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96531: Organizational Approach for the Design of a Comprehensive Compensation Package for Bank Employees in Afghanistan A Strategy for Acquiring and Retaining Talent Downloads
Aimal Mirza
96529: Globalisation impact on Danish SME: Offshore Outsourcing & local competitiveness Downloads
Dominique Trual Molintas
96526: Korelasi Kebijakan Dividen, Ukuran Perusahaan dan Profitabilitas Terhadap Kebijakan Hutang pada Perusahaan Manufaktur (Correlation of Dividend Policy, Company Size and Profitability on Debt Policy for Manufacturing Companies) Downloads
Zefriyenni Zefriyenni, Vivi Nila Sari and Selvida Utami
96525: Pengaruh Struktur Modal Berdasarkan Profitabilitas, Pertumbuhan Aset, dan Ukuran Perusahaan pada Perusahaan Manufaktur (Effect of Capital Structure Based on Profitability, Asset Growth, and Company Size in Manufacturing Companies) Downloads
Nita Dwijayanti, Hamdy Hady and Elfiswandi Elfiswandi
96524: Prediksi Pendapatan Terbesar pada Penjualan Produk Cat dengan Menggunakan Metode Monte Carlo (Prediction of the Biggest Revenue in the Sales of Cat Products Using the Monte Carlo Method) Downloads
Bias Yulisa Geni, Julius Santony and Sumijan Sumijan
96523: Peramalan Penjualan Pupuk Menggunakan Metode Trend Moment (Forecast of Fertilizer Sales Using the Trend Moment Method) Downloads
Ulia Ulfa, Sumijan Sumijan and Gunadi Widi Nurcahyo
96522: Pengaruh Komitmen, Kompetensi, dan Locus of Control Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pemerintahan (The Effect of Commitment, Competence, and Locus of Control on the Performance of Government Employees) Downloads
Alwa Dudi, Anoesyirwan Moeins and Elfiswandi Elfiswandi
96519: Social policies and trust in the social security system Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96518: Group specific effects of social policies on social trust Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96517: Characteristics of social policies and social trust Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96516: Decommodification and stratification effects on social trust Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96515: Policy specific effects of welfare states’ impact on social trust Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96514: The welfare state and social trust: a descriptive analysis Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96513: The welfare state and social trust: a three-dimensional approach of analysis Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96512: The impact of welfare states on social trust: theoretical and empirical foundations Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96511: Theories of social trust formation: a brief literature overview Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96510: A brief overview of approaches to defining social trust Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96509: A Generalized Growth Model and the Direction of Technological Progress Downloads
Defu Li and Benjamin Bental
96507: Узагальнення історичного досвіду підвищення ефективності оподаткування (Generalization of historical experience with increasing taxation efficiency in Ukraine) Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96506: Вплив історико-економічних закономірностей на сучасну політику оподаткування України (The impact of historic tendencies on contemporary taxation in Ukraine) Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96505: ІСТОРИКО-ЕКОНОМІЧНИЙ ДОСВІД ОПОДАТКУВАННЯ ТА СУЧАСНІСТЬ (Historical experience of taxation and its impact on today’s tax policy in Ukraine) Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96504: Особливості механізму оподаткування державної промисловості на новому етапі розвитку економіки (1930 – 1931) (Specificities of industrial taxation in the 1930 – 1931) Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96503: Вихідні передумови запровадження податкових реформ в період індустріалізації (Preconditions for tax reforms in Ukraine during the industrialization process) Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96501: ІНДУСТРІАЛІЗАЦІЯ ТА МОДИФІКАЦІЯ ПОДАТКОВОГО МЕХАНІЗМУ ДЕРЖАВНОЇ ПРОМИСЛОВОСТІ (Industrialization and changes in industrial taxation of Ukraine: a literature overview) Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96500: Вплив податкової політики непу на формування доходів бюджету та діяльність державної промисловості (The impact of taxation on the state budget and the performance of state industries) Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96499: Еволюція механізму оподаткування державних підприємств в 1921-28 рр (Evolution of industrial taxation in Ukraine in the 1920s) Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96497: Податкова політика періоду непу та індустріалізації (The politics of taxation in Ukraine during the new economic policy and industrialization) Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96496: ОПОДАТКУВАННЯ ДЕРЖАВНИХ ПІДПРИЄМСТВ УКРАЇНИ В 1920-30Х РР (Taxation of state enterprises in Ukraine in the 1920s and the 1930s) Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96494: Особливості розвитку промисловості України в період непу та проблема удосконалення оподаткування (Specificities of industrial development in Ukraine during the new economic policy and the problem of increasing taxation efficiency) Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96493: ОПОДАТКУВАННЯ ПРОМИСЛОВОСТІ УКРАЇНИ В 20х РОКАХ XX СТОЛІТТЯ (A brief description of industrial taxation in Ukraine in the 1920s) Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96491: Ricardo’s Theory of Value is Alive and Well in Contemporary Capitalism Downloads
Lefteris Tsoulfidis
96490: ТЕОРЕТИЧНЕ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ОПОДАТКУВАННЯ В ЛІТЕРАТУРІ 1920-30Х РОКІВ (An overview of theoretical research on taxation in the soviet literature from the 1920s and 1930s) Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96489: The Impact of Welfare States on Social Trust Formation: A Multidimensional Approach Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
96485: The causal linkages among money growth, inflaion and interest rates in Ghana Downloads
Ernest Amankwah and Prince Atta Sarfo
96476: Political equality and quality of government Downloads
Roberto Ezcurra and Izaskun Zuazu
96474: Measuring productivity dispersion: a parametric approach using the Lévy alpha-stable distribution Downloads
Jangho Yang, Torsten Heinrich, Julian Winkler, François Lafond, Pantelis Koutroumpis and J. Farmer
96472: Salient Features of the Financial Social Accounting Matrix for Pakistan-1989-90 Downloads
Rizwana Siddiqui
96471: Assessing the migration and social instability nexus in sub-saharan Africa: A spatial analysis Downloads
Moustapha Fofana, Laté Lawson and Zié Ballo
96469: Determinants of Parental Choice for Public – Private Schooling of Children:A Study of Rawalpindi-Islamabad Downloads
Hamad Manzoor, Saira Rasul, Henna Ahsan and Aisha Safdar
96468: Governance im Politikfeld Wirtschaftspolitik (Governance in the Field of Economic Policy) Downloads
Karsten Mause
96461: Vietnam's Monetary Policy during the AFC Downloads
Chris Kirrane
96457: Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon: Can indirect tax play a crucial role? Downloads
Rodrigue Tchoffo, Guivis Nkemgha and Tadzong Paul
96456: Survey of Credit Rating Methodologies of Mutual Funds: Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s Downloads
Gargi Guha Niyogi, Nivedita Mandal and Rituparna Das
96450: Distortions, factor proportions and efficiency losses: Argentina in the latin american scenario Downloads
Julio Nogues
96446: Futures-based forecasts: How useful are they for oil price volatility forecasting? Downloads
Ioannis Chatziantoniou, Stavros Degiannakis and George Filis
96442: Mathematical Economics - Marginal analysis in the consumer behavior theory Downloads
Jorge Marques and Rui Pascoal
96440: Efectos económicos de las leyes sobre la estructura familiar: Evidencia internacional del divorcio y la custodia (Economic effects of family structure laws: International evidence of divorce and custody) Downloads
Daniel Miguel Boldova
96437: The unintended consequences of the EU ETS cancellation policy Downloads
Kenneth Bruninx, Marten Ovaere, Kenneth Gillingham and Erik Delarue
96428: The determiants of non-performing loans: Do institutions matter? A comparative analysis of the MENA and CEE countries Downloads
Rachid Semia
96427: Social Capital Inequality and Subjective Wellbeing of Older Chinese Downloads
Samuelson Appau, Sefa Awaworyi Churchill, Russell Smyth and Quanda Zhang
96426: Interest Rate Risk Management by Financial Engineering in Pakistani Non-Financial Firms Downloads
Taqadus Bashir, Shujaat Khalid, Kanwal Iqbal Khan and Saman Javed
96425: Water Use and Wastewater Discharge of Industrial Sector in China Downloads
Michiyuki Yagi, Shunsuke Managi and Shinji Kaneko
96420: A Separation: The Economics behind the Administrative Area Modifications in Iran Downloads
Majid Einian
96419: The tourism-led growth hypothesis: empirical evidence from Turkey Downloads
Hasan Ertugrul and Fatih Mangir
96416: Inequality and elections in Italian regions Downloads
Francesco Bloise, Daniela Chironi and Mario Pianta
96410: Fiscal Space for Children and Human Capital in Eastern and Southern Africa: Options and Strategic Entry Points to Address Investment Gaps in 16 Countries Downloads
Matthew Cummins
96408: Nowcasting and forecasting US recessions: Evidence from the Super Learner Downloads
Benedikt Maas
96404: Macroeconomic Impacts of Export Barriers in a Dynamic CGE Model Downloads
Iman Haqiqi and Marziyeh Bahalou
96400: Модели зависимости реального курса рубля от цены и стоимости экспорта нефти: сравнительный анализ (Oil prices versus oil export revenues as fundamental factors of the real Russian ruble exchange rate: A comparison of VEC models) Downloads
Andrei Shumilov
96385: Catch limits, capacity utilization and cost reduction in Japanese fishery management Downloads
Michiyuki Yagi and Shunsuke Managi
96371: Determinants of FDI in France: Role of Transport Infrastructure, Education, Financial Development and Energy Consumption Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Miroslav Mateev, Salaheddin Abosedra, Muhammad Ali Nasir and Zhilun Jiao
96367: Optimal Price of Entry into a Competition Downloads
Boris Ginzburg
96362: К вопросу подобия технологических процессов производственно-технических систем (To the question of similarity of technological processes of production and technical systems) Downloads
Николай Азаренков, Олег Пигнастый and Валерий Ходусов
96348: Are there fault lines in the Netherland's pension provision? Downloads
Kees De Koning
96343: Sequential vs. Simultaneous Trust Downloads
Till Gross, Maroš Servátka and Radovan Vadovič
96339: The Long-term Rate and Interest Rate Volatility in Monetary Policy Transmission Downloads
Zhengyang Chen
96336: Modelling Food and Nonfood Production in India: The Effects of Oil Price using Bayer-Hanck Combined Cointegration Approach Downloads
Ifedolapo O. Olanipekun and Ojonugwa Usman
96333: Asymmetric Effects of Renewable Energy Consumption, Trade Openness and Economic Growth on Environmental Quality in Nigeria and South Africa Downloads
Paul Iorember, Ojonugwa Usman and Gylych Jelilov
96332: The Use of GARCH Models in VaR Estimation Downloads
Timotheos Angelidis, Alexandros Benos and Stavros Degiannakis
96330: Volatility Forecasting: Evidence from a Fractional Integrated Asymmetric Power ARCH Skewed-t Model Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis
96328: Departure Time Choice and Bottleneck Congestion with Automated Vehicles: Role of On-board Activities Downloads
Baiba Pudāne
96327: Backtesting VaR Models: A Τwo-Stage Procedure Downloads
Timotheos Angelidis and Stavros Degiannakis
96326: Simulated Evidence on the Distribution of the Standardized One-Step-Ahead Prediction Errors in ARCH Processes Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis and Evdokia Xekalaki
96324: Assessing the Performance of a Prediction Error Criterion Model Selection Algorithm in the Context of ARCH Models Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis and Evdokia Xekalaki
96323: The Impact of N-Power(Training and Empowerment)Program on the Duration of Youth Unemployment in Nigeria Downloads
Godwin Nwaobi
96322: Volatility forecasting: Intra-day versus inter-day models Downloads
Timotheos Angelidis and Stavros Degiannakis
96321: SPEC Model Selection Algorithm for ARCH Models: an Options Pricing Evaluation Framework Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis and Evdokia Xekalaki
96318: Gravity estimations with FDI bilateral data: Potential FDI effects of deep preferential trade agreements Downloads
Henk Kox and Hugo Rojas Romasgosa
96317: Emerging African Economies:Digital Structures, Disruptive Responses and Demographic Implications Downloads
Godwin Nwaobi
96314: Conditional Sum of Squares Estimation of Multiple Frequency Long Memory Models Downloads
Paul Beaumont and Aaron Smallwood
96313: Inference for likelihood-based estimators of generalized long-memory processes Downloads
Paul Beaumont and Aaron Smallwood
96310: Access to Graduate Education in Brazil: predictors of choice and enrollment in master’s degree programs Downloads
Daniel Colombo
96309: Exporters in Africa: What Role for Trade Costs? Downloads
Helena Afonso and Sebastián Vergara Marezco
96308: Pareto Superior dimension of Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs) in Ghana: Evidence from Asunafo North Municipality of Ghana Downloads
Ernest Amankwah, Fritz Augustine Gockel and Eric Osei-Assibey
96307: Forecasting Vix Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis
96306: Trade transparency and trading volume: the possible impact of the financial instruments markets directive on the trading volume of EU equity markets Downloads
Emilios Avgouleas and Stavros Degiannakis
96305: Is PEAD a consequence of the presence of the cognitive bias of self-attribution in investors’ expectations regarding permanent earnings? Evidence from Athens Stock Exchange Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis and George Giannopoulos
96304: VIX Index in Interday and Intraday Volatility Models Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis and Christos Floros
96301: Hedge Ratios in South African Stock Index Futures Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis and Christos Floros
96299: Dynamic correlation between stock market and oil prices: The case of oil-importing and oil-exporting countries Downloads
George Filis, Stavros Degiannakis and Christos Floros
96298: Oil and stock returns: Evidence from European industrial sector indices in a time-varying environment Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis, George Filis and Christos Floros
96297: Diversified Syndicate Structure and Loan Spreads for Non-U.S. Firms Downloads
Balagopal Gopalakrishnan and Sanket Mohapatra
96296: The effects of oil price shocks on stock market volatility: Evidence from European data Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis, George Filis and Renatas Kizys
96295: A simple time-insensitive index of instability as a proxy for the “Africa dummy” variable – A Note Downloads
Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
96294: El Efecto de la Mediterraneidad sobre el Flujo Comercial Internacional: Evidencia Empírica Internacional y para América del Sur (1990-2016) (The Effect of Landlocked Country Status on International Trade Flow: International and South America Empirical Evidence (1990-2016)) Downloads
Carlos Bruno Delgadillo Chavarria
96291: Инфраструктура сельского хозяйства Казахстана: динамика аграрного производства, взаимодействие производственной и социальной сферы Downloads
Victor Stukach, Gulnar Saparova, GuZel Sultanova and Sania Saginova
96287: Social Innovation and Social Policy: Empowerment of indigenous women the management of sustainable productive organizations in Vietnam and Mexico Downloads
Carlos Medel-Ramírez and Hilario Medel-López
96283: Insolvency Regimes and Firms' Default Risk Under Economic Uncertainty and Shocks Downloads
Balagopal Gopalakrishnan and Sanket Mohapatra
96280: A Probit Model for the State of the Greek GDP Growth Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis
96276: Forecasting oil price realized volatility using information channels from other asset classes Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis and George Filis
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