MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 41369: Economic thought of Ibn al-Qayyim (1292–1350)

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 41366: A Characterization of the Top Trading Cycles Mechanism for the School Choice Problem

- Umut Dur
- 41365: Impossibility of interpersonal social identity diversification under binary preferences

- Nadeem Naqvi
- 41362: La nécessité d'une adoption (et l'adaptation) mondiale des IFRS (des normes internationales d'information financière): conséquences post-Enron et la restauration de la confiance aux marchés financiers à la suite des crises de 2008 financières et boursières (The need for global adoption and adaptation of International Financial Reporting Standards: post Enron consequences and the restoration of confidence to capital markets following the 2008 financial and stock market crises)

- Marianne Ojo
- 41361: О содержании книги "Введение в Суб-Интервальный Анализ …" (About the contents of the book "Introduction to Sub-Interval Analysis …")

- Alexander Harin
- 41359: Theory and Practice in Business Intelligence

- Mihaela Muntean
- 41356: Rational Expectations in Urban Economics

- Marcus Berliant and Chia-Ming Yu
- 41355: Challenges Facing Tehran

- Amir Naghshineh-Pour
- 41351: Bringing Work Back In Islamic Ethic

- Bayu Possumah, Abdul Ghafar Ismail and Shahimi Shahida
- 41349: Rising Prices after the Introduction of a New Technique

- Vicenc Melendez-Plumed
- 41344: Keberlanjutan Fiskal di Indonesia (Fiscal Sustainability in Indonesia)

- Djamester A. Simarmata
- 41341: The use of mathematics in economics and its effect on a scholar's academic career

- Miguel Espinosa Farfan, Carlos Rondón-Moreno and Mauricio Romero
- 41336: Comparación internacional de sistemas de previsión social (International comparison of social security systems)

- Alejandro Calabria and Sergio Rottenschweiler
- 41335: Computer modelling and numerical simulation of the solid state diode pumped Nd:YAG laser with intracavity saturable absorber

- Yuriy Yashkir
- 41334: Health and Christianity: Controlling for Omitted Variable Bias by Using the Data of Twins and Siblings

- Hong Ding
- 41333: A Simple Model of Bertrand Duopoly with Noisy Prices

- Bogumił Kamiński and Maciej Latek
- 41331: When Capitalism no longer works - a Profit Warning

- Kees De Koning
- 41329: Determinants of Agricultural Technology adoption: the Case of Improved Pigeonpea Varieties in Tanzania

- Franklin Simtowe
- 41325: Data appendix for economic growth in the long run

- Robert Tamura, Gerald Dwyer, John Devereux and Scott Baier
- 41324: Economic growth In the long run

- Robert Tamura, Gerald Dwyer, John Devereux and Scott Baier
- 41323: Liquidity risk and interest rate risk on banks: are they related?

- Cinzia Baldan, Francesco Zen and Tobia Rebonato
- 41322: Concessão de crédito entre bancos centrais no âmbito do Convênio de Pagamentos e Créditos Recíprocos (Credit concession among central banks within the Agreement on Reciprocal Payments and Credits)

- Daniel Reiss
- 41318: Analyse de la demande de crédit du secteur privé dans l’UEMOA (Credit demand for the private sector in WAEMU)

- Akassi Kablan
- 41317: О содержании книги "Введение в Суб-Интервальный Анализ и его Приложения" (About the contents of the book "Introduction to Sub-Interval Analysis and its Applications")

- Alexander Harin
- 41316: Urban(c)idade: diálogo entre a Sociologia, a Arquitectura, a Economia e a Geografia - a experiência do Mestrado em Metropolização, Planeamento Estratégico e Sustentabilidade (Urbanicity: dialogue between Sociology, Architecture, Economics and Geography - the Master in Metropolization,Strategic Planning and Sustainability experience)

- Judite Lourenço Reis, Regina Salvador, Sónia Paulo Cardoso and Bruno Pereira Marques
- 41315: Ouverture financière dans les pays émergents: mesure et analyse (Financial openness in emerging countries: measure and analysis)

- Akassi Kablan
- 41313: Improving credit allocation to sustainable agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa: Review of bio-based economy benefits

- Emmanuel Benjamin
- 41312: Consumer confidence and consumption forecast: a non-parametric approach

- Giancarlo Bruno
- 41310: How cities develop: Affinity Factor Model for forecasting city development and dispersion

- Rahul Deodhar
- 41307: Une approche prospective de la configuration des disparités économiques régionales au sein de l'Union européenne par la modélisation et la simulation (A forward-looking approach of the configuration of the regional disparities within the European Union: modelling and simulation)

- Sébastien Bourdin, Bernard Elissalde, Patrice Langlois and Dominique Goya
- 41303: Studies on the identification problem of the simultaneous economic models from viewpoint of unique determination of parameters (I)

- Guoqiang Tian
- 41301: Estimating Price Responses of German Imports and Exports

- John Chipman, Angelika Eymann, Gerd Ronning and Guoqiang Tian
- 41300: The Maximum Theorem and the Existence of Nash Equilibrium of (Generalized) Games without Lower Semicontinuities

- Guoqiang Tian and Jianxin Zhou
- 41299: Fixed Points Theorems for Mappings with Non-compact and Non-Convex Domains

- Guoqiang Tian
- 41298: Implementation of the Walrasian Correspondence without Continuous, Convex, and Ordered Preferences

- Guoqiang Tian
- 41297: El enfoque transaccional en los límites de la empresa (The transactional approach in company boundaries)

- Bruno Chaihuaque
- 41295: El impacto del BDH en el gasto de bienes no deseados: Un análisis de regresión discontinua (The impact of the Bono de Desarrollo Humano in the expenditure for undesirable goods: A regression discontinuity analysis)

- Markus Nabernegg
- 41290: To be or not to be informal?: A Structural Simulation

- Jose P Mauricio Vargas
- 41286: Binding Constraints: Does Firm Size Matter?

- Jose P Mauricio Vargas
- 41284: Fostering innovation in Russian companies in the post-crisis period: Opportunities and constraints

- Yuri Simachev, Mikhail Kuzyk and Denis Ivanov
- 41283: Impacto de las estrategias financieras basadas en expectativas inflacionarias mediante un modelo discreto (Impact of financial strategies based on inflationary expectations using a discrete model)

- Martin Masci and Gonzalo Garcia
- 41279: Modeling the impact of climate change in hydropower projects’ feasibility valuation

- Ronny Suarez
- 41278: A P* Model of Inflation in Puerto Rico

- Carlos A. Rodríguez
- 41277: Credibilidad, pérdida social y estancamiento económico: el caso de Puerto Rico (Credibility, Social Loss and Economic Stagnation: the Case of Puerto Rico)

- Carlos A. Rodríguez
- 41276: La demanda excedente de dinero en un sistema de equilibrio general con un mercado de capitales, desempleo involuntario y expectativas proporcionales en precios y salarios (The excess demand for money in a general equilibrium system with capital market expectations involuntary unemployment and proportional wage and price expectations)

- Carlos A. Rodríguez
- 41275: Un modelo de consumo con externalidad para estudiar los costos y las medidas de política asociados a la huella ecológica (A Consumption Model With Externalities to study costs and associated policy measures to the ecological footprint)

- Carlos A. Rodríguez and Indira Luciano
- 41273: Análisis empírico de la función de demanda por gasolina en Puerto Rico: (1999-2006) (Empirical analysis of the demand function for gasoline in Puerto Rico: (1999-2006))

- Carlos A. Rodríguez
- 41270: R&D Determinants: accounting for the differences between research and development

- Andrés Barge-Gil and Alberto López
- 41267: Leverage, skewness and amplitude asymmetric cycles

- Miguel Artiach
- 41265: Sovereign default Risk in the Euro-Periphery and the Euro-Candidate Countries

- Hubert Gabrisch, Lucjan Orlowski and Toralf Pusch
- 41264: 'Value Education' in Higher Education Institute

- Chandan Roy
- 41263: Financial innovation, macroeconomic volatility and the great moderation

- Andrea Zaghini and Lorenzo Bencivelli
- 41261: Enforceable vs. non-enforceable contracts: a theoretical appraisal with fair players

- Elena D'Agostino and Maurizio Lisciandra
- 41259: Retail demand for voluntary carbon offsets – a choice experiment among Swiss consumers

- Julia Blasch and Mehdi Farsi
- 41256: Economic Globalization, Marketization Reform and Economic Development in China

- Yanhui Yuan, Xiaojuan Zhou and Guoqiang Tian
- 41255: Implementing Lindahl Allocations by a Withholding Mechanism

- Guoqiang Tian
- 41253: Interest rate rules VS money growth rules: some theoretical issues and an empirical application for Venezuela

- Víctor Olivo
- 41251: Regulation and electricity market integration: When trade introduces inefficiencies

- Etienne Billette de Villemeur and Pierre-Olivier Pineau
- 41250: The economic trajectory of Puerto Rico since WWII

- Carlos A. Rodríguez
- 41248: Modeling the time-varying skewness via decomposition for out-of-sample forecast

- Xiaochun Liu
- 41245: Nonlinear and Complex Dynamics in Economics

- William Barnett, Apostolos Serletis and Demitre Serletis
- 41244: The role of money in economies with monetary policy regimes that ignore monetary aggregates

- Víctor Olivo
- 41242: El Intercambio entre Inflacion y Producto: Evidencia Empirica para Venezuela (The Trade-off between Inflation and Output: Empirical Evidence for Venezuela)

- Víctor Olivo
- 41240: A Joint Characterization of Belief Revision Rules

- Franz Dietrich, Christian List and Richard Bradley
- 41237: Exceptions to and the Fate of the Most – Favoured – Nation Treatment Obligation under the GATT and GATS

- Alexander Achia Fotoh
- 41231: Backward and Forward Linkages of the Textile and Clothing Industry in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan

- Selim Raihan and Bazlul Haque Khondker
- 41230: Quasi-variational Inequalities with Non-compact Sets

- Guoqiang Tian and Jianxin Zhou
- 41229: The Unique Informational Effciency of the Lindahl Allocation Process in Economies with Public Goods

- Guoqiang Tian
- 41228: Implementation of Walrasian Allocations in Economies with Infinite Dimension Commodity Spaces

- Guoqiang Tian
- 41227: Transfer Method for Characterizing the Existence of Maximal Elements of Binary Relations on Compact or Noncompact Sets

- Guoqiang Tian and Jianxin Zhou
- 41226: On the Informational Requirements of Decentralized Pareto-Satisfactory Mechanisms in Economies with Increasing Returns

- Guoqiang Tian
- 41225: Generalizations of the FKKM Theorem and Ky-Fan Minimax Inequality, with Applications to Maximal Elements, Price Equilibrium, and Complementarity

- Guoqiang Tian
- 41224: Second-price Auction with Two-Dimensional Private Information on Values and Participation Costs

- Xiaoyong Cao and Guoqiang Tian
- 41223: Closed-Form Solution of General Intertemporal Consumption Maximization Models

- John Chipman and Guoqiang Tian
- 41222: Quasi-Variational Inequalities without Concavity Assumptions

- Guoqiang Tian and Jianxin Zhou
- 41220: Minimax inequality equivalent to the Fan-Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz Theorem

- Y. Lin and Guoqiang Tian
- 41219: Generalized quasi-variational-like inequality problem

- Guoqiang Tian
- 41218: Rapid estimation of nonlinear DSGE models

- Jamie Hall
- 41217: Generalized KKM theorem, minimax inequalities and their applications

- Guoqiang Tian
- 41216: Liquidity changes around bonus and rights issue announcements: Evidence from manufacturing and service sectors in India

- Madhuri Malhotra, Thenmozhi M. and Arun Kumar Gopalaswamy
- 41215: China's Economic Reform and Smooth Institutional Transition-A Three-Stage Economic Reform Method

- Guoqiang Tian
- 41214: Endogenous Information Acquisition on Opponents' Valuations in Multidimensional First Price Auctions

- Guoqiang Tian and Mingjun Xiao
- 41213: State-Owned Enterprise Reform and Smooth Institutional Transition in China -- A Three-Stage Economic Reform Method

- Guoqiang Tian
- 41212: Nonlinear Pricing with Network Externalities and Countervailing Incentives

- Dawen Meng and Guoqiang Tian
- 41211: What kind of privatization?

- Guoqiang Tian and Hong Liang
- 41210: Equilibria in Second Price Auctions with Information Acquisition

- Shengyu Li and Guoqiang Tian
- 41209: How are Income and Non-Income Factors Different in Promoting Happiness? An Answer to the Easterlin Paradox

- Guoqiang Tian and Liyan Yang
- 41208: Declining inequality in Bolivia: How and Why

- Jonathan Fortun Vargas
- 41207: Nonlinear Pricing with Arbitrage: On the Role of Correlation

- Dawen Meng and Guoqiang Tian
- 41206: Existence of Equilibria in Discontinuous Games

- Rabia Nessah and Guoqiang Tian
- 41205: China's Reforms: Past, Present, and Future

- Guoqiang Tian
- 41204: Time inconsistency and reputation in monetary policy: a strategic model in continuous time

- Jingyuan Li and Guoqiang Tian
- 41203: Vickrey Auctions with Sequential and Costly Participation

- Guoqiang Tian and Mingjun Xiao
- 41202: Nonratifiability of the Cartel Mechanism in First-Price Sealed-Bid Auction with Participation Costs

- Shao-Chieh Hsueh and Guoqiang Tian
- 41200: Second-Price Auctions with Different Participation Costs

- Xiaoyong Cao and Guoqiang Tian
- 41198: How has Mobile Phone Penetration Stimulated Financial Development in Africa?

- Simplice Asongu
- 41197: Brazilian automotive industry in the nineties

- Kerlyng Cecchini, Joaquim Guilhoto, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings and Chokri Dridi
- 41193: Quantitative analysis of health insurance reform: separating regulation from redistribution

- Svetlana Pashchenko and Ponpoje Porapakkarm
- 41191: Preferences and Increased Risk Aversion under a General Framework of Stochastic Dominance

- Donald Rudow
- 41190: Networking cities in Greece: the tri-pole Kavala, Drama, Xanthi in brief

- Konstantinos Lalenis and Theodore Metaxas
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