MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 39191: The evolution of the toponyms in the Şureanu mountains viewed on cartographic sources

- Roxana Putan and Remus Cretan
- 39190: Industry Effects on Firm and Segment Profitability Forecasting: Do Aggregation and Diversity Matter?

- Andrew Yim and David Schröder
- 39185: The Impact of Policy Shocks on Financial Structure: Empirical Results from Japan

- Vafa Moayedi and Matin Aminfard
- 39184: Polish special economic zones as an instrument of regional and industrial policy

- Maciej Smętkowski
- 39182: Desempeño Económico Regional: Un Análisis Dinámico Para El Caso Chileno En El Período 1960-2009 (Regional Economic Performance: A Dynamic Analysis For The Chilean Case In The Period 1960-2009)

- Juan Brida, Silvia London and Mara Rojas
- 39181: Brief note about the dilemmas of public election

- Fernando Estrada
- 39180: الأمن الغذائى العربى (Food security in the Arab world)

- Hussein Elasrag
- 39178: Small-scale industries and rural development: implications for rural industrialisation in Pakistan

- Rashid Amjad
- 39177: Employment strategies and labor market policies: interlinkages with macro and sectoral policies

- Rashid Amjad
- 39176: Local governments’ fiscal policy as a factor of urban development – evidence from Poland

- Krzysztof Waśniewski
- 39174: Emotional intelligence among middle school teachers With reference to nagapatinam district, Tamil Nadu

- Gowri Shankar U and Keerthi K
- 39172: The impact of stress on low level employees of star hotels with special reference to chennai

- Gowri Shankar U and Keerthi K
- 39169: Choosing a retirement income strategy: a new evaluation framework

- Wade Pfau
- 39168: Forecasting national recessions using state-level data

- Michael Owyang, Jeremy Piger and Howard Wall
- 39167: The effect of foreign competition on product switching activities: A firm level analysis

- Aadil Nakhoda
- 39162: Building livelihood resilience: a case study of factors affecting farm households’ adoption of coping and adaptive strategies in rural Nigeria

- Adewale Oparinde and Ian Hodge
- 39157: Beliefs incentives and economic growth

- Mohamed Jellal
- 39154: Influence of institutional factors and wage-setting mechanism in a dual labour market with currency union: Northern Cyprus

- Saime Kayam
- 39153: Social determinants of intra-regional dispersion of FDI in India

- Saime Kayam, Sencer Ecer and R Gupta
- 39152: Using wavelets to obtain a consistent ordinary least squares estimator of the long-memory parameter

- Mark Jensen
- 39151: What causes the regional disparity of FDI in Russia? a spatial analysis

- Saime Kayam, Mehtap Hisarciklilar and Alexandr Yabrukov
- 39150: Spoilt for Choice: Explaining the location choice of Turkish Transnationals

- Saime Kayam, Mehtap Hisarcıklılar and Özgür Kayalıca
- 39149: A NLIP Model on Wage Dispersion and Team Performance

- Christos Papahristodoulou
- 39145: Choosing a Retirement Income Strategy: Outcome Measures and Best Practices

- Wade Pfau
- 39142: Basel I, II, III – we want it all at once

- Violaine Cousin
- 39140: Technology and institutions: Theoretical aspects of institutional innovation and its deficiency in Haiti

- Bénédique Paul
- 39139: Rhetoric versus reality: the best and worst of aid agency practices

- William Easterly and Claudia R. Williamson
- 39137: Institutions: top down or bottom up?

- William Easterly
- 39134: An example of countertrade. The Anglo Italian clearing

- Giuseppe Tattara
- 39128: Why recession and depression policies differ

- Nikos Stravelakis
- 39127: Export decisions of services firms between agglomeration effects and market-entry costs

- Henk Kox
- 39126: A two-stage DEA model to evaluate the efficiency of the Italian health system

- Arianna De Nicola, Simone Gitto and Paolo Mancuso
- 39124: Does Microcredit Create Over-indebtedness?

- Mahmud Sk. Mahmudul Alam
- 39123: Changes at the top in Chinese Banking

- Violaine Cousin
- 39120: Growth accounting by decomposition: a modified NIRS approach

- Inyong Shin
- 39119: Determining marginal contributions of the economic capital of credit risk portfolio: an analytical approach

- Marco Morone, Anna Cornaglia and Giulio Mignola
- 39118: A Game Theoretic Analysis of a Regional Approach toward the Sustainability of Kolkata-Agartala Transit Route

- S. K. Sen, I Mukhopadhyay and S Gupta
- 39117: A Study on Regional Disparity of Devolution of Rural Infrastructure Development Fund - Evidence for India

- S K Sen, S Guha and N Chakraborty
- 39115: Do balanced skills help nascent entrepreneurs to make progress in the venture creation process?

- Michael Stuetzer, Maximilian Goethner and Uwe Cantner
- 39112: Competitive Selection In Non-Competitive Structure– Some Methodological Issues

- Subir Kumar Sen and Chinmoy Roy
- 39111: Is Radiative Forcing Cointegrated with Temperature? A Further Examination Using a Structural Time Series Approach

- Kelvin Balcombe, Iain Fraser and Abhijit Sharma
- 39110: Micro evidence for sources of innovation in European countries

- Davide Piacentino
- 39109: Keep to sustain or keep to exploit? Why firms keep hard evidence

- Panayiotis Agisilaou
- 39105: Physical Attractiveness Or Referrals: Which Matters The Most?

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani
- 39104: Impact of Physical Attractiveness on Selection and Recruitment Process

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani
- 39103: Does Work Place Sexual Harassment Matter?

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani
- 39101: Effect of Trust Factors on Consumer’s Acceptance of Word of Mouth Recommendation

- Syed Akif Hasan, Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani and Amber Osman
- 39100: Factors Influencing men’s choice for Eastern Wear

- Syed Akif Hasan, Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani and Amber Osman
- 39099: The behaviour of consumer gas prices in an environment of high and volatile oil prices

- David Cornille and Aidan Meyler
- 39098: What affects the most to the recall and recognition of brand symbols?

- Syed Akif Hasan, Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani and Amber Osman
- 39097: H-Index: The key to research output assessment

- Syed Akif Hasan, Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani and Amber Osman
- 39095: KESC’s Performance, is it due to the Financial Crisis at KESC?

- Syed Akif Hasan, Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani and Amber Osman
- 39094: Macroeconomic variables and stock market: US review

- Martin Sirucek
- 39092: External Trade in Italy, 1922-38.Some Evidence from Trade Index Numbers

- Giuseppe Tattara
- 39091: A rationale for intra-party democracy

- Galina Zudenkova
- 39090: L'industria manifatturiera: cicli, politiche e mutamenti di struttura (1921-1937) (Manufacturing in Italy: business cycle, politics, structural change (1921-1937))

- Giuseppe Tattara and Gianni Toniolo
- 39088: Construction of Pena’s DP2-based ordinal synthetic indicator when partial indicators are rank scores

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 39087: On the market portfolio for multi-asset classes

- Rodolphe Louis and Thierry Roncalli
- 39086: Bilancia dei pagamenti, movimenti dei capitali ed equilibrio interno nei primi 50 anni del regno d'Italia (Balance of payments, capital movements, domestic equilibrium in the first 50 years of the Kingdom of Italy)

- Giuseppe Tattara
- 39085: Political agency model of persistent electoral success with endogenous rents

- Vuk Vukovic
- 39084: Net job creation in the U.S. economy: lessons from monthly data, 1950-2011

- Salem Abo-Zaid
- 39083: Optimal labor-income tax volatility with credit frictions

- Salem Abo-Zaid
- 39082: Deforestación en México: Un análisis preliminar (Deforestation in Mexico: A preliminary analysis)

- Alejandro Lopez-Feldman
- 39079: Global analysis and indeterminacy in a two-sector growth model with human capital

- Angelo Antoci, Marcello Galeotti and Paolo Russu
- 39078: Inflación y producción agraria en Buenos Aires colonial (Inflation and agricultural production in colonial Buenos Aires)

- R.O.a Raúl Oscar Amado
- 39075: Modelling biodiversity

- George Halkos
- 39074: Discount pricing

- Mark Armstrong and Yongmin Chen
- 39071: Impact of demographic features on economic development of India from 2001 - 2010

- Rathore Dr Bhawna
- 39069: The effect of socialization on employees efficiency: moderating role of perceived organizational support

- Razzaq Abdul and Asif Malik
- 39068: Nexus of trade, investment and poverty: evidence from Pakistan

- Fatima Amber, Muhammad Shahbaz and Faridul Islam
- 39067: Mortgage contracts in Islamic home finance: Musharakah Mutanaqisah program vs. Zubair diminishing balance model

- Zubair Hasan
- 39066: An international perspective on “safe” savings rates for retirement

- Wade Pfau and Bayu Kariastanto
- 39065: The impact of packet size on inventory turnover of fmcg products in Pakistan [wholesaler & retailer perspective]

- Mohsin Alvi
- 39062: Education, inequality, and development in a dual economy

- Kazuhiro Yuki
- 39061: Takeovers, institutional investment and the persistence of profits

- Andy Cosh, Alan Hughes, Kevin Lee and Ajit Singh
- 39060: Law, Finance and Development: Further Analyses of Longitudinal Data

- Prabirjit Sarkar and Ajit Singh
- 39059: Why price inflation in developed countries is systematically underestimated

- Ivan Kitov
- 39056: Value and utility in a historical perspective

- Peter Pogany
- 39055: Shareholder protection and stockmarket development: an empirical test of the legal origins hypothesis

- John Armour, Simon Deakin, Prabirjit Sarkar, Mathias Siems and Ajit Singh
- 39054: Financial globalisation and crisis, institutional transformation and equity

- Philip Arestis and Ajit Singh
- 39053: Globalisation, structural adjustment and african agriculture: analysis and evidence

- Deborah Bryceson, Prabirjit Sarkar, Shailaja Fennel and Ajit Singh
- 39052: The global economic and financial crisis: a review and commentary

- Ajit Singh and Ann Zammit
- 39050: Comparative advantage, industrial policy and the World Bank: back to first principles

- Ajit Singh
- 39049: Global imbalances, under-consumption and overborrowing: the state of the world economy & future policies

- Francis Cripps, Alex Izurieta and Ajit Singh
- 39048: Financial globalisation and human development

- Ajit Singh
- 39047: An end to consensus? the selective impact of corporate law reform on financial development

- Simon Deakin, Prabirjit Sarkar and Ajit Singh
- 39045: Globalization, structural adjustment and african agriculture: analysis and evidence

- Deborah Bryceson, Prabirjit Sarkar, Shailaja Fennell and Ajit Singh
- 39043: The proposed merger of AT&T and T-Mobile: Are there unexhausted scale economies in U.S. mobile telephony?

- Yan Li and Russell Pittman
- 39040: Growth volatility and trade: evidence from the 1967-1975 closure of the Suez Canal

- Rasyad Parinduri
- 39039: The effects of owners' family hardship on micro and small firms' growth: an evidence from Indonesia

- Rasyad Parinduri
- 39038: Major impacts of microfinance on the poor: snapshots from Bangladesh

- Iftekhar Mallick
- 39037: A very preliminary survey on growth and development

- Chan Wang
- 39031: External debt, trade and FDI on economic growth of least developed countries

- Evelyn Wamboye
- 39030: Regulatory discretion and the unofficial economy: A redux

- Ummad Mazhar
- 39029: Les déterminants de la demande touristique: le cas du Maroc (Determinants of tourism demand: the case of Morocco)

- Mohamed Bouzahzah and Younesse El Menyari
- 39025: Asymmetric information and financial markets

- Fernando Estrada
- 39024: Trade liberalization and the inter-industry wage premia: the missing role of productivity

- Lourenco Paz
- 39023: Latent Markov models: a review of a general framework for the analysis of longitudinal data with covariates

- Francesco Bartolucci, Alessio Farcomeni and Fulvia Pennoni
- 39022: Efficiency of Pena’s P2 Distance in Construction of Human Development Indices

- Purusottam Nayak and Sudhanshu Mishra
- 39021: Real GDP per capita since 1870

- Ivan Kitov and Oleg Kitov
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