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87044: Unified estimation of densities on bounded and unbounded domains Downloads
Kairat Mynbayev and Carlos Martins-Filho
87041: Minimum Wages and the Wage Distribution in Estonia Downloads
Simona Ferraro, Jaanika Meriküll and Karsten Staehr
87036: Economic Calculation of Tea Plant Cultivation Downloads
Amir -
87035: What inflation measure should a currency union target? Downloads
William Barnett, Chan Wang, Xue Wang and Liyuan Wu
Nur Ratulangi
87032: The factors inefficient allocation of investment between economies Downloads
Dmytro Sokolovskyi
87031: Economic Legal Minds By Al-Ghazali Downloads
Ramsito Ramsito
87029: Countries, economy and markets: Analysis of hisbah institution and its contribution to Al-Mawardi perspective Downloads
Faidatun Nashihah
87027: Pemikiran Ekonomi Al-Ghazali (Economic Legal Minds By Al-Ghazali) Downloads
Ramsito Ramsito
87025: Public expenditure management in Indonesia: Islamic economic review on state budget 2017 Downloads
Aan Jaelani
87024: Market Mechanism in the View of Ibn Taymiyyah Downloads
Ans Shinta Pancarini
87022: Monetary policy in perspective of Umer Chapra Downloads
Dahlia Arikha
87018: Money Function and Money Banking by Ibnu Taimiyah Downloads
Fahmi Khalamillah
87015: Government Procurement and the Growth of Small Firms Downloads
Milenko Fadic
87014: Evaluating the Kemess Stream sold by Centerra Gold in 2018 Downloads
Peter Bell
87013: Operational risk and its determinants among five companies in manufacturing industry in Germany Downloads
Nur Alisha Arfiffy Cipriano, Nur Nabila Zulkeflee, Fasihah Amran and Haziah Aishah Shahudin
87007: CEO Compensation, Pay Inequality, and the Gender Diversity of Bank Board of Directors Downloads
Ann Owen and Judit Temesvary
87005: Causalité entre dépenses publiques et croissance économique au Togo (Causality between Public Expenditures and Economic Growth in Togo) Downloads
Fo-Kossi Edem Togbenu
87000: Forschung und Entwicklung im österreichischen Unternehmenssektor in langfristiger Perspektive: Starkes Wachstum, aber alles beim Alten? (Research and development in the Austrian business sector in a long-term perspective: a long way to the top?) Downloads
Bernhard Dachs and Andreas Drach
86981: An Alternative Narrative behind the Persistently Low Natural Rate Downloads
Victor Xing
86979: Globalisation, Economic Growth and Energy Consumption in the BRICS Region: The Importance of Asymmetries Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad, Shaista Alam and Nicholas Apergis
86978: Anticorruption National System: Model Whistleblowers Direct Citizen Action Against Corruption in Mexico Downloads
Carlos Medel-Ramírez
86977: Modern public finances as a proposal for an emerging country: The social approach in the fight against poverty in Mexico Downloads
Carlos Medel-Ramírez and Hilario Medel-López
86976: Impact of PTA on Trade Margins of LDCs in Sub- Saharan Africa: Evidence from the EBA Downloads
Edmund Okraku Ofei
86975: Investors’ Uncertainty and Stock Market Risk Downloads
Diego Escobari and Mohammad Jafarinejad
86972: Do higher salaries yield better teachers and better student outcomes? (Do higher salaries yield better teachers and better student outcomes?) Downloads
José María Cabrera and Dinand Webbink
86966: Graduated without passing? The employment dimension and LDCs' prospects under the Istanbul Programme of Action Downloads
Giovanni Valensisi and Adrian Gauci
86961: Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Growth in Pakistan: The ARDL Approach Downloads
Nilofer Nilofer and Abdul Qayyum
86955: Internal Organization in a Public Theory of the Firm: Toward a Coase-Oates Federalism Nexus Downloads
Giampaolo Garzarelli
86953: Dalai Lama et Laurens van den Muyzenberg, Ce que le bouddhisme peutapporter aux managers (Dalai Lama and Laurens Muyzenberg. What Bhudhism Can teach managers?) Downloads
Ye Yao
86947: Contrats salariaux, rétention de main-d’œuvre et cycle économique (Wage Contracts, Labor Retention and Economic Cycle) Downloads
Afifa Khazri
86943: Monotone Global Games Downloads
Eric Hoffmann and Tarun Sabarwal
86936: Robust analysis of convergence in per capita GDP in BRICS economies Downloads
Andrew Phiri
86929: An AB-SFC Model of Induced Technical Change along Classical and Keynesian Lines Downloads
Lucrezia Fanti
86923: Bifurcation theory of a racetrack economy in a spatial economy model Downloads
Kiyohiro Ikeda, Mikihisa Onda and Yuki Takayama
86922: Percepția consumatorilor de internet asupra publicității online (Perceptions of Internet Consumers on Online Advertising) Downloads
Flavia Andreea Istrate, Cristina Andreea Miroslav and Bianca Helene Olaru
86919: ASEAN Economic Community: Theoretical versus Practical Economic Integration Downloads
Rini Setyastuti, Sri Adiningsih and Tri Widodo
86911: Defense spending and fiscal multipliers: it's all in the variance Downloads
Jesús Rodríguez-López and Mario Solis-Garcia
86908: China-Bulgaria Rural Revitalization Development Cooperation Forum Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev, Bojidar Ivanov, Dimitar Terziev, Dessislava Toteva, Shengquan Che and Lyubka Koleva
86895: The Influence of Corporate Governance to the Firm Performance in Logistics Industry Downloads
Yi Lin Tan, Mimi Syazwani Yusof, Nur Aqilah Mohd Ali and Zahirah Mohamed Azmi
86894: The Influence of Corporate Governance to the Firm Performance in Logistics Industry Downloads
Yi Lin Tan
86893: Alcoholic Drinks and Public Interest in case of Noe-liberalism and Islam Downloads
Azmat Hayat, Dr Muhammad Hakimi Mohd Shafiai, Mohamad Sabri Haron and Sy. Munawar Shah
86887: A Long-Run Estimation of Natural Gas Demand in Indonesian Manufacturing Sector: Computable General Equilibrium Model Approach Downloads
Tri Widodo, Ardyanto Fitrady, Saiful Alim Rosyadi and Traheka Erdyas Bimanatya
86868: Performance and risk: logistics and transportation company in Malaysia Downloads
Weisheng Chew
86867: High Power Two- Stage Class-AB/J Power Amplifier with High Gain and Efficiency Downloads
Fatemeh Rahmani, Farhad Razaghian and Alireza Kashaninia
86863: Liquidity and its determinants Downloads
Yana Basir
86861: Non-parametric Estimation of GARCH (2, 2) Volatility model: A new Algorithm Downloads
Lucius Cassim
86860: R&D financing and growth Downloads
Spinesi Luca and Mario Tirelli
86858: Influența surselor de informare asupra comportamentului consumatorului (Influence of online information sources on consumer’s behaviour) Downloads
Emilia Radu
86856: Impact of external factors That Affecting Operational Risk of Logistic Company in North America Downloads
Zhenghong Jiang
86824: Corporate Governance and Performance of Hotel Industry (Ihi) Downloads
Nur Shahila Abdullah
86816: Liquidity Risk And Its Determinants': A Study On Oil And Gas Industry In Tatneft Downloads
Ejin Awin
86796: Theoretical and Methodological Context of (Post)-Modern Econometrics and Competing Philosophical Discourses for Policy Prescription Downloads
Emerson Jackson
86795: On the Drivers of Global Grain Price Volatility: an empirical investigation Downloads
Santeramo Fabio G. and Emilia Lamonaca
86794: Evolución del Poder de Mercado en los Servicios de Intermediación Financiera en Argentina Downloads
Karina V. Otero
86790: O retrospectivă analitică a contextului crizei datoriei externe a României din anii 1980 (A deeper insight into the background of 1980s external debt crisis in Romania) Downloads
George Georgescu
86789: Output Gap Estimation for Inflation Forecasting: The Case of the Philippines Downloads
Cristeta Bagsic and Paul McNelis
86785: Nonparametric identification of static multinomial choice models Downloads
Karina V. Otero
86784: Nonparametric identification of dynamic multinomial choice games: unknown payoffs and shocks without interchangeability Downloads
Karina V. Otero
86782: Intensity of default in sovereign bonds: Estimation of an unobservable process Downloads
Karina V. Otero
86780: Balance-of-payments-constrained Cyclical Growth with Distributive Class Conflicts and Productivity Dynamics Downloads
Hiroshi Nishi
86779: Direct and Relative Effects of the Import Tariff: Method and Application Using the Industrial Level Data Downloads
Zhuang Miao, Xiaokang Wu and Jinping Yu
86778: A Dynamic Analysis of Demand and Productivity Growth in a Two-sector Kaleckian Model Downloads
Hiroshi Nishi
86775: Bifurcation as Seen in Silicon Beach Prosperity and Eviction Boom Downloads
Victor Xing
86773: Mirror image versus Parabolic Reflections of Donor Kebabs: Secret of Economic Success Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
86772: Impact des chocs monétaires sur les variations du salaire réel (Monetary Shocks and Impact on Changes in Real Wages) Downloads
Afifa Khazri
86770: Can the composition of the family during adolescence influence their future unemployment situation? Evidence for Spain Downloads
Marina Morales
86769: An investigation into the reported closing of the Nicaraguan gender gap Downloads
Alan Piper
86758: Rigidités salariales, effort de travail variable et Fluctuations (Salary Rigidity, Variable Work Effort and Fluctuations) Downloads
Afifa Khazri
86755: Contrats salariaux, rétention de main-d’œuvre et cycle économique (Wage Contracts, Labor Retention and Economic Cycle) Downloads
Afifa Khazri
86751: Entrepreneurial skills and growth of Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs): A comparative analysis of Nigerian entrepreneurs and Minority entrepreneurs in the UK Downloads
Omolara Eunice Abdul
86748: Gender Based Analysis (GBA) in Canada: What Can Sectoral Ministries do in India? Downloads
Lekha Chakraborty
86747: Trust and Signals in Workplace Organization: Evidence from Job Autonomy Differentials between Immigrant Groups Downloads
André van Hoorn
86745: Do Workers’ Remittances Increase Terrorism? Evidence from South Asian Countries Downloads
Syed Raza, Nida Shah and Waqas Ahmed Khan
86743: On the Inflation-Uncertainty Hypothesis in The Gambia: A Multi-Sample View on Causality Linkages Downloads
David Mendy and Tri Widodo
86739: Keynes: ley de Say y demanda de dinero (Keynes: Say's law and demand for money) Downloads
Brayan Alexander Barón Ortegón
86737: Distribución del ingreso rural en Colombia y línea de pobreza: 2004-2014 (Rural income distribution and poverty line in Colombia: 2004-2014) Downloads
Brayan Alexander Barón Ortegón
86734: Distribución del ingreso rural en Colombia y línea de pobreza: 2004-2014 (Rural income distribution and poverty line in Colombia: 2004-2014) Downloads
Brayan Alexander Barón Ortegón
86729: Italian industrial districts: theories, profiles and competitiveness Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
86728: Two Stage Markov Switching Model: Identifying the Indonesian Rupiah Per US Dollar Turning Points Post 1997 Financial Crisis Downloads
David Mendy and Tri Widodo
86723: Monetary Reactions in the West African Monetary Zone: Evaluation of Homogeneity and Expected Loss of Monetary Independence Downloads
Peter Mogaji
86721: Monetary-Fiscal Policy Interactions and Tests for Monetary Dominance in the West African Monetary Zone Downloads
Peter Mogaji
86720: Policy Rule-based Stress Tests of Monetary Integration and Single Monetary Policy in the West African Monetary Zone Downloads
Peter Mogaji
86718: An environmentally sustainable global economy. A coopetitive model Downloads
David Carfì, Alessia Donato and Daniele Schiliro'
86713: Cream Skimming and Information Design in Marching Markets Downloads
Gleb Romanyuk and Alex Smolin
86709: Inequality and Instability Downloads
George Sayers Bain
86706: Entrepreneurial Error Does Not Equal Market Failure Downloads
Philipp Bagus, David Howden and Jesús Huerta de Soto Ballester
86705: Belt and Road Transport Corridors: Barriers and Investments Downloads
Vitaly Lobyrev, Andrey Tikhomirov, Taras Tsukarev and Evgeny Vinokurov
86704: Multiple Long-Run Equilibria in a Free-Entry Mixed Oligopoly Downloads
Junichi Haraguchi and Toshihiro Matsumura
86701: Crescita e debito pubblico. L’economia italiana e la crisi (Growth and public debt. The Italian economy and the crisis) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
86697: Present Bias in Renewable Resources Management Reduces Agent’s Welfare Downloads
Marco Persichina
86696: Оценка пространственных моделей с переменными коэффициентами пространственной чувствительности методом максимального правдоподобия и обобщенным методом наименьших квадратов (Maximum likelihood and generalized least squares estimation of spatial lag models with endogenous spatial coefficients: a Monte Carlo simulation) Downloads
Alexander Myasnikov
86695: The Concept of Cockroach Theory of Sustainable and Scalable Organizational and Individual Growth Downloads
Keerthana Raj and Sreeramana Aithal
86694: Strategic Management Research in India: Contribution of Top Business Schools during last 5 Years – A Critical Study Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal
86693: The Impact of ASEAN’S FTAs with China, Japan, Korea and Australia-New Zealand: An Analysis in GTAP Framework Downloads
Reninta Dewi Nugraheni and Tri Widodo
86686: The impact of women's age at marriage on own and spousal labor market outcomes in India: causation or selection? Downloads
Gaurav Dhamija and Punarjit Roychowdhury
86684: Does Higher Economic Development Reduce Household Size? Evidence from India Downloads
Sabyasachi Tripathi
86681: A Global Voice for Survival: An Ecosystemic Approach for the Environment and the Quality of Life Downloads
André Pilon
86678: On the economic premises of the "restructuring" by liquidation Downloads
Paul Cocioc and Paul Cocioc
86673: Modelling Stock Return Volatility in India Downloads
Sujata Kumari
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