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71882: Endogenous Leadership in a Federal Transfer Game Downloads
Bodhisattva Sengupta
71878: Cognitive load and mixed strategies: On brains and minimax Downloads
Sean Duffy, Jj Naddeo, David Owens and John Smith
71877: Exploring the effect of terrorist attacks on markets Downloads
George Halkos and Argyro Zisiadou
71876: Un Índice de Desigualdad Regional usando Datos Agregados (A Regional Inequality Index using Aggregated Data) Downloads
Vicente German-Soto
71875: A Probabilistic Analysis of a Scheduling Problem in the Economics of Tourism Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal
71873: Does Export Product Quality Matter for CO2 Emissions? Evidence from China Downloads
Giray Gözgör and Muhlis Can
71871: The Extent of Overweight Among US Children and Adolescents from 1971-2000 Downloads
Dean Jolliffe
71864: Does Inequality Hamper Innovation and Growth? Downloads
Alessandro Caiani, Alberto Russo and Mauro Gallegati
71858: Evolution of Islamic Economics:Definition, nature, methodology, problems and challenges Downloads
Zubair Hasan
71852: Should we cut on the executive in order to save the constitutional state? Downloads
Krzysztof Waśniewski
71851: Firm-level environmentally sensitive productivity and innovation in China Downloads
Hidemichi Fujii, Jing Cao and Shunsuke Managi
71843: Indices de Pobreza Multidimensional: alcances y limitaciones (Multidimensional Poverty Indices: scope and limitations) Downloads
Ruben Mercado
71841: What is the effect of globalisation on the performance of the service sector of Ghana? Downloads
Gabriel Effah Nyamekye
71833: Efficiency of cattle in Russia in the context of implementation of state programs Downloads
Aleksey Zinchenko
71832: Статистический анализ динамики развития сельского хозяйства России в постсоветский период (Statistical analysis of dynamics of development of Russian agriculture in the post-Soviet period) Downloads
Julia Romanceva and Vladimir Bautin
71831: A Quantitative Model of "Too Big to Fail,"' House Prices, and the Financial Crisis Downloads
Omer Acikgoz and James Kahn
71829: “供给侧改革”背景下地方政府财政投资的经济效应分析:以安徽省为例 (Economic Effects of Fiscal Investment from Local Government under “Supply-Facet Reform”: Taking Anhui Province as The Case) Downloads
Kun Xu, Zhi-hua Gua and Wenli Xu
71825: On empirical implications of highly interest-elastic money demand: A Note Downloads
Kiyotaka Nakashima and Makoto Saito
71813: Power Style Contracts Under Asymmetric Lévy Processes Downloads
José Fajardo
71809: A New Factor to Explain Implied Volatility Smirk Downloads
José Fajardo
71798: Libéralisation financière et investissement des entreprises marocaines (Financial liberalization and investment of the Moroccan firms) Downloads
Abdessamad Ounir
71796: Regulation versus Regulated Monopolization of a Cournot Oligopoly with Unknown Costs Downloads
Ismail Saglam
71795: Comment on the Identification Strategy in "Family Ruptures, Stress, and the Mental Health of the Next Generation" Downloads
Brett Matsumoto
71792: The Indian banking system: A ticking time bomb Downloads
Ashish Pandey
71790: Émergence du modèle de la compétence: de la rationalisation économique à la rationalisation du facteur humain (Emergence of the Competency Model: From the Economic Rationalization to the Rationalization of the Human Factor) Downloads
Faïrouz Naji
71789: Foreign Aid Fiscal Policy: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Mohamed Jellal
71788: Foreign Aid and Inclusive Development: Updated Evidence from Africa, 2005-2012 Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
71787: Finance and Inclusive Human Development: Evidence from Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
71786: Trajectories in Knowledge Economy: Empirics from SSA and MENA countries Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Antonio Andres
71785: Institutional Governance, Education and Growth Downloads
Mohamed Jellal, Mohamed Bouzahzah and Simplice Asongu
71784: Makroökonomische/Sozialpolitische Perspektiven auf die Sozialpolitik/Makroökonomie (Macroeconomic/Social Policy Perspectives on Social Policy/Macroeconomics) Downloads
Ulrich Klüh
71783: Foreign aid instability and bundled governance dynamics in Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
71782: Preference Cloud Theory: Imprecise Preferences and Preference Reversals Downloads
Oben Bayrak and John Hey
71780: Another Solution for Allais Paradox: Preference Imprecision, Dispersion and Pessimism Downloads
Oben Bayrak
71777: A Simple Intertemporal Model of Capabilities Expansion Downloads
Ruben Mercdo
71776: Social preference under twofold uncertainty Downloads
Philippe Mongin and Marcus Pivato
71774: Productivité agricole, intégration et transformation structurelle de l’économie marocaine (Agricultural productivity, integration and structural transformation of the Moroccan economy) Downloads
Abdellatif Chatri, Abdelwahab Maarouf and Elhaj Ezzahid
71771: Strategic Management Models & Indian Epics Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal and Radhakrishna Acharya
71770: The concept of Ideal Strategy and its realization using White Ocean Mixed Strategy Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal
71769: Application of ABCD Analysis Framework on Private University System in India Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal, Shailashree V.T. and Suresh Kumar
71767: How Service Industries can Transform themselves into Green Business Industries Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal and Preethi Jeevan
71766: Business Strategy for Nanotechnology based Products and Services Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal and Shubhrajyotsna Aithal
71765: A three-pole filter understanding of the average value of a Fourier series Downloads
Ksovim Minskya
71764: Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: Asymmetry in Exchange Rate Pass-Through Into Import Prices Downloads
Brun-Aguerre Raphael, Ana-Maria Fuertes and Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo
71761: A Poison Pell for Public Colleges? Pell Grants and Funding for Public Colleges in the U. S Downloads
Joe A. Stone
71760: The 'Common Goood' in Pope Francis's Social Welfare Hypothesis Downloads
Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
71758: Cowboying Stock Market Herds with Robot Traders Downloads
Jaqueson Galimberti, Nicolas Suhadolnik and Sergio Da Silva
71757: Pass-through du taux de change aux prix au Maroc (An empirical investigation of the exchange rate pass-through to prices in Morocco) Downloads
Abdellatif Chatri, Abdelwahab Maarouf and Ragbi Aziz
71750: How to Increase Research Productivity in Higher Educational Institutions –SIMS Model Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal
71749: A Review on Advanced Security Solutions in Online Banking Models Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal
71748: Innovations in Experimental Learning – A Study of World Top Business Schools Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal
71747: Academic Support through Information System: Srinivas Integrated Model Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal and Suresh Kumar
71745: Analysis of average value of a Fourier series using z-transform: comparison with Hodrick-Prescott filter Downloads
Ksovim Minskya
71743: Analysis of Choice Based Credit System in Higher Education Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal and Suresh Kumar
71742: Innovations in Student Centric Learning – A Study of Top Business Schools in India Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal
71741: Cycle-Trend Dichotomy of the Dutch Disease Phenomenon Downloads
Talel Boufateh
71736: Un Índice de Desigualdad Regional usando Datos Agregados (A Regional Inequality Index using Aggregated Data) Downloads
Vicente German-Soto
71733: A Quantitative Description of State-Level Taxation of Oil and Gas Production in the Continental U.S Downloads
Jeremy Weber, Yongsheng Wang and Maxwell Chomas
71728: Динамика и структура производства продукции сельского хозяйства в России в ходе реализации государственных программ (Time series and structure of agricultural production in Russia during implementation of state-run programs) Downloads
Aleksey Zinchenko
71727: Формирование добавленной стоимости сельского хозяйства России в системе национального счетоводства (Formation of agriculture added value in the system of Russian national accounting) Downloads
Aleksey Zinchenko
71726: Анализ динамики воспроизводства экономики сельского хозяйства регионов России (The analysis of the rural economy reproduction dynamics of russian regions) Downloads
Svetlana Skachkova and Vadim Demichev
71724: Статистическое изучение малых форм хозяйствования в аграрном секторе России (Statistical Research of Small-Scale Economies in Agrarian Sector of Russia) Downloads
Aleksey Zinchenko and Anna Ukolova
71723: Сравнительная оценка регионов России с неблагоприятными условиями ведения сельского хозяйства (Comparative evalution of regions in Russia with unfavorable conditions for conduct of agriculture) Downloads
Aleksey Zinchenko, Anna Ukolova and Vadim Demichev
71722: О программе Всероссийской сельскохозяйственной переписи 2016 года (On the programme for the 2016 Russia census of agriculture) Downloads
Aleksey Zinchenko and Anna Ukolova
71710: Are constitutional states able to drive the global technological change? Downloads
Krzysztof Waśniewski
71709: The Forward Premium Bias, Carry Trade Return and the Risks of Volatility and Liquidity Downloads
Ali Shehadeh, Youwei Li and Michael Moore
71707: How are the Children of Visible Minority Immigrants Doing? An Update Based on the National Household Survey Downloads
Patrick Grady
71705: El desempeño financiero de los municipios de Quintana Roo (Financial Performance of the municipalities of Quintana Roo) Downloads
Crucita Ken and José Antonio Dacak Cámara
71704: Las características financieras de la deuda pública y su repercusión en el gasto social del municipio de Othón P. Blanco, Quintana Roo, 1993 -2013 (Financial characteristics of public debt and its impact on social expenditure in the municipality of Othón P. Blanco, Quintana Roo, 1993 -2013) Downloads
Crucita Ken and Ashanti Pérez Medina
71703: Pirated Economics Downloads
Zakaria Babutsidze
71702: Nonlinearities in Wagner's law: Further evidence from South Africa Downloads
Andrew Phiri
71699: A Comment on "Family Ruptures, Stress, and the Mental Health of the Next Generation" Downloads
Nicolas Bearbaki
71698: The Indian Insolvency and Bankruptcy Bill: A Squandered Opportunity Downloads
Ashish Pandey
71695: Zimbabwe to introduce Zimbabwe Bond Notes: reactions and perceptions of economic agents within the first seven days after the announcement Downloads
Albert Makochekanwa
71693: To Avoid or Not to Avoid Inheritance Taxes? That Is the Question for Parents: Empirical Evidence from Japan Downloads
Yoko Niimi
71689: A “Statute of the Firm” as an antitrust law during the Seventies. Guido Carli’s chairmanship of the Italian Industrial Association (Confindustria) Downloads
Alessandro Dafano
71686: Markups, Trend positif d’inflation et Coûts en bien-être (Markups, positive inflation trend and welfare costs) Downloads
James Wabenga Yango and J.Blaise Nlemfu Mukoko
71683: How is the European debt crisis affecting islamic equity? challenges in portfolio diversification within the eurozone: A markov switching and continuous wavelet transform analysis Downloads
Zeeniya Shakir and Abul Masih
71681: Shariah stocks as an inflation hedge in Malaysia Downloads
Norazza Mohd Haniff and Abul Masih
71680: Risk-sharing deposits in islamic banks: do interest rates have any influence on them? Downloads
Anam Tariq and Abul Masih
71678: War and peace: why is political stability pivotal for economic growth of OIC countries? Downloads
Md Akther Uddin and Abul Masih
71677: Risk management in customs control Downloads
Elena Drobot and Aziza Klevleeva
71675: Africa trade and investment with BRIC nations in a changing economic landscape: the role of China Downloads
Houdou Ndambendia
71674: The hidden side of dynamic pricing in airline markets Downloads
Marco Alderighi, Alberto Gaggero and Claudio Piga
71670: Model selection consistency from the perspective of generalization ability and VC theory with an application to Lasso Downloads
Ning Xu, Jian Hong and Timothy Fisher
71665: How To Spend It? Capital Accumulation in a Changing World Downloads
Pierre Gosselin, Aïleen Lotz and Marc Wambst
71664: A universal construction generating potential games Downloads
Nikolai Kukushkin
71663: Statistical research of labor resources of agriculture in the USA (according to the 2012 Census of agriculture) Downloads
Anna Ukolova and Bayarma Dashieva
71658: Институциональные реформы и гражданская культура (Institutional Reforms and Civic Culture) Downloads
Victor Polterovich
71657: The Paradox of Happiness: Evidence from the Late Pre-Classical and Classical Economic Thought Downloads
Stavros Drakopoulos and Anastassios Karayiannis
71656: Towards active community participation in implementing Climate Change Adaptation Policy (CCAP) in Cambodia Downloads
Sothun Nop
71654: Who bears the burden of bribery? Evidence from Public Service Delivery in Kenya Downloads
Michael Mbate
Mbusa Mulendu
71652: Estimating Egypt’s Potential Output: A Production Function Approach Downloads
Osama El-Baz
71648: Telework and health effects review, anda a research framework proposal Downloads
Aida Isabel Tavares
71644: Отражение природоохранных затрат в СНС: международные рекомендации и проблемы их реализации (The reflection of the environmental costs in the SNA: international recommendations and the problems in their implementation) Downloads
Aleksandr Dumnov
71635: Эффективность скотоводства в России в период реализации государственных программ развития сельского хозяйства (Efficiency of cattle breeding in Russia in the context of state programs implementation) Downloads
Aleksey Zinchenko and Marya Kagirova
71632: The axiomatic foundation of logit and its relation to behavioral welfare Downloads
Yves Breitmoser
71631: Price Dynamics and Consumption Smoothing in Experimental Asset Markets Downloads
Edward Halim, Yohanes Riyanto and Nilanjan Roy
71629: Human capital and strategic persistence: An examination of underperforming workers in two emerging economies Downloads
Joseph Amankwah-Amoah, Simeon Ifere and Richard Nyuur
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