, Renegotiation and Coordination with Private Values (Extended Version)

- Yuval Heller and Christoph Kuzmics
- 102916: Implementing Intergenerational Equity in Goa

- Rahul Basu
- 102913: Fixed and Flexible Exchange-rates in Two Matching Models: Non-equivalence Results

- Tao Zhu and Neil Wallace
- 102911: What drives the European islamic market: is it the conventional market or the other islamic markets ?

- Fatima Touati and Abul Masih
- 102910: The impact of Covis-19 on tourist consumption behaviour:a perspective article

- Amina Chebli and Foued Ben Said
- 102907: On the Stationarity of Futures Hedge Ratios

- Stavros Degiannakis, Christos Floros, Enrique Salvador and Dimitrios Vougas
- 102904: What Does Increasing Labour Homogeneity Mean for Indian Manufacturing?

- Bino Paul, Unmesh Patnaik, Santosh Kumar Sahu and Mansi Awasthi
- 102899: Encouraging Brilliance in the Workplace: The Case of the Petroleum Sector in Egypt

- Sherihan Radi
- 102898: The Impact of Product innovation on Performance: The Influence of Uncertainty and Managerial Accounting Information Systems

- Ming-Hsiu Tsai, Jung-Hsin Chang, Yuan-Sheng Lin and Kuo-Chih Cheng
- 102895: Renewable Energy Consumption, Income, CO2 Emissions and Oil Prices in G7 Countries: The Importance of Asymmetries

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Amine Lahiani and Avik Sinha
- 102894: Consequences of COVID-19 on the social isolation of the Chinese economy: accounting for the role of reduction in carbon emissions

- Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente, Oana M. Driha, Festus Bekun, Avik Sinha and Festus Fatai Adedoyin
- 102892: An overview of gender inequality in Latin America from a political economy perspective (An overview of gender inequality in Latin America from a political economy perspective)

- Pablo Quinonez and Claudia Maldonado-Erazo
- 102890: Aggregation of Seasonal Long-Memory Processes

- Tomás del Barrio Castro and Heiko Rachinger
- 102888: Can GDP Growth Linked Instrument Be Used For Islamic Monetary Policy?

- Md Akther Uddin, Md Hakim Ali and Maha Radwan
- 102887: Islamic Monetary Economics: Insights from the Literature

- Md Akther Uddin
- 102879: Mediciones del rendimiento académico en el marco de un modelo de gestión del capital intelectual en una universidad (Measurements of academic performance in the framework of an intellectual capital management model in a university)

- Jorge D. Simaro, Omar E. Tonelli and Jose Luis Tesoro
- 102878: Growth & Fate Analysis of Mangalore International Airport – A Case Study

- Pavithra Kumari Shetty and Sreeramana Aithal
- 102877: Does conventional interest rate influence islamic deposit rate of return or the other way around ? evidence from Malaysia

- Yazid Isa and Abul Masih
- 102876: Household Expenditure In Africa: Evidence Of Mean Reversion

- Olaoluwa Yaya, Gbenga A Olalude, Hameed A Olayinka, Toheeb A Jimoh and Aliu A Adebiyi
- 102875: Developing an Industry 4.0 Readiness Model for Indian Engineering Industries

- Michael Sony and Sreeramana Aithal
- 102874: Practical Lessons for Engineers to adapt towards Industry 4.0 in Indian Engineering Industries

- Michael Sony and Sreeramana Aithal
- 102873: Life Expectancy in West African Countries: Evidence of Convergence and Catching Up with the North

- Olaoluwa Yaya, Oluwaseun A Oyekunrin and Ahamuefula Ogbonna
- 102872: Transforming Indian Engineering Industries through Industry 4.0: An Integrative Conceptual Analysis

- Michael Sony and Sreeramana Aithal
- 102871: A Study on Significance of Backwater Tourism and Safe Houseboat Operation in Kerala

- Jiju Jose and Sreeramana Aithal
- 102870: Corporate Debt, Rentiers' Portfolio Dynamics, Instability and Growth: A neo-Kaleckian Perspective

- Pintu Parui
- 102869: Theory of Brick-and-Mortar Retailing in India (ToR-b)

- Ganesha H. R. and Sreeramana Aithal
- 102867: Sales Personnel Attrition Control and Retention – An Integrated Framework for Lifestyle Retailers in India (RSPR-LS)

- Ganesha H. R. and Sreeramana Aithal
- 102863: Foreign Debt and Secondary Markets: The Case of Interwar Germany

- Claudio A. Schioppa and Andrea Papadia
- 102862: Granger-causal relationship between islamic stock markets and oil prices: a case study of Malaysia

- Gulzhan Musaeva and Abul Masih
- 102860: A novel spatially explicit hydro-economic modelling procedure to design cost-effective agri-environment schemes for mitigating nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural land

- Zhengzheng Hao, Astrid Sturm and Frank Wätzold
- 102858: De l'Ancienne Economie Institutionnelle à la Nouvelle Economie Institutionnelle: une introduction à quelques débats (Old Institutional Economics and New Institutional Economics: an Introduction to some debates)

- Patrick-Nelson Danie Essiane
- 102857: On Heterodox Economics

- Pradeep Kumar B
- 102856: Intergenerational Equity, the Public Trust Doctrine, Norway and North Sea Oil

- Rahul Basu
- 102852: Quince años de conflicto Monitor vs Radio Centro (Fifteen years of conflict Monitor vs Radio Centro)

- Jose Villalobos Lopez
- 102847: Price-setting mixed duopoly, subsidization and the order of firms' moves: the relevance of privatization

- Kazuhiro Ohnishi
- 102846: Sovereign bond and CDS market contagion: A story from the Eurozone crisis

- Georgios Bampinas, Theodore Panagiotidis and Panagiotis Politsidis
- 102845: Threshold effects during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from international tourist destinations

- Michael Polemis and Thanasis Stengos
- 102842: Does pre-play social interaction improve negotiation outcomes?

- Pablo Brañas-Garza, Antonio Cabrales, Guillermo Mateu, Sanchez Angel and Angela Sutan
- 102834: Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Industry: A Review

- Kumudumali S H T
- 102831: Economic Geography of the Australian Mining Industry

- Celal Bayari
- 102827: Two-Stage Instrumental Variable Estimation of Linear Panel Data Models with Interactive Effects

- Guowei Cui, Milda Norkute, Vasilis Sarafidis and Takashi Yamagata
- 102826: Generational Distribution of Fiscal Burdens: A Positive Analysis

- Yuki Uchida and Tetsuo Ono
- 102809: Exploring the relationship between the Malaysian islamic index and international islamic indices

- Najeeb Zada and Abul Masih
- 102808: Post Covid19 strategy to survive the Tourism industry: Indian Perspective

- Amlan Ghosh
- 102797: Technical efficiency and inefficiency: Reassurance of standard SFA models and a misspecification problem

- Subal Kumbhakar, Anatoly Peresetsky, Yevgenii Shchetynin and Alexey Zaytsev
- 102796: Loan syndication under Basel II: How firm credit ratings affect the cost of credit?

- Iftekhar Hasan, Suk-Joong Kim, Panagiotis Politsidis and Eliza Wu
- 102794: COVID-19 with stigma: Theory and evidence from mobility data

- Yuya Katafuchi, Kenichi Kurita and Shunsuke Managi
- 102792: On Option Greeks and Corporate Finance

- Kuo-Ping Chang
- 102790: A Political Economy Model of the Ganges Pollution Cleanup Problem

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
- 102789: Patterns of competitive interaction

- Mark Armstrong and John Vickers
- 102784: An interim note on SPS allocation

- Deepika Santhanakrishnan
- 102782: Gold as a Financial Instrument

- Pedro Gomis-Porqueras, Shuping Shi and David Tan
- 102781: The Impact of Forward Guidance and Large-scale Asset Purchase Programs on Commodity Markets

- Pedro Gomis-Porqueras, Shuddhasattwa Rafiq and Wenying Yao
- 102780: Health and Income: A Dynamic Panel Data Model

- Kalam Azad
- 102778: A Review of the Economic Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Economic Policies in Nepal

- Nirmal Raut
- 102775: Bribing to Queue-Jump: An experiment on cultural differences in bribing attitudes among Greeks and Germans

- Andreas Drichoutis, Veronika Grimm and Alexandros Karakostas
- 102772: Cointegration, Structural Changes and the Relationship between Trade and Economic Growth in Tunisia

- Hassan Guenichi
- 102768: Elite Quality Report 2020

- Casas i Klett Tomas and Guido Cozzi
- 102767: Price, Volatility and the Second-Order Economic Theory

- Victor Olkhov
- 102762: Firm profits and government activity: An empirical investigation

- Dragan Tevdovski, Joana Madjoska, Petar Jolakoski, Branimir Jovanovic and Viktor Stojkoski
- 102753: Optimal fiscal and monetary policy in economies with capital

- Gaowang Wang and Heng-Fu Zou
- 102750: The authoritarian bias for labours in India during COVID-19 and its distorting effect on labour relations

- Jayant Gaurav
- 102749: Probing the mechanism: lending rate setting in a data-driven agent-based model

- Georgios Papadopoulos
- 102740: Fiscal Expansion, Government Debt and Economic Growth: A Post-Keynesian Perspective

- Pintu Parui
- 102739: Economics of Switching from Vial to Disposable Pen Among Insulin Glargine-Treated Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

- Lin Xie, Steve Zhou, Wenhui Wei, Jasvinder Gill, Chunshen Pan and Onur Baser
- 102733: School Discipline across Countries: Theory, Measurement and Effect

- Noam Gruber
- 102732: School disruption and pupil academic outcomes – evidence from the 2001 foot and mouth disease epidemic in England

- William Cook
- 102731: The impact of short-term employment contracts on employment volatility and economic fluctuations

- Toyoki Matsue
- 102727: Agricultural Comparative Advantage and Legislators’ Support for Trade Agreements

- Francesco Amodio, Leonardo Baccini, Giorgio Chiovelli and Michele Di Maio
- 102726: Coase and the Transaction Cost Approach to Regulation

- Marian Moszoro and Pablo Spiller
- 102725: Overcoming Opportunism in Public-Private Project Finance

- Marian Moszoro
- 102724: Corporate Debt, Endogenous Dividend Rate, Instability and Growth

- Pintu Parui
- 102722: Does Extending Unemployment Benefits Improve Job Quality? Comment

- Zhaoguo Zhan
- 102718: Bequeathing in ambiguous times

- Yuta Saito
- 102717: A note on exit and inflation bias in a currency union

- Yuta Saito
- 102713: Efficient Public-Private Capital Structures

- Marian Moszoro
- 102712: The Arrow-Lind Theorem Revisited: Ownership Concentration and Valuation

- Ziemowit Bednarek and Marian Moszoro
- 102711: Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Productivity Distribution and Gains From Trade

- Ruben Dewitte, Michel Dumont, Glenn Rayp and Peter Willemé
- 102706: The Economics of Hacking

- Kai-Lung Hui and Jiali Zhou
- 102705: Optimal Resource Allocation in the Brain and the Capital Asset Pricing Model

- Siddiqi Hammad and Murphy Austin
- 102702: Exchange Rates and Liquidity Risk

- Martin Evans
- 102699: Coasean Quality of Regulated Goods

- Marian Moszoro
- 102698: Uncovering the Barriers of the China-Latin America & Caribbean Trade

- Mauricio Moreira, Andre Soares and Kun Li
- 102697: Public-Private Monopoly

- Marian Moszoro
- 102695: Implications of Third Parties for Contract Design

- Marian Moszoro and Pablo Spiller
- 102694: Political Contestability and Public Contract Rigidity: An Analysis of Procurement Contracts

- Jean Beuve, Marian Moszoro and Stéphane Saussier
- 102692: Political Contestability and Public Contracting

- Marian Moszoro and Pablo Spiller
- 102679: COVID-19 Pounds: Quarantine and Weight Gain

- Samira Hasanzadeh and Modjgan Alishahi
- 102678: Early Impacts of COVID-19 on Maine’s Hospitality Sector in 2020

- Todd Gabe and Andrew Crawley
- 102676: On the Replication of the Pre-Kernel and Related Solutions

- Holger Meinhardt
- 102675: Impact of Urbanization and Labor Vulnerability over the COVID-19 Dynamic across Countries: A survival analysis

- Augusto Ricardo Delgado Narro
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