MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 92709: Demand and equilibrium with inferior and Giffen behaviors

- Cuong Le Van and Ngoc-Sang Pham
- 92704: Effect of external debt on Nigerian Economy: Further evidences

- Gift Emmanuel Festus and Muibi Olufemi Saibu
- 92699: Technological Progress and Optimum Labor Market Friction

- Debojyoti Mazumder
- 92698: Efectos de la renta y los precios en la demanda de alimentos: un análisis para el caso español 1980-2015 (Efects of income and prices in food demand: an analysis for the Spanish case 1980-2015)

- Alejandro Alcay and Carlos Escudero
- 92693: The new models of decision in risk: A review of the critical literature

- Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
- 92688: Micro and Macro Drivers of Credit Risk: The Case of Zimbabwean Banking Industry (2009-2013)

- Blessing Katuka and Canicio Dzingirai
- 92687: Credit risk dynamics in listed local banks in Zimbabwe (2009-2013)

- Blessing Katuka
- 92686: Banking financing and credit risk: Case of the Sme's segment in Morocco

- Chourouk Moudine and Younes El Khattab
- 92676: Blockchains for Islamic finance: Obstacles & Challenges

- Hussein Elasrag
- 92673: A Supermultiplier Stock-Flow Consistent model: the return of the paradoxes of thrift and costs in the long run?

- Lidia Brochier and Antonio Carlos Macedo e Silva
- 92672: The Macroeconomic Implications of Consumption: State-of-Art and Prospects for the Heterodox Future Research

- Lidia Brochier and Antonio Carlos Macedo e Silva
- 92670: Institutional quality and economic development: Focus on the moroccan case

- Chourouk Moudine, Younes El Khattab and Mounia Bettah
- 92669: The Neo-Fisherianism to Escape Zero Lower Bound

- Siddhartha Chattopadhyay
- 92666: Epidemiology of Inflation Expectations and Internet Search- An Analysis for India

- Saakshi Jha, Sohini Sahu and Siddhartha Chattopadhyay
- 92663: ‘Born this Way’? Prenatal Exposure to Testosterone May Determine Behavior in Competition and Conflict

- Pablo Brañas-Garza, Subhasish Chowdhury, Antonio Espín and Jeroen Nieboer
- 92659: Allocating costs in set covering problems

- Gustavo Bergantiños, María Gómez-Rúa, Natividad Llorca, Manuel Pulido and Joaquin Sánchez-Soriano
- 92657: Indian bank efficiency and productivity changes with undesirable outputs:A disaggregated approach

- Hidemichi Fujii, Shunsuke Managi and Roman Matousek
- 92655: Productive inefficiency analysis and toxic chemical substances in US and Japanese manufacturing sectors

- Hidemichi Fujii and Shunsuke Managi
- 92651: The Institution of the Prefect According to the Romanian Administrative Code

- Bogdan Berceanu
- 92649: Modern financial repression in the euro area crisis: making high public debt sustainable?

- Ad van Riet
- 92647: Earnings Management in Interconnected Networks: A Perspective

- Peterson Ozili
- 92646: Bank Earnings Smoothing, Audit Quality and Procyclicality in Africa: The Case of Loan Loss Provisions

- Peterson Ozili
- 92645: Discretionary Provisioning Practices among Western European Banks

- Peterson Ozili
- 92643: Impact of a direct channel on the choice of absorption versus direct costing using cost-based transfer price

- Jumpei Hamamura
- 92640: Отпуск при временна неработоспособност – специфики, реализация и осигурително обезпечаване (Vacation leave under temporary work disablement – specifics, realization and social security indemnification)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
- 92636: Latent Factor Models for Credit Scoring in P2P Systems

- Daniel Felix Ahelegbey, Paolo Giudici and Branka Hadji-Misheva
- 92635: Необходимост от усъвършенстване на нормативната уредба свързана с академичния състав в Република България (Necessity of improvement of the normative regulation related to the academic staff in the Republic of Bulgaria)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Iva Ignatova
- 92634: The Econometrics of Bayesian Graphical Models: A Review With Financial Application

- Daniel Felix Ahelegbey
- 92633: Factorial Network Models To Improve P2P Credit Risk Management

- Daniel Felix Ahelegbey, Paolo Giudici and Branka Hadji-Misheva
- 92632: Tree Networks to Assess Financial Contagion

- Daniel Felix Ahelegbey and Paolo Giudici
- 92631: Time-varying Fiscal Multipliers Identified by Systematic Component: A Bayesian Approach to TVP-SVAR model

- Hirokuni Iiboshi, Yasuharu Iwata, Yuto Kajita and Naoto Soma
- 92629: Effect of an increase in longevity on housing prices: Evidence from a panel data

- Tianyu Sun, Satish Chand and Keiran Sharpe
- 92627: Can you hear me now? Good?? The Effect of Mobile Phones on Collective Violent Action in the Libyan Revolution

- Samuel Absher and Kevin Grier
- 92625: Rainfall variability and groundwater availability for irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from the Niayes region of Senegal

- Amy Faye and Siwa Msangi
- 92621: COMESA-EAC-SADC trepertite free trade area: challenges and prospects

- Samar Albagoury and Mahmoud Anber
- 92617: Model and measure the relative efficiency of a four-stage production process. An NDEA multiplier relational model under different systems of resource distribution preferences between sub-processes

- Claudio Pinto
- 92607: A note on approximating bond returns allowing for both yield change and time passage

- Bo Johansson
- 92606: Ownership and control policy of broadcasting services in Ireland: reflections on recent proposals

- Paul Gorecki
- 92603: An Appraisal of the European response to the financial crisis of 2008

- Isabella Innocenti
- 92601: Defined benefit pensions and homeownership in the post-Great Recession era

- Timothy Murray
- 92599: The Heterogeneity Among Commodity-Rich Economies: Beyond the Prices of Commodities

- Haytem Troug
- 92595: Welfare Effects of Certification under Latent Adverse Selection

- Anthony Creane, Thomas Jeitschko and Kyoungbo Sim
- 92594: Rationality and Capitalist Schooling

- Thomas Lambert
- 92593: Federal Regulation, Job Creation, and the Moderating Effect of State Economic Freedom

- David Lucas and Christopher Boudreaux
- 92592: Прекратяване на безсрочен трудов договор проблематика, перспективи и тенденции в условията на съвременна пазарна икономика (Termination of employment contract of indefinite duration - problems, perspectives and tendensies in the conditions of contemporary market economy)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Vladimir Danew
- 92590: Субективните права на почивка и отпуск в българското трудово право - еволюция и тенденции (The subjective rights of rest and leave in the bulgarian labour law – evolution and tendencies)

- Andriyana Andreeva
- 92585: Real urban wage in an agricultural economy without landless farmers: Serbia, 1862-1910

- Branko Milanovic and Bosko Mijatovic
- 92581: Publication Performance and Number of Authors – Evidence for World Top Economists

- Nuno Crespo and Nadia Simoes
- 92579: Modeling and Analysis of Queuing Systems in Banks: (A Case Study of Banque Commerciale du Congo-BCDC/Mbujimayi)

- Alex Kabamba
- 92577: Impact of foreign aid on domestic saving (case study in Ethiopia)

- Migbaru Alamirew Workneh
- 92576: Hedge fund activism, voice, and value creation

- Efstathios Karpouzis, Chris Bouras and Angelos Kanas
- 92574: A Microeconomic Theory–Based Latent Class Multiple Discrete–Continuous Choice Model of Time Use and Goods Consumption

- Sebastian Astroza, Abdul Pinjari, Chandra Bhat and Sergio Jara-Diaz
- 92569: Definition of Internet of Things (IoT) Cyber Risk – Discussion on a Transformation Roadmap for Standardization of Regulations, Risk Maturity, Strategy Design and Impact Assessment

- Petar Radanliev, David De Roure, Jason R.C. Nurse, Pete Burnap, Eirini Anthi, Uchenna Ani, Maddox, La’Treall, Omar Santos and Rafael Mantilla Montalvo
- 92567: Future developments in cyber risk assessment for the internet of things

- Petar Radanliev, David De Roure, Razvan Nicolescu, Michael Huth, Rafael Mantilla Montalvo, Stacy Cannady and Peter Burnap
- 92566: Analysing IoT cyber risk for estimating IoT cyber insurance

- Petar Radanliev, Dave De Roure, Stacy Cannady, Rafael Mantilla Montalvo, Razvan Nicolescu and Michael Huth
- 92565: Cyber Security Framework for the Internet-of-Things in Industry 4.0

- Petar Radanliev, Dave De Roure, Jason R.C. Nurse, Razvan Nicolescu, Michael Huth, Stacy Cannady and Rafael Mantilla Montalvo
- 92563: Estimation of liquidity created by banks in India

- Pankaj Sinha and Naina Grover
- 92562: The Causality Between Youth Unemployment, Education Attainment and Labour Force Participation: Evidence from South Africa

- Lwazi Falakahla
- 92561: The determinants of students' achievement: a difference between OECD and not OECD countries

- Cristian Barra and Marinella Boccia
- 92559: Key sectors in Input-Output Production Networks: an application to Brexit

- Mauro Gallegati, Raffaele Giammetti and Alberto Russo
- 92558: Monetary policy in oil exporting countries with fixed exchange rate and open capital account: expectations matter

- Omar Chafik
- 92556: How Does Inequality of Opportunities Affect the Distribution of Economic Wellbeing in Cameroon

- Fourier Prevost Fotso Koyeu, Paul Ningaye and Dieu Ne Dort Talla Fokam
- 92554: Cognitive reflection and economic order quantity inventory management: An experimental investigation

- Jason Shachat, Jinrui Pan and Sijia Wei

- Jarosław Olejniczak
- 92551: Short-Run Health Consequences of Retirement and Pension Benefits: Evidence from China

- Plamen Nikolov and Alan Adelman
- 92550: Valuing environmental health for informed policy-making

- Vojtěch Máca, Jan Melichar, Milan Ščasný and Marketa Braun Kohlová
- 92549: La persistance des performances des OPCVM actions françaises (The persistence of French equity mutual funds)

- Raffaele De Marchi
- 92548: Famine in North Korea: Markets, Aid, and Reform

- Marcus Noland and Stephan Haggard
- 92547: Principal Trends and Debates in African Agricultural Development

- Erik Green, Ellen Hillbom and Mattias Lindgren
- 92545: Electronic governance: An overview of opportunities and challenges

- Iyad Dhaoui
- 92544: Good governance for sustainable development

- Iyad Dhaoui
- 92542: За някои особености на административния контрол и административнонаказателната отговорност за нарушаване на здравословните и безопасни условия на труд (About some specialties of the administrative control and the administrative penal liabiity for breaches of the rules for heathy and safe working conditions)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
- 92538: Critical review of the tools of Ijtihad used in Islamic finance

- Abdulazeem Abozaid
- 92535: Procedural Mixture Spaces

- Hendrik Rommeswinkel
- 92534: Modelación de la correlación condicional para el mercado bursátil colombiano: una aplicación de DCC – MGARCH (Modeling of the conditional correlation for the Colombian stock market: a DCC application - MGARCH)

- Giovanny Sandoval Paucar
- 92533: Using local expert knowledge to measure prices: Evidence from a survey experiment in Vietnam

- John Gibson and Trinh Le
- 92530: Assessing the Macroeconomic Impact of the ECB’s Asset Purchase Programme in a Dynamic Nelson–Siegel Modelling Framework

- Siwen Zhou
- 92529: Bank Capital Regulation and Endogenous Shadow Banking Crises

- Johannes Poeschl and Xue Zhang
- 92528: On the political economy of income taxation

- Marcus Berliant and Miguel Gouveia
- 92527: نحو صيرفة إسلامية معقولة الأحكام (Towards a rational Islamic banking)

- Abdulazeem Abozaid
- 92526: أثر تغير قيمة العملة الحاد في وفاء الديون (The effect of currency value change upon debt rempayment)

- Abdulazeem Abozaid
- 92525: Unemployment and health in Spain during the 2008's financial crises

- Migbaru Alamirew Workneh
- 92524: Does information matter? Transparency and demand for accountability in Ghana's natural resource revenue management

- Christa Brunnschweiler, Ishmael Edjekumhene and Päivi Lujala
- 92523: Is any benefit prohibited in Islam?

- Abdulazeem Abozaid
- 92521: الأزمة المعرفية للاقتصاد الإسلامي تشخيص حالة التمويل الإسلامي (The epistemological crisis of Islamic economics: the case of Islamic finance)

- Abdulazeem Abozaid
- 92518: The internal challenges facing Islamic finance industry

- Abdulazeem Abozaid
- 92514: Do Cross-border Patents Promote Trade?

- Claire Brunel and Thomas Zylkin
- 92512: Bitcoin and gold prices: A fledging long-term relationship

- Hélène Syed Zwick and Sarfaraz Ali Shah Syed
- 92511: Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy with Non-Separable Government Spending

- Haytem Troug

- Afrizal Afrizal and Suhardi Suhardi

- Suhardi Suhardi
- 92506: Shedding Light on Regional Growth and Convergence in India

- Areendam Chanda and Sujana Kabiraj
- 92505: Readmission treatment price and product quality in the hospital sector: A note

- Roberto Cellini and Domenico Lisi
- 92503: World Equalized Factor Price and Integrated World Trade Space

- Baoping Guo
- 92500: Evolution of the specialization of the Tunisian international trade on the European market

- Afef Souguir
- 92499: Тенденции при антидискриминационните политики в сферата на здравното осигуряване в условията на дигиталното общество (Tendencies of Anti-discriminatory Policies in the Sphere of Health Insurance in the Conditions of Digital Society)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
- 92498: Някои аспекти на защитата от дискриминация при упражняване правото на труд – проблеми и тенденции (Some Aspects of the Discrimination Protection in Practicing the Right of Work – Problems and Tendencies)

- Andriyana Andreeva
- 92497: ICT, Financial Access and Gender Inclusion in the Formal Economic Sector: Evidence from Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Odhiambo
- 92496: Challenges of Doing Business in Africa: A Systematic Review

- Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Odhiambo
- 92495: Optimal Control of the Parameters of the Production Line

- Oleh Pihnastyi
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