MPRA Paper
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- 95737: Новите видове трудови договори – актуална форма на заетост (The new employment contracts – current form of employment)

- Andriyana Andreeva
- 95734: Building World-Class Universities: Some Insights & Predictions

- Sreeramana Aithal and Shubhrajyotsna Aithal
- 95732: The role of political instability and corruption on foreign direct investment in the MENA region

- Zouhaier Aloui
- 95729: Pakistan’s Agriculture Trade with South Asia

- Asif Javed
- 95727: Preventing Widening Inequality: Economic Rents and Sustainable Heterogeneity

- Taiji Harashima
- 95726: The Poverty-Reducing Effects of Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Cambodia

- Kimty Seng
- 95721: A Generalized Endogenous Grid Method for Models with the Option to Default

- Youngsoo Jang and Soyoung Lee
- 95720: Synchronization in Sunspot Models

- Assaf Patir
- 95719: The Effect of Paid Parental Leave on Breastfeeding, Parental Health and Behavior

- Laetitia Lebihan and Charles Olivier Mao Takongmo
- 95717: Financial development and economic growth in the era of financial liberalization

- Victoria S Kenny
- 95712: Knocking on Employment´s Door: Internships and Job Attainment

- Gisela Di Meglio, Andrés Barge-Gil, Ester Camiña and Lourdes Moreno
- 95709: Do economic freedom and board structure matter for bank stability and bank performance?

- Christina Mavrakana and Maria Psillaki
- 95705: Credit, Default, and Optimal Health Insurance

- Youngsoo Jang
- 95698: Statistical two-level model of the production process

- Oleh Pihnastyi
- 95697: The causal relationship between islamic bank financing and macroeconomic variables: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL approach

- Hafeez Halim and Abul Masih
- 95694: Skill Gap, Mismatch, and the Dynamics of Italian Companies’ Productivity

- Lucrezia Fanti, Dario Guarascio and Matteo Tubiana
- 95693: Does oil impact Islamic stock markets ? evidence from MENA countries based on wavelet and markov switching approaches

- Junaid Abba and Abul Masih
- 95691: Spatial Dependence, Social Networks, and Economic Structures in Regional Labor Migration

- Koji Murayama and Jun Nagayasu
- 95688: Environmental Impacts of Phasing out Energy Subsidies

- Iman Haqiqi and Davood Manzoor
- 95685: Financial Bubbles: New Evidence from South Africa’s Stock Market

- Jean-Louis Bago, Wamadini M. Souratié, Moussa Ouédraogo, Ernest Ouédraogo and Alou Dembélé
- 95681: The Impact of Brexit on Islamic Stock Markets Employing MGARCH-DCC and Wavelet Correlation Analysis

- Burak Cikiryel and Abul Masih
- 95675: The Inflation Dynamics of the Turkish Economy in 1990-2011 Period

- Ali Ari, Ahmet Yılmaz, Raif Cergibozan and Yunus Ozcan
- 95674: Disaggregated Import Demand Function: A Case Study of Pakistan

- Amjad Ali and Muhammad Chani
- 95671: The Emergence of Inclusive Growth: Issues, Challenges and Policy Options for Nigeria

- Perekunah Eregha and Ekundayo Mesagan
- 95667: Political Economy of Oil Resources Management in Nigeria: Lessons from Other Countries

- Ekundayo Mesagan and Perekunah Eregha
- 95666: Does Decomposition of GDP Growth Matter for the Poor? Empirical Evidence from Pakistan

- Safdar Ali, Khalil Ahmad and Amjad Ali
- 95665: The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Expenditure Structure of Pakistan

- Khalil Ahmad and Amjad Ali
- 95654: Pricing Better

- Sourav Ray, Li Wang, Daniel Levy and Mark Bergen
- 95652: Dynamics between islamic banking performance and CO2 emissions: evidence from the OIC countries

- Nihal Mahmood and Abul Masih
- 95642: Sequencing R&D decisions with a consumer-friendly firm and spillovers

- Mariel Leal, Arturo Garcia and Sang-Ho Lee
- 95637: Incomplete Contracts, Limited Liability, and the Optimality of Joint Ownership

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 95634: Do reserve requirements reduce the risk of bank failure?

- Christian Glocker
- 95633: The Role of TTIP on Other than CO2 Air Pollutants

- Dhimitri Qirjo and Razvan Pascalau
- 95631: Modelling Impact of Moratorium on Electronic Transmissions using CGE: A Critique

- Rashmi Banga
- 95629: A tale of two Rawlsian criteria

- Thai Ha-Huy
- 95628: Methods of Economic Theory: Variables, Transactions and Expectations as Functions of Risks

- Victor Olkhov
- 95622: Explaining Differences in Income Levels of Africa’s Largest Economies – A Development Accounting Perspective

- Oyakhilome Ibhagui
- 95621: Interest Rate Determination in Small Developing Countries

- Troy Lorde, Brian Francis, Kimberly Waithe and Timothy Taylor
- 95620: Does the entry of foreign investors influence the volatility of Doha Securities Market?

- Hassan Ghassan and Abdelgader Abdullah
- 95618: Hidden Action and Outcome Contractibility: An Experimental Test of Moral Hazard Theory

- Eva I. Hoppe and Patrick W. Schmitz
- 95615: How (Not) to Foster Innovations in Public Infrastructure Projects

- Eva I. Hoppe and Patrick W. Schmitz
- 95614: Evil deeds in urban economics

- Marcus Berliant and Masahisa Fujita
- 95608: CETA and Air Pollution

- Dhimitri Qirjo, Razvan Pascalau and Dmitriy Krichevskiy
- 95602: Diversification des exportations, investissements directs étrangers et croissance économique en Afrique Subsaharienne (Export diversification, foreign direct investment and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa)

- Fousséni Napo and Ali Awountchou Adjande
- 95600: Does crime depend on the ‘state’ of economic misery?

- Troy Lorde, Mahalia Jackman, Simon Naitram and Shane Lowe
- 95599: Modeling and Forecasting the Volatility of Long-stay Tourist Arrivals

- Troy Lorde and Winston Moore
- 95598: Co-movement in tourist arrivals in the Caribbean

- Troy Lorde and Winston Moore
- 95597: Are Shocks to Barbados Long-Stay Visitor Arrivals Permanent or Temporary: A Short Empirical Note

- Troy Lorde, Brian Francis and Stephney Skeete
- 95596: Pricing Better

- Sourav Ray, Li Wang, Daniel Levy and Mark Bergen
- 95594: Does Domestic Investment Contribute to Economic Growth in Uruguay? What did the Empirical Facts Say?

- Sayef Bakari, Sofien Tiba and Nissar Fakraoui
- 95592: Effectiveness of Project Management Tools used in the Sri Lankan Public Sector

- Chinthaka Jayasundara, Vishuddhi Jayawickrema and Arul Sivagananathan
- 95590: Monetary Policy Rules and Macroeconomic Stability

- Vishuddhi Jayawickrema
- 95588: Natural disasters and economic growth in Africa

- Kwame Adjei-Mantey and Frank Adusah-Poku
- 95585: How to Improve the Accuracy of Project Schedules? The Effect of Project Specification and Historical Information on Duration Estimates

- Matej Lorko, Maroš Servátka and Le Zhang
- 95584: Monetary policy rules in practice: Evidence for Sri Lanka

- Roshan Perera and Vishuddhi Jayawickrema
- 95579: L'éthique de l'intégration régionale et continentale africaine (The ethics of African regional and continental integration)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 95578: The Crumbling of Francoist Spain’s Isolationism Thanks to Foreign Currency Brought by European Tourists in the Early Years of the Golden Age

- Joan Carles Cirer Costa
- 95571: Public investment and the fiscal common pool problem on municipal mergers in Japan

- Haruaki Hirota and Hideo Yunoue
- 95570: Analiza otoczenia instytucjonalnego systemu tworzenia wiedzy w krajach Europy Środkowej (Analysis of the institutional environment of the knowledge subsystem in Central Europe)

- Adam Karbowski
- 95569: Is liberalizing finance the game in town for Nigeria ?

- Saidu Sulaiman and Abul Masih
- 95566: Modern Democracy-Welfare State and Public Goods. A current consequence for Greece

- Emmanouil Mavrozacharakis
- 95565: Финансово и нефинансово отчитане – симбиоза или антагонизъм? (Financial And Non-Financial Reporting - Symbiosis Or Antagonism?)

- Atanas Atanasov
- 95564: The lead-lag relationship between the rubber price and inflation rate: an evidence from Malaysia

- Zuraini Hamid and Abul Masih
- 95562: The ethics of African regional and continental integration

- Dirk Kohnert
- 95561: Female Labor Market Participation and Socioeconomic Development: Disentangling the U-Shaped Hypothesis

- Zein Kasrin and Werner Smolny
- 95557: Export-led Growth: A Case Study of Mexico

- Kimberly Waithe, Troy Lorde and Brian Francis
- 95556: Should CARICOM Conclude a New Trade Agreement with Canada: A Case Analysis of Barbados-Canada Trade Negotiations

- Kelly Hunte, Antonio Alleyne and Troy Lorde
- 95552: Gasto Público Social, Gobernanza y Desarrollo Humano: Una Aplicación con Datos Municipales de Bolivia: 1994-2008* (Social Public Expenditure, Governance and Human Development: An Application with Municipal Data of Bolivia: 1994-2008)

- Carlos Bruno Delgadillo Chavarria
- 95550: Belief elicitation when more than money matters

- Jean-Pierre Benoît, Juan Dubra and Giorgia Romagnoli
- 95549: Tourism Services Exports and Economic Growth in Barbados

- Troy Lorde, Brian Francis and Lisa Drakes
- 95548: Economic Growth and Tourism in Barbados: A Test of the Supply-side Hypothesis

- Mahalia Jackman and Troy Lorde
- 95545: Economic integration and macroeconomic shocks in Eurasia

- Behrooz Gharleghi
- 95544: Evaluating the Impact of Crime on Tourism in Barbados: A Transfer Function Approach

- Troy Lorde
- 95536: Human networks and toxic relationships

- Nazaria Solferino and M.Elisabetta Tessitore
- 95529: Quality Heterogeneity and Misallocation: The Welfare Benefits of Raising your Standards

- Luca Macedoni and Ariel Weinberger
- 95528: Domestic Investment, Export, Import and Economic Growth in Brazil: An Application of Vector Error Correction Model

- Sayef Bakari, Nissar Fakraoui and Sofien Tiba
- 95526: Does Domestic Investment Contribute to Economic Growth in Uruguay? What did the Empirical Facts Say?

- Sayef Bakari, Sofien Tiba and Nissar Fakraoui
- 95523: Digital Transformation and Lean Management. Challenges in the Energy Industry of Utilities. A Review

- Michail Angelopoulos, Christina Kontakou and Yannis Pollalis
- 95522: Influence of push and pull factors on female entrepreneurship in Romania

- Andra Florentina Carbunaru
- 95521: Determinants of capital structure decisions in Indonesia

- Nirmadarningsih Hiya, Isfenti Sadalia and Khaira Amalia Fachruddin
- 95520: Companies characteristics and environmental quality disclosure in Indonesia

- Minda Muliana Sebayang and Rina Bukit
- 95518: The determinant factors of automotive industry investment decision in Indonesia

- Muhammad Rifky Santoso and Rina Br Bukit
- 95513: The dimension of public administration in Central and Eastern European countries in the current financial crisis

- Mihaela Onofrei and Dan Lupu
- 95512: Evaluating policy instruments for the conservation of biodiversity in a changing climate

- Charlotte Gerling and Frank Wätzold
- 95511: The modelling of forecasting the bankruptcy in Romania

- Mihaela Onofrei and Dan Lupu
- 95508: Considerations regarding inflation's evolution in Central and Eastern European countries

- Dan Lupu, Mircea Asandului and Nicoleta Sîrghi
- 95507: Considerations on the relantionship between exchange rates and stock markets in Eastern Europe in time of crisis

- Dan Lupu and Mircea Asandului
- 95506: Dynamic relations between CDS and stock markets in Eastern European countries

- Mircea Asandului, Dan Lupu, Gabriel Claudiu Mursa and Radu Muşetescu
- 95505: Der Dritte Sektor in der Europäischen Union: die Daseinsvorsorge aus ökonomischer Sicht (The third sector in the European Union: an economic perspective on services of general interest)

- Charles Beat Blankart and Björn Gehrmann
- 95500: Reanalyzing the gender-specific effects of the Great Recession

- Sana Khalil
- 95496: A New Taxonomy for International Relations: Rethinking the International System as a Complex Adaptive System

- Cesare M. Scartozzi
- 95495: Do Tourism Receipts Contribute to the Sustainability of Current Account Deficits: A Case Study of Barbados

- Troy Lorde, Shane Lowe and Brian Francis
- 95494: Political Tensions and Corporate Cross-border Financing: Evidence from the China-U.S. Trade War

- Heyang Fang and Yifei Zhang
- 95493: Influence model of evasive decision makers

- Asma Khalid and Ismat Beg
- 95491: Sustainability of the transport sector during the last 20 years: evidences from a panel of 35 countries

- Mihail Eva, Florin Mihai and Alina-Violeta Munteanu
- 95489: Microfundaments of a Monetary Policy Rule, Poole's Rule

- Joab Valdivia Coria and Daney David Valdivia Coria
- 95488: Airbnb, Technological Change and Disruption in Barbadian Tourism: A Theoretical Framework

- Troy Lorde and Tennyson S D Joseph
- 95487: Gender Wage Gap in The Agricultural Labor Market of India: An Empirical Analysis

- Amit Kundu and Sangita Das
- 95486: Evaluation des options financières: revue de littérature et explication intuitive des méthodes de calcul (Evaluation of financial options: literature review and intuitive explanation of the calculus methods)

- Mohamed Taha Lahrech, Majid Benabdellah, Mohammed Dehhaoui and Fayçal Benchekroun
- 95484: The impact of Foreign Direct Investment and the institutional quality on Welfare in Latin America and Sub-saharan Africa

- Zouhaier Aloui
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