MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 10974: Ship building and repairing in Italy, 1861-1913: national and regional time series

- Carlo Ciccarelli and Stefano Fenoaltea
- 10970: Identification of relationship between housing difficulty and property values in urban areas

- Silvestro Montrone, Paola Perchinunno and Carmelo Torre
- 10963: The High Cross-Country Correlations of Prices and Interest Rates

- Espen Henriksen, Finn Kydland and Roman Sustek
- 10959: Turismo de Prática Desportiva: um Segmento do Mercado de Turismo Desportivo (Sport Practice Tourism: a segment of the Sport Tourism Market)

- Pedro Carvalho and Rui Lourenço
- 10956: Effects of TRIPS on Growth, Welfare and Income Inequality in an R&D-Growth Model

- Angus Chu and Shin-Kun Peng
- 10955: Predictability of Equity Models

- Pedro Valls Pereira and Rodrigo Chicaroli
- 10953: Duration of loan arrangement and syndicate organization

- Christophe Godlewski
- 10951: Growth literature and policies for the developing countries

- B. Rao and Arusha Cooray
- 10950: Gender Discrimination and Women's Development in India

- Sivakumar Marimuthu
- 10947: The Impact of Derivatives Usage on Firm Value: Evidence from Greece

- Spyridon Kapitsinas
- 10946: Organizational Member Learning and the Influential Factors: The Empirical Study of Thailand

- Mutarika Pruksapong
- 10945: Derivatives Usage in Risk Management by Non-Financial Firms: Evidence from Greece

- Spyridon Kapitsinas
- 10943: Interaction of the European and post-Soviet economic integration in Eastern Europe

- Alexander Libman
- 10941: Zum Spannungsfeld zwischen staatlicher und privater Wirtschaft am Beispiel der postsowjetischen Staaten (On the interaction of public and private businesses: Example of the post-Soviet space)

- Alexander Libman
- 10940: Economic role of public administration in Central Asia: Decentralization and hybrid political regime

- Alexander Libman
- 10939: Regional integration in Central Asia: A firm-centered view

- Alexander Libman
- 10938: Ex ante and ex post institutional convergence: Case of the post-Soviet space

- Alexander Libman
- 10936: Institutional competition in the post-Soviet space

- Alexander Libman
- 10932: Telecommunications as a Segment of the Information System in the Republic of Croatia Financial and Legal Aspects

- Miljenko Brekalo, Nikola Bilandžija and Branko Matić
- 10931: Problems of financing local and regional self-government

- Branimir Marković and Branko Matić
- 10927: Learning to Make Strategic Moves: Experimental Evidence

- Anders Poulsen
- 10926: Analysis of Intergenerational Inequality: the Role of Public Expenditure and Taxation

- Emanuele Canegrati
- 10925: The medieval origins of the 'Financial Revolution': usury, rentes, and negotiablity

- John Munro
- 10924: The Low Countries’ export trade in textiles with the Mediterranean basin, 1200-1600: a cost-benefit analysis of comparative advantages in overland and maritime trade routes

- John Munro
- 10920: Financing of health services and alternative methods: some suggestions

- A.Kadir Isik, Okan Bolukbasi and Hayriye Isik
- 10918: Understanding European Union international message telephone services demand

- Gary Madden, Scott J Savage and Craig Tipping
- 10917: Does Taking One Step Back Get You Two Steps Forward? Grade Retention and School Performance in Rural China

- Xinxin Chen, Yaojiang Shi and Scott Rozelle
- 10916: Examining Exchange Rates Exposure, J-Curve and the Marshall-Lerner Condition for High Frequency Trade Series between China and Malaysia

- Chee-Wooi Hooy and Tze-Haw Chan
- 10915: Broadband delivered entertainment services: forecasting Australian subscription intentions

- Gary Madden, Michael Simpson and Scott Savage
- 10913: Growth and Competition in a Model of Human Capital Accumulation and Research

- Dominique Bianco
- 10911: An exploration of the factors affecting the diffusion of Advanced Costing techniques: a comparative analysis of two surveys (1996-2005)

- Lino Cinquini, Paolo Collini, Alessandro Marelli and Andrea Tenucci
- 10907: Pensions at a glance: public policies across OECD countries

- Monika Queisser and Edward Whitehouse
- 10906: Efficient Contests

- Christian Riis
- 10902: Drought and Optimal Groundwater Managment

- Eirik S. Amundsen
- 10901: Gender Discrimination and Women's Development in India

- Sivakumar Marimuthu
- 10899: New perspectives on realism, tractability, and complexity in economics

- Peter Smith
- 10895: Genetic Determinants of Financial Risk Taking

- Camelia Kuhnen and Joan Y. Chiao
- 10894: The political Economy of WTO with special reference to NAMA Negotiations

- Mehdi Shafaeddin
- 10893: The effects of regulating interchange fees at cost on the ATM market

- Jocelyn Donze and Isabelle Dubec
- 10892: Paying for ATM usage: good for consumers, bad for banks ?

- Jocelyn Donze and Isabelle Dubec
- 10890: Financial viability of small farm forestry based on no-cost sharing arrangement in Sal (Shorea robusta) forest of Bangladesh

- Mohammad Samaun Safa, Minur Rahman Siddiqui, Adnan Asanoy and Arifin Abdu
- 10889: Potentialities of new line planting technique of Enrichment planting in Peninsular Malaysia: A review of resource sustainability and economic feasibility

- Mohammad Samaun Safa, Zahari Ibrahim and Arifin Abdu
- 10888: The Public-Private University Debate in the Higher Education Sector in Bangladesh

- Syed Wadood
- 10887: Potential fishery industry activities and financial aspects of east Malaysian marine fisheries

- Mohammad Samaun Safa

- Mehdi Shafaeddin
- 10884: Asia-Pacific telecommunications liberalisation and productivity performance

- Gary Madden, Scott J Savage and Jason Ng
- 10882: Internet use in rural and remote Western Australia

- Gary Madden and Grant Coble-Neal
- 10881: Do smart cities grow faster?

- Adrián de la Garza
- 10880: The Submission of Fiscal Declarations by Electronic Means of Transmission at Distance

- Mihai Antonescu and Ligia Antonescu
- 10878: Financial-Accounting Settlements Applying in 2008

- Mihai Antonescu and Ligia Antonescu
- 10877: Gold, guilds, and government: the impact of monetary and labour policies on the Flemish cloth industry, 1390-1435

- John Munro
- 10876: The anti-red shift – to the 'Dark Side': Colour changes in Flemish luxury woollens, 1300 - 1550

- John Munro
- 10874: Uberrimae Fidei and Adverse Selection: the equitable legal judgment of Insurance Contracts

- Jason David Strauss
- 10873: Los acuerdos comerciales de Colombia, Ecuador y Perú con los Estados Unidos: efectos sobre el comercio, la producción y el bienestar (Trade agreements by Colombia, Ecuador and Peru with the United States: effects on trade, production and welfare)

- José Durán Lima, Carlos de Miguel and Andrés Schushny
- 10872: Rational macroeconomic learning in linear expectational models

- Tom Holden
- 10870: Tax reform in the oil sector of Russia - a positive assessment

- Viktor Subbotin
- 10864: TQM practices and affective commitment: a case of Malaysian semiconductor packaging organizations

- Ooi Keng Boon, Mohammad Samaun Safa and Veeri Arumugam
- 10863: Poverty-environment interaction through participatory forest management in Bangladesh: an evidence of poverty reduction

- Mohammad Samaun Safa
- 10862: NGOs’ role in improving social forestry practice:does it help to increase livelihood, sustainability and optimum land use in Bangladesh?

- Mohammad Samaun Safa
- 10861: Provision of operating reserve capacity: Principles and practices on the Nordic Electricity Market

- Eirik S. Amundsen and Lars Bergman
- 10860: Rationality in a general model of choice

- Somdeb Lahiri
- 10859: Direct and iterated multistep AR methods for difference stationary processes

- Tommaso Proietti
- 10858: The Process of Transition and the Capital Market in the Republic of Croatia

- Branimir Marković and Branko Matić
- 10857: Management in the Function of Enlargement of the Issuing Profit

- Branko Matić
- 10856: Scenario planning approach to strategic management of small travel business in Malaysia

- Nithi Sevaguru and Mohammad Samaun Safa
- 10855: Ethics and decision making in publishing journal: Issues to be taken into account

- Mohammad Samaun Safa
- 10853: Cash Flow-Wise ABCDS pricing

- Julien Penasse
- 10849: Money, prices, wages, and ‘profit inflation’ in Spain, the Southern Netherlands, and England during the Price Revolution era, ca. 1520 - ca. 1650

- John Munro
- 10848: The Economics of Student Attendance

- Pantelis Pipergias Analytis, Rajesh Ramachandran, Chris Rauh and Jack Willis
- 10846: Wage-stickiness, monetary changes, and real incomes in late-medieval England and the Low Countries, 1300 - 1500: did money matter?

- John Munro
- 10845: The financial leverage of Insurers subject to price regulation: evidence from Canada

- Jason David Strauss
- 10844: From Inflation to Exchange Rate Targeting: Estimating the Stabilization Effects

- Ales Melecky and Martin Melecký
- 10843: Direction and intensity of technical change: a micro-founded growth model

- Luca Zamparelli
- 10839: Fécondité, Santé et Participation des femmes au Marché du Travail

- Christian Akono and R. Tsafack-Nanfosso
- 10838: Green revolution: Indian agricultural experience – a paradigm for Eritrea

- Ravinder Rena
- 10837: Measuring the Rate of Obsolescence of Patents in Japanese Manufacturing Firms

- Yasuo Nakanishi and Setsuo Yamada
- 10836: Team Payroll, Competitive Balance, and Team Performance in the Japan Professional Baseball League: A Study using 1993-2004 Panel Data

- Eiji Yamamura
- 10835: The influence of government size on economic growth and life satisfaction. A case study from Japan

- Eiji Yamamura
- 10833: Positive externalities of congestion, human capital, and socio-economic factors: A case study of chronic illness in Japan

- Eiji Yamamura
- 10832: Determinantes del crecimiento en America Latina: Analisis empirico de los sistemas bancarios (Economic growth determinants in Latin American region: An empirical analysis based on bank systems role)

- Christine Carton and Cely Ronquillo
- 10831: A note on competing economic theories on the 2007-2008+ financial crisis: The case for (hidden) stagflation

- Thomas Colignatus
- 10830: Evaluation of the effect of policy regime shifts in Iranian Distributional changes using a Micro Simulation Framework

- Nasser Khiabani and Ali Maziyaki
- 10829: A dynamic model of mobile telephony subscription incorporating a network effect

- Gary Madden, Grant Coble-Neal and Brian Dalzell
- 10828: Economic determinants of global mobile telephony growth

- Gary Madden and Grant Coble-Neal
- 10827: Internet traffic dynamics

- Gary Madden and Grant Coble-Neal
- 10826: Existence of pure strategy equilibria in Bertrand-Edgeworth games with imperfect divisibility of money

- Massimo De Francesco
- 10824: Australian residential telecommunications consumption and substitution patterns

- Gary Madden and Grant Coble-Neal
- 10822: Forecasting international bandwidth capability

- Gary Madden and Grant Coble-Neal
- 10821: The age of Professor Narmadeshwar Jha

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 10819: Optimal forecasting model selection and data characteristics

- Robert Fildes, Gary Madden and Joachim Tan
- 10818: “Feed from the Service”: Corruption and Coercion in the State—University Relations in Central Eurasia

- Ararat Osipian
- 10816: Building new frontiers: An ecosystemic approach to development, culture, education, environment and quality of life

- André Pilon
- 10814: Wider impacts of microcredit: evidence from labor and human capital in urban Mexico

- Miguel Niño-Zarazúa
- 10812: Building consumers’ confidence in adopting e-commerce: A Malaysian case

- Mohiuddin Ahmed, Ramlah Hussein, Rashidah Minakhatun and Rafikul Islam
- 10811: Management decision making by the analytic hierarchy process: A proposed modification for large-scale problems

- Rafikul Islam and Nur Anisah Abdullah
- 10810: MBNQA criteria in education: Assigning weights from a Malaysian perspective and proposition of an alternative evaluation scheme

- Rafikul Islam
- 10809: Ranking of employees' reward and recognition approaces: A Malaysian Perspective

- Rafikul Islam and Ahmad Zaki Ismail
- 10807: Собственность - Графическая Модель (Property - Graphical Model)

- Dmitriy Boyarkin

- Ravinder Rena
- 10805: Quels fondements pour la lutte contre la pauvreté? Connaissance et motivation chez Rawls et Wresinski (Which foundations for the fight against poverty? Knowledge and motivation for Rawls and Wresinski)

- Quentin Wodon
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