MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter ( Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 62113: How could the South respond to secular stagnation in the North?

- Joerg Mayer
- 62110: Institutional environment for public-private partnership in Ukraine:Do institutions really matter?

- Yevhen Cherevykov
- 62109: Fiscal Policy Stance Reaction to the Financial/Economic Crisis in the EMU: The Case of Slovenia

- Jernej Mencinger and Aleksander Aristovnik
- 62108: Investor Sentiment and Irrational Speculative Bubble Model

- Zongyi Hu and Chao Li
- 62107: Longitudinal Analysis of Job Satisfaction in the Slovenian Police Service

- Nina Tomaževič, Janko Seljak and Aleksander Aristovnik
- 62106: Demand systems for market shares

- Mogens Fosgerau and André de Palma
- 62103: The Literary Inquisition: The Persecution of Intellectuals and Human Capital Accumulation in China

- Mark Koyama and Melanie Meng Xue
- 62102: Taxes, Natural Resource Endowment, and the Supply of Labor: New Evidence

- Weshah Razzak and Belkacem Laabas
- 62101: Il monitoraggio civico delle politiche di coesione e lo sviluppo di comunità civiche (Citizen monitoring of cohesion policies and the development of civic communities)

- Paola Liliana Buttiglione and Luigi Reggi
- 62096: Unintended Consequences of Childcare Regulation in Chile: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design

- Mauricio Villena, Rafael Sanchez and Eugenio Rojas
- 62095: Credit Constraints in Higher Education in a Context of Unobserved Heterogeneity

- Mauricio Villena, Rafael Sanchez and Eugenio Rojas
- 62092: Análise VAR dos índices bolsistas SP500, FTSE100, PSI20, HSI e IBOVESPA (Integration of the indexes SP500, FTSE100, PSI20, HSI and IBOVESPA: A VAR approach)

- José Alberto Fuinhas, António Marques and David Coito Nogueira
- 62089: Tax Policy and Food Security

- Pawan Gopalakrishnan and Anuradha Saha
- 62088: La pubblicazione dei dati sui beneficiari dei Fondi Strutturali: quali strategie per le regioni europee? (Data publication on the beneficiaries of EU Structural Funds: what strategies for the European regions?)

- Chiara Assunta Ricci, Marco Biagetti and Luigi Reggi
- 62087: Labour Migration and Human Capital in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan: Impact of Accession to the SES

- Evgeny Vinokurov and Vladimir Pereboyev
- 62086: Pricing Derivatives in the New Framework: OIS Discounting, CVA, DVA & FVA

- Luis Manuel García Muñoz, Fernando de Lope Contreras and Juan Esteban Palomar Burdeus
- 62084: MGNREGS, Rural Employment and Distress Migration: A study in Odisha

- Jajati Keshari Parida
- 62081: Stance of Accounting Instructors to Forensic Accountancy Profession: Example of Turkey

- Mehmet Emre Gorgulu, Cemal Elitas and Mehtap Karakoc
- 62080: The Role of Energy Economics in Sustainable Development

- Mehmet Emre Gorgulu and Tugrul Kandemir
- 62079: Potential Prospects of Turkey in Africa

- Mehmet Emre Gorgulu
- 62078: Potential Effects of the Arab Spring

- Mehmet Emre Gorgulu
- 62077: The Effects of Isolation on the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

- Mehmet Emre Gorgulu
- 62075: Quantity Competition in the Presence of Strategic Consumers

- Andrei Bazhanov, Yuri Levin and Mikhail Nediak
- 62073: Experimental Economics in Virtual Reality

- Özgür Gürerk, Andrea Bönsch, Lucas Braun, Christian Grund, Christine Harbring, Thomas Kittsteiner and Andreas Staffeldt
- 62072: Zum Stand von Energiegenossenschaften in Deutschland: Aktualisierter Überblick über Zahlen und Entwicklungen zum 31.12.2014 (On the State of Energy Cooperatives in Germany: Updated Overview of Numbers and Developments As of 31 December 2014)

- Jakob Müller and Lars Holstenkamp
- 62071: Aggregation of binary evaluations: a Borda-like approach

- Conal Duddy, Ashley Piggins and William Zwicker
- 62070: Fenntartható fejlődés - fenntartható közlekedés (Sustainable Development - Sustainable Transport)

- Tamás Fleischer
- 62069: Sectoral effects of monetary policy shock: evidence from India

- Sunny Kumar Singh and D Rao
- 62066: Nominal Income and Inflation Targeting

- Mahmoud Arayssi
- 62065: Differenziali territoriali di produttività ed efficienza e sviluppo dualistico (Territorial differences in productivity and efficiency and Italian dualism)

- Sergio Destefanis
- 62064: Promoting intercultural dialogue through Lifelong Learning Policies

- Florentina Chirodea and Constantin - Vasile Toca
- 62063: Romanian-Hungarian cross-border cultural and educational relations

- Alina Stoica and Constantin-Vasile Toca
- 62062: The role of the Univesrities of Oradea and Debrecen in attracting foreign students in the field of medicine

- Constantin-Vasile Toca, Károly Teperics and Klára Czimre
- 62058: Diferrent territorial levels of Romanian-Hungarian Cross-border cooperation

- Constantin-Vasile Toca
- 62054: Ethnical analysis within Bihor-Hajdú Bihar Euroregion

- Constantin-Vasile Toca
- 62052: Knowing me, imagining you: Projection and overbidding in auctions

- Yves Breitmoser
- 62051: Formal volunteering and self-perceived health. Causal evidence from the UK-SILC

- Damiano Fiorillo and Nunzia Nappo
- 62047: Stock-Flow Dynamic Projection

- Xi Hao Li and Mauro Gallegati
- 62046: Documento de trabajo. Efectos de las variaciones de la tasa de cambio dólar-peso en las mipymes exportadoras del sector textil confeccion en medellín sector guayaquil lustro 2004-2008 (Working document. Effects of changes in the exchange rate cop/usd in the export of textile garment in medellin sector guayaquil lustro 2004-2008)

- Juan Camilo Anzoategui Zapata
- 62045: Documento de trabajo. El sistema metrocable linea k y su impacto en la calidad de vida de la población de la comuna uno en la ciudad de medellín entre los años 2004-2008 (Working document. Impact of the metrocable k line system its on the quality of life of the population of the commune one in the city of medellin between the years 2004-2008)

- Juan Anzoátegui Zapata and Julian Vasquez
- 62044: Documento de trabajo. El impacto en el desarrollo local de las políticas educativas en el municipio de medellín entre 2004 – 2011 (Working document. The impact on local development of educational policies in the municipality of medellin between 2004-2011)

- Juan Anzoátegui Zapata and Julian Vasquez
- 62043: Restricción a la liquidez en Colombia (Restriction liquidity Colombia)

- Juan Anzoátegui Zapata
- 62042: El sistema metrocable línea k y su impacto en la calidad de vida de la población de la comuna uno en la ciudad de Medellín: análisis de percepción entre los años 2004-2008 (The metrocable line k and its impact on the quality of life of the population of the commune one in the city of Medellín system: analysis of perception between the years 2004-2008)

- Julian Vasquez and Anzoategui, Sr
- 62040: Value, Prices and Money. Comparing Marx and Menger

- Nikolay Nenovsky and Momtchil Karpouzanov
- 62039: Bulgarian Welfare System (1989 – 2014) During the Transition and the Crisis

- Nikolay Nenovsky and Jeko MIlev
- 62037: Factors Influencing Employee Satisfaction in the Police Service: The Case of Slovenia

- Nina Tomaževič, Janko Seljak and Aleksander Aristovnik
- 62036: The Development of Knowledge in Portugal: A Slow and Unsustainable Progress

- Margarida Lopes
- 62031: Interest Rates and Structural Shocks in European Transition Economies

- Rajmund Mirdala
- 62030: A simple procedure to estimate k structural parameters on conditionally endogenous variables with one conditionally mean independent instrument in linear models

- Philipp Süß
- 62029: Togo: recent political and economic development

- Dirk Kohnert
- 62028: A multivariate model for the prediction of stock returns in an emerging market: A comparison of parametric and non-parametric models

- Lumengo Bonga-Bonga and John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba
- 62027: Emerging Eurasian Continental Integration: Trade, Investment and Infrastructure

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 62026: Post-Soviet Integration Breakthrough. Why the Customs Union Has More Chances Than Its Predecessors

- Evgeny Vinokurov and Alexander Libman
- 62020: A methodological proposal to evaluate the cost of duration moral hazard in workplace accident insurance

- Ángel Martín-Román and Alfonso Moral
- 62019: Modeling the Impact of Policy Environment on Inflows of Worker’s Remittances in Pakistan: A Multivariate Analysis

- Muhammad Jawad and Abdul Qayyum
- 62017: A Contribution to the Empirics of Convergence: the Case of the European State Members

- Cândido T. Sousa and Elisabeth Pereira
- 62014: Unconventional Monetary Policy and bank supervision

- Jana Bricco ('Gieck') and Adam Traczyk
- 62012: Search and ripoff externalities

- Mark Armstrong
- 62009: La place du contrôle des mouvements de capitaux dans la politique économique française et les perspectives liées à son allégement (The role of capital controls in France's economic policy and prospects related to its phasing out)

- Michel Galy
- 62008: Government spending in education and economic growth in Cameroon:a Vector error Correction Model approach

- Lionel Douanla Tayo and Marcel Olivier Abomo Fouda
- 62005: Economic Growth, Biodiversity and Conservation Policies in Africa: an Overview

- Jean Jacques Iritié
- 62002: Response Time Patterns in a Stated Choice Experiment

- Maria Börjesson and Mogens Fosgerau
- 62001: Effects of Macroeconomic Policy on Air Quality: Evidence from the US

- George Halkos and Epameinondas Paizanos
- 61999: A külkereskedelem liberalizálása Indonéziában (Foreign trade liberation in Indonesia)

- János Gács
- 61997: Exchange Rate Determination and Out of Sample Forecasting: Cointegration Analysis

- Hafsa Hina and Abdul Qayyum
- 61994: Inequality in Housing and Basic Amenities in India

- Rama Pal, Neil Aneja and Dhruv Nagpal
- 61991: A shrinking population offers opportunities for a sustainable Japan

- Cheryl Lans
- 61990: Rice Price, Job Misery, Hunger Incidence: Need to Track Few More Statistical Indicators for the Poor

- Dennis Mapa, Kristelle Castillo and Krizia Francisco
- 61989: Employment, Earnings and Social Protection for Female Workers in Vietnam’s Informal Sector

- Duy Loi Nguyen, Binh Giang Nguyen, Thi Ha Tran, Thi Minh Le Vo and Dinh Ngan Nguyen
- 61988: Stationarity and geometric ergodicity of a class of nonlinear ARCH models

- Youssef Saidi and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 61987: The Evolution of Germany’s Net Foreign Asset Position

- Guido Baldi and Björn Bremer
- 61979: Turkey’s Rising Imports from BRICS: A Gravity Model Approach

- Gönül Dinçer Muratoğlu
- 61976: Intelligence and Shadow Economy: a Cross-Country Empirical Assessment

- Raufhon Salahodjaev
- 61973: The Course of the Profit Rate

- Alan Freeman
- 61970: The evil force of borrowing and the weakness of Quantitative Easing

- Kees De Koning
- 61957: Etude de la dynamique non-linéaire des rentabilités de la bourse de Casablanca (Study of the returns nonlinear dynamics of the Casablanca stock exchange)

- Nizare Riane
- 61952: Why Do Firms Use Insurance to Fund Worker Health Benefits? The Role of Corporate Finance

- Christina Dalton and Sara B. Holland
- 61950: The Effect of Communication Costs on Trade in Headquarter Services

- Anca Cristea
- 61949: Outsourcing Intensity and Ownership: Theory and Evidence from California General Care Hospitals

- Christina Dalton and Patrick Warren
- 61948: An empirical investigation of the financial growth life cycle

- Ciarán Mac an Bhaird and Brian Lucey
- 61947: Increasing returns in matching and labour market dynamics: Comments on indeterminacy and search theory

- Marco Guerrazzi
- 61942: Who lends to riskier and lower-profitability firms? Evidence from the syndicated loan market

- Maria Iosifidi and Sotirios Kokas
- 61940: Women in natural resource collection: Experience from rural Jharkhand in India

- Bhola Nath Ghosh and Utpal de
- 61934: The Trade Consequences of Maritime Insecurity: Evidence from Somali Piracy

- Alfredo Burlando, Anca Cristea and Logan M. Lee
- 61933: MGNREGS, Rural Employment and Distress Migration: A study in Odisha

- Jajati Keshari Parida
- 61930: Bootstrapping the portmanteau tests in weak auto-regressive moving average models

- Ke Zhu
- 61929: Reviewing the Viability of Renewable Energy in Community Electrification: The Case of Remote Western Australian Communities

- Liam Byrnes, Colin Brown, Liam Wagner and John Foster
- 61928: The effects of prospective mate quality on investments in healthy body weight among single women

- Matthew Harris and Christopher Cronin
- 61926: Reference dependent utility from health and the demand for medical care

- Matthew Harris and Jennifer Kohn
- 61924: The impact of body weight on occupational mobility and career development

- Matthew Harris
- 61922: Transfer Pricing by Multinational Firms: New Evidence from Foreign Firm Ownerships

- Anca Cristea and Daniel Nguyen
- 61917: Forecasting the yield curve: art or science?

- Tomas K. Molenaars, Nick H. Reinerink and Marcus A. Hemminga
- 61914: The Energy-Growth Nexus in Thailand: Does Trade Openness Boost up Energy Consumption?

- Phouphet Kyophilavong, Muhammad Shahbaz, Sabeen Anwar and Sameen Masood
- 61909: The EDB System of Indicators of Eurasian Integration: Eurasian Integration’s Trends from 1999 to 2012

- Evgeny Vinokurov, Alexander Libman and Vladimir Pereboyev
- 61907: Manufacturing and Trade Liberalisation of India: Continuing the Debate

- Sayantan Ghosh Dastidar
- 61904: Principal-Agent Settings with Random Shocks

- Jared Rubin and Roman Sheremeta
- 61903: When Identifying Contributors is Costly: An Experiment on Public Goods

- Anya Samek and Roman Sheremeta
- 61900: A Tale of Two Countries: Sovereign Default, Exchange Rate, and Trade

- Grace Weishi Gu
- 61893: Russian Political Economy from Utopia to Social Engineering: An Introduction

- Amanar Akhabbar and Francois Allisson
- 61890: Mid-term Effects of the Flat Rate Personal Income Tax in Hungary

- Zoltán Bartha
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