MPRA Paper
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- 111900: Greece in the Eurozone: An Evaluation of the First Two Decades

- Gregory Papanikos
- 111899: Изкуственият интелект във висшето образование – за границите и етичните норми (The artificial intellect in the higher education – for the limits and the ethical norms)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Ivanowa Veneta
- 111898: Индивидуализация на страните в гражданския процес при извършването на процесуални действия в електронна форма (Individualization of the parties in the civil process in the performance of procedural actions in electronic form)

- Mariyana Shirvanyan
- 111891: The Long-Term Effects of War on Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development: Evidence from Vietnam

- Cuong Nguyen, Tuyen Tran and Huong Vu
- 111889: How personality traits affect the way Gen Z faces economic and environmental sustainability: an econometric investigation

- Luciano Canova and Giovanna Paladino
- 111888: Inclusive Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: Exploring the Interaction Between ICT Diffusion and Financial Development

- Isaac Kwesi Ofori, Dennis B. Osei and Imhotep Alagidede
- 111885: Islamic finance, growth, and stability

- Zubair Hasan
- 111875: Risk Aversion and Recessive Impacts of Austerity

- Afonso Vaz de Castro
- 111874: A Typology of Captive Financial Institutions and Money Lenders (sector S127) in Luxembourg

- Gabriele Di Filippo and Frédéric Pierret
- 111872: Key Features of Captive Financial Institutions and Money Lenders (sector S127) in Luxembourg

- Gabriele Di Filippo and Frédéric Pierret
- 111870: A Typology of Captive Financial Institutions in Luxembourg: Lessons from a New Database

- Gabriele Di Filippo and Frédéric Pierret
- 111861: Sheltered employment for people with disabilities: An international appraisal with illustrations from the Spanish case

- Miguel Malo and Rodríguez Vanesa
- 111858: Child labour And Schooling in Malawi: Does Mother's Employment Matter?

- Michael Masiya and Richard Mussa
- 111850: Can cryptocurrency tap the Indian market? Role of having robust monetary and fiscal policies

- Biswajit Palit and Sakya Mukherjee
- 111844: Interconnections between Governance and Socioeconomic Conditions: Understanding Sub-Saharan African Challenges

- Fisayo Fagbemi, Geraldine Nzeribe, Tolulope Osinubi and Simplice Asongu
- 111843: The role of inclusive education in governance for inclusive economic participation: gender evidence from sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Odhiambo
- 111842: Historical Prevalence of Infectious Diseases and Entrepreneurship: the Role of Institutions in 125 Countries

- Omang Messono and Simplice Asongu
- 111841: African Women Vulnerability Index (AWVI): Focus on Rural Women

- Vanessa Tchamyou, Samba Diop and Simplice Asongu
- 111840: Mitigating the Macroeconomic Impact of Severe Natural Disasters in Africa: Policy Synergies

- Samba Diop, Simplice Asongu and Vanessa Tchamyou
- 111839: Testing the Triple Deficit Hypothesis for Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for the African Continental Free Trade Area

- Samson Okafor, Chukwunonso Ekesiobi, Ogonna Ifebi, Stephen Dimnwobi and Simplice Asongu
- 111838: Political inclusion and democracy in Africa: some empirical evidence

- Tii Nchofoung, Simplice Asongu, Vanessa Tchamyou and Ofeh Edoh
- 111835: From Neolithic Revolution to Industrialization

- Angus Chu
- 111832: A statistical foundation for the measurement of managerial ability

- Rajiv Banker, Han-Up Park and Biresh Sahoo
- 111831: Using the asymptotic approximation of the maxwell element model for the analysis of stress in a conveyor belt

- Oleh Pihnastyi and Svіtlana Chernіavska
- 111829: Monopoly Persistence under the Threat of Supply Function Competition

- Ismail Saglam
- 111827: When savings are not counted as savings: The missed opportunity to use home equity to stimulate the U.S. economy

- Kees De Koning
- 111803: The Bright Side of Dark Markets: Experiments

- Edward Halim, Yohanes Riyanto, Nilanjan Roy and Yan Wang
- 111802: Библиометрическое равновесие (Bibliometric Equilibrium)

- Victor Polterovich
- 111800: Energy efficiency in Indonesia's manufacturing industry: a perspective from Log Mean Divisia Index decomposition analysis

- Dhani Setyawan
- 111797: How does COVID-19 affect intertemporal price dispersion? Evidence from the airline industry

- Alexander Luttmann and Alberto Gaggero
- 111795: Contribution to Open-Source Product Development

- Mohammad Ali Mohammadi
- 111792: ¿Cómo evoluciona el nivel educativo entre generaciones en Asia (Pacífico y Oriente Medio)? (How is educational attainment evolving between generations in Asia (Pacific and Middle East)?)

- Raúl Claver Sanz
- 111789: Be Nice to thy Neighbours: Spatial impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Poverty in Africa

- Sodiq Arogundade
- 111785: Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Domestic Consumer Prices in Nigeria and Taylor’s Hypothesis: A Structural Vector Auto Regression Analysis

- Abdullahi Mohammed, Sagir Mati and Mustapha Husssain
- 111778: Female Labor Supply and International Trade

- Ke Gu and Andrey Stoyanov
- 111774: Costs of Living and Real Incomes in the Russian Regions

- Konstantin Gluschenko
- 111773: Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot? Some Empirical Evidence

- Richard Easterlin
- 111769: Granger-causality between oil price, exchange rate and government bonds: evidence from Malaysia

- Amri Rahamat and Abul Masih
- 111768: Influence of Hong Kong RMB offshore market on effectiveness of structural monetary policy in the Mainland China

- Weiguang Qin and Keshab Bhattarai
- 111765: Shadow Pricing Rules for Partially Traded Goods

- Elio Londero
- 111762: Is money demand really unstable? Evidence from Divisia monetary aggregates

- William Barnett, Taniya Ghosh and Masudul Hasan Adil
- 111761: Maybe I Should Just Stay Home

- Tanjim Hossain and John Morgan
- 111760: Achieving food security in Ghana: Does governance matter?

- Peter Asare-Nuamah, Anthony Amoah and Simplice Asongu
- 111759: Analysis of the Evolution of Income Disparities Among WAEMU Member Countries

- Niénéyéri Coulibaly
- 111758: Democracy and Terrorism in Africa

- Chimere Iheonu, Simplice Asongu, Shedrach Agbutun and Innocent Ifelunini
- 111757: The role of value added across economic sectors in modulating the effects of FDI on TFP and economic growth dynamics

- Simplice Asongu, Christelle Meniago and Raufhon Salahodjaev
- 111756: Enterprises Providing ICT Training in Europe

- Lucio Laureti, Alberto Costantiello, Marco Maria Matarrese and Angelo Leogrande
- 111755: Fostering Integrated Governance Quality through Technology Penetration: Thresholds of Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Jeremiah Ejemeyovwi, Alex Adegboye, Olaoluwa Umukoro and Simplice Asongu
- 111754: Educational quality, social media and public accountability: a global perspective

- Alex Adegboye, Simplice Asongu, Vanessa Tchamyou, Tolulope Osinubi and Ibukunoluwa Adeyanju
- 111753: Taxing Africa for Inclusive Human Development: The Mediating Role of Governance Quality

- Alex Adegboye, Olayinka Erin and Simplice Asongu
- 111752: Sustainability, Growth and Impact of MFIs in Africa

- Elikplimi Agbloyor, Simplice Asongu and Peter Muriu
- 111751: Agricultural Export, Growth and the Poor in Africa: A Meta Analysis

- David Adeabah and Simplice Asongu
- 111750: Financial institutions, poverty and severity of poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu, Valentine Soumtang and Ofeh Edoh
- 111749: Does gold act as an inflation hedge ? Malaysian case

- Eddee Salleh and Abul Masih
- 111740: The impact of macroeconomic variables on the crude palm oil export: Malaysian evidence based on ARDL approach

- Anis Mukrim and Abul Masih
- 111736: Impact of macroeconomic factors on shariah and conventional stocks: Malaysian evidence

- Muhammad Aiman and Abul Masih
- 111735: Cryptocurrencies, Diversification and the COVID-19 Pandemic

- David Allen
- 111734: Monetary Policies, US influence and other Factors Affecting Stock Prices in Japan

- David Allen and Hiro Mizuno
- 111732: A Theory of the Credit-to-GDP Gap: Using Credit Gaps to Predict Financial Crises

- Taiji Harashima
- 111730: Savings and bank loans dynamics in implementing the new international accounting standard IFRS-9: Malaysia as a case study

- Syed Roslan and Abul Masih
- 111727: Estimating the Accounting Price of Foreign Exchange: An Input-Output Approach

- Elio Londero
- 111726: Екосистема на доверие при използване на изкуствен интелект в трудовите отношения (Ecosystem of trust in the use of artificial intellegence in the employment relationship)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
- 111725: Работа в пандемична обстановка и някои предизвикателства за страните по трудовото правоотношение (Work in pandemic situation and some challenges for the parties in the employment relationship)

- Andriyana Andreeva
- 111724: Мястото на прокуратурата в съдебната власт (The place of the prosecution in the judiciary)

- Diana Dimitrova
- 111722: Относно някои специфики на функциите на администрацията на съдебната власт (On certain specifics of the functions of the judiciary administration)

- Darina Dimitrova
- 111721: Common‐pool Resources and Governance in Sustainability Transitions

- Leticia Nogueira, Karin Wigger and Suyash Jolly
- 111718: За нуждата от качествени измерения на правото на почивка (For the need for quality measurements of the right to rest)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
- 111715: Democracy, Institutions, and International Profit-Shifting

- Fotios Delis, Claire Economidou and Iftekhar Hasan
- 111714: Returns to test scores in Vietnam

- Tien Vu and Hiroyuki Yamada
- 111713: Analysis of the employers perceptions to hire ex-combatants in their companies: a colombian case

- Giovanny Sandoval Paucar, Alexandra Arango Ospina, Patricia Rodríguez Vélez and Millerlandy Santana Oviedo
- 111709: Inflation-Forecast Targeting: A New Framework for Monetary Policy?

- Christian Pinshi
- 111704: It’s a kind of suicide: Dynamics of funerary gift-giving and institutional change in South-West Madagascar

- Johanna Friederike Goetter
- 111702: Determinants of Unemployment Status: Indicating College Majors that reduces the Unemployment Status in Lebanon

- Izdehar Halabi and Jana Kourani
- 111693: Unpacking the governance of agro-ecosystem services – the case of Bulgaria

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 111692: Granger-causality between real exchange rate and economic growth: evidence from Thailand

- Hayatee Lengnoo and Abul Masih
- 111691: Corporate Real Estate Holding and Stock Returns: International Evidence from Listed Companies

- Joe Cho Yiu Ng, Charles Leung and Suikang Chan
- 111688: Contango and Backwardation in Arbitrage-Free Futures-Markets

- Hans Rau-Bredow
- 111685: Enflasyonist Koşullarda Türkiye Ekonomisine İlişkin Bir Para Arzı Tahmini (Money Supply Forecast for the Turkish Economy in Inflationary Conditions)

- Unal Eryilmaz
- 111682: Corporate environmental responsibility, financial performance, and international bank loans: Evidence from China

- Yin-Siang Huang and You-Xun Lu
- 111678: Movilidad entre generaciones en países africanos: evidencia para la educación (Intergenerational mobility in African countries: evidence for education)

- Raúl Claver Sanz
- 111676: Income and Employment Generation by Mining Industries in the state of Karnataka and Ballari district

- Channabasavaiah H M and Prof Venkata Naidu G
- 111675: Investment-Specific Technological Change and Universal Basic Income in the U.S

- Bernardo Vedor
- 111674: Central Bank Digital Currency: What Basis Should be Taken for Crypto Assets?

- Christian Pinshi
- 111671: A Note on the Natural Rate of Dollarization: Mathematical Approximation of Limits

- Christian Pinshi
- 111670: The Benefits of Coarse Preferences

- Joe Halpern, Yuval Heller and Eyal Winter
- 111667: Civic Engagement Practice at Planning and Monitoring System by Local Government (s) of Nepal

- Manish Thapa
- 111666: Government’s response during COVID-19 Pandemic in Nepal

- Manish Thapa
- 111665: Research Effort and Economic Growth

- Weshah Razzak
- 111661: Income and Employment Generation through Mining Industry in India

- Channabasavaiah H M and Prof.venkata Naidu G
- 111655: Segmented assimilation: a minority's dilemma

- Anuj Bhowmik and Arijit Sen
- 111652: Impact of political instability on economic growth, exchange rates and unemployment: Malaysian evidence

- Mohamed Naleef and Abul Masih
- 111651: Liberalizing Passenger Rail: The Effect of Competition on Local Unemployment

- Ondrej Badura, Ales Melecky and Martin Melecký
- 111643: On fractional filtering versus conventional filtering in economics

- Raul R. Nigmatullin, Tolga Omay and Dumitru Baleanu
- 111642: The real effects of bank lobbying: Evidence from the corporate loan market

- Manthos Delis, Iftekhar Hasan, Thomas To and Eliza Wu
- 111641: Model Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Hubungan Dinamis Antara Harga Saham dan Nilai Tukar Rupiah: Penerapan pada IHSG dan Indeks Sektoral di Bursa Efek Jakarta Tahun 1990-2001 (Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Model of Dynamic Linkage between Stock Indices and Rupiah's Exchange Rate: Application to Composite and Sectoral Indices on Jakarta Stock Exchange in 1990-2001)

- Andriansyah Andriansyah
- 111639: Technology licensing and Collusion

- Neelanjan Sen, Priyansh Minocha and Arghya Dutta
- 111637: How Various “Irrationalities” Proven to be Rational

- Bin Li
- 111635: Is Production or Consumption the Determiner? Sources of Turkey’s CO2 Emissions between 1990-2015 and Policy Implications

- Ayla Alkan and Ayla Oğuş-Binatlı
- 111631: Bayesian Approaches to Shrinkage and Sparse Estimation

- Dimitris Korobilis and Kenichi Shimizu
- 111625: Socially concerned duopolies with lifetime employment as a strategic commitment

- Kazuhiro Ohnishi
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