MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 104159: Анализ смертности населения методами иерархического анализа (Mortality of the population: estimation by methods of hierarchical analysis)

- Venera Timiryanova and Aleksandr Zimin
- 104149: Работодателският контрол в контекста на дигитализацията (Employers control within the context of digitalization)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
- 104147: Issuance of Wealth Management Products and Expected Yields; A Shadow Banking Perspective

- Syed Mehmood Raza Shah, Qiang Fu, Muhammad Dawood and Muhammad Ishfaq
- 104145: Oil Price Shock and Fiscal-Monetary Policy Variables in Nigeria: A Structural VAR Approach

- Ismaila Okunoye and Yinka Hammed
- 104144: Modeling Consumption and Saving Decision Making Behavior of People in the Settings of Urban Eastern Ethiopian Communities: A Heterodox Economics Approach

- Habtamu Demiessie
- 104137: The effect of design protection on price and price dispersion: Evidence from automotive spare parts

- Benedikt Herz and Malwina Mejer
- 104132: The synthetic control method: Small T, small N Monte Carlo evidence and an application to the effects of privatizing probation services on revoke rates

- Philipp Süß
- 104131: GDP Growth Forecasts of the Reserve Bank of India – A Performance Assessment

- Raj Rajesh and Vineet Srivastava
- 104128: Optimum Exchange rate and Economic Growth in Sudan

- Khalafalla Arabi
- 104118: Globalizacija, tržišna privreda i nacionalno makroekonomsko planiranje (Globalization, Market Economy, and National Macroeconomic Planning)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 104117: Industrial Impact of Economic Uncertainty Shocks in Australia: Revised

- Hamish Burrel and Joaquin Vespignani
- 104113: Parametric and Semiparametric Binary Choice Estimators - Evidence from Monte Carlo Studies

- Philipp Süß
- 104104: Economics of seasonal photovoltaic soiling and cleaning optimization scenarios

- Leonardo Micheli, Eduardo F. Fernandez, Jorge T. Aguilera and Florencia Almonacid
- 104103: Attainment of Equilibrium: Marshallian Path Adjustment and Buyer Determinism

- Sean M. Collins, Duncan James, Maroš Servátka and Radovan Vadovič
- 104093: Flight to Safety in Business cycles

- Jayant Yadav
- 104090: Efficient Liability in Expert Markets

- Yongmin Chen, Jianpei Li and Jin Zhang
- 104088: An Elementary Theorem on Gains from Virtual Trade

- Sugata Marjit and Lei Yang
- 104086: The Nexus between Tourism and Economic Growth: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Directions

- Sisira Kumara Naradda Gamage, S. H. T. Kumudumali and Shavkat Otamurodov
- 104085: Computing Synthetic Controls Using Bilevel Optimization

- Pekka Malo, Juha Eskelinen, Xun Zhou and Timo Kuosmanen
- 104084: Monetary policy transmission and income inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Johnson Ahiadorme
- 104066: Endangered Freedom to Decent Life amidst Economic Insecurity: Plight of Worker Households in Jalandhar's Sports Good Industry

- Varinder Jain
- 104063: Price-setting mixed duopoly, partial privatisation and subsidisation

- Kazuhiro Ohnishi
- 104058: Missing WTO rules and a non-functioning Appellate Body: lessons from Argentina's biodiesel exports

- Julio Nogues and Ernesto O'Connor
- 104052: Assessing State Economic Development from Motion Picture and Television Production Incentives: Standardizing the Industry for Analysis

- Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang
- 104047: The Effect of Survivors’ Benefits on Poverty and Health Status of Widowed Women: A Turkish Case Study

- Eleftherios Giovanis and Oznur Ozdamar
- 104046: Exploring The Impact of Job Satisfaction Domains on Firm Performance: Evidence from Great Britain

- Georgina Eberegbe and Eleftherios Giovanis
- 104045: Japanese Manufacturers in Australia: Analysing Their Quality Evaluation and Employee Participation

- Celal Bayari
- 104044: Obviously Strategy-proof Implementation of Assignment Rules: A New Characterization

- Pinaki Mandal and Souvik Roy
- 104040: Independence Status of Territories and the Estimated Trade Effects of Regional Trade Agreements

- Jia Hou
- 104029: Трудово и осигурително право - задачи, казуси, тестове (Labor and insurance law - tasks, cases, tests)

- Andriyana Andreeva, Galina Yolova and Violeta Vladova-Ivanova
- 104028: Experimental Investigation of Cannibalisation by Introducing a Global Brand Abreast Existing Indian Store Brand

- Ganesha H. R., Sreeramana Aithal and Kirubadevi P.
- 104027: Innovation in Teaching-Learning Process: An Experiment of Srinivas University

- K.V.M. Varambally and Sreeramana Aithal
- 104026: Time as a Strategic Resource in Management of Organizations

- Suresh Kumar P. M. and Sreeramana Aithal
- 104025: Conceptual Analysis on Higher Education Strategies for various Tech-Generations

- Sreeramana Aithal and Shubhrajyotsna Aithal
- 104023: Changes in Consumer Perspective towards Discount at Brick-and-Mortar Stores owing to Emergence of Online Store Format in India

- Ganesha H. R., Sreeramana Aithal and Kirubadevi P.
- 104008: Shedding Insight on Sustainable Food Consumption: A Case Study on Customer Perceptible Behaviour towards Organic Products

- Sujaya H. and Sreeramana Aithal
- 104006: Essai sur la stabilité monétaire: la Cyclicité et la contra cyclicité de l’activité productive comme critères de cette stabilité. Cas de la Communauté économique et Monétaire de l’Afrique centrale (CEMAC) (Essay on monetary stability: the cyclicity and the contra cyclicity in production as favorable determinants of preserving this stability. The case of cfa franc area in central Africa (CEMAC))

- Oscar Kuikeu
- 104003: Implementing a Basic Income Guarantee through the Personal Income Tax System: Benefits, Barriers, and Bothers

- Lindsay Tedds
- 104002: Poverty in British Columbia: Income Thresholds, Trends, Rates, and Depths of Poverty

- Gillian Petit and Lindsay Tedds
- 103999: Association of Number of Bidders and Minimum Bid Ratio (AEr) with Effect of E-bidding of Different Project

- Anjay Kumar Mishra, Megh Bahadur K. C. and Sreeramana Aithal
- 103998: Impact of COVID-19 on Redefining the Services of Educational Institutions using Ubiquitous Technology

- Madhushree L. M., Bhuvana Reddy and Sreeramana Aithal
- 103997: COVID-19 crisis and the public debt issue:The case of Italy

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 103996: Development and Validation of Survey Questionnaire & Experimental Data – A Systematical Review-based Statistical Approach

- Architha Aithal and Sreeramana Aithal
- 103994: The effects of body-worn cameras on police efficiency: A study of local police agencies in the US

- Erik Alda
- 103990: Task Supply, Wage Earning, and Segmentation among Natives and Two Generations of Immigrants

- Shiyu Jiang
- 103988: Task Specialization, Wage, and Immigration in Canada

- Shiyu Jiang
- 103985: Cross-border mergers and acquisitions and inter-urban gravity

- Banri Ito
- 103981: Long-run relationship between real consumption and real income in the Russian Federation: An ARDL bounds testing approach

- Andrey Polbin and Anastasiia Kuroedova
- 103976: Does volunteering increase employment opportunities? An experimental approach

- Antonio Alfonso, Rafael Morales-Sánchez and Dunia López-Pintado
- 103975: Using PDE-model and system dynamics model for describing multi-operation production lines

- Oleh Pihnastyi, Daria Yemelianova and Dmytro Lysytsia
- 103973: Beyond the added-worker and the discouraged-worker effects: the entitled-worker effect

- Ángel Martín-Román
- 103971: Öffentliche Finanzen (Public Finance)

- Stefan Homburg
- 103970: China's Export Surge and the New Margins of Trade

- Chen Liu and Xiao Ma
- 103965: Bias or ignorance? The politics and economics behind sovereign credit ratings

- Timo Dähler
- 103947: The Role of Knowledge Management and Employee Competency Towards Organization Performance with Innovation as a Mediating Variables in Local water Company(PDAM) Ketapang Regency West Kalimantan

- Endah Setyowati, Suharto Suharto and Iwan Kurniawan Subagja
- 103939: Épidémiologie de l’économie et confinement de l’Organisation COVID-19 (Epidemiologic aspect of the economy and Covid-19 lockdown as an Organisation)

- Oscar Kuikeu
- 103938: Natural selection: A review of studies on firms’ exit and efficiency

- Hirofumi Uchida
- 103936: The impact of mega sport’s events on tourism sector. The case of Euro 2012 in Pomerania region

- Bjorn Witthaus
- 103934: Experimental Evidence on Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom

- Bruno Ferman, Lycia Lima and Flavio Riva
- 103933: Predicting the price of second-hand vehicles using data mining techniques

- Masood Jafari Kang, Sepideh Zohoori, Elahe Abbasi, Yueqing Li and Maryam Hamidi
- 103931: A Framework of Sustainable Consumption and Production from the Production Perspective: Application to Thailand and Vietnam

- Michiyuki Yagi and Katsuhiko Kokubu
- 103930: Relative Deprivation and Suicide Risk in South Korea

- Tae-Young Pak and Youngjoo Choung
- 103929: Trade war from the Chinese trenches

- Nan Liu
- 103927: Управленческа устойчивост на селското стопанство в България (Governance sustainability of Bulgarian agriculture)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 103926: Как да измерим управленческата устойчивост на българското селско стопанство? (How to measure the governance sustainability of Bulgarian agriculture?)

- Hrabrin Bachev, Bojidar Ivanov and Angel Sarov
- 103925: Uniswap and the rise of the decentralized exchange

- Yuen Lo and Francesca Medda
- 103919: Empirical Review on Tourism Demand and COVID-19

- Meng-Chang Jong
- 103918: Public finances and Public Private Partnerships in the European Union

- Alessandra Cepparulo, Giuseppe Eusepi and Luisa Giuriato
- 103916: Introduction to "Rural-Urban Dichotomies and Spatial Development in Asia"

- Amitrajeet Batabyal, Yoshiro Higano and Peter Nijkamp
- 103914: The Effects of Parental Retirement on Adult Children’s Labor Supply: Evidence From China

- Qi Wu and Xin Gao
- 103907: High Frequency Fairness

- Guillaume Haeringer and Hayden Melton
- 103902: Surviving Coronavirus scare: A journey of stock market amid a slowdown in Indian Economy

- Pankaj Sinha, Priya Sawaliya and Prateek Sinha
- 103900: Culture, institutions, and long-run performance

- Haiwen Zhou
- 103896: Japanese Business in Australia: A Management Survey of Industry Interaction with Locational Factors

- Celal Bayari
- 103895: The Economic and Institutional Determinants of COVID-19 Mortality

- Ernest Ivanaj and Youssef Oukhallou
- 103891: Ending High, Starting High: Job Placement of Economics Graduates of Dhaka University

- Abul Kalam Azad and Sheikh Jafar Emran
- 103890: Prediction for the 2020 United States Presidential Election using Linear Regression Model

- Pankaj Sinha, Aniket Verma, Purav Shah, Jahnavi Singh and Utkarsh Panwar
- 103889: Prediction for the 2020 United States Presidential Election using Machine Learning Algorithm: Lasso Regression

- Pankaj Sinha, Aniket Verma, Purav Shah, Jahnavi Singh and Utkarsh Panwar
- 103887: The effects of body-worn cameras on police efficiency: A study of local police agencies in the US

- Erik Alda
- 103886: Comprehensive Financial Modeling of Solar PV Systems

- Davide Baschieri, Carlo Alberto Magni and Andrea Marchioni
- 103882: Does monetary policy affect lending? Evidence from some panel data

- Guillermo Peña
- 103881: Linear Regression Model of the Conveyor Type Transport System

- Oleh Pihnastyi, Valery Khodusov and Sergey Subbotin
- 103880: The Mundell-Fleming Trilemma: Implications for the CBN and the financial markets

- Tonprebofa Okotori and Peter Ayunku
- 103878: The Dynamic Effects of Chilean Copper Exports and Chinese Market Disturbances

- Eduardo Pardo Piñashca
- 103874: Matching methods for impact evaluation of public subsidies to business R&D: Measuring heterogeneous effects

- Joost Heijs, Alex J. Guerrero and Elena Huergo
- 103873: Internal public debt and economic growth: a case study of Ukraine

- Serhii Shvets
- 103871: Asymmetric Guessing Games

- Zafer Akin
- 103870: Asset Classes and Portfolio Diversification: Evidence from a Stochastic Spanning Approach

- Duc Khuong Nguyen, Nikolas Topaloglou and Thomas Walther
- 103868: Manufacturing, Market Policy and Exports in Australia: Emulating the East Asian Economic Miracle

- Celal Bayari
- 103862: The Influence of Dust Levels on Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Global Temperature

- David Allen, Danail Sandakchiev, Vincent Hooper and Ivan Ivanov
- 103854: A Review on the Leading Indicator Approach towards Economic Forecasting

- Ann-Ni Soh
- 103853: Carbon dioxide emissions mitigation strategies’ performance

- Saoussen Bargaoui
- 103852: Inference of a universal social scale and segregation measures using social connectivity kernels

- Till Hoffmann and Nick S. Jones
- 103850: Government financial support and firm productivity in Vietnam

- Quang Vu and Tuyen Tran
- 103849: Heterogeneous effects of livelihood strategies on household well-being: An analysis using unconditional quantile regression with fixed effects

- Tuyen Tran and Huong Vu
- 103845: Numerical Analysis of the Disequilibrium Monetary Growth Model: Secular Stagnation, Slow Convergence, and Cyclical Fluctuations

- Shogo Ogawa and Hiroaki Sasaki
- 103828: Negative Interest Rates on Central Bank Digital Currency

- Pengfei Jia
- 103826: Generosity during Covid-19 the effect of social distancing and framing on donations in dictator games

- Lorenzo Lotti
- 103824: Naive Analytics Equilibrium

- Ron Berman and Yuval Heller
- 103821: The art of economic catch-up. Barriers, detoursand leapfrogging in innovation systems

- Roy Cobby
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