MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 30674: Spread of hoax in Social Media

- Hokky Situngkir
- 30673: The animal spirits hypothesis and the Benhabib-Farmer condition for indeterminacy

- Marco Guerrazzi
- 30672: Virtual Erasmus - A new chance not only for Europe

- Eva Pavlikova
- 30671: Migrace v České republice v kontextu nových trendů (MIgration in the Czech Republic in the context of new trends)

- Eva Pavlikova
- 30670: The price puzzle and monetary policy transmission mechanism in Pakistan: Structural vector autoregressive approach

- Muhammad Javid and Kashif Munir
- 30664: China’s Trade in Asia and the World: Long run Relation with Short run Dynamics

- Soumyananda Dinda
- 30659: The determinants of poverty transitions in Europe and the role of duration dependence

- Eirini Andriopoulou and Panos Tsakloglou
- 30654: Human Capital and Economic Growth: Time Series Evidence from Pakistan

- Faisal Qadri and Waheed Dr. Abdul Waheed
- 30653: Quantum Bayesian implementation and revelation principle

- Haoyang Wu
- 30652: Does the Kyoto Protocol Agreement matters? An environmental efficiency analysis

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 30649: Subdynamics of financial data from fractional Fokker-Planck equation

- Joanna Janczura and Agnieszka Wyłomańska
- 30646: The dynamics of Italian public debt: Alternative paths for fiscal consolidation

- Paolo Casadio, Antonio Paradiso and B. Rao
- 30638: Relationship between education, health and crime: fable, fallacy or fact

- Faisal Qadri and Adeel Sultan Kadri
- 30628: Choix d’une meilleure politique d’émigration: Modélisation de stratégies et simulation du modèle (Choice of a better emigration policy: Modeling of strategies and simulation of the model)

- Mohamed Kouni
- 30625: Anticipation, learning and welfare: the case of distortionary taxation

- Emanuel Gasteiger and Shoujian Zhang
- 30624: Vnitřní periferie s odstupem i zblízka (Inner peripheries from a distance and a close)

- Eva Pavlikova, Libor Prudky, Michaela Smidova and Eva Kucerova
- 30622: Zkoumání hodnot prostřednictvím kvalitativních postupů: Možnosti a postupy kvalitativního výzkumu hodnot (Value research by qualitative processes: Possibilities and processes in the qualitative research on values)

- Eva Pavlikova, Libor Prudky, Michaela Smidova and Olga Angelovska
- 30621: Consumer’s perceptions regarding Dacia cars prices, insights and lessons to be learned

- Gheorghe Cruceru and Dan Micuda
- 30620: Present challenges and future opportunities for Dacia cars on the Romanian automobile market

- Gheorghe Cruceru and Dan Micuda
- 30619: International migration and new mobility trends

- Eva Pavlikova
- 30618: Romanian SME’s sector trough crisis: the effectiveness of government policies and the present situation

- Sorin Visinescu and Dan Micuda
- 30611: Les rendez-vous manqués de l'économie de la Tunisie 7-Novembriste (The missed opportunities of the Tunisian economy under the 7 November regime)

- Mohamed Mabrouk
- 30610: Technical efficiency of rice producing households in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam

- Huy Huynh-Truong
- 30608: Dynamic OLS estimation of the U.S. import demand for Mexican crude oil

- Pablo Camacho-Gutiérrez
- 30603: Impacts of Service Sector Policy Reform:CGE model Analysis based on Sri Lanka

- Asankha Pallegedara
- 30600: Testing the law of one price in gram markets of Pakistan

- Babar Hussain
- 30597: Schooling, employer learning, and internal labor market effect: Wage dynamics and human capital investment in the Japanese steel industry, 1930-1960s

- Masaki Nakabayashi
- 30596: On the calculation of price sensitivities with jump-diffusion structure

- Youssef El-Khatib and Hatemi-J Abdulnasser
- 30595: Estimates of the Steady State Growth Rates for Ireland

- Paolo Casadio, Antonio Paradiso and B. Rao
- 30581: Construction of a Spatial Housing Price Index by Estimating an Almost Ideal Demand System

- Victor Iturra and Dusan Paredes
- 30580: A Spatial Cost of Living Index for Colombia using a Microeconomic Approach and Censored Data

- Laura Atuesta and Araya Paredes
- 30574: FDI in the Service Sector – Propagator of Growth for India?

- Chitrakalpa Sen
- 30571: Productivity Growth and Ownership Change in China: 1998-2007

- Jing Liu and Shutao Cao
- 30570: Economic Security, Well Functioning Courts and a Good Government

- Dawood Mamoon
- 30568: Decent work in Bulgaria

- Iskra Beleva and Vasil Tzanov
- 30565: Agricultural development and regional carrying capacity measurement of agro-ecosystem in Jhabua tribal district in Madhya Pradesh

- Vivek Kumar Singh and Rd Singh
- 30563: Benoit Mandelbrot (1924 - 2011 ): A Greek among Romans

- Fernando Estrada
- 30562: ‘Export Led Growth’ x ‘Growth Led Exports’: What Matters for the Brazilian Growth Experience after Trade Liberalization?

- Ricardo Araujo and Cristiane Soares
- 30558: The Impact of Recent Financial Recession on the Banking sector of Pakistan

- Bashir Ahmad Khilji, Muhammad Umer Farrukh, Mammona Iqbal and Shahzad Hameed
- 30556: Debt and net financial wealth: a comparative analysis for some European countries

- Giuseppe Cinquegrana
- 30555: The impact of science and technology parks on firms´ product innovation: empirical evidence from Spain

- Ángela Rocio Vásquez Urriago, Andrés Barge-Gil, Aurelia Modrego Rico and Evita Paraskevopoulou
- 30554: Beyond Identities: Support for Decentralisation Across Regions in Spain

- Marc Guinjoa Cesena and Toni Rodon Casarramona
- 30553: Innovating like China: a theory of stage-dependent intellectual property rights

- Angus Chu, Guido Cozzi and Silvia Galli
- 30552: The Efficacy of Decentralization in the Republic of Macedonia

- Adam J. Rockel
- 30551: Trend inflation and Monetary policy rules: Determinacy analyses in New Keynesian model with capital accumulation

- Elena Gerko and Sossounov Kirill
- 30547: Planning Challenges and Trends in Asia

- Vicky de Vila
- 30542: A Great Leap Forward: EFL curriculum

- Zhang Xiohong
- 30538: Carrots without Bite: On the Ineffectiveness of 'Rewards' in sustaining Cooperation in Social Dilemmas

- Jan Stoop, Daan van Soest and Jana Vyrastekova
- 30534: Coherent Asset Allocation and Diversification in the Presence of Stress Events

- Riccardo Rebonato and Alexander Denev
- 30532: Tax Efficiency Analysis for Pakistan Tax Structure: Comparison of two Decades

- Masood Qazi and Kalim Hyder
- 30531: Poverty, Income Distribution and Social Development in Lahore

- Kalim Hyder and Muhammad Usman Sikander
- 30530: The Economy in the Aftermath of the Earthquake

- Shaghil Ahmed, Kalim Hyder and Tabinda Areeb
- 30529: Paying for prominence

- Mark Armstrong and Jidong Zhou
- 30527: Reform proposals from developing Asia: finding a win-win strategy

- Ashima Goyal
- 30522: Borderplex Long-Term Economic Trends to 2026

- Thomas Fullerton, Brian W. Kelley and Molina, Angel L.,
- 30521: Monetary and fiscal policy should be merged, which in turn changes the role of central banks

- Ralph Musgrave
- 30520: Heterogeneity in Stock Pricing: A STAR Model with Multivariate Transition Functions

- Matthijs Lof
- 30519: Noncausality and Asset Pricing

- Matthijs Lof
- 30513: Nükleer Enerji Sahibi Olma Kararını Etkileyen Faktörler ve Türkiye için Tahminler (Factors that Affect the Decision of Having Nuclear Energy and Predictions for Turkey)

- Bülent Köksal and Civan Abdülkadir
- 30512: Participation Strategy of the NYSE Specialists to the Trades

- Bülent Köksal
- 30511: Do Schooling Years Improve the Earning Capacity of Lower Income Groups?

- Dawood Mamoon
- 30510: A Comparison of Conditional Volatility Estimators for the ISE National 100 Index Returns

- Bülent Köksal
- 30509: International migration and new mobility trends

- Eva Pavlikova
- 30507: Multi-period credit default prediction with time-varying covariates

- Walter Orth
- 30506: Do children in private Schools learn more than in public Schools? Evidence from Mexico

- Florian Wendelspiess Chávez Juárez
- 30503: Periferie zblízka: studie tří periferních obcí a jejich sousedů (Peripherals close: a study of three peripheral municipalities and their neighbors)

- Eva Pavlikova, Eva Kucerova and Michaela Smidova
- 30501: IMPACT of Cash Transfer Programs on School Attendance and Child Poverty: An Ex-ante Simulation for Sri Lanka

- Ajantha Kumara and Wade Pfau
- 30500: Have credit rating agencies become more stringent towards Japanese regional banks?

- Kazumine Kondo
- 30499: A Human Development Approach to the Status of Development in North East India

- Purusottam Nayak
- 30492: History of the economics department at University of Missouri-Kansas City

- Frederic Lee
- 30491: Heterodox microeconomics and the foundation of heterodox macroeconomics

- Frederic Lee
- 30490: Old controversy revisited: pricing, market structure, and competition

- Frederic Lee
- 30488: Good versus Bad Political Institutions and Economic Welfare

- Dawood Mamoon
- 30487: Badla Financing, Stock Returns and Volatility: The Case Study of Karachi Stock Exchange

- Abdul Rashid and Shabbir Ahmad
- 30486: Transforming Uncertainties into Risks and Poverty Alleviation: Lessons Learnt from the Successful Rescuing of Miners in Chile

- Ahmed Driouchi and Karim Malki
- 30485: Integrity, respect for others, and ethics – three essential leadership qualities

- Marianne Ojo
- 30481: A game theoretical analysis of economic sanction

- Khalifany Ash Shidiqi and Rimawan Pradiptyo
- 30480: Evidence of homo economicus? Findings from experiment on evolutionary prisoners' dilemma game

- Rimawan Pradiptyo, Banoon Sasmitasiwi and Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo
- 30478: The effects of capital market openness on exchange rate pass-through and welfare in an inflation targeting small open economy

- Sanchita Mukherjee
- 30476: Managing information flows in supplier-customer relationships: issues, methods and emerging problems

- Giuseppe Volpato and Andrea Stocchetti
- 30475: A Vector Auto-Regressıve (VAR) Model for the Turkish Financial Markets

- Selçuk Bayracı, Yakup Ari and Yavuz Yildirim
- 30472: Simulating the impacts of cash transfers on poverty and school attendance: The case of Cambodia

- Channarith Meng and Wade Pfau
- 30469: Use of put options as insurance

- Peter Bell
- 30468: All-Pay Auctions with Budget Constraints

- Maciej Kotowski and Fei Li
- 30467: A nonparametric analysis of the Greek renewable energy sector

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 30466: Prevention of stock accumulation by restricting polluters’ resources

- George Halkos
- 30465: Social transfers and chronic poverty: objectives, design, reach and impact

- Armando Barrientos and Miguel Niño-Zarazúa
- 30463: Coordination structures

- Alfonso Rosa-García and Hubert Janos Kiss
- 30457: Growth Elasticity of poverty in the globe

- Kumar Das
- 30455: Sources of International Economic Spillovers to Ghana's Economic Growth

- Frank Ofori
- 30454: Child Labour and Inequality

- Simone D'Alessandro and Tamara Fioroni
- 30453: Leontief et l'économie comme science empirique: la signification opérationnelle des lois (Leontief and economics as an empirical science: the “operational meaning” of laws)

- Amanar Akhabbar
- 30452: The temporal single-system interpretation: underdetermination and inconsistency

- Simon Mohun and Roberto Veneziani
- 30451: The incoherence of the TSSI

- Simon Mohun and Roberto Veneziani
- 30450: Exploitation and productiveness: the generalised commodity exploitation theorem once again

- Roberto Veneziani and Naoki Yoshihara
- 30449: Rosa Luxemburg’s critique of Marx’s schemes of reproduction: a re-evaluation and a possible generalisation

- Meghnad Desai and Roberto Veneziani
- 30448: Reorienting economics?

- Simon Mohun and Roberto Veneziani
- 30446: Measuring the willingness to pay for houses in a sustainable neighborhood

- Teck Hong Tan
- 30444: Goodwin cycles and the U.S. economy, 1948-2004

- Simon Mohun and Roberto Veneziani
- 30443: Primary Seat Belt Laws and Offsetting Behavior: Empirical Evidence from Individual Accident Data

- Yong-Kyun Bae
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