MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 121955: Dollarlaşma prosesi və monetar siyasər: Ekvador nümunəsi (Dollarization process and monetary policy: Ecuadorian example)

- Ibrahim Niftiyev
- 121954: Quantile Regression Analysis of the Economic Impact of Business and Household Credit in Lesotho

- Moeti Damane
- 121952: A Measure of Financial Conditions for Pakistan

- Asif Mahmood and Ringchan Ali
- 121951: The Micro-Macro Divide of Neoclassical Economics vs. the Macro-Microscopic Classical Political Economy Approach

- Lefteris Tsoulfidis and Nikolaos Chatzarakis
- 121949: Market Potential, panel data, and aggregate fluctuations: All that glitters is not gold

- Fernando Bruna
- 121948: Advance Financing Innovations and the Radical Change Economic Development

- Iurii Bazhal
- 121947: Do remittances spur economic growth in Africa?

- Kayode Taiwo
- 121946: How to prevent a new global financial crisis

- Victor Beker
- 121941: Књиговодствено-финансијски показатељи пословања и њихово коришћење у интерним и екстерним анализама (Accounting and financial business indicators and their use in internal and external analyses)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 121940: Степень монополизации сектора страхования в Сербии (Degree of Monopolization of Insurance Sector in Serbia)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 121937: Icing on the cake: Can the Top-Floor Units serve as a status good and an investment simultaneously?

- Edward Chi Ho Tang and Charles Leung
- 121933: Unveiling the Dynamics: How Bangladesh has Progressed Over the Last 60 Years

- Anik Salehin, Topon Sen and Momtaz Munia
- 121932: The Relationship Between Unemployment and Inflation in Turkey: A Correlation Analysis

- Kaan Gulener
- 121931: Teachers’ Retirement Age Act: Tenure and Teacher Quality in Nigeria

- Kayode Taiwo
- 121922: Shifting Tides: the Effect of Institutional Divestments on the Global Market

- Rhythm Banerjee
- 121920: The role of moderating factors in the nexus natural resource rents and renewable energy adoption

- Lumengo Bonga-Bonga, Ntokozo Nzimande and Godswill Osagie Osuma
- 121919: Perceived Impacts of Technology Use on the Productivity of US Manufacturing Businesses

- Todd Gabe, Elinor Hunt and Andrew Crawley
- 121913: Important factors in international competitiveness ranking

- Juliet Mashabela and Leroi Raputsoane
- 121912: The behaviour of disaggregated output over the economic cycle

- Juliet Mashabela and Leroi Raputsoane
- 121910: Polycrisis and Intensified Risks for Children: Analysing “Mission Vatsalya” Scheme in India

- Lekha Chakraborty, Amandeep Kaur, Balamuraly B and Jitesh Yadav
- 121906: Minerals companies’ attributes and corporate governance in South Africa

- Leroi Raputsoane
- 121905: Leader followership in monetary policy coordination

- Leroi Raputsoane
- 121903: Leader followership in monetary policy coordination

- Leroi Raputsoane
- 121901: Real effective exchange rates comovement and the South African currency

- Leroi Raputsoane
- 121894: Entry, unemployment, and the transmission of government spending shocks

- Gregory Givens and Reid Tavoy
- 121893: The Global Minimum Tax, Investment Incentives and Asymmetric Tax Competition

- Xuyang Chen
- 121891: Aligning Public Spending and Taxes in the Moroccan Economy: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Model analysis

- Ahmed El Khalifi and Hicham Ouakil
- 121889: Основи на икономиката на аграрните договори (Fundamentals of economics of agrarian contracts)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 121888: Impacts of Agricultural Exports and CO2 Emissions on Economic Growth: New Evidence from High Income Countries

- Malek El Weriemmi and Sayef Bakari
- 121886: Une nouvelle réflexion sur la valeur économique du temps: les notions d’effort et de pénibilité (A new reflection on the economic value of time: the notions of effort and hardship)

- Moussa Keita
- 121874: Decoding Social Media’s Role in the Resurgence of the Taliban: A Literature Review

- Nassir Wani
- 121873: Income shocks and intrahousehold resource allocation: evidence from rural Ethiopia

- Anu Jose
- 121869: "The Party of the Dead", a Tale that Repeats Itself

- André Pilon
- 121868: Corporate Adaptation and Financial Strategies in Indonesia’s Downstream Processing Industries

- Solikin Juhro, Dhaha Praviandi Kuantan and Nadhil Auzan Oktaviandhi
- 121867: The inconsistency if the production function is a homogeneous degree ν CES function, solving the problem and the presentation of the Modern Universal Growth Theory; The foundation of economic growth theory

- Marcel R. de la Fonteijne
- 121866: Currency substitution, inflation, seignorage and welfare: The Case of Cambodia

- Chanthol Hay
- 121865: Disinformation and Mutual Trust: An Economic Model

- Taiji Harashima
- 121863: Colombia, crisis y alternativa energetica (Colombia, crisis and energetic alternative)

- Riveros-Castelblanco Dario Gilberto
- 121861: Tools for Ferreting-out Fraud: a Book Review of Mark Nigrini's Forensic Analytics

- A. Rodriguez
- 121857: Социокультурная архитектура: значимость параметров культурного кода в векторе экономического развития (Sociocultural architecture: the importance of the parameters of the cultural code in the vector of economic development)

- Nadejda Anicina and Victor Stukach
- 121849: A Comprehensive Overview and Classification of Upstream Oil and Gas Contracts

- Teresa De Jesus Candeias
- 121848: Digital Innovations for Increasing Financial Inclusion: CBDC, Cryptocurrency, Embedded finance, Artificial Intelligence, WaaS, Fintech, Bigtech, and DeFi

- Peterson Ozili
- 121841: Quo vadis, Cohesion Policy? European regional development at a crossroads

- Thoms Schwab
- 121839: Assessing the impossible trinity principle in BRICS grouping

- Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
- 121838: A High-frequency Monthly Measure of Real Economic Activity in Pakistan

- Asif Mahmood and Hina Masood
- 121836: Optimal Energy-Saving Investments and Jevons Paradox in Duopoly Markets

- Kosuke Hirose and Toshihiro Matsumura
- 121833: Nigerian Firms and Digital Transformation:Incubations, Unipoding and Prospects

- Godwin Nwaobi
- 121831: Innovation within Mearth: Beyond-Earth innovations and their impact on Earth's progress

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 121829: U.S. Sanctions Are Ineffective: Russia’s Dark Fleet and Gray Fleet and its Circumvention of Sanctions

- Tayo Yusuf
- 121827: Model risk pricing and hedging

- Thiago de Oliveira Souza
- 121824: Class, Caste and Conspicuous Consumption in India

- Aruni Mitra and Ronit Mukherji
- 121823: Board Specific Attributes and Financial Reporting Quality of Listed Consumer Goods Firms in Nigeria

- Clement Okeke
- 121821: Prévision des Cycles Budgétaires dans les Etats membres de l'Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA):Une approche basée sur les Chaînes de Markov (Forecasting Budgetary Cycles in the Member States of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU): A Markov Chain-Based Approach)

- Damien Joseph Agboton
- 121820: Prévision des Cycles Budgétaires dans les Etats membres de l'Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA):Une approche basée sur les Chaînes de Markov (Voici la traduction en anglais: Forecasting Budgetary Cycles in the Member States of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU): A Markov Chain-Based Approach)

- Damien Joseph Agboton
- 121814: Relationship between Inflation and Economic Growth in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU): A Search for New Evidence of Causality

- Damien Joseph Agboton
- 121809: Achieving innovativeness through participation in global value chains views of managers of Bulgarian furniture enterprises

- Daniela Ventsislavova Georgieva
- 121808: To Acquire or to Ally? Managing Partners’ Environmental Risk in International Expansion

- Chenchen Huang, Di Luo, Soumyatanu Mukherjee and Tapas Mishra
- 121806: Incorporating Model Uncertainty into Policy Analysis Frameworks: A Bayesian Averaging Approach combining computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Model with Metamodelling Techniques

- Paul Ekpeyong
- 121803: Gazing at Long-term Linkages Between Agricultural Land Use and Population Growth in India: An Inverted ‘U-Shape’ Relationship

- Arjun Jana and Srinivas Goli
- 121802: Китайская модель: ретроспектива и перспектива (The Chinese model: Retrospective and perspective)

- Vladimir Popov
- 121799: Causality between Domestic Investment and Economic Growth: New Evidence from Argentina

- Sayef Bakari
- 121795: Nexus between Financial Inclusion, Financial Inequality, Economic Growth and Income Inequality

- Siddha Raj Bhatta
- 121792: The Impact of Cryptocurrency Adoption on Stock Market Capitalization: A Cross-Country Analysis

- Emir Menda
- 121791: Rate Cycles

- Kristin Forbes, Jongrim Ha and Ayhan Kose
- 121789: Quattro saggi su Claudio Napoleoni (Four essays on Claudio Napoleoni)

- Nicolo' Bellanca
- 121787: It depends: Varieties of defining growth dependence

- Anja Janischewski, Katharina Bohnenberger, Matthias Kranke, Tobias Vogel, Riwan Driouich, Tobias Froese, Stefanie Gerold, Raphael Kaufmann, Lorenz Keyßer, Jannis Niethammer, Christopher Olk, Matthias Schmelzer, Aslı Yürük and Steffen Lange
- 121786: Cryptocurrency in the East: Exploring Ethereum's Link to Asian-Pacific Stock Indices through Multivariate-GARCH Approach

- Zi Ling Tan and Siok Jin Lim
- 121784: Signaling and Fraud when Crowdfunding Campaigns Compete for Pledges

- Mark Broere and Robin Christmann
- 121783: Designing New Energy Markets to Promote Renewables

- Giacomo Di Foggia and Massimo Beccarello
- 121782: Understanding the impact of travel on wellbeing: evidence for Great Britain during the pandemic

- Emmanuel Mamatzakis and E Mamatzakis
- 121779: Indirect tax evasion, shadow economy, and the Laffer curve: A theoretical approach

- Genaro Damiani
- 121777: Sustainability Disclosures and Their Influence on Cost of Capital: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Study

- Kiran Fatima, Habiba Azam, Fiaz Ahmad Sulehri, Syeda Ambreen Fatima Bukhari, Hafiz Khalique Ur Rehman Virk, Yunjiang Geng, Marc Audi and Muhammad Saleem Ashraf
- 121776: Empirical Insights into Financial Integration: Fintech Credit and Regulatory Dynamics

- Fiaz Ahmad Sulehri, Marc Audi, Muhammad Saleem Ashraf, Habiba Azam, Syeda Ambreen Fatima Bukhari and Amjad Ali
- 121774: The Impact of Remittances on the Exchange Rate: Empirical Analysis of The Gambia

- Habib Ceesay and Medad Limbe
- 121772: Does ICT Drive Fintech firm Performance? Evidence from BRICS Countries

- Malika Neifar
- 121771: Macroeconomic Model of Generalized Feudal System

- Aditya Harit
- 121770: How Racial Measures Affect the Estimation of Racial Inequality

- Robbert Rademakers and André van Hoorn
- 121769: State of State Finances in India in the Present Decade

- Sacchidananda Mukherjee
- 121766: Can past informality impede registered firms' access to credit?

- Dorgyles C.M. Kouakou
- 121765: Managing projects: The role of leadership and organization's management style

- George Ekonomou and George Halkos
- 121764: Measuring uncertainty, transfer entropy and G-causality In Environmental Economics

- George Halkos and Christos Kitsos
- 121763: A Novel Integrated Algebraic/Geometric Approach to the Solution of Two by Two Games with Dominance Principle

- Maurizio Angelo Zola
- 121756: “Certain-uncertain” inconsistency within the basic experimental procedures of behavioral economics

- Alexander Harin
- 121755: Applying a systems thinking approach to tourism

- George Ekonomou and George Halkos
- 121754: Establishing a benchmarking approach in tourism organizations and destinations

- George Ekonomou and George Halkos
- 121751: Macroeconomic Effects from Media Coverage of the China-U.S. Trade War on selected EU Countries

- Joscha Beckmann, Robert Czudaj and Michael Murach
- 121748: Minimum Wage Hikes Bring Tradeoffs beyond Pay and Jobs

- Jeffrey Clemens
- 121740: How the dollar became the world currency

- Konstantin Gluschenko
- 121738: Импликације методолошког индивидуализма и теореме о невидљивој руци на домете деловања слободног тржишта (Implications of methodological individualism and the invisible hand theorem on the scope of free market action)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 121737: Globalizacija i konkurentska sposobnost naše privrede (Globalization and the Competitiveness of Our Economy)

- Rajko Bukvić and Marinko Zeljković
- 121734: Educația online ca factor de exprimare a libertății religioase și de conștiință (Online education as a factor of expression a freedom of religion and conscience)

- Mihai Covaci
- 121733: Valuation of Marine Ecosystem Services in the Black Sea

- George Halkos, Argyro Zisiadou, Panagiotis-Stavros Aslanidis and Phoebe Koundouri
- 121732: Seeing fishing tourism as a means to achieve sustainable marine and coastal zone management

- George Ekonomou and George Halkos
- 121731: Enhancing responsible tourism by establishing ‘smartness’ at destinations

- George Ekonomou and George Halkos
- 121730: Strategic Interdependence: Quasi-Experiment in the Maritime Industry during the 1880s in Japan

- Kazuki Yokoyama
- 121728: Public Policy Strategies for Poverty Alleviation in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Inclusive Approach

- Paul Ekpeyong
- 121726: Geoeconomic Fragmentation and "Connector" Countries

- Shekhar Aiyar and Franziska Ohnsorge
- 121705: The Role of Women in Economic Governance for Sustained and Equitable Growth in the African Continent

- Emerson Abraham Jackson
- 121701: Negociación colectiva coordinada y multinivel: experiencias internacionales y opciones de políticas para Chile (Coordinated and multilevel collective bargaining: international experiences and policy options for Chile)

- Damian Grimshaw, Fabio Bertranou, Sonia Gontero and Antonia Urrutia
- 121698: H1N1 and WW1: The Spanish Flu and the Great War

- Cormac Ó Gráda
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