MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 13981: Regional disparities among countries and analysis of reasons of their creation

- Stanislav Kološta and Al. Et.
- 13980: Miesto marketingu v regionálnom rozvoji

- Hošala Mário, Flaška Filip, Stanislav Kološta and Sokáč Ivan
- 13977: Analýza siete ŽP Group podľa vybraných oblastí skúmania Novej ekonomickej geografie a teórie učiacich sa regiónov

- Stanislav Kološta, Sokáč Ivan, Flaška Filip and Hošala Mário
- 13975: Zmiany na rynku powszechnych towarzystw emerytalnych w Polsce po przystąpieniu do Unii Europejskiej (Changes on the public pension societies market in Poland after its accession to European Union)

- Jarosław Poteraj
- 13969: Demand for Foreign Exchange Reserves in India: A Co-integration Approach

- K P Prabheesh, D Malathy and R Madhumathi
- 13965: Socio-economic Impact of Sethusamudram Project

- Srinivasan Kannan
- 13962: A survey of energy demand elasticities in support of the development of the NEMS

- Carol Dahl
- 13961: Eventology versus contemporary theories of uncertainty

- Oleg Yu. Vorobyev
- 13959: Child Health and the Income Gradient: Evidence from Australia

- Rasheda Khanam, Hong Son Nghiem and Luke Connelly
- 13957: Neuroeconomics: A Critique of ‘Neuroeconomics: A Critical Reconsideration’

- Angela A. Stanton
- 13953: La filosofía ética de la Teoría del Equilibrio General (The Moral Philosophy of The General Equilibrium Theory)

- Osmar Loaiza Quintero
- 13950: Creation of virtual laboratories used in distance learning

- Luminita Serbanescu
- 13949: Legal enforcement, public supply of liquidity and sovereign risk

- Filippo Brutti
- 13945: Improving competition in the non-tradable goods and labour markets: the Portuguese case

- Ricardo Félix, Vanda Almeida and Gabriela Castro
- 13942: Instrumente de business intelligence pentru monitorizarea vanzarilor

- Luminita Serbanescu
- 13940: In search of an appropriate tax base for local Leviathans

- Jürgen Göbel
- 13934: The effect of a collective exchange rate adjustment on East Asian exports

- Mizanur Rahman and Kaliappa Kalirajan
- 13932: Debt intolerance

- Carmen Reinhart, Kenneth Rogoff and Miguel Savastano
- 13931: The Impact of a Common Currency on East Asian Production Networks and China’s Exports Behavior

- Mizanur Rahman
- 13930: Out of reach? Convergence to an inflation target in the Central Bank of Iceland's macroeconomic model

- Fridrik Baldursson and Axel Hall
- 13929: Bias in foreign equity portfolios: households versus professional investors

- Maela Giofre'
- 13928: From guests to hosts: a first whole picture of immigrant-native wage differentials in Spain

- Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo, Miguel Carrera Troyano and José Ignacio Antón
- 13927: Convergence of EMU Equity Portfolios

- Giofré, Maela/M.
- 13926: EMU Effects on Stock Markets: From Home Bias to Euro Bias

- Giofré, Maela/M.
- 13925: The Role of Information Asimmetries and Inflation Hedging in International Equity Portfolios

- Maela Giofre'
- 13924: How can the power of Leviathans be measured?

- Jürgen Göbel
- 13921: The Employment and Unemployment in Romania - Decisive Factors

- Cristina Baldan and Madalina Neacsu
- 13919: Un modèle d’analyse de la modification structurelle des investissements par stades de développement économique (A model to analyse structural changes of investment by economic development stages)

- Lucian Albu
- 13917: Default, currency crises, and sovereign credit ratings

- Carmen Reinhart
- 13916: El sinuoso camino a la descentralización y el necesario fortalecimiento del gobierno local (The Winding Road to Decentralization and the Necessary Strengthening of Local Government)

- Jorge Mora-Alfaro
- 13914: Modelling value-added tax in the presence of multiproduction and differentiated exemptions

- James Giesecke and Nhi Tran
- 13911: Predicting European Union recessions in the euro era: The yield curve as a forecasting tool of economic activity

- Periklis Gogas, Dionysios Chionis and Ioannis Pragkidis
- 13910: Bayesian Analysis of DSGE Models with Regime Switching

- Yunjong Eo
- 13909: Two speed Europe and business cycle synchronization in the European Union: The effect of the common currency

- Periklis Gogas and George Kothroulas
- 13908: Negative externalities as the engine of growth in an evolutionary context

- Angelo Antoci and Stefano Bartolini
- 13907: Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union in the Presence of Uncertainty about the Central Bank Preferences

- Meixing Dai and Moise Sidiropoulos
- 13906: Reexamination of the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) under Cournot Competition

- Meixing Dai
- 13903: Capital controls during financial crises: The case of Malaysia and Thailand

- Carmen Reinhart and Hali Edison
- 13902: The capital inflows problem: Concepts and issues

- Carmen Reinhart, Guillermo Calvo and Leonardo Leiderman
- 13900: The train has left the station: Do markets value intra-city access to inter-city rail connections?

- Gabriel Ahlfeldt
- 13899: The Tinbergen & Hueting Approach in the Economics of Ecological Survival

- Thomas Colignatus
- 13898: Nominal interest rates, consumption booms, and lack of credibility: A quantitative examination

- Carmen Reinhart and Carlos Vegh
- 13896: Agglomeration economies and the location of Taiwanese investment in China

- George Shih-Ku Chen
- 13894: Determinants of Taiwanese investment in China: An agglomeration economies-based perspective

- George Shih-Ku Chen
- 13893: Determinants of bank efficiency: Evidence from a semi-parametric methodology

- Manthos Delis and Nikolaos Papanikolaou
- 13892: Financial Versus Human Resources in the Greek-Turkish Arms Race: A Forecasting Investigation Using Artificial Neural Networks

- Andreas S. Andreou and George Zombanakis
- 13891: Regulations and productivity growth in banking

- Manthos Delis, Philip Molyneux and Fotios Pasiouras
- 13890: Competitive conditions in the Central and Eastern European banking systems

- Manthos Delis
- 13888: Impact of Migration on Health

- Srinivasan Kannan
- 13884: Forecasting turning points in Canada

- Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart
- 13883: When it rains, it pours: Procyclical capital flows and macroeconomic policies

- Carmen Reinhart, Graciela Kaminsky and Carlos Vegh
- 13882: Corruption: Measuring the Unmeasurable

- Asad Zaman and Faizur Rahim
- 13880: Judicial Discretion and Sentencing Behavior

- Beth Freeborn and Monica Hartmann
- 13879: Measuring the Systematic Risk of IPO’s Using Empirical Bayes Estimates in the Thinly Traded Istanbul Stock Exchange

- Yaz Muradoglu, Asad Zaman and Mehmet Orhan
- 13878: The unholy trinity of financial contagion

- Carmen Reinhart, Graciela Kaminsky and Carlos Vegh
- 13877: Financial crises in Asia and Latin America: Then and now

- Carmen Reinhart and Graciela Kaminsky
- 13875: Reading between the lines: A closer look at the effectiveness of early childhood education policy to reduce inequality in Argentina

- Agustina Paglayan
- 13874: Twin fallacies about exchange rate policy in emerging markets

- Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart
- 13873: Fixing for your life

- Carmen Reinhart and Guillermo Calvo
- 13872: FDI to Africa: The role of price stability and currency instability

- Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
- 13871: Non-oil commodity prices: Cyclical weakness or secular decline?

- Carmen Reinhart and Peter Wickham
- 13870: The determinants of commodity prices

- Carmen Reinhart and Eduardo Borensztein
- 13869: Financial markets in time of stress

- Carmen Reinhart and Graciela Kaminsky
- 13867: Public debt and currency crisis: how central bank opacity can make things bad?

- Meixing Dai
- 13866: What is the “value” of value-at-risk in a simulated portfolio decision-making game?

- Matjaz Steinbacher
- 13865: Endogenous Wealth-Depending Time Preference and Fiscal Policy in Open Economy

- Meixing Dai
- 13864: Flexibility in inflation targeting, financial markets and macroeconomic stability

- Meixing Dai and Moïse Sidiropoulos
- 13863: Temporary controls on capital inflows

- Carmen Reinhart and R Todd Smith
- 13862: Stopping hot money

- Carmen Reinhart and Hali Edison
- 13860: The Nominal Exchange Rate Implication of VAT Harmonization in EEC

- Meixing Dai
- 13858: Inflation Targeting, Capital Mobility and Macroeconomic Stability

- Meixing Dai and Moïse Sidiropoulos
- 13857: ¿Puede el gobierno corporativo aprender del gobierno público? (Can corporate governance learn from public governance?)

- Samuel Brugger Jakob
- 13856: Les effets stabilisants de la zone-cible du taux d’inflation (The stabilising effects of inflation-targeting zone)

- Meixing Dai
- 13854: Where in the world is the market?: The income distribution approach to understanding consumer demand in emerging countries

- Staffan Canback and Frank D'Agnese
- 13853: The Purchasing Power Parity in The Maghreb Countries: A Nonlinear Perspective

- Mohamed Benbouziane and Abdelhak Benamar
- 13851: Impact of Foreign Direct Investments on Industrial Productivity: A Subnational Study of India

- Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati
- 13849: Immigration and Social Benefits in a Mediterranean Welfare State: The Case of Spain

- Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo and José Ignacio Antón
- 13848: From rags to riches? Immigration and poverty in Spain

- Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo and José Ignacio Antón
- 13847: Low wage work in high employment growth economy, Spain 1994-2004

- Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo and José Ignacio Antón
- 13846: Revenue Targeting in Fisheries: The Case of Hawaii Longline Fishery

- Quang Nguyen and PinngSun Leung
- 13844: Endogenous Timing with Government's Preference and Privatization

- Kangsik Choi
- 13843: Capital Inflows and Real Exchange Rate Appreciation in Latin America

- Carmen Reinhart, Guillermo Calvo and Leonardo Leiderman
- 13842: Las crisis gemelas: las causas de los problemas bancarios y de balanza de pagos (The twin crises: Te causes of banking and balance of payments problems)

- Carmen Reinhart and Graciela Kaminsky
- 13840: Capital inflows to Latin America with reference to the Asian experience

- Carmen Reinhart, Guillermo Calvo and Leonardo Leiderman
- 13839: Output Fluctuations and Monetary Shocks

- Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart
- 13837: Entrepreneurial Morality: Some Indications from Greece

- George Bitros and Anastassios Karayiannis
- 13835: From Duty to Right: The Role of Public Education in the Transition to Aging Societies

- Yoshiaki Sugimoto and Masao Nakagawa
- 13834: Impact of Environmental Dynamics on Economic Evolution: Uncertainty, Risk Aversion, and Policy

- Volker Nannen, Jeroen van den Bergh and A. E. Eiben
- 13833: Les prix des actifs et la stratégie de politique monétaire de la BCE (Asset prices and the monetary policy strastegy of the ECB)

- Meixing Dai and Moïse Sidiropoulos
- 13830: Control Rights, Pyramids, and the Measurement of Ownership Concentration

- Jeremy Edwards and Alfons Weichenrieder
- 13829: Monetary policy transparency and inflation persistence in a small open economy

- Meixing Dai, Moïse Sidiropoulos and Eleftherios Spyromitros
- 13828: Socio-economic Impact of Sethusamudram Project

- Srinivasan Kannan
- 13825: Analyse de l'impact des coûts de participation sur la stratégie des enchérisseurs dans les Prises de contrôle (Participation costs and optimal strategy in takeovers)

- Mike Burkart
- 13820: Contracting out Employment Services Involving Temporary Agency Work in Germany

- Wolfgang Ochel
- 13807: Currency Velocity and cash payments in the U.S. Economy: The Currency Enigma

- Edgar Feige
- 13805: Revised estimates of the Underground Economy: Implications of US Currency held abroad

- Edgar Feige
- 13802: Multiple Reserve Requirements, Exchange Rates, Sudden Stops and Equilibrium Dynamics in a Small Open Economy

- Grace Wang and Paula Hernandez-Verme
- 13797: Wissensbasierte Entwicklung in Singapur und Malaysia (Knowledge-based development in Singapore and Malaysia)

- Thomas Menkhoff, Solvay Gerke, Hans-Dieter Evers and Yue Wah Chay
- 13796: Strategic Group Formation in the Mekong Delta - The Development of a Modern Hydraulic Society

- Hans-Dieter Evers and Simon Benedikter
- 13793: Technological diffusion and dynamic gains from trade

- Eleonora Cavallaro and Marcella Mulino
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