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35061: Implicații ale pierderii autonomiei politicii monetare asupra procesului inflaționist Downloads
Monica Damian
35060: On the core and Walrasian expectations equilibrium in infinite dimensional commodity spaces Downloads
Anuj Bhowmik and Jiling Cao
35059: Money, credit and finance in The Arcades Project Downloads
Fernando Estrada
35055: Optimum currency area: an epistemological view Downloads
Cristina Puiu
35054: Environmental Costs of Industrialisation: A Study of Durgapur Region in West Bengal Downloads
Rajarshi Majumder
35050: (Un)common suffering: distributional impact of recent inflation in India Downloads
Rajarshi Majumder
35049: Child workers in India: an overview of macro dimensions Downloads
Dipa Mukherjee
35048: Regional Disparities in Wage Employment Dynamics: A Decade of Economic Reforms in India Downloads
Dipa Mukherjee
35047: Reducing out of school children in India: lessons from a micro study Downloads
Dipa Mukherjee
35044: A Research Note on the Linkage between Poverty and Child Labour in India Downloads
Dipa Mukherjee
35040: The Japanese Big Bang: the effects of "free, fair and global" Downloads
Heather Montgomery and Yuki Takahashi
35039: Le politiche per l’invecchiamento attivo in Campania (Active ageing policy in Campania (Italy)) Downloads
Fernanda Mazzotta
35037: Financial Management of Weather Risk with Energy Derivatives Downloads
Karel Janda and Tomas Vylezik
35036: American and European Regulation of Over-the-Counter Derivative Securities Downloads
Karel Janda and Gordon Rausser
35033: Monetary policy, bank size and bank lending: Evidence from Australia Downloads
Luke Liu
35030: The rhetoric of economics Downloads
Fernando Estrada
35028: Health, income inequality and climate related disasters at household level: reflections from an Orissa District Downloads
Krishnan Narayanan and Santosh Kumar Sahu
35021: On the relationship between tariff levels and the nature of mergers Downloads
Halis Yildiz and Aysegul Ulus
35019: Leadership Challenges In Today’s Academia Downloads
Mihaela Dima, Simona Vasilache, Simona Agoston, Valentina Ghinea and Tanase Stamule
35018: Knowledge spillovers and productivity in Italian manufacturing firms Downloads
Luigi Aldieri
35016: National advertising and cooperation in a manufacturer-two-retailers channel Downloads
Slim Ben Youssef and Dhouha Dridi
35015: Ramsey, Pigou, heterogenous agents, and non-atmospheric consumption externalities Downloads
Ron Wendner
35009: Decarbonizing the EU power sector: policy approaches in the light of current trends and long-term trajectories Downloads
Thomas Spencer, Celine Marcey, Michel Colombier and Emmanuel Guerin
35004: Securitization and moral hazard: Does security price matter? Downloads
Luke Liu
35001: Pre-entry advertising, entry deterrence and multi-informational signaling Downloads
Michael Weinem and Oliver Heil
35000: Asset price, asset securitization and financial stability Downloads
Luke Liu
34997: Desemprego e felicidade em Portugal (Unemployment and happiness in Portugal) Downloads
António Caleiro
34994: Finance and inequality: exploring pro-poor investment channels in Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu
34993: Acerca da importância da sincronização do ciclo económico português no contexto europeu (Why and how must Portugal be synchronized with the European Union?) Downloads
António Caleiro
34992: Bane of rural credit market: presence of money lender or absence of structural synchronicity Downloads
Saswati Choudhury
34991: Towards Sub-regional cooperation: India’s Northeast and Bangladesh Downloads
Saswati Choudhury
34990: Investment and inequality in Africa: which financial channels are good for the poor? Downloads
Simplice Asongu
34988: Thomas S. Schelling: game theory and indirect communication Downloads
Fernando Estrada
34987: The monopoly benchmark on two-sided markets Downloads
Christopher Mueller and Enrico Boehme
34986: Measuring dynamic market selection by persistent scale inefficiencies - new methodology applied to EU business services Downloads
Henk Kox and George Leeuwen
34982: Taxing pollution: agglomeration and welfare consequences Downloads
Marcus Berliant, Shin-Kun Peng and Ping Wang
34980: Inequality and economic growth in Bangladesh- a diversified evidence on Kuznets pattern 'U' hypothesis Downloads
Islam S M A
34978: GATT/WTO membership does promote international trade after all – Some new empirical evidence Downloads
Laszlo Konya, Laszlo Matyas and Mark Harris
34977: Informative Advertising, Consumer Search and Transparency Policy Downloads
Chengsi Wang
34976: The estimation of three-dimensional fixed effects panel data models Downloads
Laszlo Matyas and Laszlo Balazsi
34975: Financial repression and economic distortions to the stage of economic growth and agricultural development in Bangladesh Downloads
Md.Anowarul Islam Sikder
34973: Income dependent direct and indirect rebound effects from ’green’ consumption choices in Australia Downloads
Cameron Murray
34972: Asymmetric information in the civil wars, the Colombian case Downloads
Fernando Estrada
34971: The progressive tax Downloads
Fernando Estrada
34966: Monetary policy operating procedures: the Peruvian case Downloads
Marylin Choy
34964: Hub and spoke trade agreements under oligopoly with asymmetric costs Downloads
Halis Yildiz
34962: House-Price Crash and Macroeconomic Crisis: A Hong Kong Case Study Downloads
Tongbin Zhang and Bo Hu
34961: Securitization and bank intermediation function Downloads
Maxim Zagonov
34955: Academic patent value and knowledge transfer in the UK. Does patent ownership matter? Downloads
Valerio Sterzi
34951: Transaction Cost and Asymmetry of Information -The Twin Odds of Indian Commercial Banks in Rural Credit Market: Theoretical Fragility Downloads
Saswati Choudhury
34950: Determinants of homeownership in Malaysia Downloads
Teck Hong Tan
34948: Календарні ефекти та аномалії на українському фондовому ринку: теорія і практика (The Calendar Effects and Anomalies on Ukrainian Stock Market: Theory and Empirical Evidence) Downloads
Bohdan Petrushchak
34946: Foreign bank penetration, resource allocation and economic growth: evidence from emerging economies Downloads
Ji Wu, Bang Jeon and Alina Luca
34944: Broadening monitoring and evaluation within reforming national agricultural research systems Downloads
Robert Yawson, Alistair J. Sutherland and Wisdom A Amoa-Awua
34943: Dibattito sulla globalizzazione. Un commento (Debate on globalization. A comment) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
34942: Intergenerational earnings and income mobility in Spain Downloads
María Cervini-Plá
34941: The impact of electricity storage on wholesale electricity prices Downloads
Batsaikhan Nyamdash and Eleanor Denny
34937: Multiple equilibria in asymmetric first-price auctions Downloads
Todd Kaplan and Shmuel Zamir
34933: Propozycja kryteriów służących ocenie konkurencyjności sklepów internetowych (Set of Criteria Proposal for E-Shops Comparison) Downloads
Grzegorz Chodak
34929: Environmental Kuznets Curve and the role of energy consumption in Pakistan Downloads
Shahbaz Muhammad, Hooi Hooi Lean and Shahbaz Shabbir Muhammad
34928: Marginal likelihood calculation for gelfand-dey and Chib Method Downloads
Chun Liu
34927: Peace economists and peace economics Downloads
Jurgen Brauer and Raul Caruso
34926: Do pension wealth, pension cost and the nature of pension system affect coverage? Evidence from a country where pay-as-you-go and funded systems coexist Downloads
Miguel Carpio
34925: Dinámica de corto plazo del empleo en las maquiladoras de Reynosa, Tamaulipas (Short-run dynamics of payrolls in the maquiladora sector of Reynosa, Tamaulipas (Mexico)) Downloads
Thomas Fullerton, Juan Carlos Vazquez Morales and Martha P. Barraza de Anda
34924: A stakeholder approach to investigating public perception and attitudes towards agricultural biotechnology in Ghana Downloads
Robert Yawson, Wilhemina Quaye, Irene E. Williams and Ivy Yawson
34922: Determinants of internal migration in Kazakhstan Downloads
Alisher Aldashev and Barbara Dietz
34921: Kullback-Leibler simplex Downloads
Popon Kangpenkae
34919: Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem and the distinction between Voting and Deciding Downloads
Thomas Colignatus
34918: Symulator obrotów magazynowych w sklepie internetowym - propozycja implementacji (Simulator of Inventory Turnover in Internet Shop - Proposal of Implementation) Downloads
Grzegorz Chodak
34916: Innovation and performance of Italian multinational enterprises of the “fourth capitalism” Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
34913: Discretionary tax shocks in the United Kingdom 1945-2009: a narrative account and dataset Downloads
James Cloyne
34912: Rules-based economic governance in the European Union: A reappraisal of national fiscal rules Downloads
Istvan Benczes
34910: Küresel Kriz ve Finansal Aracılarda Risk Yönetimi: Beyaz Sayfa Mı? (Global Financial Crisis and Risk Management in Financial Intermediaries: Is It White Page?) Downloads
Yener Coskun and Murad Kayacan
34909: Determinants of homeownership in Malaysia Downloads
Teck Hong Tan
34906: Home owning motivation in Malaysia Downloads
Teck Hong Tan
34905: Migration and Tourist Flows Downloads
Nuno Leitão and Muhammad Shahbaz
34904: Efficiency of the Portuguese metros. is it different from other European metros? Downloads
Joana Santos, Pedro Simões, Álvaro Costa and Rc Marques
34903: Multi entry framework for financial and risk reporting Downloads
Piotr Staszkiewicz
34902: Empirical evidence on the relationships between concentration and profitability in Latin American banking Downloads
Augustine C. Arize, Ioannis N. Kallianotis, Krishna M. Kasibhatla, John Malindretos and Luis Eduardo Rivera-Solis
34901: Game complete analysis for financial markets stabilization Downloads
David Carfì and Francesco Musolino
34900: Plus grande commune nomenclature (PGCN) – élaboration d’une nomenclature de réconciliation pour la constuction de séries longues (Greater common economic classification (GCEC) - conception of a reconciliation's nomenclature to built a long run time series) Downloads
Rodolphe Buda
34899: The main frameworks of the national programme for the reduction of emissions: towards the national programme for low-emission economic development. the public board’s role Downloads
Krzysztof Żmijewski and Maciej M. Sokołowski
34898: The need for revaluation of the model structure for electricity liberalization Downloads
Andrzej T. Szablewski
34897: Smart grids after the third liberalization package: current developments and future challenges for regulatory policy in the electricity sector Downloads
Mariusz Swora
34896: The emission trading scheme in polish law. Selected problems related to the scope of derogation from the general rule for auctioning in Poland Downloads
Marcin Stoczkiewicz
34894: The Autonomy of sector-specific regulation – Is It still worth protecting? further thoughts on the parallel application of competition law and regulatory instruments Downloads
Aleksander Stawicki
34893: Consolidation of the polish electricity sector. The merger law perspective Downloads
Tadeusz Skoczny
34892: Poland’s energy security in the context of the EU’s common energy policy. The case of the gas sector Downloads
Bartłomiej Nowak and Paweł Grzejszczak
34891: The obligation of strategic gas storage introduced in Poland as an example of a public service obligation relating to supply security: a question of compliance with European law Downloads
Maria Mordwa
34889: Cutting emissions in the energy sector: a technological and regulatory perspective Downloads
Janusz Lewandowski
34888: Séries longues d'emploi salarié régional sectoriel français 1967–2006 (French sectoral and regional salaried employment long run time series 1967-2006) Downloads
Rodolphe Buda
34887: The duties of the president of the polish energy regulatory office in the context of implementing the third energy package Downloads
Filip M. Elżanowski
34886: The energy tariff system and development of competition in the scope of polish energy law Downloads
Marzena Czarnecka and Tomasz Ogłódek
34884: Estimations de l'emploi régional salarié français détaillé au 31.12.2007 et agrégé au 31.12.2008 (Estimation of the french salaried regional employment detailed at 31.12.2007 and aggregated at 31.12.2008) Downloads
Rodolphe Buda
34883: Climate Change and Development: Trade Opportunities of Climate Smart Goods and Technologies in Asia Downloads
Soumyananda Dinda
34882: Evaluating the efficiency of Latin American banks Downloads
John Malindretos, Krishna Kasibhatla and Luis Eduardo Rivera-Solis
34881: Estimation de l'emploi régional et sectoriel salarié français: application à l'année 2006 (Estimation of the french salaried regional and sectoral employment: application to the year 2006) Downloads
Rodolphe Buda
34880: Policy options of agricultural biotechnology R&D in Sub-Saharan Africa: key issues and aspects Downloads
Robert Yawson and Ivy Yawson
34879: L'avenir de l'information économique (The Future of The Economic Information) Downloads
Rodolphe Buda
34878: Unemployment insurance and home production Downloads
Temel Taskin
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