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16212: Market Structure and Drug Innovation Downloads
Fabio Pammolli and Massimo Riccaboni
16210: Better Health and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) from a global, regional and local economic perspective Downloads
Birgid Eberhard, Uwe Fachinger and Klaus-Dirk Henke
16199: Real Time Changes in Monetary Policy Downloads
Marcelle Chauvet and Heather Tierney
16197: The Impact of Medical and Nursing Home Expenses and Social Insurance Policies on Savings and Inequality Downloads
Karen Kopecky and Tatyana Koreshkova
16195: Entrepreneurial intentions: The influence of organizational and individual factors Downloads
Lena Lee, Poh Wong, Maw Der Foo and Aegean Leung
16194: Novel Opportunity Exploitation: Impact of Personality, Environment and Uncertainty Avoidance Culture Downloads
Lena Lee and Poh Wong
16193: Firms’ Innovative Performance: The Mediating Role of Innovative Collaborations Downloads
Lena Lee and Poh Wong
16180: A small open economy model for Nigeria: a BVAR-DSGE approach Downloads
Olaolu Olayeni
16179: How Duration Between Trades of Underlying Securities Affects Option Prices Downloads
Álvaro Cartea and Thilo Meyer-Brandis
16175: The effect of the government intervention in economy on corruption Downloads
Mihai Mutascu
16174: Responding to the 2007- 09 financial crisis: A new Consumer Financial Protection Agency? Downloads
John Tatom
16173: Brains, drains, and roads, growth hills: complementarity between public education and infrastructure in a half-century panel of states Downloads
Joe Stone and Neil Bania
16172: Dynamics of market share in the microfinance industry in Bangladesh Downloads
Chowdhury Shameem Mahmoud, M. A. Baqui Khalily and Syed Wadood
16171: The economic effects of oil prices shocks on the UK manufacturing and services sector Downloads
Francesco Guidi
16170: Impact de la mondialisation et des inégalités sur la pauvreté en Europe de l'Est: Approche par la méthode des moments généralisés (Impact of the globalisation and inequality on poverty in Eastern Europe: using generalized method of moments) Downloads
Christian Samen Otchia
16168: The new Lisbon Strategy: An estiamtion of the impact of reaching 5 Lisbon targets Downloads
George Gelauff and Arjan Lejour
16167: The Successful Ghana Election of 2008: A Convenient Myth? Ethnicity in Ghana's elections revisited Downloads
Heinz Jockers, Dirk Kohnert and Paul Nugent
16159: Recent Literature on Taxable-Income Elasticities Downloads
Seth Giertz
16158: Alternative Ways of Measuring and Interpreting Worker Flows Downloads
Carlos Corseuil
16157: Worker Flows and Firm Dynamics in a Labour Market Model Downloads
Carlos Corseuil
16152: Gida harcamalar inin gelir içindeki payi yönünden satin alma gücünün değerlendirilmesi: Türkiye’nin bölgeselleştirilmiş illeri bazinda bir değerlendirme (Evaluating the purchasing power parity in terms of food expenditure ratio in income: regionalized provincial example in Turkey) Downloads
Kahraman Kalyoncu
16150: International Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer: The CDM´s Reality in China Downloads
João Aleluia and João Leitão
16149: Trial experience, satisfaction and incentive to bring another lawsuit: Does aspiration level influence winners and losers? Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
16146: Strategic Coopetition of Global Brands: A Game Theory Approach to ‘Nike + iPod Sport Kit’ Co-branding Downloads
Flávio Rodrigues, Victória Souza and João Leitão
16141: A Simple Model of Foreign Brand Penetration under Monopolistic Competition Downloads
Toru Kikuchi
16140: Development of Direct Democracy in Swiss Cantons between 1997 and 2003 Downloads
Justina A. V. Fischer
16139: Is there a revolution in American saving? Downloads
John Tatom
16135: Between the Workshop and the State: Training Human Capital in Railroad Companies in Mexico and Chile, 1850-1930 Downloads
Guillermo Guajardo Soto
16134: Commonality in Misvaluation, Equity Financing, and the Cross Section of Stock Returns Downloads
David Hirshleifer and Danling Jiang
16132: Child Benefit and Fiscal Burden: OLG Model with Endogenous Fertility Downloads
Kazumasa Oguro, Takahata Junichiro and Shimasawa Manabu
16131: The regional public spending for tourism in Italy: An empirical analysis Downloads
Roberto Cellini and Gianpiero Torrisi
16125: Introduzione. Liberalizzazioni e concorrenza in Italia (Introduction. Liberalisation and competition in Italy) Downloads
Fabio Pammolli, Carlo Cambini and Andrea Giannaccari
16123: Handling Default Risks in Microfinance: The Case of Bangladesh Downloads
Salina Kassim and Md Mahfuzur Rahman
16121: The Impact of Information on Migration Outcomes Downloads
Berna Demiralp
16120: A Study on Financial Deficit and Declining Birthrate — From the Viewpoint of “Children as a Social Security Revenue Source” —- Downloads
Kazumasa Oguro and Yuyama Shoichiro
16119: Measuring Norms of Redistributive Transfers: Trust Experiments and Survey Data from Vietnam Downloads
Tomomi Tanaka, Colin Camerer and Quang Nguyen
16115: Business and social evaluation of denial of service attacks in view of scaling economic counter-measures Downloads
Louis Pau
16114: Homogenous Agent Wage-Posting Model with Wage Dispersion Downloads
Matej Steinbacher, Matjaz Steinbacher and Mitja Steinbacher
16112: The Role of Financial Intermediaries in Securities Issues: A Theoretical Analysis Downloads
Fabrizio Adriani, Luca Deidda and Silvia Sonderegger
16110: Trust, Introspection, and Market Participation: an Evolutionary Approach Downloads
Fabrizio Adriani and Silvia Sonderegger
16109: Are all migrants really worse off in urban labour markets: new empirical evidence from China Downloads
Jason Gagnon, Theodora Xenogiani and Chunbing Xing
16108: Competition and the signaling role of prices Downloads
Fabrizio Adriani and Luca Deidda
16107: Why do parents socialize their children to behave pro-socially? An information-based theory Downloads
Fabrizio Adriani and Silvia Sonderegger
16104: Globalization and WTO: Impact on India’s economic growth and export Downloads
Alok Pandey
Pundarikaksha Baruah
16100: From overhang to hangover: consequences of protectionist responses to the global crisis for low-income countries Downloads
Dirk Willenbockel
16099: Data Revisions in India and its Implications for Monetary Policy Downloads
N Kishor
16098: Modeling Inflation in India: The Role of Money Downloads
N Kishor
16096: Previous outcomes and reference dependence: A meta study of repeated investment tasks with and without restricted feedback Downloads
Astrid Hopfensitz
16095: La valutazione della didattica e della ricerca medica: esperienze a confronto (Evaluation of medical teaching and research: a comparative analysis) Downloads
Marina Cavalieri and Alfia Mangano
16094: The performance of local government in the execution of public works Downloads
Calogero Guccio, Giacomo Pignataro and Ilde Rizzo
16092: A tango tale: on the closure of the Argentine fully funded system Downloads
Gustavo Ferro and Fermando Castagnolo
16090: Rural-urban differences in parental spending on children's primary education in Malawi Downloads
Richard Mussa
16089: Impact of fertility on objective and subjective poverty in Malawi Downloads
Richard Mussa
16080: Electronic Payment Instruments use, as perceived by consumers in Macedonia Downloads
Besim Abdullai
16066: Agro-based Industry of Tharparkar and Barrage Area of Sindh: Solutions and Suggested Policy Downloads
Gobind M. Herani
16059: Pay and Job Satisfaction: A Comparative Analysis of Different Pakistani Commercial Banks Downloads
Yasir Kamal and Fawad Hanif
16058: The Kuznets Curve and the Inequality Process Downloads
John Angle, Francois Nielsen and Enrico Scalas
16055: Temporary employment and wage gap with permanent jobs: evidence from quantile regression Downloads
Giulio Bosio
16052: The Headscarf Controversy in Turkey Downloads
Metin Toprak and Nasuh Uslu
16051: Investment in Relationship-Specific Assets: Does Finance Matter? Downloads
Madina Kukenova and Martin Strieborny
16049: FuelWatch: evidence-based-policy or policy based evidence? Downloads
Don Harding
16048: FoolWatch - Further Discussion of Econometric Analysis Undertaken By ACCC Downloads
Don Harding
16046: To Estimate An Equation Explaining The Determinants Of Dowry Downloads
Sarwat Afzal
16043: Exports-Led Growth Hypothesis in Pakistan: Further Evidence Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz Akmal, Khalil Ahmad and Muhammad Ali
16042: A Breath of Fresh Air? Firm types, scale, scope and selection effects in drug development Downloads
Ashish Arora, Alfonso Gambardella, Laura Magazzini and Fabio Pammolli
16041: FoolWatch: A Case study of econometric analysis and evidenced-based-policy making in the Australian Government Downloads
Don Harding
16039: ¿Existe convergencia entre los países de América Latina? (Exist convergence across Latinamerican countries) Downloads
Fernando Martín-Mayoral
16037: Passengers' Airport Choice Downloads
Marc Gelhausen
16035: On The Mechanisms of Achieving Fiscal (Un)Sustainability – The Case of Poland Downloads
Michal Mackiewicz and Piotr Krajewski
16034: Determinants of Cyclicality of Fiscal Surpluses in The OECD Countries Downloads
Michal Mackiewicz
16033: Making The Stability Pact More Flexible: Can It Lead to Procyclical Fiscal Policies? Downloads
Michal Mackiewicz
16029: MICSIM: Concept, Developments and Applications of a PC-Microsimulation Model for Research and Teaching Downloads
Joachim Merz
16027: Statistical modelling of financial crashes: Rapid growth, illusion of certainty and contagion Downloads
John Fry
16026: The Sustainability of European Health Care Systems: Beyond Income and Ageing Downloads
Fabio Pammolli, Massimo Riccaboni and Laura Magazzini
16023: Modeling a Multi-Choice Game Based on the Spirit of Equal Job Opportunities (New) Downloads
Chih-Ru Hsiao and Wen-Lin Chiou
16021: Medical Devices Competitiveness and Impact on Public Health Expenditure Downloads
Fabio Pammolli, Massimo Riccaboni, Claudia Oglialoro, Laura Magazzini, Gianluca Baio and Nicola Salerno
16020: Analýza efektívnosti slovenských bánk využitím Stochastic Frontier Approach (Analysis of Efficiency of Slovak Banks Using Stochastic Frontier Approach) Downloads
Daniel Stavarek and Jana Šulganová
16016: Interregional Trade, Industrial Location and Import Infrastructure Downloads
Toru Kikuchi and Kazumichi Iwasa
16015: La certification durable des agrocarburants: compatibilité de la proposition européenne avec les règles de l'OMC (Sustainable biofuels certification: compatibility of the european directive on biofuels with WTO trade rules) Downloads
Emilie Pons
16014: Revisting the Rate of Change Downloads
Bhekuzulu Khumalo
16012: Do fishermen have different preferences?: Insights from an experimental study and household data Downloads
Quang Nguyen
16010: Measuring International Economic Integration: Theory and Evidence of Globalization Downloads
Iván Arribas, Francisco Perez and Emili Tortosa-Ausina
16007: On the Dynamics of Globalization Downloads
Iván Arribas, Francisco Perez and Emili Tortosa-Ausina
16006: Measurement of Social Capital and Growth: an Economic Methodology Downloads
Francisco Perez, Juan Fernandez de Guevara, Lorenzo Serrano and Vicente Montesinos
16004: Different Shades of American Protectionism Downloads
Jaya Prakash Pradhan
16003: Business Aviation in Germany: An empirical and model-based analysis Downloads
Peter Berster, Marc Gelhausen and Dieter Wilken
16002: Flughafen- und Zugangsverkehrsmittelwahl in Deutschland - Ein verallgemeinerter Nested Logit-Ansatz Downloads
Marc Gelhausen
15994: Reverse Charging Purchases to Intra-transportation Means in the Context of New Tax Regulations Downloads
Nicolae Ecobici and Gabriela Busan
15993: Accounting Monograph on the Accounting for the Movement of Timber to Forest Exploitation Companies Downloads
Nicolae Ecobici and Gabriela Busan
15992: Environment design for emerging artificial societies Downloads
Nigel Gilbert, Stephan Schuster, Matthijs den Besten and Lu Yang
15990: Impossibility Results for Nondifferentiable Functionals Downloads
Keisuke Hirano and Jack Porter
15988: A remark on the supposed equivalence between complete markets and perfect foresight hypothesis Downloads
Saverio Fratini and Enrico Levrero
15987: Comment: The Identification Power of Equilibrium in Simple Games Downloads
Victor Aguirregabiria
15986: Quantum Game Theory and Open Access Publishing Downloads
Matthias Hanauske, Steffen Bernius and Berndt Dugall
15984: Determinants of Heritage Authorities’ Performance: An exploratory study with DEA bootstrapping approach Downloads
Massimo Finocchiaro Castro, Calogero Guccio and Ilde Rizzo
15983: A Generalized Preferential Attachment Model for Business Firms Growth Rates: I. Empirical Evidence Downloads
Fabio Pammolli, Dongfeng Fu, Sergey V. Buldyrev, Massimo Riccaboni, Kaushik Matia, Kazuko Yamasaki and H. Eugene Stanley
15980: A Generalized Preferential Attachment Model for Business Firms Growth Rates: II. Mathematical Treatment Downloads
Sergey V. Buldyrev, Fabio Pammolli, Massimo Riccaboni, Kazuko Yamasaki, Dongfeng Fu, Kaushik Matia and H. Eugene Stanley
15978: The Link between Output, Inflation, Monetary Policy and Housing Price Dynamics Downloads
Markus Demary
15977: The Nature and the Extent of the Market for Technology in Biopharmaceuticals Downloads
Ashish Arora, Alfonso Gambardella, Fabio Pammolli and Massimo Riccaboni
Page updated 2025-03-25
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