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69388: Normal Value Downloads
Mehrdad Vahabi
69387: Utilitarian Moral Judgments Are Cognitively Too Demanding Downloads
Sergio Da Silva, Raul Matsushita and Maicon De Sousa
69386: Developments in the European market of organic agricultural products Downloads
Ioan-Niculae Alecu, Anda Irina Angelescu, Alina Marcuta and Carmen Angelescu
69385: Climate change in relation to agriculture Downloads
Camelia Slave and Ioana Vizireanu
69383: Fukushima: The Failure of Predictive Models Downloads
Brian Stacey
69382: The necessity of drawing up the annual production plan and the importance of establishment crop structure for next agricultural year Downloads
Daniela - Elena Surca
69381: Sampling for Variance in a Population Downloads
Brian Stacey
69380: Designing a mathematical model to optimize the size activities in the production plan for SC RENTEA SRL Downloads
Mihaela Vlad and Mihaela Nitu
69379: A magyar nemzeti innovációs rendszer: Háttértanulmány az OECD 2007/2008. évi innovációs országjelentése számára (National system of innovation in Hungary: Background report for the OECD Country Review 2007/2008) Downloads
Attila Havas and Lajos Nyiri
69377: Use of maximum entropy in estimating production risks in crop farms Downloads
Cristian Kevorchian and Camelia Gavrilescu
69375: Monitoring and recovery of the soil biota in conditions of the degradation processes intensification in the Republic of Moldova Downloads
Irina Senicovscaia
69373: Locating foresight Downloads
Attila Havas
69368: Fertility and the Business Cycle: The European Case Downloads
Héctor Bellido and Miriam Marcén
69366: Gold and Islamic Stocks: A Hedge and Safe Haven Comparison in Time - Grequency domain for BRICS Downloads
Naveed Raza, Ahmad Ibrahimy and Azwadi Ali
69363: Measuring utility without mixing apples and oranges and eliciting beliefs about stock prices Downloads
Patrick O'Callaghan
69354: Social development and ICT adoption. Developing world perspective Downloads
Ewa Lechman and Harleen Kaur
69351: How Political Parties Shape Electoral Competition Downloads
Nicolas Motz
69349: Impacto de política monetaria: una revisión empírica 2000 – 2013 (Impact of monetary policy: an empirical review 2000 - 2013) Downloads
Juan Anzoátegui Zapata
69348: Quantum strategy synthesis by Alphabet Inc Downloads
Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
69347: The non-economic outcomes of social entrepreneurship in Luxembourg Downloads
Francesco Sarracino and Andrea Gosset
69345: Farms regional economic developments identified in the FADN PANEL Downloads
Ionela Mituko Vlad, Valentina Tudor, Elena Stoian and Marius Mihai Micu
69344: What factors affect households’ decision to allocate credit for livestock production? Evidence from Ethiopia Downloads
Kaleb Shiferaw, Berhanu Geberemedhin and Dereje Legesse
69342: Analysis of statistical indicators for output areas, in Sud-Vest Oltenia during 2000-2013 Downloads
Mihaela Vlad and Dan Cujbescu
69341: Evolution and structure of agricultural farms during 2002-2013 Downloads
Elisabeta Rosu
69339: The interprofessional organizations - from the need of establishment to the need of development and affirmation Downloads
Ioan Niculae Alecu and Ana-Maria Georgiana Stroe
69337: Financial stress index: estimation and application in empirical researches in Ukraine Downloads
Artem Vdovychenko and Galyna Oros
69335: The implications of the agricultural holdings with legal entity when using the agricultural lands in Romania Downloads
Ioan Bruma and Valentin - Mihai Bohateret
69333: Med-arb and arb-med procedures in conflicts among professionals in agriculture Downloads
Ioan Niculae Alecu, Felix-Dimitrie Ciocan, Horia Nicolae and Mihut Miki Ciocan
69332: Technical efficiency of small-scale honey producer in Ethiopia: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis Downloads
Kaleb Shiferaw and Berhanu Berhanu Gebremedhin
69331: Loss Aversion and Competition in Vickrey Auctions: Money Ain't No Good Downloads
Antonio Rosato and Agnieszka Tymula
69330: Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten für Assistenzsysteme im Alter (Funding opportunities of assistance systems for elderly people) Downloads
Ivonne Honekamp and Wilfried Honekamp
69329: The Ukrainian case of fiscal devaluation in small open economies Downloads
Artem Vdovychenko and Artur Zubritskiy
69328: The village in the Republic of Moldova: achievements and hopes Downloads
Simion Certan and Ion Certan
69327: Networked by design: Can policy requirements influence organisations’ networking behaviour? Downloads
Federica Rossi, Annalisa Caloffi and Margherita Russo
69326: The performances of Romanian agriculture, given the resources allotted in the socialist agricultural system, compared to the market economy Downloads
Liliana Miron and Aurel Lup
69325: Economic stratification - The remedy and demise of humanity Downloads
Cristian Calin Merce, Emilian Merce and Mihaela Mihai
69324: India's trade linkage with South Africa: Prospects and future potential Downloads
Nassir Ul Haq Wani, Dr. Afzal Ur Rehman and Mukta Kukreja
69323: Other profitable activities on family agricultural holdings according to their economic size Downloads
Jonel Subić, Marko Jelonic, Marijana Jovanovic and Velibor Potrebic
69322: The future of the Romanian rural household from the perspective of agricultural censuses Downloads
Valentin - Mihai Bohateret and Ioan Bruma
69321: Assessment of Food and Nutrient Intake of Communities across Three Agro-biodiversity Hotspots in India Downloads
Prabhakaran T. Raghu, Kalaiselvan N.N., Arivudai Nambi V., Chandra Guptha B, Mahana R.K., Venkatesan G, Arunraj R and Maria Philip P.I.
69318: The Dynamic effects of Time, Health and of Well-being on the Pollution after the earth summit of Johunburg Downloads
Issaoui Fakhri, Toumi Hassen, Touili Wassim and Bilel Ammouri
69317: Updated Expectations and College Application Portfolios Downloads
Timothy Bond, George Bulman, Xiaoxiao Li and Jonathan Smith
69289: Poverty and Regional Inequality in Ghana: A Review Downloads
Eric Bondzie, Gabriel Obed Fosu and Ernest Obu-Cann
69287: The Demographic and Educational Transitions and the Sustainability of the Spanish Public Pension System Downloads
Javier Díaz-Giménez and Julián Díaz-Saavedra
69286: Technological shocks mechanism on Macroeconomic Variables: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) approach Downloads
Eric Bondzie, Gabriel Obed Fosu and Ernest Obu-Cann
69284: Comparability of the Neoclassical Economic Growth models: The Ramsey Models in Perspective Downloads
Gabriel Obed Fosu, Gideon Gogovi, Justice Appati and Eric Bondzie
69283: Foreign Aid and Aid Policy effectiveness on Economic Growth of Ghana Downloads
Ernest Obu-Cann, Gabriel Obed Fosu and Eric Bondzie
69280: Romanian agrarian structure after 25 years Downloads
Ion Bold, Vili Dragomir and Gheorghe Lacatusu
69275: Is there a crowding-out effect in the Moroccan context ? Evidence from structural VAR Analysis Downloads
Lahcen Bounader
69274: Démocratisation de l’éducation et inégalités scolaires au Maroc (Democratization of education and educational inequality in Morocco) Downloads
Mariem Liouaeddine
69271: Reflections on the meaning and measurement of Unobserved Economies: What do we really know about the "Shadow Economy" Downloads
Edgar Feige
69270: Irrigation as a Determinant of Social Capital in India: A Large-Scale Survey Analysis Downloads
Tillmann von Carnap-Bornheim
69269: Strategic directions for food security by balancing the report of demand and supply on global agricultural market Downloads
Ionut Laurentiu Petre
69268: Support policies for agri-food export promotion in the Republic of Moldova Downloads
Alexandru Stratan, Anatolie Ignat and Victor Moroz
69266: The agri-food sector in Romania – an analysis of the resources-utilization correlation in the post-accession period Downloads
Elena Carmen Bucur and Sorinel Ionel Bucur
69265: Отрицательные последствия плавной девальвации валюты (Negative Consequences of Smooth Devaluation) Downloads
Sergey Blinov
69264: The Romanian export with livestocks- live animals – a far-reaching activity? Downloads
Mariana Grodea and Iuliana Ionel
69263: Dynamics and performances in the international trade of Romania’s agri-food products, by the processing level Downloads
Mirela Rusali
69262: Modèle d’alerte des crises bancaires basé sur une approche bayésienne (Banking crisis early warning model based on a bayesian model averaging approach) Downloads
Taha Zaghdoudi
69261: Romanian agri-food trade with the new member states (NMS-13) of the EU - a comparative analysis Downloads
Camelia Gavrilescu
69258: Population food security assessment – a methodological approach Downloads
Cecilia Alexandri
69256: Démocratisation de l’éducation et inégalités scolaires au Maroc (Democratization of education and educational inequality in Morocco) Downloads
Mariem Liouaeddine
69251: Cross-Country Output Convergence and Growth: Evidence from Varying Coefficient Nonparametric Method Downloads
Kui-Wai Li, Xianbo Zhou and Zhewen Pan
69249: Economic evaluation of Foy’s lake, Chittagong using travel cost method Downloads
Kamrul Islam and Sahadeb Chandra Majumder
69245: Effect of interest rate on bank deposits: evidences from Islamic and non-Islamic economies Downloads
Saba Mushtaq and Danish Ahmed Siddiqui
69244: Dette Extérieure, Croissance Économique et Crises dans Les Pays En Développement: Un Bref Aperçu Théorique, Historique et Statistique (External Debt, Economic Growth and Crisis in Developing Countries: A brief Theoretical, Historical and Statistical overview) Downloads
Abdellatif Gharyeni
69242: An examination of inter-regional spillover effects of macroeconomic policies in Nigeria Downloads
Victor Olajide
69240: Economic targets and loss-aversion in international environmental cooperation Downloads
Doruk İriş
69239: The Bright Side of Financial Derivatives: Options Trading and Firm Innovation Downloads
Iván Blanco and David Wehrheim
69237: Does Foreign Direct Investment really affect Ghana’s Economic Growth? Downloads
Eric Bondzie, Gabriel Obed Fosu and Gabriel Asare Okyere
69236: The origins, development, and fate of Clower's stock-flow general equilibrium program Downloads
Romain Plassard
69235: Eurosystem debts do matter Downloads
John Whittaker
69233: Clower's about-face regarding the 'Keynesian Revolution' Downloads
Romain Plassard
69231: Oil Price fluctuations and it impact on Economic Growth: A DSGE approach Downloads
Giovanni Di Bartolomeo, Eric Bondzie and Gabriel Obed Fosu
69230: Effect of smoking and other economic variables on wages in the Euro Area Downloads
Eric Bondzie
69223: Testing The ‘Black Swan Effect’ on Croatian Stock Market Between 2000 and 2013 Downloads
Anita Peša and Ana Brajković
69222: Cultural dimensions and corporate social responsibility: A cross-country analysis Downloads
George Halkos and Antonis Skouloudis
69215: The Cause of the Great Recession: What Caused the Downward Shift of the GDP Trend in the United States? Downloads
Taiji Harashima
69210: Modele wielosektorowej polityki społecznej wobec ludzi starych i starości w kontekście zmiany technologicznej (Models of multisectoral social policy towards older people and old age in the context of technological change) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk
69207: TFP and Intelligence: a cross-national empirical evidence Downloads
Evgeniya Gorlova
69206: The Indian water offenses on defenseless Pakistan Unfolding Indian strategy and its impact Downloads
Ovais Ahmed, Aasim Mashkoor and Tasleem Ghumroo
69205: Friedman, Monetarism and Quantitative Easing Downloads
Víctor Olivo
69202: Analysis of the Marketing Behaviour of African Indigenous Leafy Vegetables among Smallholder Farmers in Nyamira County, Kenya Downloads
Denis Momanyi, Prof. Job K. Lagat and Dr. Oscar I. Ayuya
69201: Keeping up with the e-Joneses: Do online social networks raise social comparisons? Downloads
Fabio Sabatini and Francesco Sarracino
69199: Modeling Economic Choice under Radical Uncertainty: Machine Learning Approaches Downloads
Anton Gerunov
69197: Türk Bankacılık Sektöründe Yurtdışı Borçlanma ve Küresel Likidite (Foreign Borrowing in the Turkish Banking Sector and the Global Liquidity) Downloads
Burchan Sakarya
69196: Katılım Bankaları Mevduat Bankalarından Farklı mı Çalışıyor (Performance Differentiation Between Participation (Islamic) Banks and Deposit Banks in Turkey) Downloads
Burchan Sakarya and Yasemin Kaya
69195: A look at the Structural Bank Regulation initiatives and a discussion over Turkish banking sector Downloads
Burchan Sakarya
69193: Değişen Küresel Finansal Yapı ve 2007 Yılı Dalgalanmaları (Changing Global Financial Structure and 2007 Turbulances) Downloads
Burchan Sakarya
69192: Capacity Utilization and Inflation in Turkey Downloads
Burchan Sakarya and Hasan Yurtoglu
69191: A Cointegration Analysis of Alternative Core Inflation Measures for Turkey Downloads
Burchan Sakarya, Hasan Yurtoglu and Berke Duvan
69190: The Impact of GDP Structure on the Stability of Okun's Law in Lithuania Downloads
Jurga Pesliakaite
69185: The Perils of Climate Change: In Utero Exposure to Temperature Variability and Birth Outcomes in the Andean Region Downloads
Oswaldo Molina and Victor Saldarriaga
69177: Do Cash Transfers Promote Food Security? The Case of the South African Child Support Grant Downloads
Giorgio d'Agostino, Margherita Scarlato and Silvia Napolitano
69175: A stochastic-dominance approach to determining the optimal home-size purchase: The case of Hong Kong Downloads
Chun-Kei Tsang, Wing-Keung Wong and Ira Horowitz
69171: The cyclical social choice of primary vs. general election candidates: A note on the US 2016 presidential election Downloads
Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
69170: 中国财政政策调整的宏观经济效应——基于消费者异质性的新凯恩斯模型 (The effect of Fiscal Consolidations on Chinese Maroeconomies——Based on The NK Model with Cosummer’s Heterogenicity) Downloads
Lingyi Guo, Wenli Xu and Kun Xu
69168: Airline Price Discrimination Downloads
Brian Stacey
69162: Business Uncertainty and the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in Germany Downloads
Tim Berg
69161: On the timing of innovation and imitation Downloads
Etienne Billette de Villemeur, Richard Ruble and Bruno Versaevel
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