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42852: Allocating Commodities in Inflation Hedging Portfolios: A Core Driven Global Macro Strategy Downloads
Nicolas Fulli-Lemaire
42851: A Dynamic Inflation Hedging Trading Strategy Using a CPPI Downloads
Nicolas Fulli-Lemaire
42850: Rethinking Capital Structure Arbitrage Downloads
Davide Avino and Emese Lazar
42849: Determining optimal air quality standards: Quantities or prices? Downloads
George Halkos
42848: Are CDS spreads predictable? An analysis of linear and non-linear forecasting models Downloads
Davide Avino and Ogonna Nneji
42847: Price Discovery of Credit Spreads in Tranquil and Crisis Periods Downloads
Davide Avino, Emese Lazar and Simone Varotto
42843: Οι Πτωχεύσεις του Ελληνικού Κράτους (Greek Sovereign Defaults in Retrospect) Downloads
Lefteris Tsoulfidis
42842: Receptarea soap-opera de către tineri. Studiu de caz: „Beverly Hills” (Soap-opera reception by young people. Case study ''Beverly Hills'') Downloads
Silvia Branea
42840: A Study on the Dynamics of Interest Rate Downloads
Wu Li
42837: EU Fiscal Stance Vulnerability: Are the Old Members the Gold Members? Downloads
Kamil Dybczak and Martin Melecký
42835: Excel formula and Islamic norms for home financing Downloads
Zubair Hasan
Mazen Kebewar
42832: Sold below value? Why some targets accept very low and even negative takeover premiums Downloads
Utz Weitzel and Gerhard Kling
42831: L’efficienza del sistema bancario italiano dal 2006 al 2010. Un’applicazione delle frontiere stocastiche (The Efficiency of Italian Banking System over 2006-2010. An Application of the Stochastic Frontier Approach) Downloads
Graziella Bonanno
42825: International portfolio diversification: An ICAPM approach with currency risk Downloads
Dimitrios Dimitriou and Theodore Simos
42821: Multidimensional Black-Scholes options Downloads
Francesco Paolo Esposito
42820: Characterization of a Risk Sharing Contract with One-Sided Commitment Downloads
Yuzhe Zhang
42810: Evolución del pensamiento económico agrario: de los agronegócios a la nueva ruralidad (Evolution of the economic agrarian thought: from agribusiness to new rurality) Downloads
Elena Pisani and Giorgio Franceschetti
42807: Territorial approaches for rural development in Latin America: a case study in Chile Downloads
Elena Pisani and Giorgio Franceschetti
42806: Da agrariedade á ruralidade: Novos enfoques á economia territorial (From agriculture to rurality: New approaches in territorial economics) Downloads
Elena Pisani and G. Franceschetti
42804: Orbital Priors for Time-Series Models Downloads
Andrzej Kocięcki
42802: Facilities of Original Institutional Economics in Research of Institutional Changes Downloads
Vyacheslav Volchik
42801: Modeling Voting Behavior in the Eurovision Song Contest Downloads
Bulent Dogru
42799: Local government expenditure and council size: Quasi-experimental evidence from Japan Downloads
Haruaki Hirota and Hideo Yunoue
42794: Assessing the determinants of Firms’ Competitiveness in Greece: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis Downloads
Theodore Metaxas and Athina Economou
42793: Intertwined real and monetary stochastic business cycles Downloads
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
42792: Accounting for non-annuitization Downloads
Svetlana Pashchenko
42791: Does colonialism have an impact on the current language situation in Sub-Saharan Africa? Downloads
Katalin Buzasi
42789: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Metallurgy Sector in Greece Downloads
Theodore Metaxas and Maria Tsavdaridou
42782: BSFTDWithMultiJump Model and Pricing of Quanto FTD with FX Devaluation Risk Downloads
Rachid EL-Mohammadi
42781: BSWithJump Model And Pricing Of Quanto CDS With FX Devaluation Risk Downloads
Rachid EL-Mohammadi
42767: Функция «Производство-Потребление» Как Методологическое Обоснование Эффективности Региональной Господдержки (На Примере ЮФО) (Function "production-consumption" as methodological substantiation of efficacy of government's regional support (on the SFU's data)) Downloads
Alexander Maslov
42766: Fighting software piracy in Africa: how do legal origins and IPRs protection channels matter? Downloads
Simplice Asongu
42765: Money Field Theory: in Pursuit of Formalism Downloads
Alexander Maslov and Igor Ivanchenko
42764: Исследование возможностей и диапазонов применения методологии экономико-математического моделирования на основе тензорного анализа денежного поля: теоретические и методологические вопросы взаимодействия финансового и реального сектора экономики (The research of possibilities and scope for application of economically-mathematical modeling methodology in terms of money field tensor analysis: theoretical and methodological questions of interaction between financial and real sectors of an economy) Downloads
Alexander Maslov
42762: Deficit Financed Public Expenditure in Argentina: A Structural Vector Autoregression Analysis Downloads
Yuliyan Mitkov and Osvaldo Pericon
42761: Asymptotic relations in Cournot's game Downloads
Marco Guerrazzi
42757: Contribution of the determinants of income inequality in Guatemala Downloads
Luis Alejos Marroquin
42756: La elección del sector laboral y los retornos a la educación en Guatemala (Labour Sector Choice and the Returns to Education in Guatemala) Downloads
Luis Alejos Marroquin
42755: Beyond Macroeconomic Stability: The Role of Selective Interventions in Guyana’s Growth Downloads
Joycelyn Williams
42752: Institutions as game theory outcomes: toward a cognitive-experimental inquiry Downloads
Angela Ambrosino
42743: Securities transaction tax and the stock market– an Indian experience Downloads
Pankaj Sinha and Kritika Mathur
42740: Personal-bankruptcy cycles Downloads
Thomas Garrett and Howard Wall
42737: ¿Son importantes los acuerdos en el comercio internacional de Bolivia? Una aplicación de la teoría de la gravitación a los flujos comerciales (Are agreements important in Bolivia's international trade? An application of the gravity equation) Downloads
Osvaldo Pericon and Pablo Evia
42736: Common mathematical foundations of expected utility and dual utility theories Downloads
Darinka Dentcheva and Andrzej Ruszczynski
42735: Scotch Whisky in Thailand. Strategic implications of international alliances and product adaptation. A secondary data research case study Downloads
Jorge Mongay, Ashia Johnson, Margaret Head, Camille Guenard and Brian Kincaid
42730: Notes on GEKS and RGEKS indices Downloads
Peter von der Lippe
42725: Is the fertility response to the Australian baby bonus heterogeneous across maternal age? Evidence from Victoria Downloads
Sarah Sinclair, Jonathan Boymal and Ashton de Silva
42720: Analysis of subjective wellbeing in low-income transitional countries: evidence from comparative national surveys in Armenia,Azerbaijan and Georgia Downloads
Habibov Nazim and Elvin Afandi
42717: Reconciling economics and psychology on intrinsic motivation Downloads
Bruna Bruno
42712: 2013 Budget Initiatives to SMEs and Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka Downloads
D.M.N.S.W. Dissanayake
42708: Modelling a sector undergoing structural change: The case of Danish energy supply Downloads
Henrik Klinge Jacobsen
42707: Regional energy consumption and income differences in Denmark Downloads
Henrik Klinge Jacobsen
42706: Environmental Kuznets Curve in an Open Economy: A Bounds Testing and Causality Analysis for Tunisia Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Naceur Khraief and Uddin Gazi Salah
42704: The influence of eco-innovation supply chain practices on business eco-efficiency Downloads
Susana Azevedo, Elizabeth A. Cudney, António Grilo, Helena Carvalho and V. Cruz-Machado
42702: Urgent tasks for research on Russian TNCs Downloads
Alexey Kuznetsov
42700: Evolution of approaches to economic security problems in Europe Downloads
Alexey Kuznetsov, Natalia Toganova and Anna Gutnik
42699: Volatility and liquidity in the Italian money market Downloads
Edgardo Palombini
42696: Multiple Fractional Response Variables with Continuous Endogenous Explanatory Variables Downloads
Suhyeon Nam
42692: Neutral Markets, Non-neutral Institutions and Economic Evolution Downloads
Alexander Maslov and Vyacheslav Volchik
42689: Dual Landownership as Tax Shelter: How Did the Chinese Solve Ricardo's Problem? Downloads
Helen Yang
42688: Inflation dynamics and the cost channel in emerging markets Downloads
Christopher Malikane
42686: On the Performance of Socially Responsible Investing: Further Evidence Downloads
H Shalchian, B Mzali, Jj Lilti and K Elbadraoui
42684: Różnice indywidualne jako determinanty postaw wobec pieniędzy (Individual differences as determinants of money attitudes) Downloads
Agata Gąsiorowska
42683: Non-Linear relationship between Body Mass Index and labor market outcomes: New evidence from China Downloads
Mi Luo and Chuanchuan Zhang
42681: The Consumption-Investment-Unemployment Relationship in Spain: an Analysis with Regional Data Downloads
Roberto Bande and Dolores Riveiro
42678: Who emerges from smoke-filled rooms? Political parties and candidate selection Downloads
Nicolas Motz
42676: On the Third Order Stochastic Dominance for Risk-Averse and Risk-Seeking Investors Downloads
Raymond H. Chan, Ephraim Clark and Wing-Keung Wong
42675: Economic growth and environmental efficiency: Evidence from U.S. regions Downloads
George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
42674: Effect of the Fukushima accident on saving electricity: The case of the Japanese Professional Baseball League Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
42673: A Note on Backhouse and Medema: On Walras’ Contribution to the Definition of Economics Downloads
Mehrdad Vahabi
42671: Non-Linear Fiscal Regimes and Interest Rate Policy Downloads
Alessandro Piergallini
42669: Salarios, demanda agregada y desempeño económico en Colombia: un debate no resuelto (Wages, aggregate demand and economic performance in Colombia: an unsolved debate) Downloads
Osmar Loaiza Quintero and Ana Milena Sierra Ríos
42667: La demanda agregada y la distribución del ingreso: Un estudio a partir de los modelos de crecimiento kaleckianos (Aggregate Demand and Income Distribution: A Kaleckian Growth Model Approach) Downloads
Osmar Loaiza Quintero
42664: Bank credit and economic growth Downloads
Nuno Leitão
42663: I nuovi patti di sviluppo dei distretti produttivi in Sicilia. Prime note (The new development pacts of the productive districts in Sicily. Preliminary notes) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
42662: Are Intellectual Property Rights Evolving Towards the Enclosure of the ‘Intangible Commons’? Downloads
Rafael Escalona Reynoso
42661: La teoria economica dell'equilibrio (Equilibrium Economic Theory) Downloads
Paola Muoio
42660: Sectoral and geographical positioning of the EU in the international division of labour Downloads
Angela Cheptea, Guillaume Gaulier, Dieudonné Sondjo and Soledad Zignago
42659: Natural Gas and U.S. Economic Activity Downloads
Vipin Arora and Jozef Lieskovsky
42654: Skills Policies for Economic Diversification in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia- Enhancing local skills policies for the food and tourism sectors Downloads
Nikica Mojsoska Blazevski, Aleksandar Kostadinov, Con Gregg and Erik von Uexkull
42647: Private Saving Rates and Macroeconomic Uncertainty: Evidence from Spanish Regional Data Downloads
Roberto Bande and Dolores Riveiro
42645: Analysis on Runs of Daily Returns in Istanbul Stock Exchange Downloads
Ahmet Sensoy
42643: The effect of tax-tariff reform: evidence from Ukraine Downloads
Olena Sokolovska and Dmytro Sokolovskyi
42634: التركيب المحصولى المصرى فى ظل المخاطرة والمتغيرات المحلية والدولية (Egyptian Cropping Pattern Under Risk and Varying Domestic and International Circumstances) Downloads
Fawzy A. El-Shazly, Mahmoud E. E. Mansour, Mousa A. Ahmed and Emad A. Shehata
42633: Institutional Foundations for Economic Growth Downloads
Seung Mo Choi
42632: Estrategia contracíclica de los bancos de desarrollo (Countercyclical strategy of the development banks) Downloads
Alejandra Machín
42631: Leite e derivados e a geração de emprego, renda e ICMS no contexto da economia brasileira (Milk and dairy products and the generation of employment, income and ICMS in the context of the Brazilian economy) Downloads
Paulo do Carmo Martins and Joaquim Guilhoto
42630: A desconcentração regional do agronegócio brasileiro (Regional deconcentration of agribusiness) Downloads
José Luiz Parré and Joaquim Guilhoto
42626: Broadband adoption and firm productivity: evidence from Irish manufacturing firms Downloads
Stefanie A. Haller and Sean Lyons
42623: Bileşik Endeksle Tarım Sektörünün Gelişim Düzeyinin AB Ülkeleri Karşılaştırmalı Ölçümü (Measuring the Degree of Agricultural Sector Developments with the Composite Index by the Comparison of EU Countries) Downloads
Tugba Polatkan and Ferhat Arslaner
42619: Right conclusion with weak evidence: A review of Downloads
Sangjun Jeong
42615: Gibrat’s law for cities, growth regressions and sample size Downloads
Rafael González-Val, Luis Lanaspa and Fernando Sanz
42614: Un Fondo de Reservas Regional para América Latina (A Regional Reserve Fund for Latin America) Downloads
Daniel Titelman, Cecilia Vera, Pablo Carvallo and Esteban Perez Caldentey
42608: Строительство и обеспеченность жильем: региональные различия (Housing construction and availability: regional differences) Downloads
Roman Potashev
42606: Цены на жилье и паритет покупательной способности валют в странах СНГ (Real estate prices and purchasing-power parity in CIS countries) Downloads
Roman Potashev
42605: دراسة قياسية لسوق العمل فى مصر بإستخدام نموذج التوازن العام (An Econometric Study for Labor Market in Egypt by Using the General Equilibrium Model) Downloads
Ali Abd Elaal Khalifa, Mohsen Mahmoud El-Batran, Sahra Khaleel Atta and Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata
42604: Inter-jurisdictional migration and the size of government Downloads
Michele G. Giuranno and Rongili Biswas
42603: The economic policy of the Ottoman Empire (1876-1922) Downloads
Stefania Ecchia
42599: Poland. The EMU entry strategy vs. the monetary issues Downloads
Tadeusz Kowalski, Pawel Kowalski and Clas Wihlborg
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