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1158: When Little Things Mean a Lot: On the Inefficiency of Item Pricing Laws Downloads
Mark Bergen, Daniel Levy, Sourav Ray, Paul Rubin and Ben Zeliger
1153: The Spatial and Public Economics of Regions, a Theoretical and Empirical Survey Downloads
Fabien Candau
1151: Crowding-out in productive and redistributive rent seeking Downloads
Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Lovat Bruno, Eric Langlais and Francesco Parisi
1150: Indemnisation des préjudices et fréquence des procès en présence d'une asymétrie d'informaion sur l'aversion au risque des parties (Compensation of damages and frequency of trials with asymmetric information on preferences of litigant parties) Downloads
Eric Langlais
1149: Criminals and risk attitude Downloads
Eric Langlais
1148: Detection avoidance and deterrence: some paradoxical arithmetics Downloads
Eric Langlais
1147: Avoiding Another Enron: The Role of the External Auditor in Financial Regulation and Supervision Downloads
Marianne Ojo
1145: Decomposing violence: terrorist murder in the twentieth century in the U.S Downloads
Gustavo Gomez-Sorzano
1144: A structural model for corporate profit in the U.S. industry Downloads
Gustavo Gomez-Sorzano
1141: Does Ramadan Have Any Effect on Food Prices: A Dual-Calendar Perspective on the Turkish Data Downloads
Mustafa Yücel
1139: Productivity shocks and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Unionized Labor Market Economy Downloads
Fabrizio Mattesini and Lorenza Rossi
1138: An endogenous profit rate cycle Downloads
Alan Freeman
1137: The dividend policy of the Portuguese corporations: Evidence from Euronext Lisbon Downloads
Jose Benzinho
1130: Selbständige und ihre Altersvorsorge: Möglichkeiten der Analyse anhand der Mikrozensen und erste Ergebnisse Downloads
Hendrik Dräther, Uwe Fachinger and Angelika Oelschläger
1129: Selbständige in der EU: Einige Anmerkungen zu den Problemen ihrer sozialen Absicherung Downloads
Uwe Fachinger
1128: The Social Embeddedness of Consumption: Towards the Relationship of Income and Expenditures over Time in Germany Downloads
Dieter Bögenhold and Uwe Fachinger
1127: Selbständige und ihre Altersvorsorge: Sozialpolitischer Handlungsbedarf? Downloads
Uwe Fachinger and Angelika Oelschläger
1126: Sparfähigkeit und Vorsorge gegenüber sozialen Risiken bei Selbständigen: Einige Informationen auf der Basis der Einkommens- und Verbrauchsstichprobe 1998 Downloads
Uwe Fachinger
1125: Struktureller Wandel selbständiger Erwerbsarbeit: Analysen auf der Grundlage der Scientific Use Files der Mikrozensen Downloads
Dieter Bögenhold and Uwe Fachinger
1124: Konsummuster im Kontrast: Die Entwicklung unterschiedlicher Einkommensverwendungsmuster anhand verschiedener Haushaltstypen im zeitlichen Wandel Downloads
Dieter Bögenhold and Uwe Fachinger
1123: The effectiveness of official intervention in foreign exchange market in Malawi Downloads
Kisu Simwaka
1122: Dynamics of Malawi’s trade flows: a gravity model approach Downloads
Kisu Simwaka
1120: The macroeconomic effects of monetary policy and financial crisis Downloads
Mohamed Douch
1119: NIRA-3: An improved MATLAB package for finding Nash equilibria in infinite games Downloads
Jacek Krawczyk and James Zuccollo
1116: The Validity of the ELG Hypothesis in the MENA Region: Cointegration and Error Correction Model Analysis Downloads
Aamer Abu-Qarn and Suleiman Abu-Bader
1115: Government Expenditures, Military Spending and Economic Growth: Causality Evidence from Egypt, Israel and Syria Downloads
Suleiman Abu-Bader and Aamer Abu-Qarn
1114: A Versus K Revisited: Evidence from Selected MENA Countries Downloads
Aamer Abu-Qarn and Suleiman Abu-Bader
1113: Financial Development and Economic Growth: Time Series Evidence from Egypt Downloads
Suleiman Abu-Bader and Aamer Abu-Qarn
1111: Impact evaluation: the experience of the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank Downloads
Howard White
1109: FDI in the New European Neighbours of Southern Europe: a quest of institutions-based attractiveness Downloads
Nathalie Fabry and Sylvain Zeghni
1107: Credence Goods Markets with Conscientious and Selfish Experts Downloads
Ting Liu
1106: Credence Goods Markets with Conscientious and Selfish Experts Downloads
Ting Liu
1101: General Issue on the Romanian fiscal system Downloads
Dracea Raluca and Mirela Cristea
1099: Education and Wage Inequality in Portugal Downloads
Santiago Budria Rodriguez and Celso Nunes
1098: Education and Inequality: Evidence from Spain Downloads
Santiago Budria Rodriguez
1097: Asymmetric Price Adjustment in the Small Downloads
Daniel Levy, Haipeng (Allan) Chen, Sourav Ray and Mark Bergen
1095: Trade, Envy and Growth: International Status Seeking in a Two-Country World Downloads
Simone Valente
1094: Monetary Policy under Rule-of-Thumb Consumers and External Habits: An International Empirical Comparison Downloads
Giovanni Dibartolomeo, Lorenza Rossi and Massimiliano Tancioni
1090: The Impact of Migration on Foreign Trade: A Developing Country Approach Downloads
Gustavo Javier Canavire Bacarreza and Laura Ehrlich
1089: Rethinking the Role of Agriculture and Agro-Industry in the Economic Development of Thailand: Input-Output and CGE Analyses (Ph.D. Dissertation) Downloads
Nalitra Thaiprasert
1085: A note on the Exclusion Principle Downloads
Paolo Bertoletti
1083: On the reserve price in all-pay auctions with complete information and lobbying games Downloads
Paolo Bertoletti
1082: Uniform pricing and social welfare Downloads
Paolo Bertoletti
1079: Picking a Winner? Evidence from the Non-Manufacturing High-Tech Industry in the Blacksburg MSA Downloads
David Bieri
1076: The role of fear in home-biased decision making: first insights from neuroeconomics Downloads
Peter Kenning, Peter Mohr, Susanne Erk, Henrik Walter and Hilke Plassmann
1074: A Preliminary Investigation of The Effects of Restrictions on Medicaid Funding for Abortions on Female STD Rates Downloads
Bisakha Sen
1072: An Interpretation of An Affine Term Structure Model for Chile Downloads
Juan Ochoa
1068: Taxation, infrastructure, and endogenous trade costs in New Economic Geography Downloads
Stefan Gruber and Luigi Marattin
1067: Reservation wages and the earnings capacity of lone and couple mothers: Are wage expectations too high? Downloads
Matthew Gray and Jenny Renda
1064: Vom Nutzen afrikanischer Zuwanderer für Europa. Wende in der EU-Einwanderungspolitik? (On the benefit of African immigration to Europe. Turn in the EU immigration policy?) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
1055: Rethinking the Role of the Agricultural Sector in the Thai Economy and Its Income Distribution: A SAM Analysis Downloads
Nalitra Thaiprasert
1046: The Real Thing: Nominal Price Rigidity of the Nickel Coke, 1886–1959 Downloads
Daniel Levy and Andrew Young
1045: The Roadblock of Culturalist Economics: Economic Change á la Douglass North Downloads
Elias Khalil
1042: Intergenerational Transfers, Lifetime Welfare and Resource Preservation Downloads
Simone Valente
1040: The Direction of Technical Change in Capital-Resource Economies Downloads
Corrado Di Maria and Simone Valente
1027: Nacimiento de un mercado especial. El servicio telefónico en la ciudad de México, 1881-1911 Downloads
Victor Cuchi
1023: Estimating demand for money in Jamaica Downloads
Luciano Canova
1019: A Note on Numerical Estimation of Sato’s Two-Level CES Production Function Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
1018: Political Bad Reputation Downloads
Emanuele Canegrati
1017: Yardstick competition: a spatial voting model approach Downloads
Emanuele Canegrati
1014: Federal, State, and Local Governments: Evaluating their Separate Roles in US Growth Downloads
Matthew Higgins, Andrew Young and Daniel Levy
1013: Private vs. Official Creditors: The Record Speaks Downloads
Arturo Porzecanski
1010: Total Factor Productivity in the Malaysian Resource-Based Industries Downloads
Rozilee Asid and Mohd Safri Saiman
1005: Global Optimization by Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Methods: Evaluation on Some Benchmark Functions Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
1004: An econometric specification of monetary policy dark art Downloads
Florian Ielpo and Dominique Guégan
1002: Discriminant Analysys of Default Risk Downloads
Aker Aragon
999: Healthcare Reforms in Bulgaria: Towards Diagnosis and Prescription Downloads
Konstantin Pashev
998: Fighting VAT Fraud: The Bulgarian Experience Downloads
Konstantin Pashev
994: Morality, institutions and economic growth: Lessons from ancient Greece Downloads
George Bitros and Anastassios Karayiannis
991: Regulating a Monopoly Offering Priority Service Downloads
Isamu Matsukawa
981: Country Concepts and the Rational Actor Trap - Limitations to Strategic Management of International NGOs Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
980: Informality as Normality: On the Articulation of Shadow Economy and Society in Africa Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
978: Togo: a didactic drama of misled democratisation in Africa Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
977: Are Non-state Actors Better Innovators? The Ambiguous Role of Non-state Actors in the Transition Process: The Case of Benin and Madagascar Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
974: Understanding Tax Corruption in Transition Economies: Evidence from Bulgaria Downloads
Konstantin Pashev
973: Path dependent volatility Downloads
Andrea Pascucci and Paolo Foschi
972: Financial Developent and Economic Growth Nexus: Time Series Evidence from Middle Eastern and North African Countries Downloads
Suleiman Abu-Bader and Aamer Abu-Qarn
971: On the optimality of a GCC Monetary Union: Structural VAR, Common Trends and Common Cycles Evidence Downloads
Aamer Abu-Qarn and Suleiman Abu-Bader
970: Pension Liabilities and Generational Relations: The Case of Vietnam Downloads
Long Giang
969: The Pension Scheme in Vietnam: Current Status and Challenges in an Aging Society Downloads
Long Giang
968: Efficiency of Construction Firms in Vietnam Downloads
Khac Minh Nguyen and Long Giang
967: Interview with Kenneth Arrow Downloads
Juan Dubra
966: Evolution of Tax Evasion Downloads
Vilen Lipatov
965: Routes of survial of SSI in India and its futurity - a study of pre and post reform period Downloads
Adya Pandey and Shivesh
963: Trade and the distributional politics of international labour standards Downloads
Paul Oslington
962: Deus Economicus Downloads
Paul Oslington
961: Dismissal Costs and their Impact on Employment: Evidence from Australian Small and Medium Enterprises Downloads
Paul Oslington and Ben Freyens
960: Deeper Integration and Voting on the Common European External Tariff Downloads
Samia Tavares
959: The Common External Tariff in a Customs Union: Voting, Logrolling, and National Government Interests Downloads
Samia Tavares
958: Elección de planes de salud mediante técnicas de clasificación fuzzy (Health plans selection using fuzzy classification techniques) Downloads
Sonia K. Lowenthal-Quastler, Javier García-Fronti and María Teresa Casparri
954: Heterogeneous Convergence Downloads
Andrew Young, Matthew Higgins and Daniel Levy
952: The Long-run Effects of HIV/AIDS in Kenya Downloads
Ramona Bruhns
948: Estimating risk aversion from ascending and sealed-bid auctions: the case of timber auction data Downloads
Jingfeng Lu and Isabelle Perrigne
947: The beauty of "bigness" in contest design: merging or splitting? Downloads
Qiang Fu and Jingfeng Lu
946: The optimal multi-stage contest Downloads
Qiang Fu and Jingfeng Lu
945: Contest design and optimal endogenous entry Downloads
Qiang Fu and Jingfeng Lu
943: Auctions design with private costs of valuation discovery Downloads
Jingfeng Lu
942: El efecto de las intervenciones cambiarias: la experiencia colombiana 2004-2006 Downloads
Mauricio Alberto Hernández Monsalve and Ramón Javier Mesa Callejas
935: When and how to dismantle nuclear weapons Downloads
Jingfeng Lu
934: Endogenous entry and auctions design with private participation costs Downloads
Jingfeng Lu
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