MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 3938: Bayesian Analysis of Hazard Regression Models under Order Restrictions on Covariate Effects and Ageing

- Arnab Bhattacharjee and Madhuchhanda Bhattacharjee
- 3937: A Simple Test for the Absence of Covariate Dependence in Hazard Regression Models

- Arnab Bhattacharjee
- 3929: Complementarity or substitutability between private and public investment in R&D: An empirical study

- Tarek Ben Zina and Naceur Ben Zina
- 3928: Assessing export performance of India in livestock sector

- Deepak Shah
- 3927: Assessing Economics of Grape Cultivation in India

- Deepak Shah
- 3926: Les algorithmes de la modélisation: une analyse critique pour la modélisation économique

- Rodolphe Buda
- 3925: Horticultural Exports of Developing Countries: Prospects and Issues

- Deepak Shah

- Deepak Shah
- 3923: Cooperative institutions and horticultural exports in new trade regime

- Deepak Shah
- 3922: Strategies to Resurrect Rural Credit Delivery System in India

- Deepak Shah
- 3921: Restructuring of Financial Sector in Pakistan

- Muhammad Arshad Khan

- Deepak Shah
- 3913: Higher order approximations of stochastic rational expectations models

- Pawel Kowal
- 3911: Is there a Displacement Deadweight Loss from Tax Evasion? Estimates Using Firm Surveys from the Czech Republic

- Jan Hanousek and Filip Palda
- 3910: Optimal Patent Breadth: Quantifying the Effects of Increasing Patent Breadth

- Angus Chu
- 3909: Moral hazard in a voluntary deposit insurance system: Revisited

- Pablo Camacho-Gutiérrez and Vanessa M. González-Cantú
- 3908: US Current Account Deficit and Exchange Rate Tax

- Gabrielle De Lima, Guilherme Moura, Roberto Meurer and Sergio Da Silva
- 3907: An approach to the estimation of the distribution of marginal valuations from discrete choice data

- Mogens Fosgerau, Katrine Hjort and Stéphanie Vincent Lyk-Jensen
- 3906: Comparative analysis of the exchange market pressure in Central European countries with the Eurozone membership perspective

- Daniel Stavarek
- 3905: Infrastructure Development for Agro-Processing Cooperatives in Maharashtra: An Ex-Post Evaluation

- Deepak Shah
- 3904: Discrete choices and the trade-off between money and time: A test of the theory of reference-dependent preferences

- Bruno De Borger and Mogens Fosgerau
- 3903: Dwindling Viability of PACS during Period of Institutional Reforms: An Evidence from Maharashtra

- Deepak Shah
- 3902: Cost-benefit rules for transport projects when labor supply is endogenous and taxes are distortionary

- Mogens Fosgerau and Ninette Pilegaard
- 3901: Circumventing the problem of the scale: discrete choice models with multiplicative error terms

- Mogens Fosgerau and Michel Bierlaire
- 3896: A Dynamic Analysis of Educational Attainment, Occupational Choices, and Job Search

- Paul Sullivan
- 3895: The Transformation Problem: A Tale of Two Interpretations

- David Bieri
- 3891: Conflictos de Interés en Servicios Financieros: Taxonomía y Mecanismos de Control Regulatorio (Conflicts of Interest in Financial Services: Taxonomy and Mechanisms for Regulatory Control)

- Vicente Lazen and Cristian Eguiluz

- Deepak Shah
- 3889: Financial Friction, Capital Reallocation and Expectation-Driven Business Cycles

- Kaiji Chen and Zheng Song
- 3888: Performance and corporate governance in microfinance institutions

- Roy Mersland and Reidar Øystein Strøm
- 3887: Performance and corporate governance in microfinance institutions

- Roy Mersland and Reidar Øystein Strøm
- 3885: Why one would accept Voting Theory for Democracy and reject the Penrose Square Root Weights

- Thomas Colignatus
- 3881: Does Trade Liberalization Increase the Labor Demand Elasticities? Evidence from Pakistan

- Naseem Akhter and Amanat Ali
- 3879: Robustness of the Risk-Return Relationship in the U.S. Stock Market

- Markku Lanne and Jani Luoto
- 3877: The Properties of Market-Based and Survey Forecasts for Different Data Releases

- Markku Lanne
- 3871: Sanguinity and aspiration toward South Asian Regional integration: a case study of the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) Agreement

- Asm Kabir
- 3870: Economic Efficiency of Public Interest Litigations (PIL): Lessons from India

- A.v Raja and Francis Rathinam
- 3866: Specific resources as bases for the differentiation and innovation of tourist destinations

- Margarida Vaz
- 3862: A Discussion on Empirical Micro-Bases of Hayek’s Methodological Individualism

- Liang Zhao and Xian Chen Zhu
- 3859: Rural Credit Delivery System in Maharashtra: Some Emerging Issues

- Deepak Shah

- Deepak Shah
- 3857: Evaluation of Adequacy of Incentives under NHB Soft Loan Scheme for PHI Facilities In Maharashtra

- Deepak Shah
- 3856: Measuring viability of pacs during reform period in Maharashtra: A case study

- Deepak Shah

- Deepak Shah
- 3854: India's Trade Practices in Livestock Sector

- Deepak Shah
- 3853: Rural Cooperative Marketing Management Efficiency in the Era of Globalization: A Synthesis of Case Studies of F&V Marketing

- Deepak Shah
- 3850: Sistemas complexos, criticalidade e leis de potencia

- Iram Gleria, Raul Matsushita and Sergio Da Silva
- 3849: Open Source Software and Economic Growth: A Classical Division of Labor Perspective

- Giampaolo Garzarelli, Yasmina Reem Limam and Bjørn Thomassen
- 3844: Pure self-confirming equilibrium

- Yaron Azrieli
- 3843: Thinking categorically about others: A conjectural equilibrium approach

- Yaron Azrieli
- 3842: On the Choice of a Policy-oriented Poverty Measure: The Case of Israel 1997-2002

- Daniel Gottlieb and Roy Manor
- 3841: Basel II and bank lending behavior: some likely implications for monetary policy

- Dilip Nachane, Saibal Ghosh and Partha Ray
- 3840: Basel II and bank lending behavior: Some likely implications for monetary policy in India

- Dilip Nachane, Saibal Ghosh and Partha Ray
- 3839: Grass root democracy and empowerment of people:evaluation of Panchayati Raj in India

- Sudha Menon
- 3836: Hyperinflation, disinflation, deflation, etc.: A unified and micro-founded explanation for inflation

- Taiji Harashima
- 3835: Private Investment, Portfolio Choice and Financialization of Real Sectors in Emerging Markets

- Firat Demir
- 3834: Inflation targeting and optimal control theory

- Thiago Veloso, Roberto Meurer and Sergio Da Silva
- 3832: Heterogeneidad estructural, asimetrías tecnológicas y crecimiento en América Latina (Structural heterogeneity, technological asymmetries and growth in Latin America)

- Mario Cimoli
- 3824: Considerazioni sui recenti censimenti dell'agricolutra, dell'industria e dei servizi in Mozambico (Considerations on the last Censuses of Agriculture, Industry and Service carried out by INE Mozambique)

- Antonio Cappiello
- 3822: Capitale Sociale Civile: una nota sui concetti e sulla evidenza empirica macro (Civil Social Capital: a note on the concepts and on the macro empirical evidence)

- Damiano Fiorillo
- 3819: Gobierno corporativo, diversificación estratégica y desempeño empresarial en México (Corporate governance, strategic diversification and performance of firms in Mexico)

- Antonio Ruiz-Porras and William Steinwascher
- 3818: Determinants and impact of private sector investment in Malawi: evidence from the 2006 investment climate survey

- Richard Record and Simon Davies
- 3817: An Evaluation of Foreign Exchange Intervention and Monetary Aggregates in Nigeria (1986- 2003)

- Michael Adebayo Adebiyi
- 3810: The Levy sections theorem: an application to econophysics

- Annibal Figueiredo, Raul Matsushita, Sergio Da Silva, Maurizio Serva, Gandhi Viswanathan, Cesar Nascimento and Iram Gleria
- 3808: Computing effective corporate tax rates: comparisons and results

- Gaëtan Nicodème
- 3806: Decomposition of Changes in Earnings Inequality in China: A Distributional Approach

- Wei Chi, Bo Li and Qiumei Yu
- 3804: Banking sector reforms and the Nigerian economy: performance, pitfalls and future policy options

- Emmanuel Balogun
- 3803: A review of Soludo's perspective of banking sector reforms in Nigeria

- Emmanuel Balogun
- 3795: Determinants of Inter-Firm Contractual Relations: A Case of Indian Software Industry

- Francis Rathinam
- 3794: Iterated Expectations, Compact Spaces and Common Priors

- Ziv Hellman
- 3790: The Growth and Decay of Custom: The Role of the New Institutional Economics in Economic History

- Kaushik Basu, Eric Jones and Ekkehart Schlicht
- 3789: Strategic monetary policy in a monetary union with non-atomistic wage setters

- Vincenzo Cuciniello
- 3786: Characteristics of Mobile Payment Procedures

- Nina Kreyer, Key Pousttchi and Klaus Turowski
- 3785: Akzeptanzkriterien für mobile Bezahlverfahren (Acceptance criterias for mobile payment procedures)

- Key Pousttchi, Bernhard Selk and Klaus Turowski
- 3784: Abrechnung mobiler Mehrwertdienste (Payment of mobile value-added services)

- Key Pousttchi
- 3783: Mobile Vending - Nutzen und Grenzen des Telemetrieeinsatzes bei Warenautomaten (Mobile Vending - Benefit and limits of vending machines by using telemetry)

- Christian Heinkele, Key Pousttchi and Steffen Legler
- 3782: Einsatz mobiler Kommunikationstechnologien in der Baubranche (Usage of mobile communication technologies in construction industry)

- Andreas Gumpp, Florian Paulus and Key Pousttchi
- 3781: Einsatz mobiler Technologie zur Unterstützung von Geschäftsprozessen (Usage of mobile technolgies to support business processes)

- Key Pousttchi and Bettina Thurnher
- 3776: Decomposing violence: terrorist murder and attacks in New York State from 1933 to 2005

- Gustavo Gomez-Sorzano
- 3774: Dynamique urbaine et développement économique local: une revue de la littérature

- Rodolphe Buda
- 3772: La simulation économique: expérimentation et apprentissage de la réalité économique

- Rodolphe Buda
- 3767: Legislative powers and (X)NGO’s

- Borut Strazisar
- 3765: Public sector privatization - legal framework

- Borut Strazisar
- 3764: Privatization of health sector in ex socialist states

- Borut Strazisar
- 3763: A survey on intra-household models and evidence

- Zeyu Xu
- 3760: A model to estimate informal economy at regional level: Theoretical and empirical investigation

- Lucian Albu
- 3752: Recent trend of village and small enterprise sector: exploring and exploiting its opportunities in the North Eastern Region of India touching upon its profile and barriers

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 3751: Dynamic effects of European services liberalisation: more to be gained

- Henk Kox and Arjan Lejour
- 3750: Business services and the changing structure of European economic growth

- Henk Kox and Luis Rubalcaba
- 3747: Estimation of Technical Efficiency in Tanzanian Sugarcane Production: A Case Study of Mtibwa Sugar Estate Outgrowers Scheme

- Elibariki Msuya and Gasper Ashimogo
- 3742: On Keynesian effects of (apparent) non-Keynesian fiscal policies

- Rosaria Rita Canale, Pasquale Foresti, Ugo Marani and Oreste Napolitano
- 3737: Monetary System. Functional and Institutional Structure

- Catalin Popa
- 3736: Compiling the national accounts demystified

- Frits Bos
- 3735: Point X and the Economics of Knowledge

- Bhekuzulu Khumalo
- 3734: Measuring a Society’s Knowledge Base

- Bhekuzulu Khumalo
- 3733: The Fundamental Theory of Knowledge

- Bhekuzulu Khumalo
- 3732: L'Entreprise à l'ère de l'Economie de la Connaissance (Enterprise at the era of Knowledge Economy)

- Guy Benchimol
- 3731: L'Entreprise à l'ére de l'Economie de la Connaissance (Enterprise at the era of the Knowledge Economy)

- Guy Benchimol
- 3725: Knowledge Assisted Innovation

- Guy Benchimol
- 3724: A regional multiplier approach to estimating the impact of cash transfers: The case of cash aid in rural Malawi

- Simon Davies and James Davey
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