MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 38290: Natural Resource Curse and Poverty in Appalachian America

- Mark Partridge, Michael Betz and Linda Lobao
- 38287: Communication of uncertainty in weather forecasts

- Pricilla Marimo, Todd Kaplan, Ken Mylne and Martin Sharpe
- 38286: An evaluation of policies to reduce fiscal pressure induced by population ageing in Australia

- William Bell
- 38285: Making a living in rural societies in the North Sea area, 500-2000

- Eric Vanhaute, Thijs Lambrecht, Isabelle Devos, Gérard Béaur, Georg Fertig, Carl-Johan Gadd, Erwin Karel, Michael Limberger, Richard Paping and Phillipp Schofield
- 38284: Measuring fiscal stance for the United Kingdom, 1920-1990

- Pierre van der Eng
- 38282: Cambios en la informalidad en el mercado de trabajo argentino, 2004 – 2010 (Changes in the informal labor market in Argentina, 2004 - 2010)

- Fernando Groisman, Albano Vergara and Analía Calero
- 38281: Educación y Participación Económica de los Jóvenes en Argentina. Un análisis de sus determinantes (2004-2009) (Education and Youth Economic Participation in Argentina. An analysis of its determinants (2004-2009))

- Fernando Groisman and Analía Calero
- 38279: Heckscher Ohlin Vanek Theorem: an excess supply approach

- Srivastava Archana
- 38278: Sustainability and the Economics of the Environment: Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Dynamics of the Long-Run Discount Rate

- Phoebe Koundouri and Ben Groom
- 38277: Saving Unique Ecosystems by the Use of Economic Methods and Instruments: Is this possible?

- Phoebe Koundouri and Yiannis Kountouris
- 38276: Air Quality Degradation: Can Economics Help in Measuring its Welfare Effects? A Review of Economic Valuation Studies

- Phoebe Koundouri and Eva Kougea
- 38275: Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh: A Household Labor Market Approach

- Phoebe Koundouri, Richard Carson and Celine Nauges
- 38274: A Choice Experiments Application in Transport Infrastructure: A Case Study on Travel Time Savings, Accidents and Pollution Reduction

- Phoebe Koundouri, Yannis Kountouris and Mavra Stithou
- 38273: Strategies for the maintenance of natural capital

- Clive Spash and Anthony M. H. Clayton
- 38272: Sources of energy and the environment

- Clive Spash and Andrew Young
- 38266: A Micro-Econometric Approach to Deriving Use and Non-Use Values of in-situ Groundwater: The Vosvozis Case Study, Greece

- Phoebe Koundouri, Vassilis Babalos, Mavra Stithou and Ioannis Anastasiou
- 38265: Three approaches to measuring natural resource scarcity: theory and application to groundwater

- Phoebe Koundouri
- 38264: Residential stamp duty:Time for a change

- Mark Andrew, Alan Evans, Phoebe Koundouri and Geoff Meen
- 38263: The Use of Economic Valuation in Environmental Policy: Providing Research Support for the Implementation of Eu Water Policy Under Aquastress

- Phoebe Koundouri
- 38262: Water Resources Allocation:Policy & Socioeconomic Issues in Cyprus

- Phoebe Koundouri and Ekin Birol
- 38261: ConocoPhillips’ share price model revisited

- Ivan Kitov
- 38260: Adaptive interactive expectations: dynamically modelling profit expectations

- William Bell
- 38256: Theories and models of structural dynamics: an ‘ideal’ general framework ?

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 38255: Jackknife bias reduction in autoregressive models with a unit root

- Marcus Chambers and Maria Kyriacou
- 38254: Logistics costs and competitiveness: measurement and trade policy applications

- Ben Shepherd
- 38243: Heterogeneous product and process innovations for a multi-product monopolist under finite life-cycles of production technologies

- Anton Bondarev
- 38234: Econometrics Informing Natural Resources Management:Selected Empirical Analyses

- Phoebe Koundouri
- 38232: Choice Experiments Informing Environmental Policy:A European Perspective

- Ekin Birol and Phoebe Koundouri
- 38231: Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions:Interdisciplinary Perspectives

- Phoebe Koundouri and Katia Karousakis
- 38230: Outsourcing, occupational restructuring, and employee well-being: Is there a silver lining?

- Petri Böckerman and Mika Maliranta
- 38227: Do large agglomerations lead to economic growth? evidence from urban India

- Sabyasachi Tripathi
- 38225: Threshold effects in the relationship between inflation and growth: a new panel-data approach

- David Drukker, Pedro Gomis-Porqueras and Hernandez -erme Paula
- 38224: Optimum slaughtering time in temporal deer farming in Japan

- Yukichika Kawata
- 38223: Qualité de la formation professionnelle initiale au Maroc et impact des actions de formation continue sur les performances des entreprises marocaines (Quality of initial vocational training in Morocco and impact of job training on the performance of Moroccan companies)

- Jamal Bouoiyour, Audrey Dumas and Said Hanchane
- 38222: Formation professionnelle et croissance économique Quelles interactions dans les cas du Maroc et la Tunisie ? (Professional training and economic growth: What interactions in Morocco and Tunisia?)

- Jamal Bouoiyour and Said Hanchane
- 38220: Gender differences and dynamics in competition: the role of luck

- David Gill and Victoria Prowse
- 38219: Numerical accuracy of Ox 6.2

- Tamer Kulaksizoglu
- 38216: Relação econômica dos setores agrícolas do Estado do Mato Grosso com os demais setores pertencentes tanto ao Estado quanto ao restante do Brasil (Economic relationship of the agricultural sectors of the Mato Grosso State with the other sectors belonging to both the State and the rest of Brazil)

- Margarida Garcia de Figueiredo, Alexandre Lahós Mendonça de Barros and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 38215: Caracterização do pessoal ocupado na agropecuária ao longo da década de 1990 (Characterization of employment in agriculture during the 90s)

- Fernanda Sartori de Camargo and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 38213: Linkages and Multipliers in a Multiregional Framework: Integration of Alternative Approaches (Linkages and Multipliers in a Multiregional Framework: Integration of Alternative Approaches)

- Joaquim Guilhoto, M. Sonis and G. J. D. Hewings
- 38212: Estimação da Matriz Insumo-Produto a Partir De Dados Preliminares das Contas Nacionais (Estimation of input-output matrix using preliminary data from national accounts)

- Joaquim Guilhoto and U. A. Sesso Filho
- 38211: Análise da estrutura produtiva da Amazônia brasileira (Analysis of the productive structure of the Brazilian Amazon)

- Joaquim Guilhoto and Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho
- 38210: Impacts of reallocation of resource constraints on the northeast economy of Brazil

- Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Chokri Dridi and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 38208: Investissements directs étrangers et croissance économique: Estimation d’un modèle à erreurs composées (Foreign direct investment and economic growth: Estimation of error component model)

- Jamal Bouoiyour, El Mouhoub Mouhoud and Hichame Hanchane
- 38206: Financial crisis - US versus Asian. Factors and policy response F

- Mohamed Aslam Gulam Hassan
- 38204: I flussi migratori: Immigrazione in Europa: analisi della legislazione (Migration FLows: Immigration in Europe, Analysis of the legislation)

- Bruno Venditto and Immacolata Caruso
- 38203: I flussi migratori: Rifugio e asilo nei paesi euro-mediterranei (Migration Flows: Refuge and Asylum in the euro-Mediterranean Countries)

- Immacolata Caruso and Bruno Venditto
- 38202: Determinants of household access to formal credit in the rural areas of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

- Duy Vuong Quoc
- 38201: Robust policy choice under Calvo and Rotemberg pricing

- Sebastian Sienknecht
- 38199: Individual and group behaviours in the traveller’s dilemma: an experimental study

- Andrea Morone and Piergiuseppe Morone
- 38198: Are small groups expected utility?

- Andrea Morone and Piergiuseppe Morone
- 38196: Socially - optimal level of co-determination of labor and the European directive on workers' councils

- Dushko Josheski
- 38194: Going forward financially: credit unions as an alternative to commercial banks

- Mark Klinedinst
- 38189: The impact of health worker migration on development dynamics: evidence of wealth-effects from Africa

- Simplice Asongu
- 38188: Distressed sales and liquidity in OTC markets

- Cemil Selcuk
- 38187: Analysis of an unannounced foreign exchange regime change

- Tarron Khemraj and Sukrishnalall Pasha
- 38186: 非遺伝子組換え大豆とエネルギーの価格関係について (Relationships among the Non-Genetically Modified Soybean and Energy Prices)

- Kentaka Aruga
- 38184: Capital mobility in the Caucasus

- Rustam Jamilov
- 38180: Forensic accounting and the law: The forensic accountant in the capacity of an expert witness

- Marianne Ojo
- 38173: Designing a sequential choice architecture to reduce choice overload

- Tibor Besedes, Cary Deck, Sudipta Sarangi and Mikhael Shor
- 38170: How ‘buzz’ reduces uncertainty for new firm founders

- Joan-Lluis Capelleras and Kevin Mole
- 38168: Democracy and Stock Market Performance in African Countries

- Simplice Asongu
- 38167: Monetary Policies and Nigerian Economy:Simulations from Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium(DSGE)Model

- Godwin Nwaobi
- 38166: "Riba in La-riba contracts: where to turn in Islamic home financing?

- Zubair Hasan
- 38164: Efficient estimation in regression discontinuity designs via asymmetric kernels

- Eduardo Fé
- 38163: Corruption investigated in the lab: a survey of the experimental literature

- Nina Bobkova and Henrik Egbert
- 38162: Estimating the eect of retirement on mental health via panel discontinuity designs

- Eduardo Fé and Bruce Hollingsworth
- 38159: Redesigning OPF For Better Governance

- Irfan Mohammad
- 38156: Poverty Alleviation and Social Protection in Pakistan

- Irfan Mohammad
- 38155: MIMAP Synthesis Report: Major Conclusions and Policy Implications

- Abdul Razzaq Kemal, Irfan Mohammad and Ghulam Arif
- 38154: Youth employment and unemployment in Pakistan - an overview of 1990's

- Irfan Mohammad
- 38153: Situation Analysis to Support the Programme Design Process for National Skills Strategy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan

- M. Yasin Janjua and Irfan Mohammad
- 38152: Rural non-farm sector in Pakistan

- Irfan Mohammad
- 38150: Economic and social impact of global financial crisis: implications for macroeconomic and development policies in South Asia

- Rashid Amjad and Musleh-ud Din
- 38148: Dynamique des investissements, mutations sectorielles et convertibilité du compte de capital: impacts des mesures de libéralisation et expériences comparées Tunisie - Maroc (Dynamics of investments, changing industry and convertibility capital account: impacts of the measures of liberalization and compared experiences Tunisia – Morocco)

- Rafik Baccouche, Jamal Bouoiyour, Hatem, M’Henni and Sami Mouley
- 38147: A conditional directional distance function approach for measuring regional environmental efficiency: Evidence from the UK regions

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 38145: ....storia (dangerous relations. Economics and.....history)

- Giuseppe Tattara
- 38143: Trade regimes, investment promotion and export prospects in the Western Balkans

- Isa Mulaj
- 38142: Terminology of economics in Albanian: Current state, problems and tasks

- Isa Mulaj
- 38141: A subgroup decomposition of inequality of poverty in Cameroon

- Beja BILOA ESSIMI Jean Aristide, Célestin Nembua and Miamo Clovis
- 38140: On involuntary unemployment: notes on efficiency-wage competition

- Marco Guerrazzi
- 38139: Transferts Financiers des Migrants et développement en Afrique subsaharienne

- Tdl TCHAMANBÉ DJINÉ Louise and Miamo Clovis
- 38137: The Economics of Water Management in Developing Countries Problems, Principles and Policies

- Phoebe Koundouri, Panos Pashardes, Timothy Swanson and Anastasios Xepapadeas
- 38136: Estimating allocative efficiency in port authorities with demand uncertainty

- Soraya Hidalgo and Ramón Núñez-Sánchez
- 38135: Human resource development: the Asian experience in employment and manpower planning - an overview

- Rashid Amjad
- 38134: Economic impact of migration to the Middle East on the major Asian labour sending countries - an overview

- Rashid Amjad
- 38132: Intellectual property rights, technical progress and the volatility of economic growth

- Angus Chu, Charles Leung and Edward Chi Ho Tang
- 38129: Three essays on the economic and cultural integration of migrants in Switzerland: putting into perspective the influence of economic discrimination and of host society culture

- Pierre Kohler
- 38128: Prevendo retornos de ações atrasvés de movimentos passados: uma modificação no Modelo de Grinblatt e Moskowitz (Predicting stock returns through past movements: a modification of Grinblatt and Moskowitz Model)

- Pierre Lucena and Antonio Carlos Figueiredo
- 38127: Anomalias no Mercado no Mercado de Ações Brasileiro: uma Modificação do Modelo de Fama de Fama e French (Anomalies on the Brazilian Stock Market: a Modification of the Fama and French Model)

- Pierre Lucena and Antonio Carlos Figueiredo
- 38123: Os indicadores ROE e PVPA aplicados como balizadores de estratégias de investimentos: uma análise do mercado acionário brasileiro de 1995 a 2009 (The PVPA and ROE indicators used as a guide for investment strategies: an analysis of stock market Brazil from 1995 to 2009)

- Jean Marcio Melo, Lamartine Távora, Leonardo Xavier and Pierre Lucena
- 38122: An analysis of correlation between organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and emotional intelligence (EI)

- Esmaeil Yaghoubi, Sina Ahmadzadeh Mashinchi and Hadi Abdollahi
- 38121: Eficácia do Uso da Estratégia de Investimento em Ações com Baixo Múltiplo Preço/Valor Patrimonial (PVPA) no Brasil (EFFECTIVENESS OF THE USE OF INVESTMENT STRATEGY IN SHARES WITH LOW MULTIPLE PRICE/BOOK VALUE IN BRAZIL)

- Pierre Lucena, Odilon Saturnino, Joseanny Araújo and Antonio Carlos Figueiredo
- 38119: Governing policy processes and foresight

- Attila Havas
- 38118: Strategic Trade Policy in General Oligopolistic Equilibrium

- Rudy Colacicco
- 38117: Multiple futures for higher education in a multi-level structure

- Attila Havas
- 38113: Assessing the adverse effects of interbank funds on bank efficiency through using semiparametric and nonparametric methods

- Ahmet Aysan, Gurdal Ertek and Secil Ozturk
- 38112: Reviewing the climate change adaptation readiness of the Australian national electricity market institutions

- William Bell
- 38111: The impact of climate change on generation and transmission in the Australian national electricity market

- William Bell
- 38110: The impact of climate change on electricity demand in the Australian national electricity market

- William Bell
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