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17453: Bank response to capital requirements: Theory and Indian evidence Downloads
D M Nachane, Aditya Narain, Saibal Ghosh and Satyananda Sahoo
17452: This Time It’s Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly-Chapter 1 Downloads
Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
17451: This Time It’s Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly-Preface Downloads
Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
17448: Gender Constraints in Small-Holder Cocoyam Production in Enugu North Agricultural Zone of Enugu State Nigeria Downloads
A.c Okoye, M.u Dimelu, B.c Okoye and A.e Agwu
17447: Education Corruption, Reform, and Growth: Case of Post-Soviet Russia Downloads
Ararat Osipian
17446: Empirical Analysis of Determinants of Productivity among Small holder Cassava Farmers in Abia State, Nigeria Downloads
T.u Madu, H.n Anyaegbunam and B.c Okoye
17445: The Economic and Monetary Union’s effect on (international) trade: the case of Slovenia before euro adoption Downloads
Aleksander Aristovnik and Meze Matevz
17444: Development of Gocing Storage Method for Cocoyam Downloads
G.o Chukwu, K.i Nwosu, T.u Madu, C Chinaka and B.c Okoye
17443: Improving Modeling of Extreme Events using Generalized Extreme Value Distribution or Generalized Pareto Distribution with Mixing Unconditional Disturbances Downloads
R Suarez
17441: Development of Gocken Multiplication Technology for Cocoyam Downloads
G.o Chukwu, K.i Nwosu, E.N.a Mbanaso, O Onwubiko, B.c Okoye, T.u Madu, H Ogbonye and S.u Nwoko
17440: Socio-Economic Determinants of Livingstone Potato (Plecthranthus Esculentus) Production at Farmers Fields in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria Downloads
A.o Akinpelu, A.o Olojede, E.a Dung, T.y Dalyop, B.c Okoye and G.n Asumugha
17436: The Theorem of Proportionality in Mainstream Capital Theory: An Assessment of its Conceptual Foundations Downloads
George Bitros
17434: A Theory of Educational Inequality Family and Agency Costs Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
17432: Adoption Scale Analysis of Improved Cocoyam Production, Production and Storage Technologies across Gender in Enugu North Agricultural Zone of Enugu State Nigeria Downloads
B.c Okoye, A.c Okoye, M.u Dimelu, C.c Agbaeze, O.n Okoroafor and A.b Amaefula
17429: Pricing of the European Options by Spectral Theory Downloads
M.D. Dell'Era Mario
17427: Depositor discipline in Indian banking: Separating facts from folklore Downloads
Saibal Ghosh and Abhiman Das
17426: The new Basel capital accord: Rationale, design and tentative implications for India Downloads
D M Nachane, Partha Ray and Saibal Ghosh
17422: Is Latin America retreating from individual retirement accounts? Downloads
Fabio Bertranou, Esteban Calvo and Evelina Bertranou
17421: Technical Efficiency of Small Holder Cocoyam Production in Anambra State,Nigeria: A Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Frontier Production Approach Downloads
B.c Okoye, C.e Onyenweaku and G.n Asumugha
17420: Determinants of Adoption of NRCRI Cocoyam Production Packages among Small-Holder Women Farmers in Enugu State Downloads
E.c Chinaka, A.o Akinpelu, B.c Okoye and G.n Asumugha
17418: Small is Beautiful: Empirical Evidence of an Inverse Relationship between Farm Size and Productive Efficiency in Small-Holder Cassava Production in Ideato North LGA of Imo State Downloads
B.c Okoye, C.c Agbaeze, G.n Asumugha, O.c Aniedu and E.N.a Mbanaso
17416: How long is Simon’s long run?: a first approach Downloads
Juan Pedro Garces Voisenat
17415: Tests d'arbitrage et surfaces de volatilité: analyse empirique sur données haute fréquence (Arbitrage tests and surface of implied volatility: An empirical analysis of high frequency data) Downloads
David Ardia
17414: Bayesian Estimation of the GARCH(1,1) Model with Student-t Innovations in R Downloads
David Ardia
17412: Closed form solution for dynamic of sustainable tourism Downloads
Mario Dell'Era and Mauro Sodini
17411: The anti-materialist project of "The Bourgeois Era" Downloads
Deirdre Nansen McCloskey
17409: A Theory of Gender Wage Gap Downloads
Mohamed Jellal and Christophe Nordman
17408: Off-balance sheet activities in banking: Theory and Indian experience Downloads
Saibal Ghosh and D M Nachane
17407: The specification of the propensity score in multilevel observational studies Downloads
Bruno Arpino and Fabrizia Mealli
17404: Diderot's rule Downloads
Jonathan Beck
17402: India Downloads
Stefano Chairlone and Saibal Ghosh
17400: Banking in India Downloads
D M Nachane, Saibal Ghosh and Partha Ray
17399: Risk, capital and operating efficiency: Evidence from Indian public sector banks Downloads
Abhiman Das and Saibal Ghosh
17398: Market Discipline, Capital Adequacy and Bank Behaviour: Theory and Indian Evidence Downloads
Saibal Ghosh and Abhiman Das
17397: The New Basel Capital Accord: A Primer with an Indian Focus Downloads
D M Nachane, Partha Ray and Saibal Ghosh
17396: Size, Non-performing Loan, Capital and Productivity Change: Evidence from Indian State-owned Banks Downloads
Abhiman Das and Saibal Ghosh
17395: Monetary policy and bank behavior: Empirical evidence from India Downloads
Saibal Ghosh
17393: Considering the effects of poverty and schooling returns on child labour in Vietnam Downloads
Gitanjali Sen
17386: Future of Mid-Day Meals Downloads
Jean Dreze and Aparajita Goyal
17379: Basel II and the Capital Requirements Directive: Responding to the 2008/09 Financial Crisis Downloads
Marianne Ojo
17368: Approche Econométrique des Déterminants de la Rentabilité des Banques Européennes (Econometric approach of European Banks' Determinants of profitability) Downloads
Jean-Marie Yao
17367: An understanding of influence on human behavior Downloads
Alexandru W. A. Popp
17365: Croatia's EU Accession: Socio-economic Assessment of Farm Households and Policy Recommendations Downloads
Judith Möllers, Patrick Zier, Klaus Frohberg, Gertrud Buchenrieder, neé Schrieder and Štefan Bojnec
17363: Cost Return Analysis of Cocoyam Production at NRCRI, Umudike Downloads
B.c Okoye, G.n Asumugha and E.N.a Mbanaso
17362: Allocative Efficiency of Small-Holder Cocoyam Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria Downloads
B.c Okoye, C.e Onyenweaku and G.n Asumugha
17357: Saving-Investment Relationship and Capital Mobility:Evidence from Chinese Provincial Data, 1980—2007 Downloads
Hashiguchi Yoshihiro and Shigeyuki Hamori
17356: Inequality in workers’ lifelong learning across european countries: Evidence from EU-SILC data-set Downloads
Marco Biagetti and Sergio Scicchitano
17354: Is there excess capacity in rural banking markets: Some empirical insights for India Downloads
Abhiman Das and Saibal Ghosh
17353: Algorithm of arithmetical operations with fuzzy numerical data Downloads
Victor Bocharnikov and Sergey Sveshnikov
17352: Narrow Banking: Theory, evidence and prospects in India Downloads
Saibal Ghosh and Mridul Saggar
17351: Contextual algorithm for decision of fuzzy estimation problems with network-like structure of criteria on the basis of fuzzy measures Sugeno Downloads
Sergey Sveshnikov and Victor Bocharnikov
17350: Measurement of Efficiency of Banks in India Downloads
Vijay Varadi, Pradeep Kumar Mavaluri and Boppana Nagarjuna
17349: Banks, Development Financial Institutions and Credit Markets in India: A Simple Model of Financial Intermediation Downloads
Saibal Ghosh
17348: A Quasi-analytical Interpolation Method for Pricing American Options under General Multi-dimensional Diffusion Processes Downloads
Minqiang Li
17344: Branding Ghana Downloads
Eunice Ofori
17343: Convergence and Regional Productivity Divide in Italy: Evidence from Panel Data Downloads
Francesco Aiello and Vincenzo Scoppa
17342: Macroeconomic Effects of Intellectual Property Rights: A Survey Downloads
Angus Chu
17340: Price Competition and Consumer Confusion Downloads
Ioana Chioveanu and Jidong Zhou
17339: Towards a Political Economy of the Hunters and Gatherers: A Study in Historical Materialism Downloads
Klaus Hagendorf
17337: Speed Money: Time, Corruption, and Trade Downloads
Ben Shepherd
17336: Absolute vs. Relative Notion of Wealth Changes Downloads
Krzysztof Kontek
17334: Structural Adjustments And Their Effects: Is There A Way Out For Africa? Downloads
Eunice Ofori
17331: Trading companies as financial intermediaries in Japan Downloads
Masanori Ono
17329: Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Games Using the Nested Pseudo Likelihood Algorithm: Code and Application Downloads
Victor Aguirregabiria
17327: Rational expectations in urban economics Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Chia-Ming Yu
17326: Holidays and the economic growth of nations Downloads
Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
17325: Privatizaciones ¿sinónimo de eficiencia económica?: Reflexiones sobre el caso argentino (Privatizations are synonymous with economic efficiency?: Reflection on the argentine case) Downloads
Canziani Mauricio
17324: Optimal Taxation in Dynamic Economies with Increasing Returns Downloads
Kazuo Mino
17323: Equilibrium Determinacy of a Two-Sector AK Model Downloads
Kazuo Mino
17321: The Future Economic Consequences of Commoditization Downloads
John Ryan
17317: Natural Resource Booms and Inequality: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Benedikt Goderis and Samuel Malone
17316: Empirical Analysis of Export Demand Behavior of LDCs: Panel Cointegration Approach Downloads
Shigeyuki Hamori and Yoichi Matsubayashi
17315: Commodity Prices, Growth, and the Natural Resource Curse: Reconciling a Conundrum Downloads
Paul Collier and Benedikt Goderis
17314: Credit Derivatives and Sovereign Debt Crises Downloads
Benedikt Goderis and Wolf Wagner
17313: Cohesión social en el mercado comun del sur (Social Cohesion in the southern common market) Downloads
Mauricio Canziani
17312: Ethics and internal audit: whistleblowing issues Downloads
Ovidiu Constantin Bunget and Maria-Iulia David-Sobolevschi
17311: Structural policies for shock-prone developing countries Downloads
Paul Collier and Benedikt Goderis
17310: Normal versus Noncentral Chi-square Asymptotics of Misspecified Models Downloads
So Yeon Chun and Shapiro Alexander
17308: The distributional implications of income underreporting in Hungary Downloads
Dora Benedek and Orsolya Lelkes
17307: Industry Effects of Monetary Policy: Evidence from India Downloads
Saibal Ghosh
17306: Capital requirements, bank behavior and monetary policy: A theoretical analysis with an empirical application to India Downloads
Saibal Ghosh
17305: Bayesian inference of a smooth transition dynamic almost ideal model of food demand in the US Downloads
Kelvin Balcombe and Alastair Bailey
17304: An empirical analysis of the off-balance sheet activities of Indian banks Downloads
D M Nachane and Saibal Ghosh
17302: How can we double per capita incomes in Bangladesh in 15 years? Downloads
B. Rao and Gazi Hassan
17301: Determinants of Credit Risk in Indian State-owned Banks: An Empirical Investigation Downloads
Abhiman Das and Saibal Ghosh
17300: Channels of risk-sharing among Canadian provinces: 1961–2006 Downloads
Syed A. Basher, Faruk Balli and Rosmy Louis
17298: Optimality, rational expectations and time inconsistency applied to inflation targeting strategy Downloads
Marius Marinas and Marius Andrei Zoican
17297: Academic rankings: an approach to a Portuguese ranking Downloads
Pedro Bernardino and Rc Marques
17295: Are business cycles inevitable? Downloads
Witold Kwasnicki
17294: Free Banking, the Real-Balance Effect, and Walras´ Law Downloads
Ludwig Van Den Hauwe
17290: International economic assistance and migration: the case of Sub-Saharan countries Downloads
Filippo Belloc
17286: The quest for monetary integration – the Hungarian experience Downloads
Marius Andrei Zoican
17284: Contratti Incompleti Ed Enforcement Endogeno. Una Rassegna Della Letteratura (Incomplete Contracts and Endogenous Enforcement. A Survey) Downloads
Vincenzo Scoppa
17281: The Use of Informal Networks in Italy: Efficiency or Favoritism? Downloads
Michela Ponzo and Vincenzo Scoppa
17279: Unionized Labor Market and Regulation of Monopoly Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
17278: Exploring the Approach of Institutional Economics to the Environment Downloads
Clive Spash and Mauricio Villena
17277: Financial Integration between Indonesia and Its Major Trading Partners Downloads
Bakri Abdul Karim, M. Shabri Abdul Majid and Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim
17275: Money in a Sovereign Quebec Downloads
Patrick Grady
17274: Ontario NDP Tax Increases Downloads
Patrick Grady
17273: Forecasting economy with Bayesian autoregressive distributed lag model: choosing optimal prior in economic downturn Downloads
Ginters Buss
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