MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 20594: The Cyclically Adjusted Budget Balance in EU Fiscal Policymaking. Love at First Sight Turned into a Mature Relationship

- Martin Larch and Alessandro Turrini
- 20593: Теорема о существовании разрывов в шкале вероятностей (Theorem of existence of ruptures in the probability scale)

- Alexander Harin
- 20592: 101 proposals to reform the Stability and Growth Pact. Why so many? A survey

- Martin Larch, Lars Jonung and Jonas Fischer
- 20588: Export Diversification and Economic Growth in Malaysia

- Mohammad Affendy Arip, Lau Sim Yee and Bakri Abdul Karim
- 20587: The Distribution of Income and Well-Being in Rural China: A Survey of Panel Data Sets, Studies and New Directions

- Xi Chen and Xiaobo Zhang
- 20586: المسئولية الاجتماعية للشركات (Corporate Social Responsibility in the Arab countries)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 20585: Testing for Group-Wise Convergence with an Application to Euro Area Inflation

- Claude Lopez and David Papell
- 20582: Raining stones? Female immigrants in the Spanish Labor Market

- José Ignacio Antón, Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo and Miguel Carrera Troyano
- 20579: Globalisation,developments and trends in the new international division of labour

- Carol McCallum
- 20574: An Equity-Interest Rate Hybrid Model With Stochastic Volatility and the Interest Rate Smile

- Lech Grzelak and Cornelis Oosterlee
- 20571: A propósito de Antonio Maria: tendências recentes da metodologia econômica (On behalf of Antonio Maria: recent tendencies in economic methodology)

- Ana Bianchi
- 20570: Mechanisms of Resource Curse, Economic Policy and Growth

- Victor Polterovich, Vladimir Popov and Alexander Tonis
- 20564: Cooperation and diversity. An evolutionary approach

- Luigino Bruni and Alessandra Smerilli
- 20563: One Proposition about Dynamic Portfolio Selection in an Open Economy and International Diversification

- Takaaki Aoki
- 20561: Testing the altruism hypothesis with italian cohort data

- Pietro Rizza
- 20554: The Systematization of Disturbances Act upon E-commerce Systems

- Petr Suchánek, Dominik Vymetal and Radim Dolák
- 20549: Un modèle de croissance cumulative étendu á l’éducation: une validation empirique pour la région asiatique (A model of cumulative growth extended to education: an empirical assessment for the Asian region)

- Christine Carton
- 20546: An empirical comparison of alternate regime-switching models or electricity spot prices

- Joanna Janczura and Rafał Weron
- 20545: Can consumers bank on mergers?

- Robert Kerton
- 20543: Interactions between Country-of-Origin, Brands and Food-Safety-Certificates in the Promotion of Beef in Germany – What is the Right Labelling Strategy? – A Consumer Preference Analysis on the Basis of a Conditional Logit Model –

- Adriano Profeta
- 20542: Measurement of Cannibalism Effects in buying experiments using Mixed Logit Models - The Example of a new Brand of the “Fruits of Lake Constance” Association -

- Adriano Profeta
- 20540: A Theoretical Framework for Country-of-Origin-Research in the Food sector

- Adriano Profeta
- 20539: Managing Foreign Trade

- W. Mills
- 20534: The Relocation of Russian Industry 1987-1993

- Peter Huber, Sergei Nagaev and Andreas Wörgötter
- 20533: International economic theory and politics: world structure before, during and after the early 21st Century Crisis

- Nadeem Naqvi
- 20530: In Favor of Rigor and Relevance. A Reply to Mark Blaug

- Heinz Kurz and Neri Salvadori
- 20529: Jenseits des Transformationsproblems. Vorläufiges Resümee einer Diskussion zum werttheoretischen Ansatz von F. Helmedag (Beyond the transformation problem. Preliminary result of a discussion about the approach of F. Helmedag in the framework of the labour theory of value)

- Friedrun Quaas and Georg Quaas
- 20528: Supporting Locational Decision Making: regionalization of Service Delivery systems

- Yorgos Photis and Kostis Koutsopoulos
- 20526: SPSS in Statistic Studies

- Albici Mihaela
- 20524: On the Distortion of a Copula and its Margins

- Emiliano Valdez
- 20520: Equilibrium Storage in a Markov Economy

- Anna Creti and Bertrand Villeneuve
- 20518: Problemas fiscales y redistributivos en Colombia (Redistributive fiscal problems in Colombia)

- Fernando Estrada, Gonzalez Jorge Ivan, Castrillon Alberto and Perez Mauricio
- 20508: Evolutii legislative comunitare privind contractul de timesharing. Stadiul reglementarilor in Romania

- Iuliana Cebuc, Carmen Iordache and Laura Pănoiu
- 20502: Corporate investment, cash flow level and market imperfections

- Gabriela Mundaca
- 20501: Monitoring, Liquidity and Financial Crises

- Gabriela Mundaca
- 20494: Threshold Effect and Financial Intermediation in Economic Development

- Laurent Augier and Wahyoe Soedarmono
- 20490: Dollarization in transition economies: Evidence and policy implications

- Ratna Sahay and Carlos Vegh
- 20489: Sukukization: Islamic Economic Risk Factors in Shari’ah View

- Nidal Alsayyed
- 20488: Formal Institutions and Subjective Well-Being: Revisiting the Cross-Country Evidence

- Christian Bjørnskov, Axel Dreher and Justina A. V. Fischer
- 20487: Exchange Rate Policy under Floating Regime in Bangladesh: An Assessment and Strategic Policy Options

- Monzur Hossain and Mansur Ahmed
- 20486: Exchange rate stabilization under imperfect credibility

- Guillermo Calvo and Carlos Vegh
- 20483: Sustainable Development Concerning with Mankind’s Climate Changes

- Emilian Dobrescu, Monica Susanu and Raducan Oprea
- 20482: The Necessity for the Modernization of the Technical-Material Base of Agricultural Exploitations within the Process of Forming Competition-Economy

- Viorica Ioan, Monica Susanu, Saftica Enachi and Florina Oana Virlanuta
- 20481: Impact of the Financial Turmoil on the Romanian Capital Market

- Monica Susanu, Adrian Micu and Angela Eliza Micu
- 20480: Convergence to EMU through the Test of the Public Finance –Romania’s Budgetary Deficit and Public Debt

- Monica Susanu
- 20478: International Supply Chains and Trade Elasticity in Times of Global Crisis

- Hubert Escaith, Nannette Lindenberg and Sébastien Miroudot
- 20468: What Promotes Japanese Regional Banks to Disclose Credit Ratings Voluntarily?

- Kazumine Kondo
- 20458: How innovation intermediaries are shaping the technology market? An analysis of their business model

- Henry Lopez and Wim Vanhaverbeke
- 20453: Passenger cars taxation. Romania's case

- Sebastian Lazar
- 20449: System emerytalny w Bułgarii (Pension system in Bulgaria)

- Jarosław Poteraj
- 20443: Delayed Perfect Monitoring in Repeated Games

- Markus Kinateder
- 20442: A behavioral model of simultaneous borrowing and saving

- Karna Basu
- 20440: Hyperbolic discounting and the sustainability of rotational savings arrangements

- Karna Basu
- 20438: Fiscal Policies and the World Economy; An Intertemporal Approach (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1987)

- Jacob A Frenkel and Assaf Razin
- 20434: Endogenous competences and linkages development

- Analía Erbes, Ezequiel Tacsir and Gabriel Yoguel
- 20432: Elección de ocupación: factores personales y aspectos sociales (Occupation Choice: Personal factors and Social Aspects)

- Ezequiel Tacsir
- 20430: The Contributions of Two Eminent Japanese Scholars on the Development of Economic Theories: Michio Morishima and Takashi Negishi

- Heinz Kurz
- 20429: The Beat of the Economic Heart: Joseph Schumpeter and Arthur Spiethoff on Business Cycles

- Heinz Kurz
- 20425: Modern Risk Management Strategies for the Romanian State Treasury

- Dorin Cosma and Octavian Cosma
- 20420: Small enterprises as an instrument of enjoyment of the economic human rights in Egypt

- Hussien Alasrag
- 20416: Der Rechtsstaat in Deutschland und Spanien: Projektbeschreibung (The Rechtsstaat in Germany and Spain: description of the project)

- Detlef Georgia Schulze, Sabine Berghahn and Frieder Otto Wolf
- 20415: Informed trading in the Euro money market for term lending

- Paolo Zagaglia
- 20414: Policies to Promote Growth and Economic Efficiency in Mexico

- Javier Arias, Oliver Azuara, Pedro Bernal Lara, James Heckman and Cajeme Villarreal
- 20412: Political Survival or Entrepreneurial Development? Observations on Russian Business Networks

- Peter Huber and Andreas Wörgötter
- 20410: Globalization and wage premia: reconciling facts and theory

- Vanessa Strauss-Kahn
- 20407: I contributi dello Stato all'attività di ricerca e sviluppo delle imprese (Public grants for the firms' R&D activities)

- Maria Alessandra Antonelli
- 20404: The impact of capital and disclosure requirements on risks and risk taking incentives

- Marianne Ojo
- 20403: Do Parking Requirements Significantly Increase The Area Dedicated To Parking? A Test Of The Effect Of Parking Requirements Values In Los Angeles County

- Sofia Franco, Bowman Cutter and Autumn DeWoody
- 20401: Industry and services in growth and structural change in India: some unexplored features

- Surajit Mazumdar
- 20399: Information Acquisition and Price Discrimination

- Farshad Fatemi
- 20398: Spellings Commission Report on Affordability and Access to Higher Education: changing demographics, economic crisis and investment in human capital

- Mariam Orkodashvili
- 20397: Regional convergence in Italy: time series approaches

- Rita De Siano and Marcella D'Uva
- 20394: A Litmus Test of Academic Quality

- Mariam Orkodashvili
- 20393: Būvniecības nozares prognozēšanas modelis (Construction branch forecasting model)

- Valerijs Skribans
- 20392: Latvijas būvniecības industrijas resursu problēmas vienotā Eiropā (Latvian building industry resources problems in European Union)

- Valerijs Skribans
- 20391: Shadow economy revisited: logic, morality and intuition in corrupt practices and illegal channels

- Mariam Orkodashvili
- 20390: Supporting Regional and Local Business Development

- Caruntu Alexandru and Ion Damian
- 20389: A monetary model of TL/US$ exchange rate: a co-integrating approach

- Levent Korap
- 20387: Exposure at Default Model for Contingent Credit Line

- Pinaki Bag
- 20383: Improvement of Social Infrastructure

- Caruntu Alexandru and Ion Damian
- 20379: The effect of local ties, wages, and housing costs on migration decisions

- Marios Michaelides
- 20368: Does ASEAN Freer Trade Benefit Malaysia?

- Jamal Othman and Jafari Yaghoob
- 20367: Cross-sectional Dependence in Panel Data Analysis

- Vasilis Sarafidis and Tom Wansbeek
- 20358: Note on generated choice and axioms of revealed preference

- Gyula Magyarkuti
- 20357: Zur Vertrauensökonomik: Der Interbankenmarkt in der Krise von 2007-2009 (Economics of trust: The interbank market during the crisis 2007-2009)

- Laura De La Motte, Janna Czernomoriez and Marius Clemens
- 20356: Behavioral economics as applied to firms: a primer

- Mark Armstrong and Steffen Huck
- 20352: A Behavioral Model of Bubbles and Crashes

- Taisei Kaizoji
- 20348: Wolfgang Mühlpfordt - ein Vorgänger von Bortkiewicz? Zu den theoretischen Quellen des sogenannten Transformationsproblems (Wolfgang Mühlpfordt as an predecessor of Bortkiewicz. Concerning the theoretical thresholds of the so-called "transformation problem")

- Friedrun Quaas
- 20346: An Overhaul of Fed Doctrine: Nominal Income and the Great Moderation

- Joshua Hendrickson
- 20345: Taxation and the Earnings of Husbands and Wives

- Alexander Gelber
- 20344: La información y el rumor en zonas de conflicto (The information and rumor in zones of conflict)

- Fernando Estrada
- 20343: The impact of institutions on firms’ rejuvenation policies: Early retirement with severance pay versus simple lay-off. A Cross-European Analysis

- Justina A. V. Fischer and Alfonso Sousa-Poza
- 20342: Tipos de argumentación en economía política (Types of argumentation in political economy)

- Fernando Estrada
- 20341: Institutional and Socio-Cultural Factors Explaining the Development of Mutual Funds. A Cross-Country Analysis

- Narcis Tulbure and Delia Catarama
- 20339: Engineering Change in Mexico: The Adoption of Computer Technology at Grupo ICA (1965-1971)

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo and Thomas Haigh
- 20338: Currency Substitution in Developing Countries: An Introduction

- Guillermo Calvo and Carlos Vegh
- 20337: Employment rate prognosis on the basis of the development environment trend displayed by years-clusters

- Elisabeta Jaba, Christiana Balan, Monica Roman, Daniela Viorica and Mihai Roman
- 20336: An Inquiry Into the Theory, Causes and Consequences of Monitoring Indicators of Health and Safety At Work

- Konstantinos Pouliakas and Ioannis Theodossiou
- 20332: The efficiency analysis applied for the evaluation of labour market policies: Study case for Romania

- Monica Roman
- 20331: Public sector decentralization and school performance: International evidence

- Torberg Falch and Justina A. V. Fischer
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