MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 33349: Energy efficiency in transition: do market-oriented economic reforms matter?

- Rabindra Nepal
- 33345: Qualitative and temporal aggregation

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 33344: Living under the ‘right’ government: does political ideology matter to trust in political institutions? An analysis for OECD countries

- Justina A. V. Fischer
- 33339: Absolute poverty and the cost of living: an experimental analysis for italian households

- Carlo Declich and Veronica Polin
- 33333: Qualité des Institutions et Commerce International: Évidence à Partir des Exportations de l'UEMOA (Institutions Quality and International Trade: Evidence from WAEMU Exports)

- Doukouré Fe
- 33332: Labor market discrimination of minorities? yes, but not in job offers

- Martin Bøg and Erik Kranendonk
- 33331: Projective techniques: Are they a victim of clashing paradigms?

- Derek Bond, Elaine Ramsey and Clive Boddy
- 33329: Challenges for smallholder market access: a review of literature on institutional arrangements in collective marketing

- Giel Ton
- 33328: Impact of terrorism on investment decisions of farmers: evidence from the Punjab insurgency

- Prakarsh Singh
- 33324: H ασυμπτωτική διακύμανση στην εκτίμηση του στάσιμου μέσου υπό συνθήκες αυτοσυσχέτισης (Using the asymptotic variance to estimate the stationary mean under autocorrelation)

- George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
- 33312: Το υπόδειγμα τυχαίου περιπάτου με αυτοπαλίνδρομα σφάλματα (The random walk model with autoregressive errors)

- George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
- 33302: Determinants of net interest margin under regulatory requirements: an econometric study

- Saibal Ghosh, Aditya Narain and R Kannan
- 33301: Impact of monetary policy on lending and deposit rates in Pakistan: Panel data analysis

- Hasan Mohsin
- 33295: Man is the only animal that trips twice over the same stone

- Maria Lorca-Susino
- 33291: Short run and long run dynamics of residential electricity consumption: Homogeneous and heterogeneous panel estimations for OECD

- Faik Bilgili, Yalçın Pamuk and Nadide Sevil Halıcı Tülüce
- 33288: Inequality, trust, and sustainability

- Eric Kemp-Benedict
- 33286: Oeconomicus vs. Academicus din perspectiva diacronică a relaţiei între ciclurile Kondratieff şi reformele structurale ale învăţământului superior (Oeconomicus vs. Academicus - Diachronic perspective of the relationship between Kondratieff’s cycles and structural reform of higher education)

- Constantin I. Hălăngescu
- 33284: Lo sviluppo delle competenze nei contesti precari (Skills development in precariousness: the dark side of flexibility?)

- Filippo Ferrari
- 33282: Are domestic banks' pass through higher than foreign banks? Empirical evidence from Pakistan

- Hasan Mohsin and P Rivers
- 33279: Defensive online portfolio selection

- Fabio Stella and Alfonso Ventura
- 33275: Productivity growth and ownership change in China: 1998-2007

- Jing Liu and Shutao Cao
- 33272: Valuación de las características de las viviendas sujetas a financiamiento público: el caso del área metropolitana de Monterrey (Valuing characteristics of houses subject to public financing: the case of the metropolitan area of Monterrey)

- Julio Arteaga and Humberto Lopez
- 33269: Provocări și tendințe ale învățămantului superior în contextul globalizării (literature review) (Higher education’s challenges and trends in the context of globalization(literature review))

- Constantin I. Hălăngescu
- 33268: The dynamics of a Bertrand duopoly with differentiated products and bounded rational firms revisited

- Luciano Fanti and Luca Gori
- 33266: ICT access in Latin America. evidence from household level

- Sebastián Vergara Marezco and Matteo Grazzi
- 33265: Juridical and financial considerations on the public recapitalisation and rescue of financial institutions during periods of financial crises (Part II)

- Marianne Ojo
- 33263: Marriage Premium in Turkey

- Murat Mercan
- 33262: Environment and economic development: determinants of an EKC hypothesis

- George Halkos
- 33259: A game-theoretic approach to pollution control problems

- George Halkos
- 33258: Impact of Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojona on health, education and women empowerment

- Amit Kundu and Arghya Kusum Mukherjee
- 33256: The conflict between general equilibrium and the Marshallian cross

- Asad Zaman and Ismail Saglam
- 33253: Evaluating the direct costs of controlling NOx emissions in Europe

- George Halkos
- 33252: (Re)estimating marginal changes after “truncreg” and “tobit” in Stata

- Andreas Drichoutis
- 33251: Interpreting interaction terms in linear and non-linear models: A cautionary tale

- Andreas Drichoutis
- 33240: Enhancing the food security of the peri-urban and urban poor through improvements to the quality, safety and economics of street-vended foods

- Paa-Nii T. Johnson and Robert Yawson
- 33239: Endogenous categorization and group inequality

- Michel Alexandre
- 33237: Acceptance of biotechnology and social-cultural implications in Ghana

- Wilhemina Quaye, Ivy Yawson, Robert Yawson and Irene E. Williams
- 33231: Potential damage costs of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera infestation in Europe – the “no control” Scenario

- Justus Wesseler and El Hadji Fall
- 33230: Minimum Distance Requirements and Liability: Implications for Co-Existence

- Claudio Soregaroli and Justus Wesseler
- 33229: The maximum incremental social tolerable irreversible costs (MISTICs) and other benefits and costs of introducing transgenic maize in the EU-15

- Justus Wesseler, Sara Scatasta and Eleonora Nillesen
- 33228: Los católicos globales. El primer sondeo global del catolicismo mundial según el “World Values Survey” y el “European Social Survey” (Global Catholics. The first global opinion survey of global Catholicism according to the 'World Values Survey' and the 'European Social Survey')

- Arno Tausch and Christian Ghymers
- 33227: Globalization as a driver or bottleneck for sustainable development. General tendencies and European implications

- Arno Tausch
- 33226: Costa Rica, superstar? some reflections on the global drivers and bottlenecks of the happy planet index

- Arno Tausch
- 33225: The ‘four economic freedoms’ and life quality. General tendencies and some hard lessons for EU-27-Europe

- Arno Tausch
- 33221: Impact of trade openness, remittances, capital inflows & financial development on income in Vanuatu

- Ronald Kumar
- 33220: Le financement des entreprises sociales- une comparaison France-Californie: Accès aux fonds propres et aux financements moyen terme (Social businesses funding- France vs. California: Access to equity and equity-like capital)

- Clémentine Blazy
- 33219: Management of technology in Ghana – problems & prospects

- Robert Yawson
- 33215: Homo oeconomicus vs. homo academicus - provocări și dileme din perspectiva globalizării (Homo oeconomicus vs. homo academicus - challenges and dilemmas in a globalized world)

- Constantin I. Hălăngescu
- 33209: Taxing capital is not a bad idea indeed: the role of human capital and labor-market frictions

- Been-Lon Chen, Hung-Ju Chen and Ping Wang
- 33208: The private and public savings gaps in Malta and their impact on the current account

- Aaron Grech
- 33207: Due diligence, research joint ventures, and incentives to innovate

- Simona Fabrizi and Steffen Lippert
- 33206: The strategic role of the Food Research Institute in productivity enhancement and the private sector development in Ghana

- Robert Yawson
- 33205: The lived experience of an American expatriate in Ghana: A rhetorical analysis of facebook postings to understand a cross-cultural behavior

- Robert Yawson
- 33204: Short-run vs. long-run cooperation among the G-20 countries

- Gabriela Mundaca
- 33203: The power to tax

- Fernando Estrada
- 33201: Analysis of spatial effects in vine and olive crops across Portuguese regions

- Vítor Martinho
- 33200: Analysis of spatial effects in vine crop across Portuguese regions

- Vítor Martinho
- 33199: Exchange, production, and Samaritan dilemmas

- Peter Boettke
- 33197: Role of Remittances in Economic Development: An Empirical Study of World’s Two Most Remittances Dependent Pacific Island Economies

- Tiru Jayaraman, Chee-Keong Choong and Ronald Kumar
- 33196: The Dynamics of Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth:A Revisit Study of Their Causality in Pakistan

- Muhammad Shahbaz and Hooi Hooi Lean
- 33194: Does Financial Development Increase Energy Consumption? Role of Industrialization and Urbanization in Tunisia

- Muhammad Shahbaz and Hooi Hooi Lean
- 33193: Fact Finding Trips to Italy: An experimental investigation of voter incentives

- Cortney Rodet
- 33192: Voter Behavior and Seniority Advantage in Pork Barrel Politics

- Cortney Rodet
- 33187: Trial experience, satisfaction and incentive to bring another lawsuit: Does aspiration level influence winners and losers?

- Eiji Yamamura
- 33185: Technology commercialisation and intellectual property rights in Ghana

- Robert Yawson
- 33183: Olive: a simple method for estimating betas when factors are measured with error

- Ginger Meng, Gang Hu and Jushan Bai
- 33182: Growth and Development….. Inclusive Growth: What went wrong with Development?

- Justine George
- 33180: Institutionalising Performance Management in R&D Organisations: Key Concepts and Aspects

- Robert Yawson and Alistair J. Sutherland
- 33179: The ecological system of innovation: A new architectural framework for a functional evidence-based platform for science and innovation policy

- Robert Yawson
- 33174: The product life cycle of durable goods

- Joachim Kaldasch
- 33173: Economics of Smash-Hit Papers: Spillover Evidence from the 'Male Organ Incident'

- Otto Kässi and Tatu Westling
- 33170: Price jitters: Do markets punish political stocks?

- Saibal Ghosh
- 33169: Impact of real and nominal factors on long run equilibrium in Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) in Pakistan

- Muhammad Waheed
- 33167: Forward rate unbiased hypothesis, risk premium and exchange rate expectations: estimates on Pakistan Rupee-US Dollar

- Muhammad Waheed
- 33161: Foreign exchange intervention and sterilization: an investigation of State Bank of Pakistan’s Reaction Function

- Muhammad Waheed
- 33160: 2008 Economic crisis analysis

- Kamran Golmohammadpoor Azar and Massoud Mansori
- 33159: Systemy emerytalne w Europie - Cypr (Pension systems in Europe - Cyprus)

- Jarosław Poteraj
- 33153: The causal relationship between patent growth and growth of GDP with quarterly data in the G7 countries: cointegration, ARDL and error correction models

- Dushko Josheski and Cane Koteski
- 33152: The importance of activity-based costing method (ABC) In Romania's business environment changes

- Sorinel Capusneanu, Gary Cokins and Cristian Marian Barbu
- 33150: Evidencia empírica sobre la predictibilidad de los ciclos bursátiles: el comportamiento del índice Dow Jones Industrial Average en las crisis bursátiles de 1929, 1987 y 2997 (Empirical evidence on the predictability of stock market cycles: the behavior of the Dow Jones Industrial Average in the stock market crisis of 1929, 1987 and 2007)

- Ignacio Escañuela Romana
- 33148: Eastern Europe shifts second gear

- Lukas Mohelsky
- 33147: Bank recapitalization in the U.S. - lessons from Japan

- Heather Montgomery and Yuki Takahashi
- 33146: Do interest rates matter? credit demand in the Dhaka Slums

- Rajeev Dehejia, Heather Montgomery and Jonathan Morduch
- 33144: Coordinated failure? a cross-country bank failure prediction model

- Wimboh Santoso, Heather Montgomery, Dwityapoetra Besar and Tran Hanh
- 33143: Underlying model of business process outsourcing (BPO) in India

- Inderjeet Singh, Lakhwinder Singh and Preeti Singh
- 33142: Great expectations: microfinance and poverty reduction in Asia and Latin America

- John Weiss and Heather Montgomery
- 33141: The nature of economic development zones in China:an empirical study based on data from the Yangtze River Delta

- Jianghuai Zheng and Yanyan Gao
- 33140: Micro finance and poverty reduction in Asia: what is the evidence?

- John Weiss, Heather Montgomery and Elvira Kurmanalieva
- 33139: Employability and transition to labour market in emerging economies: An Indian perspective on Higher education

- Ambili Gopalakrishnan
- 33138: Trade Compatibility Between India And Asean Countries

- B.P. Chandran
- 33135: The reciprocal relationship between systemic risk and real economic activity

- Gus Garita
- 33133: Increasing returns and stability

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 33132: Modelling optimal nitrogen oxides abatement in Europe

- George Halkos
- 33130: The balance of payments constrained growth rate and the natural rate of growth: new empirical evidence

- Matteo Lanzafame
- 33127: Impact of industrial linkages on firm performance in development zones

- Zhining Hu, Jianghuai Zheng and Jialing Wang
- 33126: Technology capacity, product position and firm’s competitiveness: an empirical analysis

- Yanyan Gao, Zhibiao Liu, Shunfeng Song and Jianghuai Zheng
- 33125: The underdevelopment of service industry in China: an empirical study of cities in Yangtze River Delta

- Jianghuai Zheng, Lili Zhang and Yu Wang
- 33123: Implications of the Economic Interactions between Northern and Southern Tribes of Sudan (Implications of the Economic Interactions between Northern and Southern Tribes of Sudan)

- Issam Mohamed
- 33121: Explaining the size distribution of cities: x-treme economies

- Marcus Berliant and Axel Watanabe
- 33119: Assessment of the Role of Agriculture in Sudan Economy

- Issam Mohamed
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