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109997: Public procurement and supplier job creation: Insights from auctions Downloads
Stjepan Srhoj and Melko Dragojević
109995: Impact of Janani SurakshaYojana (JSY): A study across two Delhi hospitals Downloads
Asmita Verma, Ekta Pandey, Ahalya Ramanathan and Nitin Saluja
109993: Utility Maximization of Bangladeshi Consumers within Their Budget: A Mathematical Procedure Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
109992: Mask Mandates and COVID-19 Related Symptoms in the US Downloads
My Nguyen
109987: Статистическая двухуровневая модель технологического процесса (Statistical two-level model of the production process) Downloads
Олег Пигнастый
109982: Oil shocks and the excise duty tax in a DSGE model setting Downloads
Črt Lenarčič
109981: Consumer naivete and competitive add-on pricing on platforms Downloads
Meenakshi Ghosh
109977: Estimating business and financial cycles in Slovenia Downloads
Črt Lenarčič
109976: Why the Flow of Funds Don’t Explain the Flow of Funds: Sectoral Balances, Balance Sheets, and the Accumulation Fallacy Downloads
Steve Roth
109974: The usage of mobile financial services in Bangladesh Downloads
Zaeem-Al Ehsan, Naomi Musleh, Veronica Gomes, Wasiq Ahmed and Md Dinash Ferdous
109971: Multiple Equilibria and Unsustainable Runs in Major League Baseball: More Evidence Downloads
Duane Rockerbie and Stephen Easton
109970: Stability and determinants of the public debt-to-GDP ratio: an Input Output – Stock Flow Consistent approach Downloads
Lorenzo Di Domenico
109968: Truth, Honesty, and Strategic Interactions Downloads
Angelique Bernabe, Tanjim Hossain and Haomiao Yu
109966: A Brief Comparison of Most Prominent Crowdfunding Platforms in Turkey and USA Downloads
Beren Uzuntepe
109964: SNAP Work Requirement and Food Insecurity Downloads
Debasmita Das
109962: Fairness Concerns and Job Assignment to Positions with Different Surplus Downloads
Katarína Danková, Hodaka Morita, Maroš Servátka and Le Zhang
109959: When an Importer's Protection of IPR Interacts with an Exporter's level of Technology: Comparing the Impacts on the Exports of the North and South Downloads
Wpnkyu Shin, Keun Lee and Walter Park
109958: Catch-up Strategy of an Emerging Firm in an Emerging Country: Analyzing the Case of Huawei vs. Ericsson with Patent Data Downloads
Sh Joo, C Oh and Keun Lee
109957: Changes in Industrial Leadership and Catch-Up by Latecomers in Shipbuilding Industry Downloads
Chaisung Lim, Y Kim and Keun Lee
109952: The Impacts of Rainfall Shocks on Birth Weight in Vietnam Downloads
Kien Le and My Nguyen
109950: Chaebols, Financial Liberalization, and Economic Crisis: Transformation of Quasi-Internal Organization in Korea Downloads
Chung H Lee, Keun Lee and Kangkook Lee
109944: The impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Romania’s business environment Downloads
Dalina Andrei
109943: La transformación en el uso de efectivo y pagos digitales durante la pandemia de Covid-19 (Thye transformation in the use of cash and digital payments during the Covid-19 pandemioc) Downloads
Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, Manuel A Bautista-González and Ignacio González-Correa
109942: Leisure as a complement of banking: Taxing financial services for reducing leisure time? Downloads
Guillermo Peña
Vijaya Kittu Manda and Alekhya Sana
109940: Leveraging Non-Farm Income: Micro-evidence of Occupational Choice for Rural Households in India Downloads
Swayambhu Mukherjee and Saibal Kar
109939: Expert Habitat: A Colonization Conjecture for Exoplanetary Habitability via penalized multi-objective optimization and Swarm Clustering based candidate validation Downloads
Luckyson Khaidem, Snehanshu Saha, Saibal Kar, Archana Mathur and Sriparna Saha
Saibal Kar and Sweta Lahiri
109934: Exchange Rate Pass-through to Domestic Prices in Thailand, 2000-2017 Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
109926: Pandemi Covid-19: Implikasinya terhadap Permintaan Uang dan Instrumen Pembayaran Lainnya (Covid-19 Pandemic: Implications on Demand for Money and Other Payment Instruments) Downloads
Muhammad Nizar
109924: Making sustainable finance sustainable Downloads
Peterson Ozili
109922: Tail Risks and Stock Return Predictability: Evidence From Asia-Pacific Downloads
Ahamuefula Ogbonna and Olusanya Olubusoye
109920: Factor Supply Elasticities, Returns to Scale, and the Direction of Technological Progress Downloads
Defu Li and Bental Benjamin
109919: Some Efficiency Aspects of Monopolistic Competition: Innovation, Variety and Transaction costs Downloads
Tamara Todorova
109918: Lack of Control: An experiment Downloads
Benjamin Prissé and Diego Jorrat
109916: Determinants of unemployment rate in an open economy: Malaysian evidence Downloads
Nurul Ghafar and Abul Masih
109914: Feasibility of Artificial Insemination Network for Egyptian Buffalo Development Downloads
Ibrahim Soliman and Ahmed F. Mashhour
109913: An Advance Study on Dairy Buffalo Development through Investment in Genetic Improvement Downloads
Ibrahim Soliman and Basher Bahgat
109912: Ordinary rationality and Higgs mechanism Downloads
Yingrui Yang
109910: Медиацията като учебна дисциплина във висшите училища (The mediation as a discipline in the higher schools) Downloads
Diana Dimitrova
109909: Приложение на методите на медиацията – от висшето образование до пазара на труда (Application of mediation methods – from higher education to the labor market) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva
109908: Медиацията в контекста на правото на ефективни вътрешноправни средства за защита (Mediation in the context of the right of effective domestic law protection means) Downloads
Mariyana Shirvanyan and Vladimir Danev
109907: Do the trading partners’ exchange rates impact the export performance of a country? evidence from Malaysia Downloads
Nurul Izyani and Abul Masih
109906: Health Innovation Networks to Help Developing Countries Address Neglected Diseases Downloads
Carlos Morel, Denis Broun, Ajit Dangi, Christopher Elias, Charles Gardner, Rk Gupta, Jane Haycock, Tony Heher Heher, Peter Hotez Hotez, Calestous Juma, Hannah Kettler, Anatole Krattiger, Fernando Kreutz, Keun Lee and Et Al.
109905: Globalization, Governance and the Green Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policy Thresholds Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Joseph Nnanna
109904: The asymmetric effect of internet access on economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa: Insight from a dynamic panel threshold regression Downloads
Idris Abdulqadir and Simplice Asongu
109903: Education Enrollment Rate vs Employment Rate: Implications for Sustainable Human Capital Development in Nigeria Downloads
Oluwabunmi Adejumo, Simplice Asongu and Akintoye Adejumo
109902: ICT dynamics for gender inclusive intermediary education: minimum poverty and inequality thresholds in developing countries Downloads
Simplice Asongu, Mouna Amari, Anis Jarboui and Khaireddine Mouakhar
109901: Exploring Critical Risk Factors of Office Building Projects Downloads
Phong Nguyen, Cuong Phu Pham, Phuong Thanh Phan, Ngoc Bich Vu, My Tien Ha Duong and Quyen Nguyen
109900: A bad turn deserves another: linkages between terrorism, capital flight and industrialisation Downloads
Simplice Asongu, Joseph Nnanna and Rexon Nting
109899: Application Machine Learning in Construction Management Downloads
Phong Nguyen
109898: Relational Incentives Theory Downloads
Jana Gallus, Joseph Reiff, Emir Kamenica and Alan Page Fiske
109897: The Impact of Venture Capital Expenditures on Innovation in Europe Downloads
Angelo Leogrande, Alberto Costantiello and Lucio Laureti
109896: The Impacts of Armed Conflict on Child Health: Evidence from 56 Developing Countries Downloads
Kien Le and My Nguyen
109895: China’s Bilateral Currency Swap in International Trade Clearance: An Empirical Investigation Downloads
Abdullahi Mohammed
109893: Modélisation et prévision du nombre d’infections au coronavirus au Togo: une approche par un modèle ARIMA avec le logiciel R (Modeling and forecasting the number of coronavirus infections in Togo: an ARIMA model approach with R software) Downloads
Mayo Takémsi Norris Kadanga and Fo-Kossi Edem Togbenu
109892: Lead-lag between female employment and economic growth: evidence from Canada Downloads
Masoud Salehyar and Abul Masih
109891: Diminishing marginal utility and the teaching of economics: A note Downloads
Tamara Todorova
109890: Economic Growth and the Rate of Profit in Colombia 1967-2019: A VAR Time-Series Analysis Downloads
Carlos Duque Garcia
109886: The generic economic entity types. A critical analysis of basics of the Keynesian Macro-Model Downloads
Dalina Andrei and Liviu Catalin Andrei
109884: Economic entities and history of economic thinking Downloads
Dalina Andrei
109883: Foreign direct investments. The international directly invested capital divided into cooperation capital and long-way flows Downloads
Liviu Andrei and Dalina Andrei
109881: University graduates’ job-education mismatches in the Spanish labour market Downloads
Marco Pérez Navarro
109880: What factors affect islamic bank deposits ? Malaysian case based on ARDL Downloads
Abdullah Ludeen and Abul Masih
109879: China’s Bilateral Currency Swap Agreement: Strategic Move to Foster Political and Financial Hegemony Downloads
Abdullahi Mohammed
109876: Competitiveness of sea buckthorn farming in Mongolia: A policy analysis matrix Downloads
Ganzorig Gonchigsumlaa, Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel, Nergui Soninkhishig and Andreas Buerkert
109875: Financial Development and Central Bank Bilateral Currency Swaps: Is there Trade Effect? Downloads
Abdullahi Mohammed
109874: Lead-lag between exchange rates and trade balance: Malaysian evidence Downloads
Nabil Saupi and Abul Masih
109870: A Literature Review of Economic Migration Downloads
Wiechers Enrique Graue
109869: A Review and Analysis of Transnationalism Migration in the Worldwide Downloads
Wiechers Enrique Graue
109866: Performance Evaluation of Islamic and Non-Islamic Equity and Bonds Indices: Evidence from selected Emerging and Developed Countries Downloads
Marc Audi, Azhar Sadiq and Amjad Ali
109863: Reserve Bank of India’s Pandemic Responses Downloads
Lekha S Chakraborty
109862: Granger-causality between oil price and macrovariables: ARDL approach Downloads
Mukhsinbek Bekmuratov and Abul Masih
109854: Impact of FDI on Income Inequality in Pakistan Downloads
Haider Mahmood and Ar Chuadhary
109850: The political economy of central bank’s quasi-fiscal operations implemented for 2012-2016 in Mongolia Downloads
Gan-Ochir Doojav
109849: Women political empowerment and vulnerability to climate change: evidence from developing countries Downloads
Simplice Asongu, Omang Messono and Keyanfe Guttemberg
109848: Gender Inclusive Intermediary Education, Financial Stability and Female Employment in the Industry in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu, Yann Nounamo, Henri Njangang and Sosson Tadadjeu
109847: The Mobile Phone Technology, Gender Inclusive Education and Public Accountability in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu, Alex Adegboye, Jeremiah Ejemeyovwi and Olaoluwa Umukoro
109846: The role of finance in inclusive human development in Africa revisited Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Rexon Nting
109845: Financial Stress and Effect on Real Economy: The Turkish Experience Downloads
Yusuf Yildirim and Anirban Sanyal
109841: The Impact of Delay: Evidence from Formal Out-of-Court Restructuring Downloads
Stjepan Srhoj, Dejan Kovač, Jacob N. Shapiro and Randall Filer
109840: Нови приступи оцењивању степена концентрације и конкуренције: пример сектора осигурања у Србији (New Approaches to Estimation of Concentration and Competition Degree: Example of Insurance Sector in Serbia) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
109839: An Information-Based Index of Uncertainty and the predictability of Energy Prices Downloads
Olusanya Olubusoye, Olaoluwa Yaya and Ahamuefula Ogbonna
109838: Energy Pricing during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Predictive Information-Based Uncertainty Indexes with Machine Learning Algorithm Downloads
Olusanya Olubusoye, Olalekan J. Akintande, Olaoluwa Yaya, Ahamuefula Ogbonna and Adeola F. Adenikinju
109837: Not all that glitters is gold: political stability and trade in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu, Thales Yapatake Kossele and Joseph Nnanna
109836: Elections, Political Connections and Cash Holdings: Evidence from Local Assemblies Downloads
David Adeabah, Charles Andoh, Simplice Asongu and Isaac Akomea-Frimpong
109835: Remittances and Value Added across Economic sub-sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Odhiambo
109831: Unemployment Hysteresis in Middle East and North Africa Countries: Panel SUR-based Unit root test with a Fourier function Downloads
Oladapo G. Awolaja, Olaoluwa Yaya, Xuan Vinh Vo, Ahamuefula Ogbonna and Solomon O. Joseph
109830: Gold and Silver prices, their stocks and market fear gauges: Testing fractional cointegration using a robust approach Downloads
Olaoluwa Yaya, Xuan Vinh Vo and Hammed Abiola Olayinka
109829: How fearful are Commodities and US stocks in response to Global fear? Persistence and Cointegration analyses Downloads
Olaoluwa Yaya, Luis Gil-Alana, Oluwasegun Adekoya and Xuan Vinh Vo
109828: Market Efficiency of Asian Stocks: Evidence based on Narayan-Liu-Westerlund GARCH-based Unit root test Downloads
Olaoluwa Yaya, Xuan Vinh Vo and Oluwasegun Adekoya
109827: Stock Market Responses to COVID-19: Mean Reversion, Dependence and Persistence Behaviours Downloads
Yener Coskun, Omokolade Akinsomi, Luis Gil-Alana and Olaoluwa Yaya
109825: Comparative Analysis of Market Efficiency and Volatility of Energy Prices Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic Periods Downloads
Oluwayemisi O. Alaba, Oluwadare O. Ojo, Olaoluwa Yaya, Nurudeen Abu and Saheed A. Ajobo
109821: A song of ice and fire: Competitiveness in an export-led growing economy Downloads
Marwil Dávila-Fernández and José Oreiro
109820: Chaos in the UK New Keynesian Macroeconomy Downloads
William Barnett, Giovanni Bella, Taniya Ghosh, Paolo Mattana and Beatrice Venturi
109815: Gains from Free Trade Agreements: A Theoretical Analysis Downloads
Sugandha Huria
109811: Share Repurchases and Board Independence Downloads
Anna Grosman and Mario Daniele Amore
109810: Measuring Inflation: Criticism and Solution Downloads
Ferenc Laczó
109805: Money Demand and Inflation in a Highly Dollarized Economy: Fighting Inflation in Cambodia Downloads
Hay Chanthol
109800: Relationship between urbanization and health outcomes in Indian states Downloads
Sabyasachi Tripathi
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