MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 39020: A Monte Carlo study on two methods of calculating the MLEs covariance matrix in a seemingly unrelated nonlinear regression

- Mark Jensen
- 39019: Migration et pauvreté en Haïti: impacts économiques et sociaux des envois de fonds sur l’inégalité et la pauvreté ? (Migration and Poverty in Haiti: Economic and Social Consequences of Remittances on Inequality and Poverty in Haiti)

- Bénédique Paul
- 39018: Institutional capital: A new analytical framework on theory and actions for economic development

- Bénédique Paul
- 39017: Reclaiming Institutions as a Form of Capital

- Bénédique Paul
- 39016: Le capital institutionnel dans l'analyse du développement: Prolongement théorique et premier test empirique (Institutional Capital in Economic Development Analysis: Theoretical Continuation and First Empirical Test)

- Bénédique Paul and Michel Garrabé
- 39015: Université et entrepreneuriat en Haïti (University and Entrepreneurship in Haiti)

- Bénédique Paul
- 39008: Ex-urban sprawl as a factor in traffic fatalities and EMS response times in the southeastern United States

- Thomas Lambert and Peter Meyer
- 39007: Islamic finance revisited: conceptual and analytical issues from the perspective of conventional economics

- Ajit Singh and Andrew Sheng
- 39005: Large shareholders and firm risk-taking behavior

- Sabri Boubaker, Pascal Nguyen and Wael Rouatbi
- 39003: Workers’ remittances and economic growth in China and Korea: an empirical analysis

- Syed Tehseen Jawaid and Syed Raza
- 39002: Remittances, Growth and Convergence: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries

- Syed Tehseen Jawaid and Syed Raza
- 39001: Workers’ Remittances and Economic Growth in South Asia

- Syed Tehseen Jawaid and Syed Raza
- 39000: Foreign Direct Investment, Growth and Convergence Hypothesis: A Cross Country Analysis

- Syed Tehseen Jawaid and Syed Raza
- 38999: Dynamics of Current Account Deficit: A Lesson from Pakistan

- Syed Tehseen Jawaid and Syed Raza
- 38998: Effects of terms of trade and its volatility on economic growth in India

- Syed Tehseen Jawaid and Syed Raza
- 38996: Employment, income and wages in informal sector of Greater Khartoum: findings of a survey

- Irfan Mohammad, Huda El-Tayab Idris and Abdel-Hamid Gabbani
- 38994: Indian money market dynamics

- Golaka Nath and Aparna Raja N
- 38992: Indian corporate bonds market –an analytical prospective

- Golaka Nath
- 38991: The impact of foreign investors on the risk-taking of Japanese firms

- Pascal Nguyen
- 38990: Board size and corporate risk-taking: Further evidence from Japan

- Makoto Nakano and Pascal Nguyen
- 38987: Perturbaciones Internacionales y Fluctuaciones del Producto Interno Bruto en una Economía en Desarrollo: Evidencia de República Dominicana para el Período 1998-2008 (International Shocks and GDP fluctuations in a Developing Economy: Evidence from the Dominican Republic for the Period 1998-2008)

- Francisco Ramírez de León
- 38986: News and financial intermediation in aggregate and sectoral fluctuations

- Christoph Görtz and John Tsoukalas
- 38982: Coût de mobilité endogène et flexibilité du marché du travail (Endogenous Cost of mobility and labor market flexibility)

- Mohamed Bouzahzah and Brahim Saber
- 38980: The impact of Macroeconomic Fundamentals on Stock Prices revisited: An Evidence from Indian Data

- Pramod Naik and Padhi Puja
- 38979: The economic significance of the Gulf of Mexico related to population, income, employment, minerals, fisheries and shipping

- Emilio Hernandez-Hernandez and Charles Adams
- 38977: A method to monitor poverty dynamics among microfinance clients: An example using survey data from Bangladesh

- Emilio Hernandez-Hernandez and Mark Schreiner
- 38975: Measuring and managing the impact of risk on organizations: The Case of Kosovo

- Arbiana Govori
- 38974: Agglomeration and Markup

- Yi Lu, Zhigang Tao and Linhui Yu
- 38972: An optimal bound to access the core in TU-games

- Sylvain Béal, Eric Rémila and Philippe Solal
- 38971: The Namibian Economic Ferfomance During 1990-93 - An Overview

- Irfan Mohammad
- 38970: Industrial relations and the political process in Pakistan 1947-1977

- Rashid Amjad and Khalid Mahmood
- 38969: Impact of water management on agricultural production

- Rashida Haq and Saima Shafique
- 38968: Measuring human wellbeing in Pakistan: objective versus subjective indicators

- Rashida Haq
- 38967: The development labour intensive industry in ASEAN countries: an overview

- Rashid Amjad
- 38965: The effects of school quality on fertility in a transition economy

- Kathryn Vasilaky
- 38964: Satisficing decision procedure and optimal consumption-leisure choice

- Sergey Malakhov
- 38962: Agricultural Productivity Differences and Credit Market Imperfections

- Keigo Nishida
- 38958: Maroc technologie et développement économique un modèle théorique (Morocco a theory of technology and economic development)

- Mohamed Jellal and Mohamed Bouzahzah
- 38957: The bipolar Choquet integral representation

- Salvatore Greco and Fabio Rindone
- 38954: Rational and mechanics of a peak risk variance swap for a property insurance portfolio

- Ivelin Zvezdov
- 38953: Insurance portfolio risk aggregation and solvency capital computation with mathematical copula techniques

- Ivelin Zvezdov
- 38951: Judging statistical models of individual decision making under risk using in- and out-of-sample criteria

- Andreas Drichoutis and Jayson Lusk
- 38950: Productivity in innovation: the role of inventor connections and mobility

- Donata Favaro, Eniel Ninka and Margherita Turvani
- 38949: On the dynamics of innovators and imitators

- Roy Cerqueti, Fabio Tramontanta and Marco Ventura
- 38948: Estimating demand and supply of edible oil in Pakistan

- Rashida Haq
- 38946: Poverty and Access to Maternal Health Care Services in Pakistan: Evidence from Perception Based Data

- Rashida Haq and Nabeela Arshad
- 38945: Does R&D intensity influence leverage? Evidence from Indian firm-level data

- Saibal Ghosh
- 38939: Yet, two more revisions to the Human Development Index

- Edsel Beja
- 38938: Effects of international monetary integration on inflation, economic growth and current account

- Nenad Stanisic
- 38936: Non-linear relationship between body mass index and labor market outcomes: new evidence from China

- Mi Luo and Chuanchuan Zhang
- 38932: Macrostructure and microstructure: Evidence from overlapping village networks in The Gambia

- Dany Jaimovich
- 38931: International Migration and the European Union Relations in the Context of a Comparison of Western Balkans and North African Countries: Controlling Migration and Hybrid Model

- Armando Aliu
- 38930: Assessing the international parity conditions and transmission mechanism for Malaysia-China

- Tze-Haw Chan
- 38929: A computer-based system for the management of field crop pests

- Saeed Akhtar Bhatti, Nabeela Hameed and Inayatullah Chaudhri
- 38928: Who wants price stability?

- Edsel Beja
- 38925: Human capital formation and economic development in Pakistan: an empirical analysis

- Muhammad Chani, Mahboob Ul Hassan and Muhammad Shahid
- 38924: Estimating a monetary policy rule for India

- Michael Hutchison, Rajeswari Sengupta and Nirvikar Singh
- 38922: Siblings, public facilities and education returns in China

- Lili Kang and Fei Peng
- 38921: Job-search and foreign capital inflow - a three sector general equilibrium analysis

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Titas Bandopadhyay
- 38918: Income redistribution through taxes and social benefits: the case of Slovenia and Croatia

- Mitja Cok, Ivica Urban and Miroslav Verbič
- 38917: The distribution of wages and employee incomes in Slovenia, 1991–2009

- Tine Stanovnik and Miroslav Verbič
- 38915: Ownership and wages: Spatial econometric approach

- Marko Ogorevc and Miroslav Verbič
- 38914: Aging population and public pensions: theory and evidence

- Miroslav Verbič and Rok Spruk
- 38913: Challenges in implementation of the maternity leave in Kosovo

- Argjiro Ramosaj
- 38909: Menu Costs and Dynamic Duopoly

- Kazuko Kano
- 38908: Look who's talking: the impacts of the intrahousehold allocation of mobile phones on agricultural prices

- Kyeong Ho Lee and Marc Bellemare
- 38907: Continuity and Change in Indian Capitalism

- Surajit Mazumdar
- 38906: Studying developing country business groups: some issues with reference to the Indian case

- Surajit Mazumdar
- 38905: The new CFS Divisia monetary aggregates: design, construction, and data sources

- William Barnett, Jia Liu, Ryan Mattson and Jeff van den Noort
- 38898: Modelli di scoring per il rischio paese (Scoring models for country risk)

- Marco Doretti
- 38897: European industrial relations: transnational relations and global challenges

- Armando Aliu
- 38896: Decentralisation and the world`s multidimensional expansion: the rise of singularity and hybridity

- Armando Aliu
- 38891: New and fringe residential development and emergency medical services response times in the United States

- Thomas Lambert and Peter Meyer
- 38890: Analyzing top US income shares: earned or extracted?

- Thomas Lambert and Eundak Kwon
- 38888: Does reserve accumulation lead to higher currency-risk taking in the corporate sector? Firm-level evidence for Latin America

- Rajeswari Sengupta
- 38886: Modelos de Estimación de la Brecha de Producto: Aplicación al PIB de la República Dominicana (Models for Estimating the Output Gap: Application to the GDP of Dominican Republic)

- Ramirez Francisco
- 38885: Improving Bayesian VAR density forecasts through autoregressive Wishart Stochastic Volatility

- Paul Karapanagiotidis
- 38884: The inefficiency of decoupling

- Enrico Baffi
- 38883: Education investissements directs étrangers et croissance économique réflexions pour le maroc (Education foreign direct investments and economic growth some thoughts for morocco)

- Mohamed Jellal and Mohamed Bouzahzah
- 38882: Heuristic in the economic: a note on Robert Nozick

- Fernando Estrada
- 38879: Asymmetric Information and Inefficient Regulation of Firms Under the Threat of Revolution

- Michael Dorsch, Karl Dunz and Paul Maarek
- 38875: The structure of agricultural production and the causes of brigandage and criminal organisations in Italy after Unification: theory and evidence

- Alfredo Del Monte and Luca Pennacchio
- 38873: The Servitization of European Manufacturing Industries

- Bernhard Dachs, Sabine Biege, Marcin Borowiecki, Gunther Lay, Angela Jäger and Doris Schartinger
- 38872: The Italian Reform of the academic recruitment system: an appraisal of ANVUR and CUN benchmarks for assessing candidates and commissioners

- Antonio Abatemarco and Roberto Dell'Anno
- 38871: Role of Trade, Aid, Remittances and Financial Development in Pakistan

- Ronald Kumar
- 38870: Some effects of tax information services reliability and availability on tax reporting behavior

- Christian Vossler, Michael McKee and Michael Jones
- 38867: Multiple bounded discrete choice contingent valuation: parametric and nonparametric welfare estimation and a comparison to the payment card

- Christian Vossler
- 38866: The Financial Lobby and Impact of Other Stakeholders in the EU: A good model for emancipation of the financial system in Kosovo

- Fadil Govori
- 38865: Behavioral dynamics of tax compliance under an information services initiative

- Michael McKee, Caleb Siladke and Christian Vossler
- 38864: Consequentiality and contingent values: an emerging paradigm

- Gregory Poe and Christian Vossler
- 38863: Conserving biodiversity by conserving land

- Stephen Polasky and Christian Vossler
- 38862: Analyzing repeated-game economics experiments: robust standard errors for panel data with serial correlation

- Christian Vossler
- 38861: Feed-in tariffs for promoting solar PV: progressing from dynamic to allocative efficiency

- William Bell and John Foster
- 38860: Education and social returns an optimal policy

- Mohamed Jellal and Mohamed Bouzahzah
- 38859: Trade liberalization and inter-industry productivity spillovers: an analysis of the 1989-1998 Brazilian trade liberalization episode

- Lourenco Paz
- 38858: The impacts of trade liberalization on informal labor markets: an evaluation of the Brazilian case

- Lourenco Paz
- 38857: La relación entre la ayuda al desarrollo y la desigualdad. Evidencia y justificación teórica (Aid and inequality relationship. Evidence and theoretical justification)

- Jose Larru
- 38856: The Impact of Health Card Program on Access to Reproductive Health Services: An Indonesian Experience

- Erlangga Landiyanto
- 38854: More efficient production subsidies for emerging agriculture in micro Arab states: a conceptual model

- David G. Raboy, Syed Abul Basher, Ishrat Hossain and Simeon Kaitibie
- 38853: Notas sobre el método de la Economía (Notes on the method of Economics)

- Eloy Ávalos
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