MPRA Paper
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- 62347: Gold price movements in selected currencies: wavelet approach

- Sharifah Fairuz Syed Mohamad and Abul Masih
- 62343: Съвременното състояние на корпоративното управление в България (Contemporary State of Corporate Governance in Bulgaria)

- Mitko Dimitrov, Plamen Tchipev, Spartak Keremidchiev and Radostina Bakardjieva
- 62342: Do the macroeconomic variables have any impact on the Islamic bank deposits?An application of ARDL approach to the Malaysian market

- Mohammad Mobin and Abul Masih
- 62339: Improving the Effectiveness of Weather-based Insurance: An Application of Copula Approach

- Raushan Bokusheva
- 62338: Modeling the price of crude oil and motor fuel: a five-year revision

- Ivan Kitov
- 62336: Evaluating Business Incentives Through DEA. An Analysis on Capitalia Firm Data

- Sergio Destefanis and Giuseppe Storti
- 62335: Structural Break, Nonlinearity, and Asymmetry: A re-examination of PPP proposition

- Tolga Omay, Mubariz Hasanov and Furkan Emirmahmutoglu
- 62334: Nonlinearity and Smooth Breaks in Unit Root Testing

- Tolga Omay and Dilem Yildirim
- 62333: Analogy Based Valuation of Currency Options

- Hammad Siddiqi
- 62332: Legal and Regulatory Issues and Challenges Inhibiting Globalization of Islamic Banking System

- Abiola Sekoni
- 62330: The Revenue Implications of Trade Liberalization in Tanzania

- Manamba Epaphra
- 62329: Estimation of Input Distance Functions: A System Approach

- Mike Tsionas, Subal Kumbhakar and Emir Malikov
- 62328: Tax Rates and Tax Evasion: Evidence from Missing Imports in Tanzania

- Manamba Epaphra
- 62320: A New Money Exchange System: The World Calorie Currency (WCC)

- Xinyi Zhou
- 62319: Luigi Einaudi (Luigi Einaudi)

- Francesco Forte and Paolo Silvestri
- 62318: The Benchmark Macroeconomic Models of the Labour Market

- Gaetano Lisi
- 62317: Equilibrium Dynamics in a Matching Theoretic-Model of the Housing Market

- Gaetano Lisi
- 62316: Data report on work attitudes - Background paper

- Gaetano Lisi, Gabriele Ruiu and Federico Lucidi
- 62315: Buon governo (Good government)

- Paolo Silvestri
- 62311: Enhanced citizenship verification and children's medicaid coverage

- James Marton, Angela Snyder and Mei Zhou
- 62309: Diversification in Africa in a macroeconomic perspective

- Michel Galy
- 62304: Banks exposure to market risks

- Michel Galy
- 62303: On bargaining sets for finite economies

- Javier Hervés-Estévez and Emma Moreno-García
- 62302: Stability in price competition revisited

- Marta Faias, Javier Hervés-Estévez and Emma Moreno-García
- 62300: A continuous time Cournot duopoly with delays

- Luca Gori, Luca Guerrini and Mauro Sodini
- 62297: FDI in China and global production networks: Assessing the role of and impact on big world players (East Asia, Japan, EU28 and U.S.)

- Jing Zhou and María Latorre
- 62296: Корпоративни бордове: практики и тенденции за България (CORPORATE BOARDS: PRACTICES AND TENDENCIES FOR BULGARIA)

- Miroslav Nedelchev
- 62293: Regional exchange rate arrangements in a world of floating rates: The experience of the EMS

- Michel Galy
- 62291: Market and Trade Related Determinants of Economic Integration Among Developing Countries

- Eduard Marinov
- 62290: Aid Effectiveness Disputed

- Henrik Hansen and Finn Tarp
- 62288: Aid and Growth Regressions

- Henrik Hansen and Finn Tarp
- 62280: A Simple Macroeconomic Framework for South Africa

- Peter Brixen and Finn Tarp
- 62279: A Simple Macroeconomic Framework for South Africa

- Peter Brixen and Finn Tarp
- 62271: Entrepreneurship and its Link to Corruption: Assessment with the Most Recent World and Country-Group Data

- Ahmed Driouchi and Alae Gamar
- 62270: Financing the endogenous development at regional and county levels. Particularities, trends and challenges

- Gheorghe Zaman and George Georgescu
- 62261: The Ejido System and Economic Growth of the Mexican States

- Frederick Wallace and Joana Chapa Cantú
- 62260: The Politics of Industry in Nehru's India

- Nasir Tyabji
- 62258: Diferencias tecnológicas y ventajas comparativas en el comercio internacional (Technological differences and comparative advantage in international trade)

- Eloy Ávalos
- 62257: Demand for debt and equity before and after the financial crisis

- Ciarán Mac an Bhaird
- 62244: The Impact of Government Intervention on the Stabilization of Domestic Financial Markets and on U.S. Banks’ Asset Composition

- Peter V. Egly, Diego Escobari and David W. Johnk
- 62239: "You Quit?" Influence of Neighbor Experience and Exit on Small Farmer Market Participation

- Hope Michelson
- 62238: The Effect of Leaded Aviation Gasonline on Blood Lead in Children

- Sammy Zahran, Terrence Iverson, Shawn McElmurry and Stephan Weilar
- 62237: Strategic Effects and the Porter Hypothesis

- Francisco André
- 62236: Intra-Tourism Trade in Europe

- Jean-Jacques Nowak, Sylvain Petit and Mondher Sahli
- 62235: Intra-tourism trade, income distribution and tourism endowment: an econometric investigation

- Joseph Hanna, Loïc Lévi and Sylvain Petit
- 62234: Welfare state generosity and student performance: Evidence from international student tests

- Torberg Falch and Justina A. V. Fischer
- 62232: Неотчетената икономическа активност в информационния сектор в България: Проблеми, въпроси и оценки (Unrecorded economic activity in information sector in Bulgaria: problems, issues and assessments)

- Тодор Ялъмов
- 62231: Small fiscal multipliers do not justify austerity: a macroeconomic accounting analysis of public debt-to-gdp dynamics

- Nadia Garbellini
- 62230: Foreign direct investment, economic growth and structural transformation: The case of West African Economies and Monetary Union Countries

- Diderot Guy D'Estaing Sandjong Tomi
- 62228: Geographical distribution of rural dumpsites in North-East Region from Romania

- Florin Mihai, Liviu Apostol, Ana-Andreea Ghiurca, Andreea Lamasanu and Alexandru Banica
- 62227: Spatio-temporal analysis of Romania's rural population access to sanitation services in the context of EU accession

- Florin Mihai, Liviu Apostol, Andreea Lamasanu and Ana-Andreea Ghiurca
- 62224: Financial Development and Economic Growth in ASEAN: Evidence from Panel Data

- Siti Nor FarahEffera Lerohim, Salwani Affandi and Wan Mansor Mahmood
- 62220: Follow the Money: Remittance Responses to FDI Inflows

- Michael Coon and Rebecca Neumann
- 62216: On Flexible Linear Factor Stochastic Volatility Models

- Valia Malefaki
- 62214: Corporate Walkover in Progress: The Case of the Southern Company’s “Clean Coal” Plant in Mississippi

- Mark Klinedinst
- 62211: Is Privatization Related With Macroeconomic Management? Evidence From Some Selected African Countries

- Emmanuel George, Deborah Odejimi, Oluwatoyin Matthews and Paul Ojeaga
- 62209: Il divario Nord-Sud in Italia (1861-2011): lo stato dell'arte (Italy’s North-South divide (1861-2011): the state of the art)

- Emanuele Felice
- 62208: Identification of Altruism among Team Members: Empirical Evidence from the Classroom and Laboratory

- Barry Griffiths
- 62205: The Online Supplement to “International R&D Spillovers and other Unobserved Common Spillovers and Shocks”

- Diego-Ivan Ruge-Leiva
- 62204: Exchange rate Pass-Through to domestic prices in Tunisia: a short and long run analysis

- Helali Kamel, Maha Kalai and Thouraya Boujelben
- 62201: Türkiye’den Oecd Ülkelerine Gerçekleşen Göçün Çekim Modeli İle Analizi (Immigration to the Oecd Countries from Turkey: A Gravity Model Approach)

- Gönül Dinçer and Yusuf Muratoğlu
- 62195: What Does FDI Inflow Mean For Emerging African Economies? Measuring the Regional Effects of FDI in Africa

- Emmanuel George, Paul Ojeaga, Adetunji Adekola and Oluwatoyin Matthews
- 62194: Comparing different early warning systems: Results from a horse race competition among members of the Macro-prudential Research Network

- Lucia Alessi, António Antunes, Jan Babecký, Simon Baltussen, Markus Behn, Diana Bonfim, Oliver Bush, Carsten Detken, Jon Frost, Rodrigo Guimaraes, Tomas Havranek, Mark Joy, Karlo Kauko, Jakub Matějů, Nuno Monteiro, Benjamin Neudorfer, Tuomas Peltonen, Paulo Rodrigues, Marek Rusnak, Willem Schudel, Michael Sigmund, Hanno Stremmel, Katerina Smidkova, Ruben van Tilburg, Bořek Vašíček and Diana Zigraiova
- 62190: Does Banking Market Power Matter on Financial (In)Stability? Evidence from the Banking Industry MENA Region

- Widede Labidi and Sami Mensi
- 62188: Causal relationship between financial depth and economic growth: evidence from Asia-Pacific Countries

- Nur Fatin Najwa M. Sani, Fathiyah Ismail and Wan Mansor Mahmood
- 62187: Is Africa’s Current Growth Reducing Inequality? Evidence from Some Selected African Countries

- Phillip Alege, Emmanuel George, Paul Ojeaga and Oluwatimiro Queen-Esther
- 62181: Empirical relationship between charcoal production and the social cost of carbon emissions

- Ishmael Ackah
- 62180: Price transmission in the European tomatoes and cauliflowers sectors

- Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
- 62179: Az import liberalizálása Dél-Koreában (Import liberation in South Korea)

- János Gács
- 62178: Time Series Analysis of Macroeconomic Conditions in Open Economies

- Gover Barja Daza
- 62177: Remittance and domestic labor productivity: evidence from remittance recipient countries

- Md Al Mamun, Kazi Sohag, Gazi Salah Uddin and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 62175: A belvízi áruszállítás bizonytalan trendjei (Uncertain trends of the inland freight transport)

- Tamás Fleischer
- 62174: Services innovation: assimilation, differentiation, inversion and integration

- Faïz Gallouj
- 62173: The Economic Effect of Corruption in Italy: A Regional Panel Analysis

- Maurizio Lisciandra and Emanuele Millemaci
- 62172: State Level Efficiency Measures for Healthcare Systems

- Kamil Makieła
- 62168: A Threshold Cointegration Analysis of Asymmetric Adjustment of OPEC and non-OPEC Monthly Crude Oil Prices

- Hassan Ghassan and Prashanta K. Banerjee
- 62166: Foreign direct investment in China: It's sectoral and aggregate impact on Economic growth

- Agya Adi and Ogbole Friday Ogbole
- 62162: No Rest for the Weary: Commuting, Hours Worked, and Sleep

- James Bishop
- 62160: Returns to tail hedging

- Peter Bell
- 62159: Mineral exploration as a game of chance

- Peter Bell
- 62157: Comment on Mahmoodzadeh’s Tick Size Change in the Wholesale Foreign Exchange Market

- Peter Bell
- 62156: The variance-minimizing hedge with put options

- Peter Bell
- 62155: On the optimal use of put options under trade restrictions

- Peter Bell
- 62154: Unconventional Gas and Oil Development in the United States: Economic Experience and Policy Issues

- Timothy Kelsey, Mark Partridge and Nancy White
- 62148: From Rationality to Irrationality: Dynamic Interacting Structures

- Pierre Gosselin, Aïleen Lotz and Marc Wambst
- 62147: Money and the epistemologies of ignorance concerning climate change

- Cheryl Lans
- 62146: Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Aggregate Demand

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 62142: Влияние глобализации на процессы социального управления (The impact of globalization on social management process)

- Elena Kuznetsova
- 62141: Социальный контроль как элемент социального управления (Social control as an element of social management)

- Elena Kuznetsova
- 62140: Do innovation dimensions matter in China’s cross-regional income differences?

- Jingjing Yang and Sana Khalil
- 62138: Decision on the number of export markets firms enter and the optimal division of labor within firms

- Koji Shintaku
- 62133: Are Kant's categorical imperative and instrumental rationality incompatible? The case for the prisoner's dilemma

- Pedro Brinca
- 62132: The impact of public investment in Sweden: A VAR approach

- Pedro Brinca
- 62129: How to apply trade theory to the German unification? Making sense of ‘comparative advantage in nothing’

- Thomas Ziesemer
- 62125: Optimal currency area and business cycle synchronization across U.S. states

- Luís Aguiar-Conraria, Pedro Brinca, Haukur Gudjonsson and Joana Soares
- 62118: On the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises: toward a harmonic interpretation of the Kondratiev Wave, revised and corrected, with a new appendix, February 12, 2015

- Scott Albers and Andrew Albers
- 62116: Social Capital as Patterns of Connections. A Review of Bankston’s "Immigrant Networks and Social Capital"

- Fabio Sabatini
- 62114: Collaborative Research and Rate of Interests

- Rittwik Chatterjee and Srobonti Chattopadhyay
- 62113: How could the South respond to secular stagnation in the North?

- Joerg Mayer
- 62110: Institutional environment for public-private partnership in Ukraine:Do institutions really matter?

- Yevhen Cherevykov
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