MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 90478: Indian Microfinance Sector: An Overview

- Pankaj Sinha and Nitin Navin
- 90473: Banking net income and macroeconomics, from multicollinearity to Granger causality using US data

- Martin Andres Szybisz
- 90470: Navigating the oil bubble: A non-linear heterogeneous-agent dynamic model of futures oil pricing

- Giulio Cifarelli and Paolo Paesani
- 90465: Measuring the Welfare of Intermediaries in Vertical Markets

- Javier Donna, Pedro Pereira, Tiago Pires and Andre Trindade
- 90463: External Debt and Economic Growth in Ghana: A Co-integration and a Vector Error Correction Analysis

- Adelajda Matuka and Shuffield Asafo
- 90460: The impact of China’s one belt one road Initiative in Africa: the Evidence from Kenya

- Toyo Amegnonna Marcel Dossou
- 90458: Model selection for modeling the demand for narrow money in transitional economies

- Marcin Błażejowski, Pawel Kufel, Tadeusz Kufel, Jacek Kwiatkowski and Magdalena Osinska
- 90454: Hidden Schooling: Repeated Grades and the Returns to Education and Experience

- Kendall Kennedy
- 90453: The Unexpected Effects of No Pass, No Drive Policies on High School Education

- Kendall Kennedy
- 90452: Statistical Literacy and Attitudes Towards Statistics of Romanian Undergraduate Students

- Smaranda Cimpoeru and Monica Roman
- 90448: The impact of macroeconomic uncertainty on inequality: An empirical study for the UK

- Angeliki Theophilopoulou
- 90441: Using real options to study the impact of capacity additions and investment expenditures in renewable energies in India

- Supratim Das Gupta
- 90437: Conditional heteroskedasticity in crypto-asset returns

- Charles Shaw
- 90435: Switching to Hydropower renewable energy to mitigate the effects of the carbon emissions in South and East Asian economies

- Shahzad Hameed, Wei Wei, Umer Farrukh and Khali Mushtaq
- 90432: Can we beat the Random Walk? The case of survey-based exchange rate forecasts in Chile

- Pablo Pincheira and Federico Neumann
- 90429: Games between responsive behavioural rules

- Abhimanyu Khan
- 90426: Factor analysis with a single common factor

- Siyan Chen and Saul Desiderio
- 90422: Efectos de desbordamiento sobre los mercados financieros de Colombia. Identificación a través de la heterocedasticidad (Spillovers effects on financial markets of Colombia. Identification through heteroskedasticity)

- Giovanny Sandoval Paucar
- 90421: The Social Orientation of India’s Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Program

- Vani Borooah
- 90420: Sanitation and Hygiene

- Vani Borooah
- 90419: Health Outcomes and Policy in India

- Vani Borooah
- 90417: Fıkhi Filtreleme Metodolojisi - Yeni Bir Fıkhi Yaklaşım (Shari’ah Screening Methodology - New Shari’ah Compliant Approach”)

- Ramazan Yildirim and Bilal Ilhan
- 90416: How openness to trade rescued the Irish economy

- Kieran McQuinn and Petros Varthalitis
- 90415: The Impact of Public Governance on Household Income: A Quantile Panel Analysis

- Tuyen Tran, Tinh Doan, Huong Vu and Hien Nguyen
- 90414: Education and the livelihood of households in the Northwest Region, Vietnam

- Tuyen Tran, Tai Anh Tran, Nu The Tran and Hai Thi Nguyen
- 90412: Dishonesty, Social Information, and Sorting

- Zafer Akin
- 90410: EMU and France

- Jacques Fournier
- 90406: Analysis of Agricultural Sustainability: A Review of Exergy Methodologies and Their Application in OECD

- Viet-Ngu Hoang and Mohammad Alauddin
- 90403: The Interdependence between Commodity-Price and GDP Cycles: A Frequency-Domain Approach

- Jair Ojeda-Joya, Oscar Jaulin-Mendez and Juan Bustos-Pelaez
- 90402: Shattering the glass ceiling? How the institutional context mitigates the gender gap in entrepreneurship

- Christopher Boudreaux and Boris Nikolaev
- 90400: International Financial Integration in a Changing Policy Context – the End of an Era?

- Menzie Chinn, Michael Devereux and Robert Kollmann
- 90399: A nyugdíjrendszer helyzete és finanszírozhatósága (The situation and the financial viability of the pension system)

- László Vértesy
- 90385: Does financial sector development affect the growth gains from trade opennes?

- Nelson R. Ramírez-Rondán, Marco Terrones and Andrea Vilchez
- 90382: Forecast ranked tailored equity portfolios

- Daniel Buncic and Cord Stern
- 90381: A folk theorem in infinitely repeated prisoner's dilemma with small observation cost

- Yoshifumi Hino
- 90380: Proposed Methodology for Strategic Trade Policy to Achieve High Value Added Exports: A Case of Pakistan’s Textile Sector

- Rabia Arif and Nida Jamil
- 90378: Stigma over T-Bills Persists as Investors Focus on “Sophistication”

- Victor Xing
- 90376: Some higher education issues in Muslim countries With reference to Islamic economics and finance

- Zubair Hasan
- 90374: A critical review of the main methods to treat undesirable outputs in DEA

- George Halkos and Kleoniki Natalia Petrou
- 90373: A Behavioural Approach to Kinked Demand Curves

- Stavros Drakopoulos
- 90370: Foresight as a governance tool to help shape the next production revolution

- Attila Havas and Karl Matthias Weber
- 90366: Demographic variation in active consumer behaviour: Who searches most for retail broadband services?

- Philip Carthy, Pete Lunn and Sean Lyons
- 90364: Kartele jako przedmiot polityki gospodarczej (Cartels in Public Policy Perspective)

- Adam Karbowski, Lukasz Kryskiewicz and Jacek Prokop
- 90363: Wyłaniające się odmiany kapitalizmu w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej: przegląd badań (Emerging varieties of capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe: a review)

- Ryszard Rapacki, Juliusz Gardawski, Adam Czerniak, Bożena Horbaczewska, Adam Karbowski, Piotr Maszczyk and Mariusz Próchniak
- 90362: Patterns of Competition with Captive Customers

- Mark Armstrong and John Vickers
- 90361: Departure time choice equilibrium and optimal transport problems

- Takashi Akamatsu, Kentaro Wada, Takamasa Iryo and Shunsuke Hayashi
- 90360: Family Ties and Children Obesity in Italy

- Federico Crudu, Laura Neri and Silvia Tiezzi
- 90359: Digital Agriculture: Mobile Phones, Internet & Agricultural Development in Africa

- Olaniyi Evans
- 90353: Elasticities under multi-stage budgeting

- Kees Zeelenberg
- 90351: Student exposure to socio-economic diversity and students’ university outcomes – Evidence from English administrative data

- Nils Braakmann and Stephen McDonald
- 90350: Mientras llegaba el futuro (While the future arrived)

- Esteban Piedrahíta, Carlos Andrés Pérez and Harold Londoño
- 90347: Nominal and Effective Rates of Protection by Industry in Pakistan: A Tariff Based Analysis

- Nadeem Ul Haque and Rizwana Siddiqui
- 90346: Le climat social et la performance organisationnelle: Etude de cas de la société RM CONFECTION SARL (The social climate and organizational performance: A case study of the company RM CONFECTION SARL)

- Ouarda Elharmouchi
- 90343: Coopération trans-modale et utilisation des pouvoirs de régulation et de concurrence au Royaume-Uni (Cooperation between sectoral regulators and the use of regulatory and competition powers in the United Kingdom)

- Richard Price
- 90342: A better deal for consumers and an attractive environment for investors: How the UK’s economic regulators are developing the use of regulatory and competition powers

- Richard Price and Cathryn Ross
- 90341: Privatizzazione senza liberalizzazione? Lo strano caso delle ferrovie italiane (Privitisation withour liberalisation? The strange case of Italian railways, and how adjustments to the government’s reforms could achieve gains for rail users and taxpayers)

- Alfredo Del Monte and Richard Price
- 90338: Investigating The Dynamic Effect of Healthcare Expenditure and Education Expenditure On Economic Growth in Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC)

- Abdul Azeez Abdul Wahab, Zurina Kefeli and Nurhazirah Hashim
- 90337: Prospek Ekonomi dan Budidaya Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Indonesia (Palm Oil Cultivation and Economic Prospect in Indonesia)

- Agung Joko Ismoyo, Adi Auf Saiful M, Cepi Supriadi, Dewi Winianingsih, Firda Ayu Lestari, Hasna Marhama and Intan Pazriatu R
- 90336: Budidaya Tanaman Karet (Hevea brasiliensis) Di Indonesia Dan Kajian Ekonominya (Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis) Cultivation In Indonesia and Its Economic Study)

- Iqrima Hana Sofiani, Kiki Ulfiah and Lucky Fitriyanie
- 90335: Aspek Ekonomi Dari Budidaya Tanaman Kapas (Gossypium hirsutum L.)Di Indonesia (Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Cultivation in View of Economy Aspect in Indonesia)

- Khairul Razaq, Mia Aprilia, Neng Sri Juliayanti and Nina Ariyanti
- 90326: Inequalities and zones. New mathematical results for behavioral and social sciences

- Alexander Harin
- 90324: Budidaya Tanaman Kelapa (Cocos nucifera) Ditinjau Dari Segi Ekonomi (Economic Review of Coconut (Cocos nucifera) Cultivation in Indonesia)

- Nurfitri Resminiasari, Shintia Rahmat and Sisca Imbarwati
- 90320: Alternative Specifications of Fisher Hypothesis: An Empirical Investigation

- Surayya S
- 90319: Volatility spillovers among uncertainty measures. The case of EU member states

- Sławomir Śmiech and Monika Papież
- 90314: The impact of NFL kickoff rule changes on player injuries: Forgoing excitement to reduce injuries?

- Zachary Richardson and Richard Lindrooth
- 90312: Control(-ling): Known/Unknown

- Juraj Misun
- 90308: External constraints and EMU

- Athena Yannis
- 90307: Exclusions from EMU

- Athena Yannis and Kostos Foscoulou
- 90306: Fiscal Federalism and EMU

- Athena Yannis
- 90302: Privatization and growth: natural experiments of European economies in transition

- Chander Kant
- 90299: Does institutional quality drive innovation? Evidence from system-GMM estimates

- Emrah Koçak
- 90298: Second Thoughts on Estimating Expansionary Fiscal Policy E ffects in the United States

- Bijie Jia
- 90297: Growth and real business cycles in Vietnam and the ASEAN-5. Does the trend shock matter?

- Binh T. Pham, Hector Sala and José I. Silva
- 90296: Is the Traditional Banking Model a Survivor?

- Vincenzo Chiorazzo, Vincenzo D'Apice, Robert DeYoung and Pierluigi Morelli
- 90295: Co-investments and African infrastructure deficit: Understanding and mitigating political risks in Conflicts Affected and Fragile States

- Larissa Nawo and Henri Njangang
- 90292: A lakhatás megfizethetősége: lakbérek és albérletpiac (Affordability of housing: rentals and apartment market)

- László Vértesy
- 90289: Market sentiment and heterogeneous fundamentalists in an evolutive financial market mode

- Fausto Cavalli, Ahmad Naimzada, Nicolò Pecora and Marina Pireddu
- 90287: Постинституционализм: за пределами институционального мейнстрима (Post-institutionalism: Beyond the Institutional Mainstream)

- Daniil Frolov
- 90286: От институтов к экститутам и далее - к теории институциональных аномалий (From Institutions to Extitutions to the Theory of Institutional Anomalies)

- Daniil Frolov
- 90285: Эво-дево: парадигмальный вызов для институционально-эволюционного анализа (версия 2.0) (Evo-Devo: Paradigmal Challenge for Institutional-Evolutionary Analysis (version 2.0))

- Daniil Frolov
- 90282: The future of social protection in Latin America in a context of accelerated changes

- Fabio Bertranou, Pablo Casali and Juan Jacobo Velasco
- 90281: Investigating International Portfolio Diversification Opportunities for the Asian Islamic Stock Market Investors

- Ramazan Yildirim and Abul Masih
- 90280: Determinants of capital structure - Evidence from Shari'ah compliant and non-compliant firms

- Ramazan Yildirim, Abul Masih and Obiyathulla Bacha
- 90277: Shari'ah Screening Methodology- New Shari'ah Compliant Approach

- Ramazan Yildirim and Bilal Ilhan
- 90273: Bank loan loss provisions, risk-taking and bank intangibles

- Peterson Ozili
- 90272: Euro Weakness in the Late Nineties

- Giovanni Rossi
- 90270: Openness and Factor Shares: Is Globalization Always Bad for Labor?

- Asli Leblebicioglu and Ariel Weinberger
- 90268: Determinants of tax revenues: Evidence from a sample of Lower Middle Income countries

- Rachid Boukbech, Ahmed Bousselhamia and Elhadj Ezzahid
- 90267: Exploring the EMEP Input-Output model of air pollution

- George Halkos, Kyriaki Barmpoudaki, George Voulagkas and Kyriaki Tsilika
- 90266: Introduction to Disease, Human Health, and Regional Growth and Development in Asia

- Amitrajeet Batabyal, Yoshiro Higano and Peter Nijkamp
- 90262: A multinacionális vállalatok szerepe a gazdaságban és a munkaerőpiacon (The Role of Multinational Companies in the Economy and the Labor Market)

- László Vértesy
- 90260: Measuring Long-Run Price Elasticities in Urban Travel Demand

- Javier Donna
- 90259: Sraffa on non-self-replacing systems: a note

- Fabio Ravagnani
- 90255: How Is Climate Change Affecting Thailand’s Agriculture? A Literature Review with Policy Update

- Witsanu Attavanich
- 90254: Financial shocks and endogenous labor market participation

- Lauro Carnicelli
- 90251: Decomposition analysis of sustainable green technology inventions in China

- Hidemichi Fujii and Shunsuke Managi
- 90250: On Identification Issues in Business Cycle Accounting Models

- Pedro Brinca, Nikolay Iskrev and Francesca Loria
- 90248: Linking soy oil demand from the US Renewable Fuel Standard to palm oil expansion through an analysis on vegetable oil price elasticities

- Fabio Gaetano Santeramo and Stephanie Searle
- 90245: Testing regional intergovernmental transfers asymmetries in Uruguay

- Leonel Muinelo-Gallo and Paola Azar
- 90240: Measuring the Welfare of Intermediation in Vertical Markets

- Javier Donna, Pedro Pereira, Tiago Pires and Andre Trindade
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