MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 63791: "Expanding employment opportunities: Embedding "Human Utilisation" in the Post-2015 MDGs", in Tanuka, E., S. Mazumdar and M. Sengupta ed.,Human Development in the Global South: Emerging perspectives in the era of Post-Millennium goals, Institute of Human Development, New Delhi

- Rashid Amjad
- 63790: Mobilità sostenibile in città: le Zone a Traffico Limitato (Sustainable mobility in urban areas: Low Emission Zones)

- Alberto Suppa
- 63789: The pre- and post-crisis real exchange rate behavior in selected East Asian countries

- Hiroyuki Taguchi
- 63788: The exchange rate managements in crisis-experienced emerging market economies after the 1990s

- Hiroyuki Taguchi
- 63785: Exchange rate management in selected East Asian countries after the financial crisis

- Hiroyuki Taguchi
- 63784: Exchange rate movements and trade balances in selected ASEAN countries

- Hiroyuki Taguchi
- 63783: The sustainability of foreign borrowing in selected ASEAN countries

- Hiroyuki Taguchi
- 63782: Electrification and Time Allocation:Experimental Evidence from Northern El Salvador

- Manuel Barron and Maximo Torero
- 63777: The Paradox of Corporate Social Responsibility in Africa: Case of French Multinational Corporations

- Kingsly Awang Ollong
- 63776: The Political Economy of Hindu Nationalism: From V.D. Savarkar to Narendra Modi

- Krzysztof Iwanek
- 63774: Pepero Day: Creation and Evolution of a "Holiday"

- Brandon Walcutt
- 63773: Case Study: Does Korea Telecom’s (KT) Sustainability Achievements Follow the Ten Steps Approach?

- Young-eun Lee and Adam Cave
- 63772: Bifurcation of macroeconometric models and robustness of dynamical inferences

- William Barnett and Chen Guo
- 63771: Micro-Entrepreneurship: Tendenzen der Präkarisierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt? Empirische Ergebnisse für Kärnten (Motives for being self-employed as a one-person enterprise Results of an empirical analysis)

- Dieter Bögenhold and Andrea Klinglmair
- 63768: 妊婦健診公費負担額における相互参照行動 (Determinants of Japanese Public Expense for Physical Check-Up of Pregnant Women)

- Yoshimi Adachi and Hitoshi Saito
- 63767: Is innovation activity persistent among small firms in developing countries? Evidence from Vietnam

- Trinh Long
- 63764: Tackling Myanmar's Corruption Challenge

- Khaing Saw
- 63760: Does Sanitation Affect Health Outcomes? Evidence from India

- Amarendra Das and Bibhunandini Das
- 63759: Aid Effectiveness in Bangladesh: Development with Governance Challenges

- M.G. Quibria and Anika Islam
- 63757: Couple’s reports of household decision-making, unmet need for contraception, and unintended pregnancy in Bangladesh

- Jalal Uddin, Mohammad Habibullah Pulok and Md. Nasim-Us Sabah
- 63755: A Nonparametric Option Pricing Model Using Higher Moments

- Peter Julian Cayton
- 63754: The income-elasticity of calories, macro and micro nutrients: What is the literature telling us?

- Fabio Gaetano Santeramo and Nadia Shabnam
- 63750: How Corruption affect Growth in MENA region? Fresh Evidence from a Panel Cointegration Analysis

- Abdelaziz Hakimi and Helmi Hamdi
- 63748: Corruption, FDI and Growth: All the truths of a corrupted regime before and after the social upsurge in Tunisia

- Helmi Hamdi and Abdelaziz Hakimi
- 63746: Institutional Monitoring, Coordination and Acquisition Decision in Chinese Public Listed Companies

- Fei Peng, Lili Kang and Xiaocong Yang
- 63745: Capital flows and asset prices: empirical evidence from emerging and developing economies

- Hiroyuki Taguchi, Pravakar Sahoo and Geethanjali Nataraj
- 63744: Extant Reviews on Entry-mode/Internationalization, Mergers & Acquisitions, and Diversification: Understanding Theories and Establishing Interdisciplinary Research

- Srinivasa Reddy Kotapati
- 63743: “Glocalization” and decentralization: The role of local governments in the new international context

- Alberto Porto and Natalia Porto y Darío Tortarolo
- 63736: Rôle du syndicat dans la détermination de la valeur de la vie statistique en Tunisie (Trade union role in determining the value of a statistical life in Tunisia)

- Abdelaziz Benkhalifa
- 63735: A Causality Test of the Revenue-Expenditure Nexus in Ghana

- Samuel Obeng
- 63732: Skill Biased Technical Change: Wage Effects from a Panel of Occupational Task Measures

- Matthew Ross
- 63731: Monetary Policy Instrument and Inflation in South Africa: Structural Vector Error Correction Model Approach

- Lumengo Bonga-Bonga and Alain Kabundi
- 63729: Debt and Deficit Fluctuations in a Time-Consistent Setup

- Daryna Grechyna
- 63723: The Employment Impact of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act

- Paul Grimes and Charles A. Register
- 63714: Nowcasting Regional GDP: The Case of the Free State of Saxony

- Steffen Henzel, Robert Lehmann and Klaus Wohlrabe
- 63713: Malý dynamický faktorový model na krátkodobé prognózovanie slovenského HDP (A Small Dynamic Factor Model for the Short-Term Forecasting of Slovak GDP)

- Peter Tóth
- 63708: Forecasting Coherent Volatility Breakouts

- Alexander Didenko, Michael Dubovikov and Boris Poutko
- 63705: Technological Change and Immigration Policy

- Gerardo Gomez-Ruano
- 63704: Local Tax Limits, Student Achievement, and School-Finance Equalization

- Matt Davis, Andrea Vedder and Joe Stone
- 63702: Individual Characteristics and the Probability of Telecourse Enrollment: An Examination of Student Choice

- Paul Grimes, Joyce E. Nielsen and James F. Niss
- 63697: Can Violence Harm Cooperation? Experimental Evidence

- Giacomo De Luca, Petros Sekeris and Dominic Spengler
- 63696: On the Empirics of Foreign Aid and Growth

- Carl-Johan Dalgaard, Henrik Hansen and Finn Tarp
- 63694: Government Debt and Economic Growth: Estimating the Debt Thresholds and Debt Intolerance

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 63693: The Dynamics of Government Debt and Economic Growth

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 63690: Human Capital Investment through Education and Training: an Overview

- Elwardi Dhaoui
- 63689: Human Capital and Economic Growth in Tunisia: Macroeconomic Findings

- Elwardi Dhaoui
- 63688: Cognitive Capitalism: Foundations, Assessment and Evaluation of New Perspectives

- Elwardi Dhaoui
- 63687: Innovation and Sustainable Development: The Question of Energy Efficiency

- Elwardi Dhaoui
- 63684: Impact social des délocalisations: mythe ou réalité? (Social impact of offshoring: myth or reality?)

- Elwardi Dhaoui
- 63683: Innovation as a lever for sustainable development: the case of agriculture and water management in the region of Sadaguia

- Elwardi Dhaoui
- 63681: How Bank Managers Anticipate Non-Performing Loans. Evidence from Europe, US, Asia and Africa

- Pk Ozili
- 63679: High public debt in the euro area: still a fact

- Andreea Stoian and Rui Alves
- 63678: Banking Innovations and New Income Streams: Impact on Banks’ Performance

- Smita Roy Trivedi
- 63677: Impact of Commodities Transaction Tax on Indian Commodity Futures

- Pankaj Sinha and Kritika Mathur
- 63672: “Luce problem” and discontinuity of Prelec’s function at p = 1

- Alexander Harin
- 63671: Evaluation du degré d’indépendance de la Banque Centrale de Tunisie (Independence degree of Tunisian central bank)

- Mhamdi Ghrissi
- 63670: Corporate social responsibility in Islam

- Hussein Elasrag
- 63665: The role of Islamic Microfinance in Poverty Alleviation: Lessons from Bangladesh Experience

- Elwardi Dhaoui
- 63662: Graph representation of balance sheets: from exogenous to endogenous money

- Cyril Pitrou
- 63661: Структурные сдвиги в экономике Красноярского края и их воздействие на сферу потребления (Structural changes in the economy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and its impact on consumption)

- Tatyana Edzhibiy, Svetlana Degtyareva and Svetlana Demchenko
- 63660: Theory of Economic Development (Secondary Stage)

- Aasim Mashkoor and Ovais Ahmed
- 63658: Higher Education, High-impact Research and University Rankings: A Case of India

- Srinivasa Reddy Kotapati
- 63657: Математические модели экономического равновесия (Mathematical models of economic equilibrium)

- Natalya Burmistrova, Tatyana Edzhibiya, Pavel Urlapov and Natalia Tsoy
- 63656: Producto, desempleo y la Ley de Okun en la República Dominicana (Output, unemployment and Okun’s law in the Dominican Republic)

- José R. Sánchez-Fung
- 63655: Образование как социально значимое благо. Настоящее и будущее (Education as a socially important benefit. Present and Future)

- Tatyana Edzhibiya
- 63654: The Fed-Induced Political Business Cycle

- Yoshito Funashima
- 63653: Sub-National Institutions and Firm Survival in Vietnam

- Hung Doan, Vu Nam and Tien Dao Ngoc
- 63648: Existence of Structural Disadvantage among socio-religious groups: Is it a reality? An Analysis of Indian Labour Market

- Alwin Dsouza, Sudershan Singh and Rahul Ranjan
- 63642: Linkages between Defense Spending and Income Inequality in Iran

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Reza Sherafatian-Jahromi, Muhammad Nasir Malik, Muhammad Shahbaz Shabbir and Farooq Ahmed Jam
- 63639: Latecomers' advantages in environmental management of middle income economies

- Hiroyuki Taguchi
- 63638: Exchange rate management and trade balance in selected East Asian countries

- Hiroyuki Taguchi
- 63635: On the removal of energy products subsidies in an importing oil country: impacts on prices in Morocco

- El Mostafa Bentour
- 63632: Structural changes in the Maltese cconomy

- Aaron Grech
- 63630: Trade Liberalisation and Spatial Inequality: Methodological Innovations in Vietnamese Perspective

- Henning Tarp Jensen and Finn Tarp
- 63627: Реализация внутреннего предпринимательства. Теория и практические примеры (Implementing intrapreneurship. Theory and case-study)

- Nikolay Zudin
- 63625: Coming of age, seeking legitimacy: The historical trajectory of African management research

- Joseph Amankwah-Amoah
- 63622: Stock Market Dynamics, Leveraged Network-Based Financial Accelerator and Monetary Policy

- Luca Riccetti, Alberto Russo and Mauro Gallegati
- 63620: Flexible statistical models: Methods for the ordering and comparison of theoretical distributions

- Robert Rigby, Dimitrios Stasinopoulos and Vlasios Voudouris
- 63619: Social capital in Europe from 1990 to 2012: trends, path-dependency and convergence

- Francesco Sarracino and Malgorzata Mikucka
- 63617: The value of mortality risk reductions in the Tunisian building and manufacturing industries

- Abdelaziz Benkhalifa
- 63615: Strategies for Managing Bank’s Legacy Assets:part 2 (of 2) Assessment of strategies and their implementation

- Justin Jenk
- 63614: Strategies for Managing Banks’ Legacy Assets: part 1 (of 2) context, setting the scene, Spain 2012

- Justin Jenk
- 63611: Within-group heterogeneity and civil war

- Nobuhiro Mizuno and Ryosuke Okazawa
- 63609: Analyzing Indian Diaspora: Pyramid Impact on Reforms & Migration Pattern

- Vrajlal Sapovadia
- 63607: Моделирование зависимости ценообразования от расположения торговых точек (Modeling pricing depending on the location of outlets)

- Natalia Aleksenko, Stanislav Kornyushin and Vladimir Shchukin
- 63606: Налоговое бремя и эластичность (The tax burden and elasticity)

- Natalia Aleksenko, Nadezhda Il'ina, Dana Dyusembina and Polina Zotina
- 63605: Использование инструментов аналитической геометрии для поиска экстремума производственной функции (Use of tools of analytical geometry for search of an extremum of production function)

- Natalia Aleksenko, Nadezhda Il'ina and Victoriya Motrich
- 63604: Использование предельных показателей при решении экономической задачи с параметром (Use limits at the solution of economic problems with a parameter)

- Natalia Aleksenko and Yuliya Menyaylo
- 63602: Problem of Reduction of the Quantum State’s Vector

- Yuriy Zayko
- 63598: Taxes, National Identity, and Nation Building: Evidence from France

- Noel Johnson
- 63597: Математическая модель коэффициента эластичности и ее использование в налоговой политике (A mathematical model of elasticity ratio and its application in tax policy)

- Natalya Burmistrova and Olga Turetskih
- 63591: What can we learn from failed international companies?

- Joseph Amankwah-Amoah and Hongxu Zhang
- 63587: Sustainable Institutions or Sustainable Poverty Targeting: The Case of Microfinance

- Wajid Khan, Shaorong Sun and Ikramullah Khan
- 63584: Demokratie, öffentliche Güter und Europa (Democracy, public Goods and Europe)

- Emmanouil Mavrozacharakis
- 63583: Policy Mix Coherence Index (PMCI): A Proposal

- Gammadigbe Vigninou
- 63582: Critical Analysis of Stakeholders Involvement and Environmental Impact: Conversion of Crude Oil Based Auto Rickshaws to CNG in Ahmedabad

- Vrajlal Sapovadia, Sweta Patel and Akash Patel
- 63581: Developing Corporate Strategic Framework to Enhance Sustainability through CSR

- Vrajlal Sapovadia
- 63576: Value, Kinetic & Safety Fund for Corporate: Lessons Learnt From Economic Crisis & All Time Answer To the Bailout

- Vrajlal Sapovadia
- 63569: Zmiany struktury funkcjonalnej głównych ulic handlowych Warszawy (Functional changes of the main Warsaw shopping streets)

- Dorota Celinska-Janowicz
- 63565: Information money fields of cyclic oscillations in nonlinear dynamic economic system

- Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
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