MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 54680: The interregional and intersectoral structure of Mercosur: an application of input-output analysis

- Marco Antonio Montoya and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54679: Interdependence, linkages and multipliers in Asia: an international input-output analysis

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings and Michael Sonis
- 54675: Análise das relações inter-regionais e intersetoriais na economia brasileira em 1985: uma aplicação de insumo produto (Analysis of the interregional and inter sectoral relations in Brazilian economy in 1985: an application of input-output)

- Francisco C. Crocomo and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54674: Water use in the São Francisco River basin, Brazil: an interregional input-output analysis

- Suely F.R Silveira and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54673: Synergetic interactions between 2 Brazilian regions: an application of input-output linkages

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings and Michael Sonis
- 54672: Synergetic interactions among four regions in the state of Paraná, Brazil: an interregional input-output analysis

- Antonio Carlos Moretto and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54671: Multiplier product matrix analysis for interregional input-output systems: an application to the Brazilian economy

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Michael Sonis and Geoffrey J.D. Hewings
- 54670: The world meat market and Brazilian economy: an econometric input-out analysis

- Flávia Maria de Mello Bliska and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54669: The Brazilian agribusiness, defining and measuring: 1994 to 2000

- Maria Cristina Ortiz Furtuoso and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54668: O agronegócio nas regiões norte e nordeste do Brasil (The agribusiness in the north and northeast regions of Brazil)

- José Luiz Parré and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54665: Remedy of Poverty

- Wannaphong Durongkaveroj
- 54662: The Effect of the European Union Customs Union on the Balance of Trade in Turkey

- Natalya Ketenci
- 54661: The bilateral trade balance of the EU in the presence of structural breaks

- Natalya Ketenci
- 54660: The Feldstein –Horioka Puzzle and structural breaks: Evidence from the largest countries of Asia

- Natalya Ketenci
- 54659: The effect of global financial crisis on trade elasticities: Evidence from BRIICS countries and Turkey

- Natalya Ketenci
- 54656: Advances in Auctions

- Todd Kaplan and Shmuel Zamir
- 54649: Leontief e insumo-produto: antecedentes, princípios e evolução (Leotief and input-output: background, principles and evolution)

- Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54647: A importância econômica do agronegócio na região sul (The economic importance of agribusiness in south region)

- José Luiz Parré and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54646: The productive structure of the Brazilian economy and the impact of Globalization, 1990 to 1999

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Cleise M. A. Tupich Hilgemberg and Emerson M. Hilgemberg
- 54644: Why integrity still constitutes the driving force behind ethical standards, the Sarbanes Oxley Act and other legislation

- Marianne Ojo
- 54641: Anticipated vs. Unanticipated House Price Movements and Transaction Volume

- Yavuz Arslan, Birol Kanık and Bülent Köksal
- 54638: Quantifying the Premium Externality of the Uninsured

- Stephen Teng Sun and Constantine Yannelis
- 54635: Urbanization in India: Revisiting the energy aspect and policy issues

- Manjira Dasgupta and Sambuddha N. Dasgupta
- 54631: Singapore's state capitalism vs. the Indian economy: comparing the economic systems of two potential allies

- Manjira Dasgupta
- 54630: اختبار أثر التقلب العنقودي لمؤشر تداول باستخدام الارتباط الذاتي المدحرج (Test of Clustering Volatility of TASI index using Rolling Autocorrelation)

- Hassan Ghassan and Hassan R. Alhajhoj
- 54629: Youth Wage Employment and Parental Education in Malawi

- Richard Mussa
- 54628: Externalities of Education on Efficiency and Production Uncertainty of Maize in Rural Malawi

- Richard Mussa
- 54627: Exploiting of fundamental interest rates inefficiency

- Sergei Ivanov
- 54623: Do the Poor Pay More for Maize in Malawi?

- Richard Mussa
- 54614: The Time Path of the Saving Rate: Hyperbolic Discounting and Short-Term Planning

- Y. Hossein Farzin and Ron Wendner
- 54611: The productive structure of the Amazon region states and the rest of Brazil: a comparative study using an interregional input-output system

- Lilian Cristina Anefalos and Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho
- 54608: Deficits and Real Interest Rates: A Note Extending the Hoelscher Model

- Richard Cebula and Gerald Scott
- 54607: Combining geographical information systems and input-output models: concept and initial ideas

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Eliza H. Takashiba and Lana M.S da Silva
- 54606: Monetary policy and growth with trend inflation and financial frictions

- Lorena Olmos and Marcos Sanso Frago
- 54605: The importance of tourism for the Brazilian economy: an input-output analysis

- Francisco Casimiro Filho and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54604: Relações econômicas do Ceará e os principais setores geradores de emprego e renda na economia (Economic relations from Ceará and main generators sectors of employment and income in the economy)

- Patrícia Verônica Pinheiro Sales Lima and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54602: El impacto de la internacionalización sobre las empresas: Evidencia empírica para el caso español (The impact of internationalization on firms: Empirical evidence for the Spanish case)

- Patricio Sánchez, Elena Gallego, Dolores Rivero and Santiago Lago-Peñas
- 54600: اشكالية البطالة فى دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي (Unemployment and job creation in the GCC countries)

- Hussein Elasrag
- 54598: Philosophie et science économiques: leur contribution respective aux discours politiques (Economic philosophy and economic science: their respective contributions to political discourse)

- Vladimir Yefimov
- 54597: Analytic Approximation of Finite-Maturity Timer Option Prices

- Minqiang Li
- 54596: دور رأس المال الفكري في تنمية المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في الدول الخليجية (The role of intellectual capital in developing SME`S in GCC countries)

- Hussein Elasrag
- 54595: Derivatives Pricing on Integrated Diffusion Processes: A General Perturbation Approach

- Minqiang Li
- 54594: Constructivisme social, évolution de la profession d’économiste, et projet pour sa réforme radicale (Social constructivism, Evolution of the economics profession, and design for its radical reform)

- Vladimir Yefimov
- 54588: Approche institutionnelle de l'analyse de la transition (le cas de l'agriculture du Nord-Kazakhstan) (Institutional approach for transition analysis (the case of Northern Kazakhstan's agriculture))

- Vladimir Yefimov
- 54585: Continuité et recomposition des régimes agraires russes dans le siècle (Continuity and reconstitution of Russian agrarian regimes during a century)

- Vladimir Yefimov
- 54582: On the Use of Palynological Data in Economic History: New Methods and an Application to Agricultural Output in Central Europe, 0–2000 AD

- Adam Izdebski, Grzegorz Koloch, Tymon Słoczyński and Marta Tycner-Wolicka
- 54579: Home Team Advantage in the NBA: The Effect of Fan Attendance on Performance

- Vincent La
- 54578: Does Schooling Pay? Evidence from China

- Vincent La
- 54575: Macroeconomic Stability with a Positively Sloped IS Curve: A Further Examination

- Richard Cebula
- 54573: An Empirical Investigation into the Causes of Economic Growth in the Third World Using Full Information Maximum Likelihood Estimators

- Ira Saltz and Richard Cebula
- 54571: Federal Government Budget Deficits and the Crowding Out of Private Investment in the United states: Evidence for the 1990s

- Richard Cebula, James Koch, William Perry and Michael Toma
- 54569: Regional importance of the agribusiness in the Brazilian economy

- Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54568: Geração de emprego e renda no complexo supermercadista brasileiro na década de 1990 (Generation of employment and income in the Brazilian supermarket based complex in the 90's decade)

- Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54567: Estimating and measuring the agribusiness GDP: an application to the Brazilian economy, 1994 to 2000

- Maria Cristina Ortiz Furtuoso and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54566: Análise dos impactos dos investimentos no turismo sobre a geração de emprego e renda (Analysis of the tourism investments impacts on the generation of employment and income)

- Francisco Casimiro Filho, Joaquim Guilhoto and Patrícia Verônica Pinheiro Sales Lima
- 54565: Agricultura e estrutura produtiva do estado do Mato Grosso: uma análise insumo-produto (Agriculture and productive structure of the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil: an input-output approach)

- Margarida Garcia de Figueiredo, Alexandre Lahós Mendonça de Barros and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54564: Agribusiness in the Americas, Europe and Brazilian states

- Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54562: Transport infrastructure and regional development in Brazil

- Maria da Piedade Araújo and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54561: Investigate the Long-Run Trade-Off between Inflation and Unemployment in Egypt

- Mahmoud Touny
- 54560: The diffusion of electric vehicles: An agent-based microsimulation

- Daire McCoy and Sean Lyons
- 54559: Transações inter-regionais e intersetoriais entre as macro-regiões brasileiras (Inter-regional and inter-sectoral transactions between Brazilian macro regions)

- Rossana Lott Rodrigues, Antonio Carlos Moretto, Francisco C. Crocomo and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54557: Michael Sonis and Geoffrey Hewings theories and theirs multiplier effect on the Brazilian economy

- Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54556: Structural analysis of the formal and informal jobs in the Brazilian economy

- Fernanda Sartori de Camargo and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54555: Investimento e produtividade dos fatores primários: uma análise de equilíbrio geral aplicado (Investment and productivity of primary factors: a general applied general equilibrium analysis)

- Marcos Hasegawa and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54551: Does Human Capital Risk Explain The Value Premium Puzzle?

- Serginio Sylvain
- 54550: Size Matters: The Effect of the Scramble for Africa on Informal Institutions and Development

- Arcangelo Dimico
- 54548: Micro finance

- Ramakrishnan Ramachandran and T. S. Senthil Kumar
- 54546: Seigniorage Compensation for Swaziland and Policy Implication

- Simiso Mkhonta
- 54542: India’s Move from Sales Tax to VAT: A Hit or Miss?

- Sattwik Santra and Koushik Kumar Hati
- 54540: Government Policy Ecosystem for Entrepreneurship Development in MSEs Sector

- Shabir A Bhat and Riyaz Khan
- 54536: Smart city: fact and fiction

- Roberta de Santis, Alessandra Fasano, Nadia Mignolli and Anna Villa
- 54535: Corruption’s and Democracy’s effects on Economic Growth

- Amira Zaouali
- 54534: The financial burden from non-communicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries: a literature review

- Hyacinthe Kankeu Tchewonpi, Priyanka Saksena, Ke Xu and David B Evans
- 54533: Assessment Techniques For Integration Efficiency Of Economic Objects

- Stanislav Levitskiy, Igor Frunze and Denis Mikhaylik
- 54532: The role of agriculture in economy of middle and eastern Croatia

- Tomislav Kovacevic, Matija Japundzic and Mirko Jokić
- 54530: Role of Foreign Private Investment and Remittance in Stock Market Development: Study of South Asia

- Saif Ullah
- 54527: Theory and Applications of TAR Model with Two Threshold Variables

- Haiqiang Chen, Terence Tai Leung Chong and Jushan Bai
- 54522: Economy as the value streams. Preliminary study

- Andrzej Góralczyk
- 54516: Structural Change or Social Fluidity? Examining Intergenerational Mobility in Education in India

- Jhilam Ray and Rajarshi Majumder
- 54515: Crowding Out: An Empirical Note

- Richard Cebula
- 54514: Input-output model for economic evaluation of the supply chain: the case of cut flowers exportation

- Lilian Cristina Anefalos, José Vicente Caixeta Filho and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54513: Can fiscal decentralization alleviate government consumption volatility?

- Davide Furceri, Agnese Sacchi and Simone Salotti
- 54511: Informalidade um retrato setorial da economia brasileira (Informality: a sectoral portrait of Brazilian economy)

- Fernanda Satori de Camargo, Denise Imori, Leando de Oliveira Almeida and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54510: Who in Brazil will gain from global trade reforms?

- Carlos Azzoni, Jonathan Brooks, Joaquim Guilhoto and Scott McDonald
- 54508: Social policies, personal and regional income inequality in Brazil: an I-O analysis of the "Bolsa Família" program

- Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Carlos Azzoni, Joaquim Guilhoto, Eduardo A. Haddad, M. A. Laes and Guilherme Renato Caldo Moreira
- 54506: The asymmetric nature of fiscal decentralization: theory and practice

- Agnese Sacchi and Simone Salotti
- 54505: O agronegócio da Bahia e de suas mesorregiões (The agribusiness from Bahia and from its mesoregions)

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Débora Belluci Módolo, Marina Assumpção and Denise Imori
- 54504: How important is agriculture and familiar agriculture agribusiness for Brazil and its states: an interregional input-output approach

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Silvio Massaru Ichihara, Fernando Gaiger Silveira, Bernardo Campolina, Carlos Azzoni and Guilherme R. C. Moreira
- 54503: Employment, productive structure, and income distribution in the Brazilian economy, 1996 and 2002 compared

- Fernanda Sartori de Camargo and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54502: Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai: um estudo dos impactos regionais da ALCA (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay: a study of the regional impacts of ALCA)

- Rosana Curzel, Simão Davi Silber and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54500: Agropecuária, emprego e distribuição de renda na economia brasileira: uma aplicação do modelo Leontief-Miyazawa (Agriculture and animal creation, employment and income distribution in Brazilian economy: an aplication of the Leontief-Miyazawa model)

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Fernanda Satori de Camargo and Guilherme Renato Caldo Moreira
- 54498: Social policies, personal and regional income inequality in Brazil: an I-O analysis

- Carlos Azzoni and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54493: Dynamic Repeated Random Dictatorship and Gender Discrimination

- Dennis Dittrich, Susanne Büchner and Micaela Maria Kulesz
- 54492: Market Discipline at Thai Banks before the Asian Crisis

- Komain Jiranyakul and Timothy Opiela
- 54490: The effects of the real exchange rate on the trade balance: Is there a J-curve for Vietnam? A VAR approach

- Hoang Khieu
- 54488: Budget deficit, money growth and inflation: Empirical evidence from Vietnam

- Hoang Khieu
- 54486: Lending Standards and Countercyclical Capital Requirements under Imperfect Information

- Pedro Gete and Natalie Tiernan
- 54481: Growth or development: experience from Latin America

- Wannaphong Durongkaveroj
- 54479: Fundamento y límite de la estática comparativa en el análisis económico (Background and limit of comparative statics in the economic analysis)

- Eloy Ávalos
- 54478: Analyzing and Forecasting Movements of the Philippine Economy using the Dynamic Factor Models (DFM)

- Dennis Mapa and Maria Christina Simbulan
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