MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 112873: Causes behind Tenancy Contract among the Marginal Farmers of West Bengal, India and Its’ Impact on their Livelihood

- Amit Kundu and Pubali Goswami
- 112871: Impact of branchless banking on banks performance: Quarterly review of Pakistani banks

- Asad Hussain and Tabassum Iqbal
- 112870: Impact of IMF Conditionality on Pakistan

- Tabassum Iqbal and Asad Hussain
- 112868: Entry, exit and market structure in a changing climate

- Michele Cascarano, Filippo Natoli and Andrea Petrella
- 112864: Mergers with Future Rivals Can Boost Prices, Intensify Market Concentration, and Bar Entry

- Maysam Rabbani
- 112861: Financial Development and Female Labor Income Share: Evidence from Global Data

- Hale Kırmızıoğlu and Adem Elveren
- 112860: Healthy Life Expectancy at Birth in the Italian Regions

- Angelo Leogrande
- 112857: Relegating - The GDP Structural Modelling Strategy, The Dynamics in Time-Series Data: Short-Run Shocks, Disequilibrium Shocks and Innovative Shocks to Nuisance

- Denis Vîntu
- 112856: Relația dintre inflație, rata dobânzii, șomaj și creșterea economică

- Denis Vîntu
- 112855: The Economy of Collaboration between Reciprocity and Profit

- Angelo Leogrande
- 112853: Предпоставки за придобиване на право на пенсия за осигурителен стаж и възраст по § 4, ал. 3 от ПЗР на КСО (Preconditions for acquiring the right to a pension for length of service and age under § 4, para. 3 of the Transitional and final provisions of the Social Security Code)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 112852: The Impact of Servant Leadership on Employees’ Motivation with the Mediating Role of Employees’ Job Satisfaction: The Case of the Petroleum Sector in Egypt

- Sherihan Radi
- 112851: Принципи на медиацията (Principles of the mediation)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 112850: Антидискриминационни аспекти на правото на синдикално сдружаване (Anti-discrimination aspects of the right of trade union association)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 112849: Democratic Victory and War Duration: Why Are Democracies Less Likely to Win Long Wars?

- Keisuke Nakao
- 112847: Управленчески форми за снабдяване на агро-екосистемни услуги от земеделските стопанства в България (Governance modes for the supply of agro-ecosystem services by agricultural farms in Bulgaria)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 112845: Qlobal İnternet İqtisadiyyatı: müasir çağırışlar, imkanlar və Azərbaycan üçün açılan perspektivlər (Global internet economy: modern challenges, opportunities, and perspectives for Azerbaijan)

- Oktay Ibrahimov
- 112844: Price Discovery Efficiency and Resilience of Financial Futures - A Case Study of Indian Banking Sector

- Nivedita Mandal and Rituparna Das
- 112842: Group-theoretic Study of Economic Agglomerations on a Square Lattice

- Yosuke Kogure and Kiyohiro Ikeda
- 112841: The Innovation Index in Europe

- Angelo Leogrande, Lucio Laureti and Alberto Costantiello
- 112839: How (Not) to Purchase Novel Goods and Services: Specific Performance Versus At-Will Contracts

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 112834: L'assurance récolte au Sahel, des difficultés de diffusion face aux stratégies de sécurisation des moyens d'existence des agriculteurs au Burkina Faso (Crop insurance in the Sahel: dissemination challenges in the face of farmers' livelihood security strategies in Burkina Faso)

- Yaya Koloma
- 112833: التدخل لتحسين أدوار ونتائج قطاع الحرف اليدوية في الجزائر: التطلع إلى المستقبل، وتحديد عناصر الممارسة الفعالة (Intervening to improve roles and outcomes of Algerian handicraft sector: Looking to the Future and Defining Elements of Effective Practice)

- Benzarour Choukri
- 112831: Efikasnost društvenog, privatnog i mešovitog sektora industrije Srbije u 1994. godini (The Efficiency of Socialy, Privately and Mixed Owned Sector of the Manufacturing of the Republic of Serbia in the Year 1994)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 112829: Financial development, income inequality and institutional quality: A multi-dimensional analysis

- Cong Minh Huynh and Hoai Nam Tran
- 112824: Does the Labour Theory of Value Explain Economic Growth? A Modern Classical View

- Nikolaos Chatzarakis, Persefoni Tsaliki and Lefteris Tsoulfidis
- 112823: Market Power & Within-Firm Inequality

- Pantelis Kazakis
- 112821: Mali’s Fragility: Root Causes and Potential Recovery Pathways

- Yaya Koloma
- 112817: Visión económica de asentamientos irregulares en la Ciudad de México (Economic vision of irregular settlements in Mexico City)

- Jose Villalobos Lopez
- 112816: Resale Price Maintenance Guidance in Ireland: A Paradox?

- Paul Gorecki and Francis O'Toole
- 112813: How Many Innovations Need to Be Produced in the Process of Endogenous Growth with Fluid Intelligence

- Taiji Harashima
- 112809: La guerre de Poutine en Ukraine provoquera-t-elle famine et révoltes en Afrique? (Will Putin's Ukraine war provoke famine and upheaval in Africa ?)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 112807: Modernising the education system to confront realities of 21st -century digital space in Sierra Leone: A practical discourse

- Emerson Jackson
- 112805: An Optimizing IS-LM Model Specification with Inflation Targeting. Microeconomic Evidence for Price Adjustment

- Denis Vîntu
- 112802: Дигитална економија у Србији: резултати и перспективе (Digital Economy in Serbia: Results and Prospects)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 112801: Life Expectancy at Birth in the Italian Regions

- Angelo Leogrande
- 112797: The cost of excess reserves and inflation in the United States during the last century

- David Pavon-Prado
- 112796: Disability, Empathy and Trade: Evidence from Small-Scale Cross-Border Transactions in Uganda

- Peter Walkenhorst
- 112795: The Export of High Knowledge Intensity Services of European Countries

- Angelo Leogrande
- 112792: A multivariate GARCH model with an infinite hidden Markov mixture

- Chenxing Li
- 112791: Accessibility of Institutional Credit among the Agricultural Labour Households and its Impact on their Livelihood

- Amit Kundu and Sangita Das
- 112790: Global Corporate Income Tax Competition, Knowledge Spillover, and Growth

- Noritaka Maebayashi and Keiichi Morimoto
- 112784: Capital inflows, financial development and poverty reduction in Nigeria

- Fisayo Fagbemi and Toyin Olufolahan
- 112783: Making FTAs more inclusive – A case for promoting SMEs in India

- Anjali Tandon
- 112782: Within-Group Heterogeneity in a Multi-Ethnic Society

- Miriam Artiles
- 112781: Global Corporate Income Tax Competition, Knowledge Spillover, and Growth

- Noritaka Maebayashi and Keiichi Morimoto
- 112780: Collective Learning and Distributive Uncertainty

- Boris Ginzburg
- 112779: Assessing structural coherence with factor proportions of tradable sectors in Indian economy

- Anjali Tandon
- 112778: Employment implications of India’s international trade – A macro view based on Input-Output analysis

- Anjali Tandon
- 112773: Revisiting Factor Proportions in the Indian Economy – A Study with Focus on Tradable Sectors

- Anjali Tandon
- 112772: SME Related Provisions in Free Trade Agreements – An Analysis of India’s Strategic Focus

- Anjali Tandon
- 112771: Is Domestic Value Addition a Source of Export Sophistication? A Case Study India

- Anjali Tandon
- 112768: La guerre de Poutine en Ukraine, causera-t-elle la faim et des troubles en Afrique ? (Will Putin's Ukraine war provoke famine and upheaval in Africa ?)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 112767: Will Putin's Ukraine war provoke famine and upheaval in Africa?

- Dirk Kohnert
- 112765: Проектирование технологических траекторий производства изделий в фазовом пространстве состояний (Designing technological trajectories of production in the phase space of states)

- Олег Пигнастый
- 112761: Въвеждане на европейските изисквания относно допълнителното доброволно пенсионно осигуряване по професионални схеми (Introduction of the European requirements for the supplementary voluntary pension insurance under occupational schemes)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 112759: Икономически и правни аспекти на свободните икономически зони в България (Economic and legal aspects of the free economic zones in Bulgaria)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 112758: Задължения на работодателя за предотвратяване на дискриминационни актове на работното място (Employer's obligations to prevent discriminatory acts in the workplace)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 112751: Will Putin"s Ukraine war provoke famine and upheaval in Africa

- Dirk Kohnert
- 112748: Politics of Public Education and Pension Reform with Endogenous Fertility

- Yuki Uchida and Tetsuo Ono
- 112747: Performance of the Chinese energy market in times of Russian military interventions

- Pablo Tapia, Boris Pastén and Jorge Sepulveda Velasquez
- 112743: Oferta laboral en Gran Bretaña: Un enfoque colectivo (Job supply in Great Britain: A collective approach)

- José Antonio Pérez Mínguez
- 112741: The Ascent of Geopolitics: Scientometric Analysis and Ramifications of Geopolitical Risk

- Ahmet Aysan, Ali Yavuz Polat, Hasan Tekin and Ahmet Semih Tunalı
- 112740: Developing an Income-Distribution- Sensitive Taylor Rule: An Application to South Africa

- Michele Capazario
- 112738: Does the Level of Inflation Matter in the Inflation-Growth Nexus in Ghana?

- Kwadwo Prempeh, Kwadwo Kyeremeh and Godfred Peprah-Amankona
- 112736: The Philosophical interpretation of Fragility as an Economics concept

- Emmanuel Senzu
- 112730: Testing for the cointegration rank between Periodically Integrated processes

- Tomás del Barrio Castro
- 112713: Bond Prices-Implied Default Probability and Principal Recovery Rate Under Un-Recoverable Coupons

- Jack W. Xu
- 112711: Assessing the Gap between Social and Individual Perceptions of Sexual Harassment

- Gonzalo Sanchez, Lauren A. Rhodes, Nereyda E. Espinoza and Viviana Borja
- 112708: Orbital-use fees could more than quadruple the value of the space industry

- Akhil Rao, Matthew Burgess and Daniel Kaffine
- 112704: Slowdown of the Indian Economy during 2019-20: An Enigma or an Anomaly

- Poonam Gupta and Abhinav Tyagi
- 112700: Analysing Union Budget 2022-23: Fiscal Policy and Global Uncertainties

- Lekha S Chakraborty
- 112699: Fundamental Credit Analysis through Dynamical Modeling and Simulation of the Balance Sheet: Applications to Chinese Real Estate Developers

- Jack Xu
- 112697: Do Obese and Nonobese Consumers Respond Differently to Price Changes? Implications of Preference Heterogeneity for Using Food Taxes and Subsidies to Reduce Obesity

- Chen Zhen, Yu Chen, Biing-Hwan Lin, Shawn Karns, Lisa Mancino and Michele Ver Ploeg
- 112693: Modéliser un Data Warehouse d’Entreprise: Cas du Schéma en Etoile, du Modèle Normalisé et du Data Vault (Modeling an Enterprise Data Warehouse: Case of the Star Schema, the Normalized Model and the Data Vault)

- Moussa Keita
- 112692: Symbolic Economy and Spatial Design: A Methodological Model for the Design of Competitive Spatial Narratives with Place Branding Strategies

- Stella Michael
- 112689: Unintended consequences of farm input subsidies: women’s contraceptive usage and knock-on effects on children

- Martin Limbikani Mwale
- 112685: Economic Policy - the Forth Dimension of the Economic Theory

- Victor Olkhov
- 112684: On Labor Productivity Growth and the Wage Share with Endogenous Size and Direction of Technical Change

- Luca Zamparelli
- 112679: Institutional ownership stability and corporate social performance

- Tracy Wang and Aonan Sun
- 112678: The State of Pakistan’s Economy and the Ineffectiveness of Monetary Policy

- Muhammad Abdullah, Zarro Gul, Faiza Waseem and Tanweer Islam
- 112675: Politique monétaire et inflation: les enseignements d’une Règle de Taylor (Monetary policy and inflation: lessons from an Taylor Rule)

- Oscar Kuikeu
- 112671: A Comparative Analysis of Short-Term Rental Regulations in Six Alberta Municipalities

- Gillian Petit, Anna Cameron, Mukesh Khanal and Lindsay Tedds
- 112660: Capturing Income Distributions and Inequality Indices Using NETs (Negative Extremal Transfers)

- Etienne Billette de Villemeur and Justin Leroux
- 112657: The Taper This Time

- Barry Eichengreen, Poonam Gupta and Rishabh Choudhary
- 112656: Inflation Targeting in India: An Interim Assessment

- Poonam Gupta, Barry Eichengreen and Rishabh Choudhary
- 112652: Testing day-of-the-week persistence and seasonality in Spanish Electricity Energy prices

- Olaoluwa Yaya and Xuan Vinh Vo
- 112650: Competition, Antitrust, and Agricultural Development in Asia

- Arsenio Balisacan

- Nadine Sabine Ekamena Ntsama, Adèle Micheline Ngo Bilong and Abdoul Dani Alhadji
- 112646: Tax Policy and Interregional Competition for Mobile Venture Capital by the Creative Class

- Amitrajeet Batabyal, Seung Jick Yoo and Amit Batabyal
- 112645: Bank efficiency and leasing in U.S.A. banking system

- Konstantinos Andriakopoulos, Augoustinos Ladas and Panagiotis Andriakopoulos
- 112642: Quarterly GDP Estimates for the German States

- Robert Lehmann and Ida Wikman
- 112639: Researching with Secondary Data: A brief overview of possibilities and limitations from the viewpoint of social research

- Ajantha Sisira Kumara
- 112638: Original Data Vs High Performance Augmented Data for ANN Prediction of Glycemic Status in Diabetes Patients

- Alessandro Massaro, Nicola Magaletti, Vito O. M. Giardinelli, Gabriele Cosoli, Angelo Leogrande and Francesco Cannone
- 112630: Dynamics and Developments of Chinese M&A Transactions in the wake of the BRI: A comparison of Germany and CEEC

- Paulina Kintzinger and Florian Horky
- 112629: Выживание простейшего: Европейский Союз как добровольно принятый Восточной Европой план Моргентау. Уроки и уникальная возможность для России (Survival of the Simplest: European Union as a Self-Imposed Morgenthau Plan for Eastern Europe. Lessons and a Historical Opportunity for Russia)

- Victor Spirin
- 112628: How does research and development affect the nexus of climate change and agricultural productivity in Asian and Pacific countries?

- Cong Minh Huynh
- 112626: The potential impact of students’ migrations to small cities in peripheral regions

- Madalena Fonseca
- 112624: Les coûts de l’inflation (Inflation costs)

- Oscar Kuikeu
- 112622: Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in Stimulating Economic Growth in Nigeria

- Timothy Igbafe
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