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63982: Analyzing the Determinants of Services Trade Flow between Vietnam and European Union: Gravity Model Approach Downloads
Tien Dao Ngoc, Van Nho Pham and Hung Doan
63980: Programas sociales en Argentina y bienestar: Impacto de la moratoria previsional y de la AUH (Social Programs in Argentina and Welfare: The impact of pension moratorium and the AUH) Downloads
Vanesa D Elia
63979: Impact of Humor Advertising in Radio and Print Advertising - A Review Downloads
Venkatesh S and Senthilkumar N
63978: Humor in advertising: a review on use of television radio and print advertising media Downloads
Venkatesh S and Senthilkumar N
63977: Блокада Ленинграда. Необходимость памяти (The Siege of Leningrad. Need for memory) Downloads
Elena Kormiltseva and Yuliya Menyaylo
63976: Психологические особенности студенческой молодежи (Psychological characteristics of students) Downloads
Elena Kormiltseva
63975: Об истории и современном состоянии среднего общего и профессионального образования в условиях развивающейся экономики (About the history and present state of secondary and vocational education in Russia) Downloads
Elena Kormiltseva
63974: Модернизация России. Взгляд в прошлое. Реформы П.А.Столыпина (Modernization of Russia. A look into the past. Stolypin's reforms) Downloads
Elena Kormiltseva and Vladimir Shchukin
63973: Effectiveness of humor advertising on advertising success Downloads
Venkatesh S and Senthilkumar N
63969: Determinants of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions: A Comprehensive Review and Future Direction Downloads
Srinivasa Reddy Kotapati
63968: Efficient Network Structures with Separable Heterogeneous Connection Costs Downloads
Babak Heydari, Mohsen Mosleh and Kia Dalili
63966: Spaniards in the wider World Downloads
Miriam Marcén and Héctor Bellido
63965: Fanning-Out or Fanning-In? Continuous or Discontinuous? Estimating Indifference Curves Inside the Marschak-Machina Triangle using Certainty Equivalents Downloads
Krzysztof Kontek
63964: Dynamic Trading When You May Be Wrong Downloads
Alexander Remorov
63962: Efficiency in Auctions with (Failed) Resale Downloads
Marco Pagnozzi and Krista J. Saral
63961: Память о войне. Источниковедческий анализ (The memory of the war. Source analysis) Downloads
Elena Kormiltseva
63960: Empirical analysis of monetary policy: croatia vs. Slovenia Downloads
Neven Vidaković
63959: Capital Flows, Credit Crunch and Deleveraging Dynamics: The Case of Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary in Comparison Downloads
Neven Vidaković and Dušan Zbašnik
63958: Capital Flows, Credit Crunch and Deleveraging Dynamics: The Case of Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary in Comparison Downloads
Neven Vidaković and Dušan Zbašnik
63957: Transition towards renewable energy supply in Croatia Downloads
Neven Vidaković
63955: Monetary Policy versus Structural Reforms: The Case of Croatia Downloads
Neven Vidaković and Dubravko Radosevic
63954: Financial development and economic growth: Evidence of non-linearity Downloads
Djeneba Doumbia
63953: Inclusive Growth Through Creation of Human and Social Capital Downloads
Soumyananda Dinda
63952: China Integrates Asia with the World: An Empirical Study Downloads
Soumyananda Dinda
63951: A Theoretical Basis for Green Growth Downloads
Soumyananda Dinda
63949: A Note on DD Approach Downloads
Soumyananda Dinda
63948: Modelo estocástico para la valuación de una inversión nanomédica (Nanomedical Stochastic Investment Valuation) Downloads
Javier Garcia Fronti
63947: Environmental attitude, motivations and values for marine biodiversity protection Downloads
George Halkos and Steriani Matsiori
63946: Fiscal discretion, growth and output volatility in new EU member countries Downloads
Nadja Stanova
63945: An Insight to the Structure of the North East Indian Retail Sector Downloads
Bhabesh Hazarika
63940: Why do Cross-border Merger/Acquisition Deals become Delayed, or Unsuccessful? – A Cross-Case Analysis in the Dynamic Industries Downloads
Srinivasa Reddy Kotapati
63939: The State of Case Study Research in Mergers & Acquisitions: A Review of the Literature in Different Management Streams Downloads
Srinivasa Reddy Kotapati
63938: The impact of CAF enablers on job satisfaction: the case of the Slovenian law enforcement agency Downloads
Nina Tomaževič, Janko Seljak and Aleksander Aristovnik
63937: Market for Corporate Control and Contractual Buyout (CoBO): A New “Collective Ownership-and-Administrative” Strategy Downloads
Srinivasa Reddy Kotapati
63936: Measuring relative efficiency of secondary education in selected EU and OECD countries: the case of Slovenia and Croatia Downloads
Aleksander Aristovnik and Alka Obadić
63935: Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Institutions Downloads
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
63929: Bank’s choice of loan portfolio under high regulation – example of Croatia Downloads
Neven Vidaković
63928: Is gold good for hedging? lessons from the Malaysian sectoral stock indices Downloads
Yasmin Rahim and Abul Masih
63927: Impact assessment of ATM on customer satisfaction of banks in Ghana:a case study of Kumasi,Ghana Downloads
Elliot Boateng, Mary Amponsah and Akosua Serwaa-Adomako
63926: Effect of interest rate on savings behaviour among Ghanaians: evidence from Kumasi, Ghana Downloads
Elliot Boateng and Mary Amponsah
63925: Does the shariah index move together with the conventional equity indexes? Downloads
Kwang Suk Park and Abul Masih
63908: Investissement, Contrôle de la corruption et Croissance économique dans la région MENA (Investment, Control of Corruption and Economic Growth in MENA region) Downloads
Abderraouf Mtiraoui
63905: The onshore-offshore interaction of RMB market: a high-frequency analysis Downloads
Tao Liu
63902: The macroeconomic impact of the income tax reductions in Malta Downloads
Aaron Grech
63899: Disability Discrimination in the Rental Housing Market – A Field Experiment on Blind Tenants Downloads
Luca Fumarco
63898: Perspectives on integrating a computer algebra system into advanced calculus curricula Downloads
George Halkos and Kyriaki Tsilika
63896: Balonun İçinden (Inside Bubble) Downloads
Caner Ekizceleroğlu
63893: Socially optimal Nash equilibrium locations and privatization in a model of spatial duopoly with price discrimination Downloads
Konstantinos Eleftheriou and Nickolas Michelacakis
63891: Vietnamese rice exports: Do large destination markets stimulate? Downloads
Hanh Thi Vu and Hung Doan
63890: Doradcze i edukacyjne aspekty reorientacji zawodowej i wsparcia zatrudnienia zwalnianych pracowników oświaty (Advisory and educational aspects of the retraining and employment support redundant workers in education) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk, Michał Skarzyński and Marta Juchnicka
63889: Formalnoprawne aspekty modernizacji szkolnictwa zawodowego (Formal and legal aspects of the modernization of vocational education) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk, Dariusz Borowski, Michał Skarzyński and Marta Juchnicka
63888: Outplacement dla firm - bariery, potrzeby, czynniki rozwoju (Outplacement for Companies - Barriers, Needs, Growth Factors) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
63887: Outplacement dla pracowników - bariery, potrzeby, czynniki rozwoju (Outplacement for Employees - Barriers, Needs, Growth Factors) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
63886: Raport Desk Research: Praktyki wsparcia nauczycieli zawodowych zagrożonych bezrobociem (Desk Research Report: Practices of Supporting Teachers Threatened by Unemployment) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk
63885: Raport Desk Research: Stan adaptacyjności pracowników oświaty do warunków rynkowych (Desk Research Report: State of the Adaptability of Education Professionals to Market Conditions) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk
63884: Audits, audit quality and signalling mechanisms: concentrated ownership structures Downloads
Marianne Ojo
63883: Bariery i potencjały rozwoju outplacementu dla firm i pracowników (Barriers and potentials for the development of outplacement for firms and workers) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska and Katarzyna Alicja Łagoda
63877: Social Innovation Europe: Country Summary: Poland. Social Innovation in Poland Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk
63876: Social Innovation Europe: Country Summary: Polska. Innowacje społeczne w Polsce (Social Innovation in Poland) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk
63875: ESP, czyli Jak wyjść z zakrętu w rozwoju pracownika (ESP, or How to get out of the bend in the development of employee) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk and Michał Skarzyński
63874: Financial Globalisation and India: Internal and External Dimensions Downloads
Rohit Azad, Prasenjit Bose and Zico Dasgupta
63873: ESP, czyli Jak wyjść z zakrętu w rozwoju firmy (ESP, or How to get out of the bend in the development of the company) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk and Michał Skarzyński
63870: Modelling Renewable Energy Economy in Ghana with Autometrics Downloads
Ishmael Ackah and Mcomari Asomani
63869: Is there a Gatsby Curve for Educational Attainment in Arab Countries? Downloads
Ahmed Driouchi and Alae Gamar
63868: Backshoring of Production Activities in European Manufacturing Downloads
Bernhard Dachs and Christoph Zanker
63866: The evolution of lateral hiring and skill formation in the global airline industry, 1940–2010 Downloads
Joseph Amankwah-Amoah
63861: Ukrainian Crisis, Economic Crisis in Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union Downloads
Alexander Libman
63860: An Analysis of Returns and Volatility Spillovers and their Determinants in Emerging Asian and Middle Eastern Countries Downloads
Faruk Balli, Syed Abul Basher, Hassan Ghassan and Hassan R. Alhajhoj
63857: Inequality of Opportunities of Educational Achievement in Turkey Over Time Downloads
Aysıt Tansel
63856: Is Per Capıta Real GDP Stationary in High Income OECD Countrıes? Evidence from Panel Unıt Root Test With Multiple Structural Breaks Downloads
Bulent Dogru
63854: Engagement in Asymmetric Markets: Causes and Consequences Downloads
Başak Dalgıç, Burcu Fazlıoğlu and Michael Gasiorek
63850: Gender and corruption in business Downloads
Michael Breen, Robert Gillanders, Gemma McNulty and Akisato Suzuki
63849: FDI in Peru and Uzbekistan: A comparative analysis in brief Downloads
Theodore Metaxas and Polyxeny Kechagia
63848: Long-term effect on suicidal thoughts of graduating during a recession Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
63847: An Analysis of Returns and Volatility Spillovers and their Determinants in Emerging Asian and Middle Eastern Countries Downloads
Faruk Balli, Basher Syed Abul, Hassan Ghassan and Hajhoj Hassan
63844: Term Structure Dynamics, Macro-Finance Factors and Model Uncertainty Downloads
Joseph Byrne, Shuo Cao and Dimitris Korobilis
63843: What we have learnt from financial econometrics modeling? Downloads
Elwardi Dhaoui
63842: How to strengthen the financial autonomy to boost investment in the company? Downloads
Elwardi Dhaoui
63840: Guidelines for sustainable water management in agriculture: Exploring new options Downloads
Elwardi Dhaoui
63839: Knowledge and innovation for safe and sustainable water resources: opportunities and challenges Downloads
Elwardi Dhaoui
63835: Modified Labor Welfare Measures for Special Economic Zone & Implications Downloads
Sazzad Parwez
63833: Bortkiewicz on Chain Indices and Irving Fisher's Reversal Tests, A Historical Note and a Disapproval of the Time Reversal Test Downloads
Peter von der Lippe
63831: Seasonal Unit Roots and Structural Breaks in agricultural time series: Monthly exports and domestic supply in Argentina Downloads
Maximiliano Mendez Parra
63829: Assortative Mating and Intergenerational Persistence of Schooling and Earnings Downloads
Christopher Handy
63828: Attention Misallocation, Social Welfare and Policy Implications Downloads
Heng Chen, Yulei Luo and Guangyu Pei
63823: Overconfidence and bubbles in experimental asset markets Downloads
Julija Michailova and Ulrich Schmidt
63818: Green Game and Societal Sustenance: A Case of London Olympic 2012 Downloads
Anil Dongre
63815: Individuals’ behaviour with respect to parking alternatives: a laboratory experiment Downloads
Angela Bergantino, Angela De Carlo and Andrea Morone
63814: Tax salience: an experimental investigation Downloads
Andrea Morone and Francesco Nemore
63813: Policy assignment on money supply: the case of Indonesia in the 1980s Downloads
Hiroyuki Taguchi
63809: Do developing countries enjoy latecomers’ advantages in environmental management and technology? — analysis of the environmental Kuznets curve Downloads
Hiroyuki Taguchi
63804: Fixed Costs, Spillovers, and Adoption of Electric Connections Downloads
Manuel Barron and Maximo Torero
63801: Тенденции российского рынка труда (Trends in the Russian labor market) Downloads
Tatyana Edzhibiya and Vladimir Shchukin
63800: Are women in the MENA region really that different from women in Europe? Globalization, conservative values and female labor market participation Downloads
Justina A. V. Fischer and Nursel Aydiner-Avsar
63799: Trade liberalization, FDI inflows, Environmental quality and Economic growth: A comparative analysis between Tunisia and Morocco Downloads
Abdelaziz Hakimi and Helmi Hamdi
63797: Middle class in Africa: Determinants and Consequences Downloads
Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Simplice Asongu
63795: Foreign Aid and Corruption: Clarifying Murky Empirical Conclusions Downloads
Uchenna Efobi, Ibukun Beecroft and Simplice Asongu
63794: Inclusive human development in pre-crisis times of globalisation-driven debts Downloads
Simplice Asongu, Uchenna Efobi and Ibukun Beecroft
63793: Economic Implications of Business Dynamics for KE-Associated Economic Growth and Inclusive Development in African Countries Downloads
Simplice Asongu, Voxi Heinrich Amavilah and Antonio Andres
63792: Taxation, foreign aid and political governance: figures to the facts of a celebrated literature Downloads
Simplice Asongu
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