MPRA Paper
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- 57816: Latin American Performance to External Shocks: What Has Really Been Sweat?

- Carolina Pagliacci
- 57809: Εμπειρική προσέγγιση της απόλυτης φτώχειας στην Ελλάδα: οι ανάγκες για κατοικία, διατροφή, ένδυση, υπόδηση, μεταφορά (Empirical approach of absolute poverty in Greece: the needs for housing, nutrition, clothing, footwear, transport)

- George Labrinidis, Thanasis Maniatis, Yannis Bassiakos, Aris Oikonomou, Marianna Papadopoulou and Costas Passas
- 57808: The sustainability of fiscal policy: A group-mean panel estimator approach

- Nikolai Sheung-Chi Chow
- 57805: Explaining the durable goods co-movement puzzle with non-separable preferences: a bayesian approach

- Jaya Dey and Yi-Chan Tsai
- 57803: The role of investment-specific technology shocks in driving international business cycles: a bayesian approach

- Jaya Dey
- 57802: Problems Encountered during the Transition to Market Economy in Azerbaijan and Solution Attempts

- Elchin Suleymanov and Sabuhi Yusifov
- 57801: Manufacturing on the Move

- Richard Cebula
- 57800: Efficient estimation of extreme value-at-risks for standalone structural exchange rate risk

- Zhongfang He
- 57797: Diaspora transferts information et prudence (Remittances uncertainty and prudence)

- Mohamed Jellal
- 57794: Variance targeting estimation of multivariate GARCH models

- Christian Francq, Lajos Horvath and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 57789: Managing Constraints and Removing Obstacles to Knowledge Management

- Sidharta Chatterjee
- 57788: Does Public Assistance for Skills Formation Necessarily Improve Wage Inequality in the Future?

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri
- 57786: Supplier selection by F-compromise method: a case study of cement industry of NE India

- Krishnendu Mukherjee, Bijon Sarkar and Ardhendu Bhattacharyya
- 57784: Assessing the level of happiness across countries: A robust frontier approach

- Jose M. Cordero, Javier Salinas-Jiménez and Mª Mar Salinas-Jiménez
- 57781: Alberto Quadrio Curzio - Valeria Miceli, Sovereign Wealth Funds. A complete guide to state-owned investment funds

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 57779: Policy-Induced Changes in Income Distribution and Profit-Led Growth in A Developing Economy

- Gogol Thakur
- 57778: An Investigation into Happiness, Dynamics and Adaptation

- Alan Piper
- 57777: L'esprit du capitalisme capital étranger et développement (The spirit of capitalism foreign capital and economic development)

- Mohamed Jellal
- 57776: South-South Trade: A Quantitative Assessment

- Selim Raihan
- 57775: Energy Conservation Policies may affect Trade Performance in Pakistan: Confirmation of Feedback Hypothesis

- Syed Raza and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 57774: Nonlinear Dependence between Stock and Real Estate Markets in China

- Terence Tai Leung Chong, Haoyuan Ding and Sung Y. Park
- 57773: To Battle Income Inequality, Focus on Military Expenditures: Lesson from Pakistan

- Syed Raza and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 57772: Inequality, Trade Openness and Economic Growth in Asia

- Muhammad Majeed
- 57770: Non-linear effects of the U.S. Monetary Policy in the Long Run

- Lorena Olmos and Marcos Sanso Frago
- 57768: Политиките на пазарот на труд и сиромаштијата во Македонија, 2008 - 2013 (Labour market, employment policies and poverty in R. Macedonia, 2008 - 2013)

- Marija Bashevska
- 57767: Does Increased Investment in Responsible Properties Lead to Better Corporate Performance?

- Karen McGrath
- 57765: The dark side of Chinese growth: Explaining decreasing well-being in times of economic boom

- Stefano Bartolini and Francesco Sarracino
- 57764: Bear-proof fences reduce livestock losses in the Tibetan Autonomous Region, China

- Sarah K. Papworth, Aili Kang, Madhu Rao, Suk Teng Chin, Huaidong Zhao, Xiaoyan Zhao and L. Roman Carrasco
- 57763: Strategies for antiviral stockpiling for future influenza pandemics: a global epidemic-economic perspective

- L. Roman Carrasco, V J Lee, M I Chen, D B Matchar, J P Thompson and A R Cook
- 57761: Economic Impact of Dengue Illness and the Cost-Effectiveness of Future Vaccination Programs in Singapore

- Luis R Carrasco, Linda K Lee, Vernon J Lee, Eng Eong Ooi, Donald S Shepard, Tun L Thein, Victor Gan, Alex R Cook, David Lye, Lee Ching Ng and Yee Sin Leo
- 57760: Economic and Environmental Impacts of Harmful Non-Indigenous Species in Southeast Asia

- Le T.P. Nghiem, Tarek Soliman, Darren C. J. Yeo, Hugh T. W. Tan, Theodore A. Evans, John D. Mumford, Reuben P. Keller, Richard H. A. Baker, Richard T. Corlett and Luis R. Carrasco
- 57759: Who Should Pay for Global Health, and How Much?

- Luis R Carrasco, Richard Coker and Alex R Cook
- 57757: Optimal and robust control of invasive alien species spreading in homogeneous landscapes

- Luis Roman Carrasco, R Baker, A MacLeod, J. D. Knight and J. D. Mumford
- 57753: 中国贸易保护政策的政治影响因素研究 ——基于贸易政治经济学的理论与实证 (Research on affecting factors for Chinese Trade Protectionist Policy under Open Circumstance: A Theoretical and Empirical Test on Trade Political Economics)

- ZhenHua Gu and Yao Shen
- 57751: Behavioral Dimensions of Contests

- Roman Sheremeta

- Alfred Reckendrees
- 57744: Determinants of Household Poverty: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan

- Muhammad Majeed and Muhammad Nauman Malik
- 57740: Portafolio óptimo y productos estructurados en mercados alpha-estables: un enfoque de minimización de riesgo (Optimal Portfolio and Structured Notes in alpha-stable Markets: a Risk Minimization Approach)

- José Antonio Climent-Hernández, Francisco Venegas-Martínez and Francisco Ortiz-Arango
- 57739: Defining and Measuring Informality in the Turkish Labor Market

- Elif Oznur Kan and Aysıt Tansel
- 57738: Modernisation industrielle capital étranger et croissance (Industrial modernization foreign capital and economic growth)

- Mohamed Jellal
- 57736: Do Developing Countries Possess any Built-in Mechanism that Copes with External Terms-of-trade Shocks?

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri
- 57735: Specializarea regională în România –analize comparative în Top-10 (Regional specialisation in Romania - Top 10 analysis)

- Daniela Antonescu
- 57728: Politica de dezvoltare regionala a Romaniei in contextul integrarii în structurile Uniunii Europene (Romanian regional development policy in context of European Union structure)

- Daniela Antonescu
- 57726: Leverage, return, volatility and contagion: Evidence from the portfolio framework

- AbdelKader EL Alaoui, Abul Masih, Obiyathulla Bacha and Mehmet Asutay
- 57723: An Empirical Evidence of Dynamic Interaction between institutional fund flows and Stock Market Returns

- Pramod Naik and Puja Padhi
- 57721: The Chicago Tradition and Commercial Bank Seigniorage

- Gerasimos T. Soldatos and Erotokritos Varelas
- 57720: Euro Exchange Rate Forecasting with Differential Neural Networks with an Extended Tracking Procedure

- Francisco Ortiz-Arango, Agustín I. Cabrera-Llanos and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 57718: An Enquiry into the Sluggish Growth of Workers’ Remittance Determinants in Bangladesh

- Nobinkhor Kundu
- 57712: Gender Discrimination and Common Property Resources: a Model

- Marco Casari and Maurizio Lisciandra
- 57711: Are Islamic Banks Truly Shariah Compliant? An Application of Time Series Multivariate Forecasting Techniques to Islamic Bank Financing

- Umar Rafi and Abul Masih
- 57710: Adolescents, Cognitive Ability, and Minimax Play

- Jason Shachat, Sen Geng, Yujia Peng and Huizhen Zhong
- 57708: De novo acerca da sazonalidade nos nascimentos em Portugal (Again on the seasonality of births in Portugal)

- António Caleiro
- 57707: The determinants of household saving behaviour in Malta

- William Gatt
- 57706: Causality in distribution between European stock markets and commodity prices: Using independence test based on the empirical copula

- Stanisław Wanat, Monika Papież and Sławomir Śmiech
- 57705: The Behavior of FDI in South Asian Countries

- Muhammad Majeed and Shabib Haider Syed
- 57704: Euro-dollar polarization and heterogeneity in exchange rate pass-throughs within the euro zone

- Mariarosaria Comunale
- 57702: The South African Bio ethanol blend mandate and its implications on regional agricultural markets and welfare

- Mphumuzi Sukati
- 57701: Do Shariah (Islamic) Indices Provide a Safer Avenue in Crisis? Empirical Evidence from Dow Jones Indices using Multivariate GARCH-DCC

- Syed Aun R. Rizvi and Abul Masih
- 57692: What determines cross-border bank lending and risk-taking? The effects of culture, geography, institutions, and information exchange

- Ann Owen and Judit Temesvary
- 57689: Are The Profit Rates of the Islamic Investment Deposit Accounts Truly Performance Based? A Case Study of Malaysia

- Subithabhanu Hussan and Abul Masih
- 57688: Do Portfolio Diversification Opportunities exist across the Euro Zone Islamic Equity Markets? MGARCH-DCC and Wavelet Correlation Analysis

- Bilal Ilhan and Abul Masih
- 57685: Leverage, Sensitivity to Market Risk and Contagion: A Multi-Country Analysis for Shari’ah(Islamic) Stock Screening

- AbdelKader EL Alaoui, Abul Masih, Obiyathulla Bacha and Mehmet Asutay
- 57683: Institutions and Economic Growth in the MENA Countries: An Empirical Investigation by Using Panel data model

- Amrane Becherair
- 57682: Leverage versus volatility: Evidence from the Capital Structure of European Firms

- AbdelKader EL Alaoui, Abul Masih, Obiyathulla Bacha and Mehmet Asutay
- 57681: Regional Economic Impacts of the Shale Gas and Tight Oil Boom: A Synthetic Control Analysis

- Abdul Munasib and Dan Rickman
- 57678: Human Capital Outflow and Economic Misery:Fresh Evidence for Pakistan

- Amjad Ali, Noreen Mujahid, Yahya Rashid and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 57677: Energy Consumption, Trade and GDP: A Case Study of South Asian Countries

- Muhammad Shakeel, Mazhar Iqbal and Muhammad Majeed
- 57675: Public Policy and Private Investment in Pakistan

- Shabib Haider Syed and Muhammad Majeed
- 57674: Real Exchange Rate and Trade Balance in Pakistan: An ARDL Co-integration Approach

- Anwar Shah and Muhammad Majeed
- 57673: Exchange Rate Determination and Forecasting: Can the Microstructure Approach Rescue Us from the Exchange Rate Disparity?

- Guangfeng Zhang, Qiong Zhang and Muhammad Majeed
- 57672: Are You Experienced?

- Jason Shachat and Hang Wang
- 57670: Human Knowledge and a Commonsensical Measure of Human Capital: A Proposal

- Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
- 57666: Multiple imputation in a complex household survey - the German Panel on Household Finances (PHF): challenges and solutions

- Eisele Martin and Junyi Zhu
- 57665: Modelling the Impact of Fundamentals on County Housing Markets in Ireland

- Edgar Morgenroth
- 57664: Bracket Creep Revisited: Progressivity and a Solution by Adjusting the Rich Tax in Germany

- Ismael Martin Flores Unzaga and Junyi Zhu
- 57659: Fixed T Dynamic Panel Data Estimators with Multi-Factor Errors

- Artūras Juodis and Vasilis Sarafidis
- 57658: Status and incentives: A critical survey

- Oindrila Dey and Swapnendu Banerjee (Bandyopadhyay)
- 57656: Discurso e contexto: política siderúrgica no primeiro governo Vargas (1930-1937) (Speech and context: steel-making policy in the first Vargas government (1930-1937))

- Gustavo Barros
- 57650: Fertility and early-life mortality: Evidence from smallpox vaccination in Sweden

- Philipp Ager, Casper Worm Hansen and Peter Jensen
- 57643: The effect of land fragmentation on labor allocation and the economic diversity of farm households: The case of Vietnam

- Huy Nguyen
- 57642: Exit from Exporting: Does Engagement in Transnational Networks Matter?

- Carmen Diaz-Mora, David Córcoles and Rosario Gandoy
- 57640: ICT and R&D as inputs or efficiency determinants? Analysing the manufacturing Italian firms over the 2007-2009

- Graziella Bonanno
- 57639: Evaluating the possible impact of pension reforms on elderly poverty in Europe

- Aaron Grech
- 57638: Assessing the sustainability of pension reforms in Europe: a pension wealth approach

- Aaron Grech
- 57637: Competitive equilibrium for indivisible objects

- Yi-You Yang
- 57629: Information and Competitive Equilibria in the Housing Market

- Gerasimos T. Soldatos
- 57628: Money, «Laissez-Faire» and the Underground Economy

- Gerasimos T. Soldatos and Spyros Zikos
- 57625: Testing Price Pressure, Information, Feedback Trading, and Smoothing Effects for Energy Exchange Traded Funds

- Chia-Lin Chang and Yu-Pei Ke
- 57608: Effect of Joint Custody Laws on Children's Future Labor Market Outcomes

- Abhradeep Maiti
- 57606: Technology Spillover from International Flows: Imports, Foreign Direct Investment and Immigration

- Efua Amoonua Afful
- 57605: Do balanced-budget rules increase growth?

- Joe Stone
- 57604: The Checks of Czechs: Optimizing the Debt Portfolio of the Czech Government

- Ales Melecky and Martin Melecký
- 57603: The Excess Demand Theory of Money

- Bernie Kehrwald
- 57600: Theory of civil war under asymmetric information

- Mohamed Jellal
- 57598: Relative profit maximization in asymmetric oligopoly

- Atsuhiro Satoh and Yasuhito Tanaka
- 57594: A note on Poincaré recurrence in Anosov diffeomorphic transformation of discretized outline of some plant leaves

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 57592: Influence de la négociation intra-ménage sur les dépenses d’éducation dans les ménages au Mali (Influence of intra-household bargaining on education expenditures in households in Mali)

- Moussa Keita
- 57589: Government’s Restructuring Pay Policy and Job Satisfaction: The Case of Teachers in the Ga West Municipal Assembly of Ghana

- Joseph Forson and Rosemary Afrakomah Opoku
- 57582: Selected Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Market Movements: Empirical evidence from Thailand

- Joseph Forson and Jakkaphong Janrattanagul
- 57581: Tax Revenues and Intelligence: A Cross-Sectional Evidence

- Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Mihai Mutascu
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